mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 16:50:48 +00:00
Autogen Class List
@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ Built-in GDScript functions.
* [Nil](class_nil) **[print_stack](#print_stack)** **(** **)**
### Numeric Constants
* **PI** = **3.141593**
* **PI** = **3.141593** - Constant that represents how many times the diameter of a
circumference fits around it's perimeter.
### Description
This contains the list of built-in gdscript functions. Mostly math functions and other utilities. Everything else is expanded by objects.
@ -89,6 +90,11 @@ Standard tangent function.
Hyperbolic sine.
#### <a name="cosh">cosh</a>
* [float](class_float) **cosh** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
Hyperbolic cosine.
#### <a name="tanh">tanh</a>
* [float](class_float) **tanh** **(** [float](class_float) s **)**
@ -194,6 +200,20 @@ Return the amount of decimals in the floating point value.
Snap float value to a given step.
#### <a name="randomize">randomize</a>
* [Nil](class_nil) **randomize** **(** **)**
Reset the seed of the random number generator with a
new, different one.
#### <a name="randi">randi</a>
* [int](class_int) **randi** **(** **)**
Random 32 bits value (integer). To obtain a value
from 0 to N, you can use remainder, like (for random
from 0 to 19): randi() %
#### <a name="randf">randf</a>
* [float](class_float) **randf** **(** **)**
@ -202,12 +222,13 @@ Random value (0 to 1 float).
#### <a name="rand_range">rand_range</a>
* [float](class_float) **rand_range** **(** [float](class_float) from, [float](class_float) to **)**
Random range.
Random range, any floating point value between
'from' and 'to'
#### <a name="rand_seed">rand_seed</a>
* [Array](class_array) **rand_seed** **(** [float](class_float) seed **)**
random from seed, pass a seed and an array with both number and new seed is returned.
Random from seed, pass a seed and an array with both number and new seed is returned.
#### <a name="deg2rad">deg2rad</a>
* [float](class_float) **deg2rad** **(** [float](class_float) deg **)**
@ -288,3 +309,27 @@ Print one or more arguments to strings in the best way possible to console. No n
* [Array](class_array) **range** **(** var ... **)**
Return an array with the given range. Range can be 1 argument N (0 to N-1), two arguments (initial, final-1) or three arguments (initial,final-1,increment).
#### <a name="load">load</a>
* [Object](class_object) **load** **(** [String](class_string) path **)**
Load a resource from the filesystem, pass a valid
path as argument.
#### <a name="inst2dict">inst2dict</a>
* [Dictionary](class_dictionary) **inst2dict** **(** [Object](class_object) inst **)**
Convert a script class instance to a dictionary
(useful for serializing).
#### <a name="dict2inst">dict2inst</a>
* [Object](class_object) **dict2inst** **(** [Dictionary](class_dictionary) dict **)**
Convert a previously converted instances to dictionary
back into an instance. Useful for deserializing.
#### <a name="print_stack">print_stack</a>
* [Nil](class_nil) **print_stack** **(** **)**
Print a stack track at code location, only works when
running with debugger turned on.
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Sprite node that can use multiple textures for animation.
### Member Functions
* void **[set_sprite_frames](#set_sprite_frames)** **(** [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) sprite_frames **)**
@ -21,4 +21,83 @@
* void **[set_modulate](#set_modulate)** **(** [Color](class_color) modulate **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[get_modulate](#get_modulate)** **(** **)** const
### Description
Sprite node that can use multiple textures for animation.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="set_sprite_frames">set_sprite_frames</a>
* void **set_sprite_frames** **(** [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) sprite_frames **)**
Set the [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) resource, which contains all
#### <a name="get_sprite_frames">get_sprite_frames</a>
* [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) **get_sprite_frames** **(** **)** const
Get the [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) resource, which contains all
#### <a name="set_centered">set_centered</a>
* void **set_centered** **(** [bool](class_bool) centered **)**
When turned on, offset at (0,0) is the center of the
sprite, when off, the top-left corner is.
#### <a name="is_centered">is_centered</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_centered** **(** **)** const
Return true when centered. See [set_centered].
#### <a name="set_offset">set_offset</a>
* void **set_offset** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) offset **)**
Set the offset of the sprite in the node origin.
Position varies depending on whether it is centered
or not.
#### <a name="get_offset">get_offset</a>
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **get_offset** **(** **)** const
Return the offset of the sprite in the node origin.
#### <a name="set_flip_h">set_flip_h</a>
* void **set_flip_h** **(** [bool](class_bool) flip_h **)**
If true, sprite is flipped horizontally.
#### <a name="is_flipped_h">is_flipped_h</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_flipped_h** **(** **)** const
Return true if sprite is flipped horizontally.
#### <a name="set_flip_v">set_flip_v</a>
* void **set_flip_v** **(** [bool](class_bool) flip_v **)**
If true, sprite is flipped vertically.
#### <a name="is_flipped_v">is_flipped_v</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_flipped_v** **(** **)** const
Return true if sprite is flipped vertically.
#### <a name="set_frame">set_frame</a>
* void **set_frame** **(** [int](class_int) frame **)**
Set the visible sprite frame index (from the list of
frames inside the [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) resource).
#### <a name="get_frame">get_frame</a>
* [int](class_int) **get_frame** **(** **)** const
Return the visible frame index.
#### <a name="set_modulate">set_modulate</a>
* void **set_modulate** **(** [Color](class_color) modulate **)**
Change the color modulation (multiplication) for this sprite.
#### <a name="get_modulate">get_modulate</a>
* [Color](class_color) **get_modulate** **(** **)** const
Return the color modulation for this sprite.
@ -46,8 +46,9 @@ Container and player of [Animaton] resources.
* **finished** **(** **)**
### Numeric Constants
* **ANIMATION_PROCESS_FIXED** = **0** - Process animation on fixed process. This is specially useful
when animating kinematic bodies.
* **ANIMATION_PROCESS_IDLE** = **1** - Process animation on idle process.
### Description
An animation player is used for general purpose playback of [Animation](class_animation) resources. It contains a dictionary of animations (referenced by name) and custom blend times between their transitions. Additionally, animations can be played and blended in diferent channels.
@ -104,15 +105,28 @@ Set the default blend time between animations.
Return the default blend time between animations.
#### <a name="play">play</a>
* void **play** **(** [String](class_string) name="", [float](class_float) custom_blend=-1, [float](class_float) custom_speed=1, [bool](class_bool) from_end=false **)**
Play a given animation by the animation name. Custom
speed and blend times can be set. If custom speed is
negative (-1), 'from_end' being true can play the
animation backwards.
#### <a name="stop">stop</a>
* void **stop** **(** **)**
Stop the currently played animation.
#### <a name="stop_all">stop_all</a>
* void **stop_all** **(** **)**
Stop playback on all animation channels.
Stop playback of animations (deprecated).
#### <a name="is_playing">is_playing</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_playing** **(** **)** const
Return wether an animation chanel is playing (or channel 0 if none is provided).
Return wether an animation is playing.
#### <a name="set_current_animation">set_current_animation</a>
* void **set_current_animation** **(** [String](class_string) anim **)**
@ -122,17 +136,23 @@ Set the current animation (even if no playback occurs). Using set_current_animat
#### <a name="get_current_animation">get_current_animation</a>
* [String](class_string) **get_current_animation** **(** **)** const
Return the name of the animation being played in a channel (or channel 0 if none is provided).
Return the name of the animation being played.
#### <a name="queue">queue</a>
* void **queue** **(** [String](class_string) name **)**
Queue an animation for playback once the current one is done.
#### <a name="clear_queue">clear_queue</a>
* void **clear_queue** **(** **)**
If animations are queued to play, clear them.
#### <a name="set_active">set_active</a>
* void **set_active** **(** [bool](class_bool) active **)**
Set the player as active (playing)
Set the player as active (playing). If false, it
will do nothing.
#### <a name="is_active">is_active</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **is_active** **(** **)** const
@ -159,10 +179,25 @@ Set the name of the animation that will be automatically played when the scene i
Return the name of the animation that will be automatically played when the scene is loaded.
#### <a name="set_root">set_root</a>
* void **set_root** **(** [NodePath](class_nodepath) path **)**
AnimationPlayer resolves animation track paths from
this node (which is relative to itself), by
default root is "..", but it can be changed..
#### <a name="get_root">get_root</a>
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **get_root** **(** **)** const
Return path to root node (see [set_root]).
#### <a name="seek">seek</a>
* void **seek** **(** [float](class_float) pos_sec, [bool](class_bool) update=false **)**
Seek the animation in an animation channel (or channel 0 if none is provided) to a specific position (in seconds).
Seek the animation to a given position in time (in
seconds). If 'update'
is true, the animation will be updated too,
otherwise it will be updated at process time.
#### <a name="get_pos">get_pos</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_pos** **(** **)** const
@ -188,3 +223,15 @@ Set the mode in which the animation player processes. By default, it processes o
* [int](class_int) **get_animation_process_mode** **(** **)** const
Return the mode in which the animation player processes. See [set_animation_process_mode](#set_animation_process_mode).
#### <a name="get_current_animation_pos">get_current_animation_pos</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_current_animation_pos** **(** **)** const
Get the position (in seconds) of the currently being
played animation.
#### <a name="get_current_animation_length">get_current_animation_length</a>
* [float](class_float) **get_current_animation_length** **(** **)** const
Get the length (in seconds) of the currently being
played animation.
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
Animation Player that uses a node graph for the blending.
### Member Functions
* void **[add_node](#add_node)** **(** [int](class_int) type, [String](class_string) id **)**
@ -77,4 +77,47 @@
* **NODE_TIMESEEK** = **8**
* **NODE_TRANSITION** = **9**
### Description
Animation Player that uses a node graph for the blending. This kind
of player is very useful when animating character or other skeleton
based rigs, because it can combine several animations to form a
desired pose.
### Member Function Description
#### <a name="add_node">add_node</a>
* void **add_node** **(** [int](class_int) type, [String](class_string) id **)**
Add a node of a given type in the graph with given
#### <a name="node_exists">node_exists</a>
* [bool](class_bool) **node_exists** **(** [String](class_string) node **)** const
Check if a node exists (by name).
#### <a name="node_rename">node_rename</a>
* [int](class_int) **node_rename** **(** [String](class_string) node, [String](class_string) new_name **)**
Rename a node in the graph.
#### <a name="node_get_type">node_get_type</a>
* [int](class_int) **node_get_type** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
Get the node type, will return from NODE_* enum.
#### <a name="node_get_input_count">node_get_input_count</a>
* [int](class_int) **node_get_input_count** **(** [String](class_string) id **)** const
Return the input count for a given node. Different
types of nodes have different amount of inputs.
#### <a name="node_get_input_sourcre">node_get_input_sourcre</a>
* [String](class_string) **node_get_input_sourcre** **(** [String](class_string) id, [int](class_int) idx **)** const
Return the input source for a given node input.
#### <a name="animation_node_set_animation">animation_node_set_animation</a>
* void **animation_node_set_animation** **(** [String](class_string) id, [Animation](class_animation) animation **)**
Set the animation for an animation node.
@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ Base class of anything 2D.
* [Rect2](class_rect2) **[get_viewport_rect](#get_viewport_rect)** **(** **)** const
* [RID](class_rid) **[get_canvas](#get_canvas)** **(** **)** const
* [Object](class_object) **[get_world_2d](#get_world_2d)** **(** **)** const
* [Object](class_object) **[get_viewport](#get_viewport)** **(** **)** const
### Signals
* **item_rect_changed** **(** **)**
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ Color in RGBA format.
* [String](class_string) **[to_html](#to_html)** **(** [bool](class_bool) with_alpha=True **)**
* void **[Color](#Color)** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b, [float](class_float) a **)**
* void **[Color](#Color)** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b **)**
* void **[Color](#Color)** **(** [int](class_int) from **)**
* void **[Color](#Color)** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
### Member Variables
* [float](class_float) **r**
@ -74,3 +76,13 @@ Construct the color from an RGBA profile.
* void **Color** **(** [float](class_float) r, [float](class_float) g, [float](class_float) b **)**
Construct the color from an RGBA profile.
#### <a name="Color">Color</a>
* void **Color** **(** [int](class_int) from **)**
Construct the color from an RGBA profile.
#### <a name="Color">Color</a>
* void **Color** **(** [String](class_string) from **)**
Construct the color from an RGBA profile.
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
### Member Functions
* [int](class_int) **[open_encrypted](#open_encrypted)** **(** [String](class_string) path, [int](class_int) mode_flags, [RawArray](class_rawarray) key **)**
* [int](class_int) **[open_encrypted_with_pass](#open_encrypted_with_pass)** **(** [String](class_string) path, [int](class_int) mode_flags, [String](class_string) pass **)**
* [int](class_int) **[open](#open)** **(** [String](class_string) path, [int](class_int) flags **)**
* void **[close](#close)** **(** **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_open](#is_open)** **(** **)** const
@ -1,108 +1,109 @@
| | | | | | |
| --- | ------- | --- | ------- | --- | ------- |
| **@** | [@GDScript](class_@gdscript) | | [InputEventJoyMotion](class_inputeventjoymotion) | | [ResourceSaver](class_resourcesaver) |
| | [@Global Scope](class_@global scope) | | [InputEventKey](class_inputeventkey) | | [RichTextLabel](class_richtextlabel) |
| **A** | [AABB](class_aabb) | | [InputEventMouseButton](class_inputeventmousebutton) | | [RigidBody](class_rigidbody) |
| | [AcceptDialog](class_acceptdialog) | | [InputEventMouseMotion](class_inputeventmousemotion) | | [RigidBody2D](class_rigidbody2d) |
| | [AnimatedSprite](class_animatedsprite) | | [InputEventScreenDrag](class_inputeventscreendrag) | | [Room](class_room) |
| | [Animation](class_animation) | | [InputEventScreenTouch](class_inputeventscreentouch) | | [RoomBounds](class_roombounds) |
| | [AnimationPlayer](class_animationplayer) | | [InputMap](class_inputmap) | **S** | [Sample](class_sample) |
| | [AnimationTreePlayer](class_animationtreeplayer) | | [IntArray](class_intarray) | | [SampleLibrary](class_samplelibrary) |
| | [Area](class_area) | | [InterpolatedCamera](class_interpolatedcamera) | | [SamplePlayer](class_sampleplayer) |
| | [Area2D](class_area2d) | **J** | [Joint2D](class_joint2d) | | [SamplePlayer2D](class_sampleplayer2d) |
| | [Array](class_array) | **K** | [KinematicBody2D](class_kinematicbody2d) | | [SceneIO](class_sceneio) |
| | [AtlasTexture](class_atlastexture) | **L** | [Label](class_label) | | [SceneInteractiveLoader](class_sceneinteractiveloader) |
| | [AudioServer](class_audioserver) | | [LargeTexture](class_largetexture) | | [SceneMainLoop](class_scenemainloop) |
| | [AudioServerSW](class_audioserversw) | | [Light](class_light) | | [ScenePreloader](class_scenepreloader) |
| | [AudioStream](class_audiostream) | | [LineEdit](class_lineedit) | | [Script](class_script) |
| | [AudioStreamGibberish](class_audiostreamgibberish) | | [LineShape2D](class_lineshape2d) | | [ScrollBar](class_scrollbar) |
| | [AudioStreamMPC](class_audiostreammpc) | **M** | [MainLoop](class_mainloop) | | [ScrollContainer](class_scrollcontainer) |
| | [AudioStreamOGGVorbis](class_audiostreamoggvorbis) | | [MarginContainer](class_margincontainer) | | [SegmentShape2D](class_segmentshape2d) |
| | [AudioStreamResampled](class_audiostreamresampled) | | [Marshalls](class_marshalls) | | [Semaphore](class_semaphore) |
| | [AudioStreamSpeex](class_audiostreamspeex) | | [Material](class_material) | | [Separator](class_separator) |
| **B** | [BaseButton](class_basebutton) | | [Matrix3](class_matrix3) | | [Shader](class_shader) |
| | [BitMap](class_bitmap) | | [Matrix32](class_matrix32) | | [ShaderMaterial](class_shadermaterial) |
| | [BoneAttachment](class_boneattachment) | | [MenuButton](class_menubutton) | | [Shape](class_shape) |
| | [BoxContainer](class_boxcontainer) | | [Mesh](class_mesh) | | [Shape2D](class_shape2d) |
| | [BoxShape](class_boxshape) | | [MeshDataTool](class_meshdatatool) | | [Skeleton](class_skeleton) |
| | [Button](class_button) | | [MeshInstance](class_meshinstance) | | [Slider](class_slider) |
| | [ButtonArray](class_buttonarray) | | [MeshLibrary](class_meshlibrary) | | [SoundPlayer2D](class_soundplayer2d) |
| | [ButtonGroup](class_buttongroup) | | [MultiMesh](class_multimesh) | | [SoundRoomParams](class_soundroomparams) |
| **C** | [Camera](class_camera) | | [MultiMeshInstance](class_multimeshinstance) | | [Spatial](class_spatial) |
| | [Camera2D](class_camera2d) | | [Mutex](class_mutex) | | [SpatialPlayer](class_spatialplayer) |
| | [CanvasItem](class_canvasitem) | **N** | [Nil](class_nil) | | [SpatialSamplePlayer](class_spatialsampleplayer) |
| | [CanvasLayer](class_canvaslayer) | | [Node](class_node) | | [SpatialSound2DServer](class_spatialsound2dserver) |
| | [CapsuleShape](class_capsuleshape) | | [Node2D](class_node2d) | | [SpatialSound2DServerSW](class_spatialsound2dserversw) |
| | [CapsuleShape2D](class_capsuleshape2d) | | [NodePath](class_nodepath) | | [SpatialSoundServer](class_spatialsoundserver) |
| | [CarBody](class_carbody) | **O** | [OS](class_os) | | [SpatialSoundServerSW](class_spatialsoundserversw) |
| | [CarWheel](class_carwheel) | | [Object](class_object) | | [SpatialStreamPlayer](class_spatialstreamplayer) |
| | [CenterContainer](class_centercontainer) | | [OmniLight](class_omnilight) | | [SphereShape](class_sphereshape) |
| | [CheckButton](class_checkbutton) | | [OptionButton](class_optionbutton) | | [SpinBox](class_spinbox) |
| | [CircleShape2D](class_circleshape2d) | **P** | [PHashTranslation](class_phashtranslation) | | [SplitContainer](class_splitcontainer) |
| | [CollisionObject](class_collisionobject) | | [PackedDataContainer](class_packeddatacontainer) | | [SpotLight](class_spotlight) |
| | [CollisionObject2D](class_collisionobject2d) | | [PackedDataContainerRef](class_packeddatacontainerref) | | [Sprite](class_sprite) |
| | [CollisionPolygon2D](class_collisionpolygon2d) | | [PackedScene](class_packedscene) | | [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) |
| | [CollisionShape](class_collisionshape) | | [PacketPeer](class_packetpeer) | | [StaticBody](class_staticbody) |
| | [CollisionShape2D](class_collisionshape2d) | | [PacketPeerStream](class_packetpeerstream) | | [StaticBody2D](class_staticbody2d) |
| | [Color](class_color) | | [Panel](class_panel) | | [StreamPeer](class_streampeer) |
| | [ColorArray](class_colorarray) | | [PanelContainer](class_panelcontainer) | | [StreamPeerTCP](class_streampeertcp) |
| | [ColorPicker](class_colorpicker) | | [ParallaxBackground](class_parallaxbackground) | | [StreamPlayer](class_streamplayer) |
| | [ColorPickerButton](class_colorpickerbutton) | | [ParallaxLayer](class_parallaxlayer) | | [String](class_string) |
| | [ConcavePolygonShape](class_concavepolygonshape) | | [ParticleAttractor2D](class_particleattractor2d) | | [StringArray](class_stringarray) |
| | [ConcavePolygonShape2D](class_concavepolygonshape2d) | | [ParticleSystemMaterial](class_particlesystemmaterial) | | [StyleBox](class_stylebox) |
| | [ConfigFile](class_configfile) | | [Particles](class_particles) | | [StyleBoxEmpty](class_styleboxempty) |
| | [ConfirmationDialog](class_confirmationdialog) | | [Particles2D](class_particles2d) | | [StyleBoxFlat](class_styleboxflat) |
| | [Container](class_container) | | [Path](class_path) | | [StyleBoxImageMask](class_styleboximagemask) |
| | [Control](class_control) | | [Path2D](class_path2d) | | [StyleBoxTexture](class_styleboxtexture) |
| | [ConvexPolygonShape](class_convexpolygonshape) | | [PathFollow](class_pathfollow) | | [SurfaceTool](class_surfacetool) |
| | [ConvexPolygonShape2D](class_convexpolygonshape2d) | | [PathRemap](class_pathremap) | **T** | [TCP_Server](class_tcp_server) |
| | [CubeMap](class_cubemap) | | [Performance](class_performance) | | [TabContainer](class_tabcontainer) |
| | [Curve2D](class_curve2d) | | [Physics2DDirectBodyState](class_physics2ddirectbodystate) | | [Tabs](class_tabs) |
| | [Curve3D](class_curve3d) | | [Physics2DDirectBodyStateSW](class_physics2ddirectbodystatesw) | | [TestCube](class_testcube) |
| **D** | [DampedSpringJoint2D](class_dampedspringjoint2d) | | [Physics2DDirectSpaceState](class_physics2ddirectspacestate) | | [TextEdit](class_textedit) |
| | [Dictionary](class_dictionary) | | [Physics2DServer](class_physics2dserver) | | [Texture](class_texture) |
| | [DirectionalLight](class_directionallight) | | [Physics2DServerSW](class_physics2dserversw) | | [TextureButton](class_texturebutton) |
| | [Directory](class_directory) | | [Physics2DShapeQueryResult](class_physics2dshapequeryresult) | | [TextureFrame](class_textureframe) |
| **E** | [EditableShape](class_editableshape) | | [PhysicsBody](class_physicsbody) | | [TextureProgress](class_textureprogress) |
| | [EditableSphere](class_editablesphere) | | [PhysicsBody2D](class_physicsbody2d) | | [Theme](class_theme) |
| | [EditorImportPlugin](class_editorimportplugin) | | [PhysicsDirectBodyState](class_physicsdirectbodystate) | | [Thread](class_thread) |
| | [EditorPlugin](class_editorplugin) | | [PhysicsDirectBodyStateSW](class_physicsdirectbodystatesw) | | [TileMap](class_tilemap) |
| | [EditorScenePostImport](class_editorscenepostimport) | | [PhysicsDirectSpaceState](class_physicsdirectspacestate) | | [TileSet](class_tileset) |
| | [EditorScript](class_editorscript) | | [PhysicsServer](class_physicsserver) | | [Timer](class_timer) |
| | [EmptyControl](class_emptycontrol) | | [PhysicsServerSW](class_physicsserversw) | | [TouchScreenButton](class_touchscreenbutton) |
| | [Environment](class_environment) | | [PhysicsShapeQueryResult](class_physicsshapequeryresult) | | [Transform](class_transform) |
| | [EventPlayer](class_eventplayer) | | [PinJoint2D](class_pinjoint2d) | | [Translation](class_translation) |
| | [EventStream](class_eventstream) | | [Plane](class_plane) | | [TranslationServer](class_translationserver) |
| | [EventStreamChibi](class_eventstreamchibi) | | [PlaneShape](class_planeshape) | | [Tree](class_tree) |
| **F** | [File](class_file) | | [Popup](class_popup) | | [TreeItem](class_treeitem) |
| | [FileDialog](class_filedialog) | | [PopupDialog](class_popupdialog) | **U** | [UnshadedMaterial](class_unshadedmaterial) |
| | [FixedMaterial](class_fixedmaterial) | | [PopupMenu](class_popupmenu) | **V** | [VBoxContainer](class_vboxcontainer) |
| | [FollowCamera](class_followcamera) | | [PopupPanel](class_popuppanel) | | [VButtonArray](class_vbuttonarray) |
| | [Font](class_font) | | [Portal](class_portal) | | [VScrollBar](class_vscrollbar) |
| | [FuncRef](class_funcref) | | [Position2D](class_position2d) | | [VSeparator](class_vseparator) |
| **G** | [GDNativeClass](class_gdnativeclass) | | [Position3D](class_position3d) | | [VSlider](class_vslider) |
| | [GDScript](class_gdscript) | | [ProgressBar](class_progressbar) | | [VSplitContainer](class_vsplitcontainer) |
| | [Geometry](class_geometry) | | [ProximityGroup](class_proximitygroup) | | [Vector2](class_vector2) |
| | [GeometryInstance](class_geometryinstance) | **Q** | [Quad](class_quad) | | [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) |
| | [Globals](class_globals) | | [Quat](class_quat) | | [Vector3](class_vector3) |
| | [GridContainer](class_gridcontainer) | **R** | [RID](class_rid) | | [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) |
| | [GridMap](class_gridmap) | | [Range](class_range) | | [VideoPlayer](class_videoplayer) |
| | [GrooveJoint2D](class_groovejoint2d) | | [RawArray](class_rawarray) | | [VideoStream](class_videostream) |
| **H** | [HBoxContainer](class_hboxcontainer) | | [RayCast](class_raycast) | | [VideoStreamTheora](class_videostreamtheora) |
| | [HButtonArray](class_hbuttonarray) | | [RayCast2D](class_raycast2d) | | [Viewport](class_viewport) |
| | [HScrollBar](class_hscrollbar) | | [RayShape](class_rayshape) | | [VisibilityEnabler](class_visibilityenabler) |
| | [HSeparator](class_hseparator) | | [RayShape2D](class_rayshape2d) | | [VisibilityEnabler2D](class_visibilityenabler2d) |
| | [HSlider](class_hslider) | | [RealArray](class_realarray) | | [VisibilityNotifier](class_visibilitynotifier) |
| | [HSplitContainer](class_hsplitcontainer) | | [Rect2](class_rect2) | | [VisibilityNotifier2D](class_visibilitynotifier2d) |
| | [HTTPClient](class_httpclient) | | [RectangleShape2D](class_rectangleshape2d) | | [VisualInstance](class_visualinstance) |
| **I** | [IP](class_ip) | | [Reference](class_reference) | | [VisualServer](class_visualserver) |
| | [IP_Unix](class_ip_unix) | | [ReferenceFrame](class_referenceframe) | **W** | [WindowDialog](class_windowdialog) |
| | [Image](class_image) | | [RegEx](class_regex) | | [World](class_world) |
| | [ImagePathFinder](class_imagepathfinder) | | [RemoteTransform2D](class_remotetransform2d) | | [World2D](class_world2d) |
| | [ImageTexture](class_imagetexture) | | [RenderTargetTexture](class_rendertargettexture) | | [WorldEnvironment](class_worldenvironment) |
| | [Input](class_input) | | [Resource](class_resource) | **X** | [XMLParser](class_xmlparser) |
| | [InputDefault](class_inputdefault) | | [ResourceImportMetadata](class_resourceimportmetadata) | **b** | [bool](class_bool) |
| | [InputEvent](class_inputevent) | | [ResourceInteractiveLoader](class_resourceinteractiveloader) | **f** | [float](class_float) |
| | [InputEventAction](class_inputeventaction) | | [ResourceLoader](class_resourceloader) | **i** | [int](class_int) |
| | [InputEventJoyButton](class_inputeventjoybutton) | | [ResourcePreloader](class_resourcepreloader) |
| **@** | [@GDScript](class_@gdscript) | | [InputEventKey](class_inputeventkey) | | [RigidBody](class_rigidbody) |
| | [@Global Scope](class_@global scope) | | [InputEventMouseButton](class_inputeventmousebutton) | | [RigidBody2D](class_rigidbody2d) |
| **A** | [AABB](class_aabb) | | [InputEventMouseMotion](class_inputeventmousemotion) | | [Room](class_room) |
| | [AcceptDialog](class_acceptdialog) | | [InputEventScreenDrag](class_inputeventscreendrag) | | [RoomBounds](class_roombounds) |
| | [AnimatedSprite](class_animatedsprite) | | [InputEventScreenTouch](class_inputeventscreentouch) | **S** | [Sample](class_sample) |
| | [Animation](class_animation) | | [InputMap](class_inputmap) | | [SampleLibrary](class_samplelibrary) |
| | [AnimationPlayer](class_animationplayer) | | [IntArray](class_intarray) | | [SamplePlayer](class_sampleplayer) |
| | [AnimationTreePlayer](class_animationtreeplayer) | | [InterpolatedCamera](class_interpolatedcamera) | | [SamplePlayer2D](class_sampleplayer2d) |
| | [Area](class_area) | **J** | [Joint2D](class_joint2d) | | [SceneIO](class_sceneio) |
| | [Area2D](class_area2d) | **K** | [KinematicBody2D](class_kinematicbody2d) | | [SceneInteractiveLoader](class_sceneinteractiveloader) |
| | [Array](class_array) | **L** | [Label](class_label) | | [SceneMainLoop](class_scenemainloop) |
| | [AtlasTexture](class_atlastexture) | | [LargeTexture](class_largetexture) | | [ScenePreloader](class_scenepreloader) |
| | [AudioServer](class_audioserver) | | [Light](class_light) | | [Script](class_script) |
| | [AudioServerSW](class_audioserversw) | | [LineEdit](class_lineedit) | | [ScrollBar](class_scrollbar) |
| | [AudioStream](class_audiostream) | | [LineShape2D](class_lineshape2d) | | [ScrollContainer](class_scrollcontainer) |
| | [AudioStreamGibberish](class_audiostreamgibberish) | **M** | [MainLoop](class_mainloop) | | [SegmentShape2D](class_segmentshape2d) |
| | [AudioStreamMPC](class_audiostreammpc) | | [MarginContainer](class_margincontainer) | | [Semaphore](class_semaphore) |
| | [AudioStreamOGGVorbis](class_audiostreamoggvorbis) | | [Marshalls](class_marshalls) | | [Separator](class_separator) |
| | [AudioStreamResampled](class_audiostreamresampled) | | [Material](class_material) | | [Shader](class_shader) |
| | [AudioStreamSpeex](class_audiostreamspeex) | | [Matrix3](class_matrix3) | | [ShaderMaterial](class_shadermaterial) |
| **B** | [BaseButton](class_basebutton) | | [Matrix32](class_matrix32) | | [Shape](class_shape) |
| | [BitMap](class_bitmap) | | [MenuButton](class_menubutton) | | [Shape2D](class_shape2d) |
| | [BoneAttachment](class_boneattachment) | | [Mesh](class_mesh) | | [Skeleton](class_skeleton) |
| | [BoxContainer](class_boxcontainer) | | [MeshDataTool](class_meshdatatool) | | [Slider](class_slider) |
| | [BoxShape](class_boxshape) | | [MeshInstance](class_meshinstance) | | [SoundPlayer2D](class_soundplayer2d) |
| | [Button](class_button) | | [MeshLibrary](class_meshlibrary) | | [SoundRoomParams](class_soundroomparams) |
| | [ButtonArray](class_buttonarray) | | [MultiMesh](class_multimesh) | | [Spatial](class_spatial) |
| | [ButtonGroup](class_buttongroup) | | [MultiMeshInstance](class_multimeshinstance) | | [SpatialPlayer](class_spatialplayer) |
| **C** | [Camera](class_camera) | | [Mutex](class_mutex) | | [SpatialSamplePlayer](class_spatialsampleplayer) |
| | [Camera2D](class_camera2d) | **N** | [Nil](class_nil) | | [SpatialSound2DServer](class_spatialsound2dserver) |
| | [CanvasItem](class_canvasitem) | | [Node](class_node) | | [SpatialSound2DServerSW](class_spatialsound2dserversw) |
| | [CanvasLayer](class_canvaslayer) | | [Node2D](class_node2d) | | [SpatialSoundServer](class_spatialsoundserver) |
| | [CapsuleShape](class_capsuleshape) | | [NodePath](class_nodepath) | | [SpatialSoundServerSW](class_spatialsoundserversw) |
| | [CapsuleShape2D](class_capsuleshape2d) | **O** | [OS](class_os) | | [SpatialStreamPlayer](class_spatialstreamplayer) |
| | [CarBody](class_carbody) | | [Object](class_object) | | [SphereShape](class_sphereshape) |
| | [CarWheel](class_carwheel) | | [OmniLight](class_omnilight) | | [SpinBox](class_spinbox) |
| | [CenterContainer](class_centercontainer) | | [OptionButton](class_optionbutton) | | [SplitContainer](class_splitcontainer) |
| | [CheckButton](class_checkbutton) | **P** | [PHashTranslation](class_phashtranslation) | | [SpotLight](class_spotlight) |
| | [CircleShape2D](class_circleshape2d) | | [PackedDataContainer](class_packeddatacontainer) | | [Sprite](class_sprite) |
| | [CollisionObject](class_collisionobject) | | [PackedDataContainerRef](class_packeddatacontainerref) | | [SpriteFrames](class_spriteframes) |
| | [CollisionObject2D](class_collisionobject2d) | | [PackedScene](class_packedscene) | | [StaticBody](class_staticbody) |
| | [CollisionPolygon2D](class_collisionpolygon2d) | | [PacketPeer](class_packetpeer) | | [StaticBody2D](class_staticbody2d) |
| | [CollisionShape](class_collisionshape) | | [PacketPeerStream](class_packetpeerstream) | | [StreamPeer](class_streampeer) |
| | [CollisionShape2D](class_collisionshape2d) | | [Panel](class_panel) | | [StreamPeerTCP](class_streampeertcp) |
| | [Color](class_color) | | [PanelContainer](class_panelcontainer) | | [StreamPlayer](class_streamplayer) |
| | [ColorArray](class_colorarray) | | [ParallaxBackground](class_parallaxbackground) | | [String](class_string) |
| | [ColorPicker](class_colorpicker) | | [ParallaxLayer](class_parallaxlayer) | | [StringArray](class_stringarray) |
| | [ColorPickerButton](class_colorpickerbutton) | | [ParticleAttractor2D](class_particleattractor2d) | | [StyleBox](class_stylebox) |
| | [ConcavePolygonShape](class_concavepolygonshape) | | [ParticleSystemMaterial](class_particlesystemmaterial) | | [StyleBoxEmpty](class_styleboxempty) |
| | [ConcavePolygonShape2D](class_concavepolygonshape2d) | | [Particles](class_particles) | | [StyleBoxFlat](class_styleboxflat) |
| | [ConfigFile](class_configfile) | | [Particles2D](class_particles2d) | | [StyleBoxImageMask](class_styleboximagemask) |
| | [ConfirmationDialog](class_confirmationdialog) | | [Path](class_path) | | [StyleBoxTexture](class_styleboxtexture) |
| | [Container](class_container) | | [Path2D](class_path2d) | | [SurfaceTool](class_surfacetool) |
| | [Control](class_control) | | [PathFollow](class_pathfollow) | **T** | [TCP_Server](class_tcp_server) |
| | [ConvexPolygonShape](class_convexpolygonshape) | | [PathRemap](class_pathremap) | | [TabContainer](class_tabcontainer) |
| | [ConvexPolygonShape2D](class_convexpolygonshape2d) | | [Performance](class_performance) | | [Tabs](class_tabs) |
| | [CubeMap](class_cubemap) | | [Physics2DDirectBodyState](class_physics2ddirectbodystate) | | [TestCube](class_testcube) |
| | [Curve2D](class_curve2d) | | [Physics2DDirectBodyStateSW](class_physics2ddirectbodystatesw) | | [TextEdit](class_textedit) |
| | [Curve3D](class_curve3d) | | [Physics2DDirectSpaceState](class_physics2ddirectspacestate) | | [Texture](class_texture) |
| **D** | [DampedSpringJoint2D](class_dampedspringjoint2d) | | [Physics2DServer](class_physics2dserver) | | [TextureButton](class_texturebutton) |
| | [Dictionary](class_dictionary) | | [Physics2DServerSW](class_physics2dserversw) | | [TextureFrame](class_textureframe) |
| | [DirectionalLight](class_directionallight) | | [Physics2DShapeQueryResult](class_physics2dshapequeryresult) | | [TextureProgress](class_textureprogress) |
| | [Directory](class_directory) | | [PhysicsBody](class_physicsbody) | | [Theme](class_theme) |
| **E** | [EditableShape](class_editableshape) | | [PhysicsBody2D](class_physicsbody2d) | | [Thread](class_thread) |
| | [EditableSphere](class_editablesphere) | | [PhysicsDirectBodyState](class_physicsdirectbodystate) | | [TileMap](class_tilemap) |
| | [EditorImportPlugin](class_editorimportplugin) | | [PhysicsDirectBodyStateSW](class_physicsdirectbodystatesw) | | [TileSet](class_tileset) |
| | [EditorPlugin](class_editorplugin) | | [PhysicsDirectSpaceState](class_physicsdirectspacestate) | | [Timer](class_timer) |
| | [EditorScenePostImport](class_editorscenepostimport) | | [PhysicsServer](class_physicsserver) | | [TouchScreenButton](class_touchscreenbutton) |
| | [EditorScript](class_editorscript) | | [PhysicsServerSW](class_physicsserversw) | | [Transform](class_transform) |
| | [EmptyControl](class_emptycontrol) | | [PhysicsShapeQueryResult](class_physicsshapequeryresult) | | [Translation](class_translation) |
| | [Environment](class_environment) | | [PinJoint2D](class_pinjoint2d) | | [TranslationServer](class_translationserver) |
| | [EventPlayer](class_eventplayer) | | [Plane](class_plane) | | [Tree](class_tree) |
| | [EventStream](class_eventstream) | | [PlaneShape](class_planeshape) | | [TreeItem](class_treeitem) |
| | [EventStreamChibi](class_eventstreamchibi) | | [Popup](class_popup) | **U** | [UnshadedMaterial](class_unshadedmaterial) |
| **F** | [File](class_file) | | [PopupDialog](class_popupdialog) | **V** | [VBoxContainer](class_vboxcontainer) |
| | [FileDialog](class_filedialog) | | [PopupMenu](class_popupmenu) | | [VButtonArray](class_vbuttonarray) |
| | [FixedMaterial](class_fixedmaterial) | | [PopupPanel](class_popuppanel) | | [VScrollBar](class_vscrollbar) |
| | [FollowCamera](class_followcamera) | | [Portal](class_portal) | | [VSeparator](class_vseparator) |
| | [Font](class_font) | | [Position2D](class_position2d) | | [VSlider](class_vslider) |
| | [FuncRef](class_funcref) | | [Position3D](class_position3d) | | [VSplitContainer](class_vsplitcontainer) |
| **G** | [GDNativeClass](class_gdnativeclass) | | [ProgressBar](class_progressbar) | | [Vector2](class_vector2) |
| | [GDScript](class_gdscript) | | [ProximityGroup](class_proximitygroup) | | [Vector2Array](class_vector2array) |
| | [Geometry](class_geometry) | **Q** | [Quad](class_quad) | | [Vector3](class_vector3) |
| | [GeometryInstance](class_geometryinstance) | | [Quat](class_quat) | | [Vector3Array](class_vector3array) |
| | [Globals](class_globals) | **R** | [RID](class_rid) | | [VideoPlayer](class_videoplayer) |
| | [GridContainer](class_gridcontainer) | | [Range](class_range) | | [VideoStream](class_videostream) |
| | [GridMap](class_gridmap) | | [RawArray](class_rawarray) | | [VideoStreamTheora](class_videostreamtheora) |
| | [GrooveJoint2D](class_groovejoint2d) | | [RayCast](class_raycast) | | [Viewport](class_viewport) |
| **H** | [HBoxContainer](class_hboxcontainer) | | [RayCast2D](class_raycast2d) | | [ViewportSprite](class_viewportsprite) |
| | [HButtonArray](class_hbuttonarray) | | [RayShape](class_rayshape) | | [VisibilityEnabler](class_visibilityenabler) |
| | [HScrollBar](class_hscrollbar) | | [RayShape2D](class_rayshape2d) | | [VisibilityEnabler2D](class_visibilityenabler2d) |
| | [HSeparator](class_hseparator) | | [RealArray](class_realarray) | | [VisibilityNotifier](class_visibilitynotifier) |
| | [HSlider](class_hslider) | | [Rect2](class_rect2) | | [VisibilityNotifier2D](class_visibilitynotifier2d) |
| | [HSplitContainer](class_hsplitcontainer) | | [RectangleShape2D](class_rectangleshape2d) | | [VisualInstance](class_visualinstance) |
| | [HTTPClient](class_httpclient) | | [Reference](class_reference) | | [VisualServer](class_visualserver) |
| **I** | [IP](class_ip) | | [ReferenceFrame](class_referenceframe) | **W** | [WindowDialog](class_windowdialog) |
| | [IP_Unix](class_ip_unix) | | [RegEx](class_regex) | | [World](class_world) |
| | [Image](class_image) | | [RemoteTransform2D](class_remotetransform2d) | | [World2D](class_world2d) |
| | [ImagePathFinder](class_imagepathfinder) | | [RenderTargetTexture](class_rendertargettexture) | | [WorldEnvironment](class_worldenvironment) |
| | [ImageTexture](class_imagetexture) | | [Resource](class_resource) | **X** | [XMLParser](class_xmlparser) |
| | [Input](class_input) | | [ResourceImportMetadata](class_resourceimportmetadata) | **b** | [bool](class_bool) |
| | [InputDefault](class_inputdefault) | | [ResourceInteractiveLoader](class_resourceinteractiveloader) | **f** | [float](class_float) |
| | [InputEvent](class_inputevent) | | [ResourceLoader](class_resourceloader) | **i** | [int](class_int) |
| | [InputEventAction](class_inputeventaction) | | [ResourcePreloader](class_resourcepreloader) |
| | [InputEventJoyButton](class_inputeventjoybutton) | | [ResourceSaver](class_resourcesaver) |
| | [InputEventJoyMotion](class_inputeventjoymotion) | | [RichTextLabel](class_richtextlabel) |
@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ Base class for all the "Scene" elements.
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_processing_input](#is_processing_input)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_process_unhandled_input](#set_process_unhandled_input)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_processing_unhandled_input](#is_processing_unhandled_input)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_process_unhandled_key_input](#set_process_unhandled_key_input)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_processing_unhandled_key_input](#is_processing_unhandled_key_input)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_pause_mode](#set_pause_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_pause_mode](#get_pause_mode)** **(** **)** const
* [bool](class_bool) **[can_process](#can_process)** **(** **)** const
@ -63,6 +65,7 @@ Base class for all the "Scene" elements.
* [SceneMainLoop](class_scenemainloop) **[get_scene](#get_scene)** **(** **)** const
* [Node](class_node) **[duplicate](#duplicate)** **(** **)** const
* void **[replace_by](#replace_by)** **(** [Node](class_node) node, [bool](class_bool) keep_data=false **)**
* [Object](class_object) **[get_viewport](#get_viewport)** **(** **)** const
* void **[queue_free](#queue_free)** **(** **)**
### Signals
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Scene-Based implementation of the MainLoop.
* [int](class_int) **[get_node_count](#get_node_count)** **(** **)** const
* [int](class_int) **[get_frame](#get_frame)** **(** **)** const
* void **[quit](#quit)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_screen_stretch](#set_screen_stretch)** **(** [int](class_int) mode, [int](class_int) aspect, [Vector2](class_vector2) minsize **)**
* void **[queue_delete](#queue_delete)** **(** [Object](class_object) obj **)**
* void **[call_group](#call_group)** **(** [int](class_int) flags, [String](class_string) group, [String](class_string) method, var arg0=NULL, var arg1=NULL, var arg2=NULL, var arg3=NULL, var arg4=NULL **)**
@ -32,6 +33,13 @@ Scene-Based implementation of the MainLoop.
* **GROUP_CALL_REVERSE** = **1** - Call a group in inverse-scene order.
* **GROUP_CALL_REALTIME** = **2** - Call a group immediately (usually calls are delivered on idle).
* **GROUP_CALL_UNIQUE** = **4** - Call a group only once, even if call is performed many times.
* **STRETCH_MODE_2D** = **1**
### Description
Scene implementation of the MainLoop. All scenes edited using the editor are loaded with this main loop, which provides the base for the scene system.
@ -29,15 +29,22 @@ Creates a sub-view into the screen.
* [Image](class_image) **[get_screen_capture](#get_screen_capture)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_as_render_target](#set_as_render_target)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_set_as_render_target](#is_set_as_render_target)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_render_target_vflip](#set_render_target_vflip)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[get_render_target_vflip](#get_render_target_vflip)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_render_target_update_mode](#set_render_target_update_mode)** **(** [int](class_int) mode **)**
* [int](class_int) **[get_render_target_update_mode](#get_render_target_update_mode)** **(** **)** const
* [RenderTargetTexture](class_rendertargettexture) **[get_render_target_texture](#get_render_target_texture)** **(** **)** const
* [RID](class_rid) **[get_viewport](#get_viewport)** **(** **)** const
* void **[input](#input)** **(** [InputEvent](class_inputevent) local_event **)**
* void **[unhandled_input](#unhandled_input)** **(** [InputEvent](class_inputevent) local_event **)**
* void **[update_worlds](#update_worlds)** **(** **)**
* void **[set_use_own_world](#set_use_own_world)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_using_own_world](#is_using_own_world)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_as_audio_listener](#set_as_audio_listener)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_audio_listener](#is_audio_listener)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_as_audio_listener_2d](#set_as_audio_listener_2d)** **(** [bool](class_bool) enable **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_audio_listener_2d](#is_audio_listener_2d)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_render_target_to_screen_rect](#set_render_target_to_screen_rect)** **(** [Rect2](class_rect2) arg0 **)**
### Signals
* **size_changed** **(** **)**
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# ViewportSprite
####**Inherits:** [Node2D](class_node2d)
####**Category:** Core
### Brief Description
### Member Functions
* void **[set_viewport_path](#set_viewport_path)** **(** [NodePath](class_nodepath) path **)**
* [NodePath](class_nodepath) **[get_viewport_path](#get_viewport_path)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_centered](#set_centered)** **(** [bool](class_bool) centered **)**
* [bool](class_bool) **[is_centered](#is_centered)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_offset](#set_offset)** **(** [Vector2](class_vector2) offset **)**
* [Vector2](class_vector2) **[get_offset](#get_offset)** **(** **)** const
* void **[set_modulate](#set_modulate)** **(** [Color](class_color) modulate **)**
* [Color](class_color) **[get_modulate](#get_modulate)** **(** **)** const
### Member Function Description
Reference in New Issue
Block a user