2023-08-11 21:17:04 +03:00

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<class name="FogMaterial" inherits="Material" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../class.xsd">
A material that controls how volumetric fog is rendered, to be assigned to a [FogVolume].
A [Material] resource that can be used by [FogVolume]s to draw volumetric effects.
If you need more advanced effects, use a custom [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/shaders/shader_reference/fog_shader.html]fog shader[/url].
<member name="albedo" type="Color" setter="set_albedo" getter="get_albedo" default="Color(1, 1, 1, 1)">
The single-scattering [Color] of the [FogVolume]. Internally, [member albedo] is converted into single-scattering, which is additively blended with other [FogVolume]s and the [member Environment.volumetric_fog_albedo].
<member name="density" type="float" setter="set_density" getter="get_density" default="1.0">
The density of the [FogVolume]. Denser objects are more opaque, but may suffer from under-sampling artifacts that look like stripes. Negative values can be used to subtract fog from other [FogVolume]s or global volumetric fog.
[b]Note:[/b] Due to limited precision, [member density] values between [code]-0.001[/code] and [code]0.001[/code] (exclusive) act like [code]0.0[/code]. This does not apply to [member Environment.volumetric_fog_density].
<member name="density_texture" type="Texture3D" setter="set_density_texture" getter="get_density_texture">
The 3D texture that is used to scale the [member density] of the [FogVolume]. This can be used to vary fog density within the [FogVolume] with any kind of static pattern. For animated effects, consider using a custom [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/shaders/shader_reference/fog_shader.html]fog shader[/url].
<member name="edge_fade" type="float" setter="set_edge_fade" getter="get_edge_fade" default="0.1">
The hardness of the edges of the [FogVolume]. A higher value will result in softer edges, while a lower value will result in harder edges.
<member name="emission" type="Color" setter="set_emission" getter="get_emission" default="Color(0, 0, 0, 1)">
The [Color] of the light emitted by the [FogVolume]. Emitted light will not cast light or shadows on other objects, but can be useful for modulating the [Color] of the [FogVolume] independently from light sources.
<member name="height_falloff" type="float" setter="set_height_falloff" getter="get_height_falloff" default="0.0">
The rate by which the height-based fog decreases in density as height increases in world space. A high falloff will result in a sharp transition, while a low falloff will result in a smoother transition. A value of [code]0.0[/code] results in uniform-density fog. The height threshold is determined by the height of the associated [FogVolume].