A 3×4 matrix representing a 3D transformation. The [Transform3D] built-in [Variant] type is a 3×4 matrix representing a transformation in 3D space. It contains a [Basis], which on its own can represent rotation, scale, and shear. Additionally, combined with its own [member origin], the transform can also represent a translation. For a general introduction, see the [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/math/matrices_and_transforms.html]Matrices and transforms[/url] tutorial. [b]Note:[/b] Godot uses a [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-hand_rule]right-handed coordinate system[/url], which is a common standard. For directions, the convention for built-in types like [Camera3D] is for -Z to point forward (+X is right, +Y is up, and +Z is back). Other objects may use different direction conventions. For more information, see the [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/assets_pipeline/importing_3d_scenes/model_export_considerations.html#d-asset-direction-conventions]3D asset direction conventions[/url] tutorial. $DOCS_URL/tutorials/math/index.html $DOCS_URL/tutorials/math/matrices_and_transforms.html $DOCS_URL/tutorials/3d/using_transforms.html https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/2787 https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/2748 https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/2783 Constructs a [Transform3D] identical to the [constant IDENTITY]. Constructs a [Transform3D] as a copy of the given [Transform3D]. Constructs a [Transform3D] from a [Basis] and [Vector3]. Constructs a [Transform3D] from a [Projection]. Because [Transform3D] is a 3×4 matrix and [Projection] is a 4×4 matrix, this operation trims the last row of the projection matrix ([code]from.x.w[/code], [code]from.y.w[/code], [code]from.z.w[/code], and [code]from.w.w[/code] are not included in the new transform). Constructs a [Transform3D] from four [Vector3] values (also called matrix columns). The first three arguments are the [member basis]'s axes ([member Basis.x], [member Basis.y], and [member Basis.z]). Returns the inverted version of this transform. Unlike [method inverse], this method works with almost any [member basis], including non-uniform ones, but is slower. See also [method Basis.inverse]. [b]Note:[/b] For this method to return correctly, the transform's [member basis] needs to have a determinant that is not exactly [code]0[/code] (see [method Basis.determinant]). Returns the result of the linear interpolation between this transform and [param xform] by the given [param weight]. The [param weight] should be between [code]0.0[/code] and [code]1.0[/code] (inclusive). Values outside this range are allowed and can be used to perform [i]extrapolation[/i] instead. Returns the inverted version of this transform. See also [method Basis.inverse]. [b]Note:[/b] For this method to return correctly, the transform's [member basis] needs to be [i]orthonormal[/i] (see [method Basis.orthonormalized]). That means, the basis should only represent a rotation. If it does not, use [method affine_inverse] instead. Returns [code]true[/code] if this transform and [param xform] are approximately equal, by running [method @GlobalScope.is_equal_approx] on each component. Returns [code]true[/code] if this transform is finite, by calling [method @GlobalScope.is_finite] on each component. Returns a copy of this transform rotated so that the forward axis (-Z) points towards the [param target] position. The up axis (+Y) points as close to the [param up] vector as possible while staying perpendicular to the forward axis. The resulting transform is orthonormalized. The existing rotation, scale, and skew information from the original transform is discarded. The [param target] and [param up] vectors cannot be zero, cannot be parallel to each other, and are defined in global/parent space. If [param use_model_front] is [code]true[/code], the +Z axis (asset front) is treated as forward (implies +X is left) and points toward the [param target] position. By default, the -Z axis (camera forward) is treated as forward (implies +X is right). Returns a copy of this transform with its [member basis] orthonormalized. An orthonormal basis is both [i]orthogonal[/i] (the axes are perpendicular to each other) and [i]normalized[/i] (the axes have a length of [code]1[/code]), which also means it can only represent rotation. See also [method Basis.orthonormalized]. Returns a copy of this transform rotated around the given [param axis] by the given [param angle] (in radians). The [param axis] must be a normalized vector. This method is an optimized version of multiplying the given transform [code]X[/code] with a corresponding rotation transform [code]R[/code] from the left, i.e., [code]R * X[/code]. This can be seen as transforming with respect to the global/parent frame. Returns a copy of this transform rotated around the given [param axis] by the given [param angle] (in radians). The [param axis] must be a normalized vector. This method is an optimized version of multiplying the given transform [code]X[/code] with a corresponding rotation transform [code]R[/code] from the right, i.e., [code]X * R[/code]. This can be seen as transforming with respect to the local frame. Returns a copy of this transform scaled by the given [param scale] factor. This method is an optimized version of multiplying the given transform [code]X[/code] with a corresponding scaling transform [code]S[/code] from the left, i.e., [code]S * X[/code]. This can be seen as transforming with respect to the global/parent frame. Returns a copy of this transform scaled by the given [param scale] factor. This method is an optimized version of multiplying the given transform [code]X[/code] with a corresponding scaling transform [code]S[/code] from the right, i.e., [code]X * S[/code]. This can be seen as transforming with respect to the local frame. Returns a copy of this transform translated by the given [param offset]. This method is an optimized version of multiplying the given transform [code]X[/code] with a corresponding translation transform [code]T[/code] from the left, i.e., [code]T * X[/code]. This can be seen as transforming with respect to the global/parent frame. Returns a copy of this transform translated by the given [param offset]. This method is an optimized version of multiplying the given transform [code]X[/code] with a corresponding translation transform [code]T[/code] from the right, i.e., [code]X * T[/code]. This can be seen as transforming with respect to the local frame. The [Basis] of this transform. It is composed by 3 axes ([member Basis.x], [member Basis.y], and [member Basis.z]). Together, these represent the transform's rotation, scale, and shear. The translation offset of this transform. In 3D space, this can be seen as the position. A transform with no translation, no rotation, and its scale being [code]1[/code]. Its [member basis] is equal to [constant Basis.IDENTITY]. When multiplied by another [Variant] such as [AABB] or another [Transform3D], no transformation occurs. [Transform3D] with mirroring applied perpendicular to the YZ plane. Its [member basis] is equal to [constant Basis.FLIP_X]. [Transform3D] with mirroring applied perpendicular to the XZ plane. Its [member basis] is equal to [constant Basis.FLIP_Y]. [Transform3D] with mirroring applied perpendicular to the XY plane. Its [member basis] is equal to [constant Basis.FLIP_Z]. Returns [code]true[/code] if the components of both transforms are not equal. [b]Note:[/b] Due to floating-point precision errors, consider using [method is_equal_approx] instead, which is more reliable. Transforms (multiplies) the [AABB] by this transformation matrix. Transforms (multiplies) every [Vector3] element of the given [PackedVector3Array] by this transformation matrix. On larger arrays, this operation is much faster than transforming each [Vector3] individually. Transforms (multiplies) the [Plane] by this transformation matrix. Transforms (multiplies) this transform by the [param right] transform. This is the operation performed between parent and child [Node3D]s. [b]Note:[/b] If you need to only modify one attribute of this transform, consider using one of the following methods, instead: - For translation, see [method translated] or [method translated_local]. - For rotation, see [method rotated] or [method rotated_local]. - For scale, see [method scaled] or [method scaled_local]. Transforms (multiplies) the [Vector3] by this transformation matrix. Multiplies all components of the [Transform3D] by the given [float], including the [member origin]. This affects the transform's scale uniformly, scaling the [member basis]. Multiplies all components of the [Transform3D] by the given [int], including the [member origin]. This affects the transform's scale uniformly, scaling the [member basis]. Divides all components of the [Transform3D] by the given [float], including the [member origin]. This affects the transform's scale uniformly, scaling the [member basis]. Divides all components of the [Transform3D] by the given [int], including the [member origin]. This affects the transform's scale uniformly, scaling the [member basis]. Returns [code]true[/code] if the components of both transforms are exactly equal. [b]Note:[/b] Due to floating-point precision errors, consider using [method is_equal_approx] instead, which is more reliable.