Updated tutorial_gdscript_efficiently (markdown)

reduz 2014-09-20 07:12:27 -07:00
parent ec93124397
commit 006b8fcf1f

@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ var a # null by default
a=5 # valid, 'a' becomes an integer
a="Hi!" # valid, 'a' changed to a string
#### As Function Arguments:
Functions are of dynamic nature too, which means they can be called with different arguments, for example:
@ -65,10 +68,64 @@ Dynamic:
func print_value(value):
print_value(55) # valid
print_value("Hello") # valid
#### Pointers & Referencing:
In static languages such as C or C++ (and to some extent Java and C#), there is a distinction between a variable and a pointer/reference to a variable. The later allows the object to be modified by other functions by passing a reference to the original one.
In C# or Java, everything not a built-in type (int, float, sometimes String) is always a pointer or a reference. References are also garbage-collected automatically, which means they are erased when no onger used. Dynamically typed languages tend to use this memory model too. Some Examples:
// C++
void use_class(SomeClass *instance) {
void do_something() {
SomeClass *instance = new SomeClass; //created as pointer
use_class(instance) //pass as pointer
delete instance; //otherwise it will leak memory
public final void use_class(SomeClass instance) {
public final void do_something() {
SomeClass instance = new SomeClass(); //created as reference
use_class(instance) //pass as reference
//garbage collector will get rid of it when not in use and freeze your game randomly
func use_class(instance); #does not care about class type
instance.use() # will work with any class that as a .use() method.
func do_something():
var instance = SomeClass.new() # created as reference
use_class(instance) # pass as reference
#will be unreferenced and deleted
In GDScript, only base types (int, float, string and the vector types) are passed by value to functions (value is copied). Everything else (instances, arrays, dictionaries, etc) is passed as reference.
### Arrays