Rémi Verschelde 1075931c64
Remove unexposed ProxyTexture, mark AnimatedTexture as deprecated
According to reduz:

> [AnimatedTexture] should be removed together with ProxyTexture, its just
> not efficient at all in Vulkan and causes invalidation of all descriptor
> sets depending on it
> it was needed mostly for animated tilemaps, but nowadays there is not a lot
> of reason for it

Marking AnimatedTexture as deprecated accordingly, until we reach consensus
for removing it completely.
2023-02-17 12:32:26 +01:00

72 lines
4.6 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<class name="AnimatedTexture" inherits="Texture2D" is_deprecated="true" version="4.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../class.xsd">
Proxy texture for simple frame-based animations.
[AnimatedTexture] is a resource format for frame-based animations, where multiple textures can be chained automatically with a predefined delay for each frame. Unlike [AnimationPlayer] or [AnimatedSprite2D], it isn't a [Node], but has the advantage of being usable anywhere a [Texture2D] resource can be used, e.g. in a [TileSet].
The playback of the animation is controlled by the [member speed_scale] property, as well as each frame's duration (see [method set_frame_duration]). The animation loops, i.e. it will restart at frame 0 automatically after playing the last frame.
[AnimatedTexture] currently requires all frame textures to have the same size, otherwise the bigger ones will be cropped to match the smallest one.
[b]Note:[/b] AnimatedTexture doesn't support using [AtlasTexture]s. Each frame needs to be a separate [Texture2D].
[b]Warning:[/b] AnimatedTexture is deprecated, and might be removed in a future release. Its current implementation is not efficient for the modern renderers.
<method name="get_frame_duration" qualifiers="const">
<return type="float" />
<param index="0" name="frame" type="int" />
Returns the given [param frame]'s duration, in seconds.
<method name="get_frame_texture" qualifiers="const">
<return type="Texture2D" />
<param index="0" name="frame" type="int" />
Returns the given frame's [Texture2D].
<method name="set_frame_duration">
<return type="void" />
<param index="0" name="frame" type="int" />
<param index="1" name="duration" type="float" />
Sets the duration of any given [param frame]. The final duration is affected by the [member speed_scale]. If set to [code]0[/code], the frame is skipped during playback.
<method name="set_frame_texture">
<return type="void" />
<param index="0" name="frame" type="int" />
<param index="1" name="texture" type="Texture2D" />
Assigns a [Texture2D] to the given frame. Frame IDs start at 0, so the first frame has ID 0, and the last frame of the animation has ID [member frames] - 1.
You can define any number of textures up to [constant MAX_FRAMES], but keep in mind that only frames from 0 to [member frames] - 1 will be part of the animation.
<member name="current_frame" type="int" setter="set_current_frame" getter="get_current_frame">
Sets the currently visible frame of the texture. Setting this frame while playing resets the current frame time, so the newly selected frame plays for its whole configured frame duration.
<member name="frames" type="int" setter="set_frames" getter="get_frames" default="1">
Number of frames to use in the animation. While you can create the frames independently with [method set_frame_texture], you need to set this value for the animation to take new frames into account. The maximum number of frames is [constant MAX_FRAMES].
<member name="one_shot" type="bool" setter="set_one_shot" getter="get_one_shot" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], the animation will only play once and will not loop back to the first frame after reaching the end. Note that reaching the end will not set [member pause] to [code]true[/code].
<member name="pause" type="bool" setter="set_pause" getter="get_pause" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], the animation will pause where it currently is (i.e. at [member current_frame]). The animation will continue from where it was paused when changing this property to [code]false[/code].
<member name="resource_local_to_scene" type="bool" setter="set_local_to_scene" getter="is_local_to_scene" overrides="Resource" default="false" />
<member name="speed_scale" type="float" setter="set_speed_scale" getter="get_speed_scale" default="1.0">
The animation speed is multiplied by this value. If set to a negative value, the animation is played in reverse.
<constant name="MAX_FRAMES" value="256">
The maximum number of frames supported by [AnimatedTexture]. If you need more frames in your animation, use [AnimationPlayer] or [AnimatedSprite2D].