Hugo Locurcio b68dd2e189
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2022-02-15 00:03:31 +01:00

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<class name="CollisionObject3D" inherits="Node3D" version="4.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../class.xsd">
Base node for collision objects.
CollisionObject3D is the base class for physics objects. It can hold any number of collision [Shape3D]s. Each shape must be assigned to a [i]shape owner[/i]. The CollisionObject3D can have any number of shape owners. Shape owners are not nodes and do not appear in the editor, but are accessible through code using the [code]shape_owner_*[/code] methods.
<method name="_input_event" qualifiers="virtual">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="camera" type="Camera3D" />
<argument index="1" name="event" type="InputEvent" />
<argument index="2" name="position" type="Vector3" />
<argument index="3" name="normal" type="Vector3" />
<argument index="4" name="shape_idx" type="int" />
Receives unhandled [InputEvent]s. [code]position[/code] is the location in world space of the mouse pointer on the surface of the shape with index [code]shape_idx[/code] and [code]normal[/code] is the normal vector of the surface at that point. Connect to the [signal input_event] signal to easily pick up these events.
<method name="create_shape_owner">
<return type="int" />
<argument index="0" name="owner" type="Object" />
Creates a new shape owner for the given object. Returns [code]owner_id[/code] of the new owner for future reference.
<method name="get_collision_layer_value" qualifiers="const">
<return type="bool" />
<argument index="0" name="layer_number" type="int" />
Returns whether or not the specified layer of the [member collision_layer] is enabled, given a [code]layer_number[/code] between 1 and 32.
<method name="get_collision_mask_value" qualifiers="const">
<return type="bool" />
<argument index="0" name="layer_number" type="int" />
Returns whether or not the specified layer of the [member collision_mask] is enabled, given a [code]layer_number[/code] between 1 and 32.
<method name="get_rid" qualifiers="const">
<return type="RID" />
Returns the object's [RID].
<method name="get_shape_owners">
<return type="Array" />
Returns an [Array] of [code]owner_id[/code] identifiers. You can use these ids in other methods that take [code]owner_id[/code] as an argument.
<method name="is_shape_owner_disabled" qualifiers="const">
<return type="bool" />
<argument index="0" name="owner_id" type="int" />
If [code]true[/code], the shape owner and its shapes are disabled.
<method name="remove_shape_owner">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="owner_id" type="int" />
Removes the given shape owner.
<method name="set_collision_layer_value">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="layer_number" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="value" type="bool" />
Based on [code]value[/code], enables or disables the specified layer in the [member collision_layer], given a [code]layer_number[/code] between 1 and 32.
<method name="set_collision_mask_value">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="layer_number" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="value" type="bool" />
Based on [code]value[/code], enables or disables the specified layer in the [member collision_mask], given a [code]layer_number[/code] between 1 and 32.
<method name="shape_find_owner" qualifiers="const">
<return type="int" />
<argument index="0" name="shape_index" type="int" />
Returns the [code]owner_id[/code] of the given shape.
<method name="shape_owner_add_shape">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="owner_id" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="shape" type="Shape3D" />
Adds a [Shape3D] to the shape owner.
<method name="shape_owner_clear_shapes">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="owner_id" type="int" />
Removes all shapes from the shape owner.
<method name="shape_owner_get_owner" qualifiers="const">
<return type="Object" />
<argument index="0" name="owner_id" type="int" />
Returns the parent object of the given shape owner.
<method name="shape_owner_get_shape" qualifiers="const">
<return type="Shape3D" />
<argument index="0" name="owner_id" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="shape_id" type="int" />
Returns the [Shape3D] with the given id from the given shape owner.
<method name="shape_owner_get_shape_count" qualifiers="const">
<return type="int" />
<argument index="0" name="owner_id" type="int" />
Returns the number of shapes the given shape owner contains.
<method name="shape_owner_get_shape_index" qualifiers="const">
<return type="int" />
<argument index="0" name="owner_id" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="shape_id" type="int" />
Returns the child index of the [Shape3D] with the given id from the given shape owner.
<method name="shape_owner_get_transform" qualifiers="const">
<return type="Transform3D" />
<argument index="0" name="owner_id" type="int" />
Returns the shape owner's [Transform3D].
<method name="shape_owner_remove_shape">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="owner_id" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="shape_id" type="int" />
Removes a shape from the given shape owner.
<method name="shape_owner_set_disabled">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="owner_id" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="disabled" type="bool" />
If [code]true[/code], disables the given shape owner.
<method name="shape_owner_set_transform">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="owner_id" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="transform" type="Transform3D" />
Sets the [Transform3D] of the given shape owner.
<member name="collision_layer" type="int" setter="set_collision_layer" getter="get_collision_layer" default="1">
The physics layers this CollisionObject3D [b]is in[/b]. Collision objects can exist in one or more of 32 different layers. See also [member collision_mask].
[b]Note:[/b] Object A can detect a contact with object B only if object B is in any of the layers that object A scans. See [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/physics/physics_introduction.html#collision-layers-and-masks]Collision layers and masks[/url] in the documentation for more information.
<member name="collision_mask" type="int" setter="set_collision_mask" getter="get_collision_mask" default="1">
The physics layers this CollisionObject3D [b]scans[/b]. Collision objects can scan one or more of 32 different layers. See also [member collision_layer].
[b]Note:[/b] Object A can detect a contact with object B only if object B is in any of the layers that object A scans. See [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/physics/physics_introduction.html#collision-layers-and-masks]Collision layers and masks[/url] in the documentation for more information.
<member name="disable_mode" type="int" setter="set_disable_mode" getter="get_disable_mode" enum="CollisionObject3D.DisableMode" default="0">
Defines the behavior in physics when [member Node.process_mode] is set to [constant Node.PROCESS_MODE_DISABLED]. See [enum DisableMode] for more details about the different modes.
<member name="input_capture_on_drag" type="bool" setter="set_capture_input_on_drag" getter="get_capture_input_on_drag" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], the [CollisionObject3D] will continue to receive input events as the mouse is dragged across its shapes.
<member name="input_ray_pickable" type="bool" setter="set_ray_pickable" getter="is_ray_pickable" default="true">
If [code]true[/code], this object is pickable. A pickable object can detect the mouse pointer entering/leaving, and if the mouse is inside it, report input events. Requires at least one [member collision_layer] bit to be set.
<signal name="input_event">
<argument index="0" name="camera" type="Node" />
<argument index="1" name="event" type="InputEvent" />
<argument index="2" name="position" type="Vector3" />
<argument index="3" name="normal" type="Vector3" />
<argument index="4" name="shape_idx" type="int" />
Emitted when the object receives an unhandled [InputEvent]. [code]position[/code] is the location in world space of the mouse pointer on the surface of the shape with index [code]shape_idx[/code] and [code]normal[/code] is the normal vector of the surface at that point.
<signal name="mouse_entered">
Emitted when the mouse pointer enters any of this object's shapes.
<signal name="mouse_exited">
Emitted when the mouse pointer exits all this object's shapes.
<constant name="DISABLE_MODE_REMOVE" value="0" enum="DisableMode">
When [member Node.process_mode] is set to [constant Node.PROCESS_MODE_DISABLED], remove from the physics simulation to stop all physics interactions with this [CollisionObject3D].
Automatically re-added to the physics simulation when the [Node] is processed again.
<constant name="DISABLE_MODE_MAKE_STATIC" value="1" enum="DisableMode">
When [member Node.process_mode] is set to [constant Node.PROCESS_MODE_DISABLED], make the body static. Doesn't affect [Area2D]. [PhysicsBody3D] can't be affected by forces or other bodies while static.
Automatically set [PhysicsBody3D] back to its original mode when the [Node] is processed again.
<constant name="DISABLE_MODE_KEEP_ACTIVE" value="2" enum="DisableMode">
When [member Node.process_mode] is set to [constant Node.PROCESS_MODE_DISABLED], do not affect the physics simulation.