Skeleton for characters and animated objects. Skeleton3D provides a hierarchical interface for managing bones, including pose, rest and animation (see [Animation]). It can also use ragdoll physics. The overall transform of a bone with respect to the skeleton is determined by the following hierarchical order: rest pose, custom pose and pose. Note that "global pose" below refers to the overall transform of the bone with respect to skeleton, so it not the actual global/world transform of the bone. Adds a bone, with name [param name]. [method get_bone_count] will become the bone index. Clear all the bones in this skeleton. Removes the global pose override on all bones in the skeleton. Removes the local pose override on all bones in the skeleton. Executes all the modifications on the [SkeletonModificationStack3D], if the Skeleton3D has one assigned. Returns the bone index that matches [param name] as its name. Force updates the bone transforms/poses for all bones in the skeleton. Force updates the bone transform for the bone at [param bone_idx] and all of its children. Returns an array containing the bone indexes of all the children node of the passed in bone, [param bone_idx]. Returns the number of bones in the skeleton. Returns the overall transform of the specified bone, with respect to the skeleton. Being relative to the skeleton frame, this is not the actual "global" transform of the bone. Returns the overall transform of the specified bone, with respect to the skeleton, but without any global pose overrides. Being relative to the skeleton frame, this is not the actual "global" transform of the bone. Returns the global pose override transform for [param bone_idx]. Returns the global rest transform for [param bone_idx]. Returns the local pose override transform for [param bone_idx]. Returns the name of the bone at index [param bone_idx]. Returns the bone index which is the parent of the bone at [param bone_idx]. If -1, then bone has no parent. [b]Note:[/b] The parent bone returned will always be less than [param bone_idx]. Returns the pose transform of the specified bone. Pose is applied on top of the custom pose, which is applied on top the rest pose. Returns the rest transform for a bone [param bone_idx]. Returns the modification stack attached to this skeleton, if one exists. Returns an array with all of the bones that are parentless. Another way to look at this is that it returns the indexes of all the bones that are not dependent or modified by other bones in the Skeleton. Takes the passed-in global pose and converts it to local pose transform. This can be used to easily convert a global pose from [method get_bone_global_pose] to a global transform in [method set_bone_local_pose_override]. Takes the passed-in global pose and converts it to a world transform. This can be used to easily convert a global pose from [method get_bone_global_pose] to a global transform usable with a node's transform, like [member Node3D.global_transform] for example. Rotates the given [Basis] so that the forward axis of the Basis is facing in the forward direction of the bone at [param bone_idx]. This is helper function to make using [method Transform3D.looking_at] easier with bone poses. Returns whether the bone pose for the bone at [param bone_idx] is enabled. Converts the passed-in local pose to a global pose relative to the inputted bone, [param bone_idx]. This could be used to convert [method get_bone_pose] for use with the [method set_bone_global_pose_override] function. Returns all bones in the skeleton to their rest poses. Adds a collision exception to the physical bone. Works just like the [RigidBody3D] node. Removes a collision exception to the physical bone. Works just like the [RigidBody3D] node. Tells the [PhysicalBone3D] nodes in the Skeleton to start simulating and reacting to the physics world. Optionally, a list of bone names can be passed-in, allowing only the passed-in bones to be simulated. Tells the [PhysicalBone3D] nodes in the Skeleton to stop simulating. Binds the given Skin to the Skeleton. Sets the bone pose to rest for [param bone_idx]. Sets all bone poses to rests. Disables the pose for the bone at [param bone_idx] if [code]false[/code], enables the bone pose if [code]true[/code]. Sets the global pose transform, [param pose], for the bone at [param bone_idx]. [param amount] is the interpolation strength that will be used when applying the pose, and [param persistent] determines if the applied pose will remain. [b]Note:[/b] The pose transform needs to be a global pose! Use [method world_transform_to_global_pose] to convert a world transform, like one you can get from a [Node3D], to a global pose. Sets the local pose transform, [param pose], for the bone at [param bone_idx]. [param amount] is the interpolation strength that will be used when applying the pose, and [param persistent] determines if the applied pose will remain. [b]Note:[/b] The pose transform needs to be a local pose! Use [method global_pose_to_local_pose] to convert a global pose to a local pose. Sets the bone index [param parent_idx] as the parent of the bone at [param bone_idx]. If -1, then bone has no parent. [b]Note:[/b] [param parent_idx] must be less than [param bone_idx]. Sets the rest transform for bone [param bone_idx]. Sets the modification stack for this skeleton to the passed-in modification stack, [param modification_stack]. Unparents the bone at [param bone_idx] and sets its rest position to that of its parent prior to being reset. Takes the passed-in global transform and converts it to a global pose. This can be used to easily convert a global transform from [member Node3D.global_transform] to a global pose usable with [method set_bone_global_pose_override], for example. Multiplies the position 3D track animation. [b]Note:[/b] Unless this value is [code]1.0[/code], the key value in animation will not match the actual position value. This signal is emitted when one of the bones in the Skeleton3D node have changed their pose. This is used to inform nodes that rely on bone positions that one of the bones in the Skeleton3D have changed their transform/pose.