2024-06-18 11:06:31 -04:00

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<class name="AudioStreamPlayer3D" inherits="Node3D" keywords="sound, sfx" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../class.xsd">
Plays positional sound in 3D space.
Plays audio with positional sound effects, based on the relative position of the audio listener. Positional effects include distance attenuation, directionality, and the Doppler effect. For greater realism, a low-pass filter is applied to distant sounds. This can be disabled by setting [member attenuation_filter_cutoff_hz] to [code]20500[/code].
By default, audio is heard from the camera position. This can be changed by adding an [AudioListener3D] node to the scene and enabling it by calling [method AudioListener3D.make_current] on it.
See also [AudioStreamPlayer] to play a sound non-positionally.
[b]Note:[/b] Hiding an [AudioStreamPlayer3D] node does not disable its audio output. To temporarily disable an [AudioStreamPlayer3D]'s audio output, set [member volume_db] to a very low value like [code]-100[/code] (which isn't audible to human hearing).
<link title="Audio streams">$DOCS_URL/tutorials/audio/audio_streams.html</link>
<method name="get_playback_position">
<return type="float" />
Returns the position in the [AudioStream].
<method name="get_stream_playback">
<return type="AudioStreamPlayback" />
Returns the [AudioStreamPlayback] object associated with this [AudioStreamPlayer3D].
<method name="has_stream_playback">
<return type="bool" />
Returns whether the [AudioStreamPlayer] can return the [AudioStreamPlayback] object or not.
<method name="play">
<return type="void" />
<param index="0" name="from_position" type="float" default="0.0" />
Queues the audio to play on the next physics frame, from the given position [param from_position], in seconds.
<method name="seek">
<return type="void" />
<param index="0" name="to_position" type="float" />
Sets the position from which audio will be played, in seconds.
<method name="stop">
<return type="void" />
Stops the audio.
<member name="area_mask" type="int" setter="set_area_mask" getter="get_area_mask" default="1">
Determines which [Area3D] layers affect the sound for reverb and audio bus effects. Areas can be used to redirect [AudioStream]s so that they play in a certain audio bus. An example of how you might use this is making a "water" area so that sounds played in the water are redirected through an audio bus to make them sound like they are being played underwater.
<member name="attenuation_filter_cutoff_hz" type="float" setter="set_attenuation_filter_cutoff_hz" getter="get_attenuation_filter_cutoff_hz" default="5000.0">
The cutoff frequency of the attenuation low-pass filter, in Hz. A sound above this frequency is attenuated more than a sound below this frequency. To disable this effect, set this to [code]20500[/code] as this frequency is above the human hearing limit.
<member name="attenuation_filter_db" type="float" setter="set_attenuation_filter_db" getter="get_attenuation_filter_db" default="-24.0">
Amount how much the filter affects the loudness, in decibels.
<member name="attenuation_model" type="int" setter="set_attenuation_model" getter="get_attenuation_model" enum="AudioStreamPlayer3D.AttenuationModel" default="0">
Decides if audio should get quieter with distance linearly, quadratically, logarithmically, or not be affected by distance, effectively disabling attenuation.
<member name="autoplay" type="bool" setter="set_autoplay" getter="is_autoplay_enabled" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], audio plays when the AudioStreamPlayer3D node is added to scene tree.
<member name="bus" type="StringName" setter="set_bus" getter="get_bus" default="&amp;&quot;Master&quot;">
The bus on which this audio is playing.
[b]Note:[/b] When setting this property, keep in mind that no validation is performed to see if the given name matches an existing bus. This is because audio bus layouts might be loaded after this property is set. If this given name can't be resolved at runtime, it will fall back to [code]"Master"[/code].
<member name="doppler_tracking" type="int" setter="set_doppler_tracking" getter="get_doppler_tracking" enum="AudioStreamPlayer3D.DopplerTracking" default="0">
Decides in which step the Doppler effect should be calculated.
<member name="emission_angle_degrees" type="float" setter="set_emission_angle" getter="get_emission_angle" default="45.0">
The angle in which the audio reaches a listener unattenuated.
<member name="emission_angle_enabled" type="bool" setter="set_emission_angle_enabled" getter="is_emission_angle_enabled" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], the audio should be attenuated according to the direction of the sound.
<member name="emission_angle_filter_attenuation_db" type="float" setter="set_emission_angle_filter_attenuation_db" getter="get_emission_angle_filter_attenuation_db" default="-12.0">
Attenuation factor used if listener is outside of [member emission_angle_degrees] and [member emission_angle_enabled] is set, in decibels.
<member name="max_db" type="float" setter="set_max_db" getter="get_max_db" default="3.0">
Sets the absolute maximum of the sound level, in decibels.
<member name="max_distance" type="float" setter="set_max_distance" getter="get_max_distance" default="0.0">
The distance past which the sound can no longer be heard at all. Only has an effect if set to a value greater than [code]0.0[/code]. [member max_distance] works in tandem with [member unit_size]. However, unlike [member unit_size] whose behavior depends on the [member attenuation_model], [member max_distance] always works in a linear fashion. This can be used to prevent the [AudioStreamPlayer3D] from requiring audio mixing when the listener is far away, which saves CPU resources.
<member name="max_polyphony" type="int" setter="set_max_polyphony" getter="get_max_polyphony" default="1">
The maximum number of sounds this node can play at the same time. Playing additional sounds after this value is reached will cut off the oldest sounds.
<member name="panning_strength" type="float" setter="set_panning_strength" getter="get_panning_strength" default="1.0">
Scales the panning strength for this node by multiplying the base [member ProjectSettings.audio/general/3d_panning_strength] with this factor. Higher values will pan audio from left to right more dramatically than lower values.
<member name="pitch_scale" type="float" setter="set_pitch_scale" getter="get_pitch_scale" default="1.0">
The pitch and the tempo of the audio, as a multiplier of the audio sample's sample rate.
<member name="playback_type" type="int" setter="set_playback_type" getter="get_playback_type" enum="AudioServer.PlaybackType" default="0" experimental="">
The playback type of the stream player. If set other than to the default value, it will force that playback type.
<member name="playing" type="bool" setter="_set_playing" getter="is_playing" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], audio is playing or is queued to be played (see [method play]).
<member name="stream" type="AudioStream" setter="set_stream" getter="get_stream">
The [AudioStream] resource to be played.
<member name="stream_paused" type="bool" setter="set_stream_paused" getter="get_stream_paused" default="false">
If [code]true[/code], the playback is paused. You can resume it by setting [member stream_paused] to [code]false[/code].
<member name="unit_size" type="float" setter="set_unit_size" getter="get_unit_size" default="10.0">
The factor for the attenuation effect. Higher values make the sound audible over a larger distance.
<member name="volume_db" type="float" setter="set_volume_db" getter="get_volume_db" default="0.0">
The base sound level before attenuation, in decibels.
<signal name="finished">
Emitted when the audio stops playing.
<constant name="ATTENUATION_INVERSE_DISTANCE" value="0" enum="AttenuationModel">
Attenuation of loudness according to linear distance.
<constant name="ATTENUATION_INVERSE_SQUARE_DISTANCE" value="1" enum="AttenuationModel">
Attenuation of loudness according to squared distance.
<constant name="ATTENUATION_LOGARITHMIC" value="2" enum="AttenuationModel">
Attenuation of loudness according to logarithmic distance.
<constant name="ATTENUATION_DISABLED" value="3" enum="AttenuationModel">
No attenuation of loudness according to distance. The sound will still be heard positionally, unlike an [AudioStreamPlayer]. [constant ATTENUATION_DISABLED] can be combined with a [member max_distance] value greater than [code]0.0[/code] to achieve linear attenuation clamped to a sphere of a defined size.
<constant name="DOPPLER_TRACKING_DISABLED" value="0" enum="DopplerTracking">
Disables doppler tracking.
<constant name="DOPPLER_TRACKING_IDLE_STEP" value="1" enum="DopplerTracking">
Executes doppler tracking during process frames (see [constant Node.NOTIFICATION_INTERNAL_PROCESS]).
<constant name="DOPPLER_TRACKING_PHYSICS_STEP" value="2" enum="DopplerTracking">
Executes doppler tracking during physics frames (see [constant Node.NOTIFICATION_INTERNAL_PHYSICS_PROCESS]).