2024-09-22 10:16:37 +02:00

152 lines
4.1 KiB

unsigned = "";
signed = "#define SNORM";
#version 450
#include "CrossPlatformSettings_piece_all.glsl"
#include "UavCrossPlatform_piece_all.glsl"
shared float2 g_minMaxValues[4u * 4u * 4u];
shared uint2 g_mask[4u * 4u];
layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D srcTex;
layout(binding = 1, rg32ui) uniform restrict writeonly uimage2D dstTexture;
layout(push_constant, std430) uniform Params {
uint p_channelIdx;
uint p_padding[3];
layout(local_size_x = 4, //
local_size_y = 4, //
local_size_z = 4) in;
/// Each block is 16 pixels
/// Each thread works on 4 pixels
/// Therefore each block needs 4 threads, generating 8 masks
/// At the end these 8 masks get merged into 2 and results written to output
/// **Q: Why 4 pixels per thread? Why not 1 pixel per thread? Why not 2? Why not 16?**
/// A: It's a sweetspot.
/// - Very short threads cannot fill expensive GPUs with enough work (dispatch bound)
/// - Lots of threads means lots of synchronization (e.g. evaluating min/max, merging masks)
/// overhead, and also more LDS usage which reduces occupancy.
/// - Long threads (e.g. 1 thread per block) misses parallelism opportunities
void main() {
float minVal, maxVal;
float4 srcPixel;
const uint blockThreadId = gl_LocalInvocationID.x;
const uint2 pixelsToLoadBase = gl_GlobalInvocationID.yz << 2u;
for (uint i = 0u; i < 4u; ++i) {
const uint2 pixelsToLoad = pixelsToLoadBase + uint2(i, blockThreadId);
const float4 value = OGRE_Load2D(srcTex, int2(pixelsToLoad), 0).xyzw;
srcPixel[i] = params.p_channelIdx == 0 ? value.x : (params.p_channelIdx == 1 ? value.y : value.w);
srcPixel[i] *= 255.0f;
minVal = min3(srcPixel.x, srcPixel.y, srcPixel.z);
maxVal = max3(srcPixel.x, srcPixel.y, srcPixel.z);
minVal = min(minVal, srcPixel.w);
maxVal = max(maxVal, srcPixel.w);
const uint minMaxIdxBase = (gl_LocalInvocationID.z << 4u) + (gl_LocalInvocationID.y << 2u);
const uint maskIdxBase = (gl_LocalInvocationID.z << 2u) + gl_LocalInvocationID.y;
g_minMaxValues[minMaxIdxBase + blockThreadId] = float2(minVal, maxVal);
g_mask[maskIdxBase] = uint2(0u, 0u);
// Have all 4 threads in the block grab the min/max value by comparing what all 4 threads uploaded
for (uint i = 0u; i < 4u; ++i) {
minVal = min(g_minMaxValues[minMaxIdxBase + i].x, minVal);
maxVal = max(g_minMaxValues[minMaxIdxBase + i].y, maxVal);
// determine bias and emit color indices
// given the choice of maxVal/minVal, these indices are optimal:
// http://fgiesen.wordpress.com/2009/12/15/dxt5-alpha-block-index-determination/
float dist = maxVal - minVal;
float dist4 = dist * 4.0f;
float dist2 = dist * 2.0f;
float bias = (dist < 8) ? (dist - 1) : (trunc(dist * 0.5f) + 2);
bias -= minVal * 7;
uint mask0 = 0u, mask1 = 0u;
for (uint i = 0u; i < 4u; ++i) {
float a = srcPixel[i] * 7.0f + bias;
int ind = 0;
// select index. this is a "linear scale" lerp factor between 0 (val=min) and 7 (val=max).
if (a >= dist4) {
ind = 4;
a -= dist4;
if (a >= dist2) {
ind += 2;
a -= dist2;
if (a >= dist)
ind += 1;
// turn linear scale into DXT index (0/1 are extremal pts)
ind = -ind & 7;
ind ^= (2 > ind) ? 1 : 0;
// write index
const uint bits = 16u + ((blockThreadId << 2u) + i) * 3u;
if (bits < 32u) {
mask0 |= uint(ind) << bits;
if (bits + 3u > 32u) {
mask1 |= uint(ind) >> (32u - bits);
} else {
mask1 |= uint(ind) << (bits - 32u);
if (mask0 != 0u)
atomicOr(g_mask[maskIdxBase].x, mask0);
if (mask1 != 0u)
atomicOr(g_mask[maskIdxBase].y, mask1);
if (blockThreadId == 0u) {
// Save data
uint2 outputBytes;
#ifdef SNORM
outputBytes.x =
packSnorm4x8(float4(maxVal * (1.0f / 255.0f) * 2.0f - 1.0f,
minVal * (1.0f / 255.0f) * 2.0f - 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
outputBytes.x = packUnorm4x8(
float4(maxVal * (1.0f / 255.0f), minVal * (1.0f / 255.0f), 0.0f, 0.0f));
outputBytes.x |= g_mask[maskIdxBase].x;
outputBytes.y = g_mask[maskIdxBase].y;
uint2 dstUV = gl_GlobalInvocationID.yz;
imageStore(dstTexture, int2(dstUV), uint4(outputBytes.xy, 0u, 0u));