/**************************************************************************/ /* text_edit.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "text_edit.h" #include "text_edit.compat.inc" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/input/input.h" #include "core/input/input_map.h" #include "core/object/script_language.h" #include "core/os/keyboard.h" #include "core/os/os.h" #include "core/string/string_builder.h" #include "core/string/translation_server.h" #include "scene/gui/label.h" #include "scene/main/window.h" #include "scene/theme/theme_db.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TEXT /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TextEdit::Text::set_font(const Ref &p_font) { if (font == p_font) { return; } font = p_font; is_dirty = true; } void TextEdit::Text::set_font_size(int p_font_size) { if (font_size == p_font_size) { return; } font_size = p_font_size; is_dirty = true; } void TextEdit::Text::set_tab_size(int p_tab_size) { if (tab_size == p_tab_size) { return; } tab_size = p_tab_size; tab_size_dirty = true; } int TextEdit::Text::get_tab_size() const { return tab_size; } void TextEdit::Text::set_indent_wrapped_lines(bool p_enabled) { if (indent_wrapped_lines == p_enabled) { return; } indent_wrapped_lines = p_enabled; tab_size_dirty = true; } bool TextEdit::Text::is_indent_wrapped_lines() const { return indent_wrapped_lines; } void TextEdit::Text::set_direction_and_language(TextServer::Direction p_direction, const String &p_language) { if (direction == p_direction && language == p_language) { return; } direction = p_direction; language = p_language; is_dirty = true; } void TextEdit::Text::set_draw_control_chars(bool p_enabled) { if (draw_control_chars == p_enabled) { return; } draw_control_chars = p_enabled; is_dirty = true; } int TextEdit::Text::get_line_width(int p_line, int p_wrap_index) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), 0); if (p_wrap_index != -1) { return text[p_line].data_buf->get_line_width(p_wrap_index); } return text[p_line].data_buf->get_size().x; } int TextEdit::Text::get_max_width() const { if (max_line_width_dirty) { int new_max_line_width = 0; for (const Line &l : text) { if (l.hidden) { continue; } new_max_line_width = MAX(new_max_line_width, l.width); } max_line_width = new_max_line_width; } return max_line_width; } int TextEdit::Text::get_line_height() const { if (max_line_height_dirty) { int new_max_line_height = 0; for (const Line &l : text) { if (l.hidden) { continue; } new_max_line_height = MAX(new_max_line_height, l.height); } max_line_height = new_max_line_height; } return max_line_height; } void TextEdit::Text::set_width(float p_width) { width = p_width; } float TextEdit::Text::get_width() const { return width; } void TextEdit::Text::set_brk_flags(BitField p_flags) { brk_flags = p_flags; } BitField TextEdit::Text::get_brk_flags() const { return brk_flags; } int TextEdit::Text::get_line_wrap_amount(int p_line) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), 0); return text[p_line].line_count - 1; } Vector TextEdit::Text::get_line_wrap_ranges(int p_line) const { Vector ret; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), ret); Ref data_buf = text[p_line].data_buf; int line_count = data_buf->get_line_count(); for (int i = 0; i < line_count; i++) { ret.push_back(data_buf->get_line_range(i)); } return ret; } const Ref TextEdit::Text::get_line_data(int p_line) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), Ref()); return text[p_line].data_buf; } _FORCE_INLINE_ String TextEdit::Text::operator[](int p_line) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), ""); return text[p_line].data; } void TextEdit::Text::invalidate_cache(int p_line, int p_column, bool p_text_changed, const String &p_ime_text, const Array &p_bidi_override) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size()); if (font.is_null()) { return; // Not in tree? } Line &text_line = text.write[p_line]; if (p_text_changed) { text_line.data_buf->clear(); } BitField flags = brk_flags; if (indent_wrapped_lines) { flags.set_flag(TextServer::BREAK_TRIM_INDENT); } text_line.data_buf->set_width(width); text_line.data_buf->set_direction((TextServer::Direction)direction); text_line.data_buf->set_break_flags(flags); text_line.data_buf->set_preserve_control(draw_control_chars); text_line.data_buf->set_custom_punctuation(get_enabled_word_separators()); if (p_ime_text.length() > 0) { if (p_text_changed) { text_line.data_buf->add_string(p_ime_text, font, font_size, language); } if (!p_bidi_override.is_empty()) { TS->shaped_text_set_bidi_override(text_line.data_buf->get_rid(), p_bidi_override); } } else { if (p_text_changed) { text_line.data_buf->add_string(text_line.data, font, font_size, language); } if (!text_line.bidi_override.is_empty()) { TS->shaped_text_set_bidi_override(text_line.data_buf->get_rid(), text_line.bidi_override); } } if (!p_text_changed) { RID r = text_line.data_buf->get_rid(); int spans = TS->shaped_get_span_count(r); for (int i = 0; i < spans; i++) { TS->shaped_set_span_update_font(r, i, font->get_rids(), font_size, font->get_opentype_features()); } } // Apply tab align. if (tab_size > 0) { Vector tabs; tabs.push_back(font->get_char_size(' ', font_size).width * tab_size); text_line.data_buf->tab_align(tabs); } // Update wrap amount. const int old_line_count = text_line.line_count; text_line.line_count = text_line.data_buf->get_line_count(); if (!text_line.hidden && text_line.line_count != old_line_count) { total_visible_line_count += text_line.line_count - old_line_count; } // Update height. const int old_height = text_line.height; text_line.height = font_height; for (int i = 0; i < text_line.line_count; i++) { text_line.height = MAX(text_line.height, text_line.data_buf->get_line_size(i).y); } // If this line has shrunk, this may no longer be the tallest line. if (!text_line.hidden) { if (old_height == max_line_height && text_line.height < old_height) { max_line_height_dirty = true; } else { max_line_height = MAX(text_line.height, max_line_height); } } // Update width. const int old_width = text_line.width; text_line.width = get_line_width(p_line); if (!text_line.hidden) { // If this line has shrunk, this may no longer be the longest line. if (old_width == max_line_width && text_line.width < old_width) { max_line_width_dirty = true; } else { max_line_width = MAX(text_line.width, max_line_width); } } } void TextEdit::Text::invalidate_all_lines() { for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) { if (tab_size_dirty) { if (tab_size > 0) { Vector tabs; tabs.push_back(font->get_char_size(' ', font_size).width * tab_size); text[i].data_buf->tab_align(tabs); } } invalidate_cache(i, -1, false); } tab_size_dirty = false; } void TextEdit::Text::invalidate_font() { if (!is_dirty) { return; } max_line_width_dirty = true; max_line_height_dirty = true; if (font.is_valid() && font_size > 0) { font_height = font->get_height(font_size); } for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) { invalidate_cache(i, -1, false); } is_dirty = false; } void TextEdit::Text::invalidate_all() { if (!is_dirty) { return; } max_line_width_dirty = true; max_line_height_dirty = true; if (font.is_valid() && font_size > 0) { font_height = font->get_height(font_size); } for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) { invalidate_cache(i, -1, true); } is_dirty = false; } void TextEdit::Text::clear() { text.clear(); max_line_width_dirty = true; max_line_height_dirty = true; Line line; line.gutters.resize(gutter_count); line.data = ""; text.insert(0, line); invalidate_cache(0, -1, true); } int TextEdit::Text::get_total_visible_line_count() const { return total_visible_line_count; } void TextEdit::Text::set(int p_line, const String &p_text, const Array &p_bidi_override) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size()); text.write[p_line].data = p_text; text.write[p_line].bidi_override = p_bidi_override; invalidate_cache(p_line, -1, true); } void TextEdit::Text::set_hidden(int p_line, bool p_hidden) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size()); Line &text_line = text.write[p_line]; if (text_line.hidden == p_hidden) { return; } text_line.hidden = p_hidden; if (p_hidden) { total_visible_line_count -= text_line.line_count; if (text_line.width == max_line_width) { max_line_width_dirty = true; } if (text_line.height == max_line_height) { max_line_height_dirty = true; } } else { total_visible_line_count += text_line.line_count; max_line_width = MAX(text_line.width, max_line_width); max_line_height = MAX(text_line.height, max_line_height); } } bool TextEdit::Text::is_hidden(int p_line) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), true); return text[p_line].hidden; } void TextEdit::Text::insert(int p_at, const Vector &p_text, const Vector &p_bidi_override) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_at, text.size() + 1); int new_line_count = p_text.size() - 1; if (new_line_count > 0) { text.resize(text.size() + new_line_count); for (int i = (text.size() - 1); i > p_at; i--) { if ((i - new_line_count) <= 0) { break; } text.write[i] = text[i - new_line_count]; } } for (int i = 0; i < p_text.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) { set(p_at + i, p_text[i], p_bidi_override[i]); continue; } Line line; line.gutters.resize(gutter_count); line.data = p_text[i]; line.bidi_override = p_bidi_override[i]; text.write[p_at + i] = line; invalidate_cache(p_at + i, -1, true); } } void TextEdit::Text::remove_range(int p_from_line, int p_to_line) { p_from_line = MAX(p_from_line, 0); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_from_line, text.size()); p_to_line = MIN(p_to_line, text.size()); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_to_line < p_from_line); if (p_from_line == p_to_line) { return; } for (int i = p_from_line; i < p_to_line; i++) { const Line &text_line = text[i]; if (text_line.height == max_line_height) { max_line_height_dirty = true; } if (text_line.width == max_line_width) { max_line_width_dirty = true; } total_visible_line_count -= text_line.line_count; } int diff = (p_to_line - p_from_line); for (int i = p_to_line; i < text.size() - 1; i++) { text.write[(i - diff) + 1] = text[i + 1]; } text.resize(text.size() - diff); } void TextEdit::Text::add_gutter(int p_at) { for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) { if (p_at < 0 || p_at > gutter_count) { text.write[i].gutters.push_back(Gutter()); } else { text.write[i].gutters.insert(p_at, Gutter()); } } gutter_count++; } void TextEdit::Text::remove_gutter(int p_gutter) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, text.size()); for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) { text.write[i].gutters.remove_at(p_gutter); } gutter_count--; } void TextEdit::Text::move_gutters(int p_from_line, int p_to_line) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_from_line, text.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_to_line, text.size()); text.write[p_to_line].gutters = text[p_from_line].gutters; text.write[p_from_line].gutters.clear(); text.write[p_from_line].gutters.resize(gutter_count); } void TextEdit::Text::set_use_default_word_separators(bool p_enabled) { if (use_default_word_separators == p_enabled) { return; } use_default_word_separators = p_enabled; invalidate_all_lines(); } void TextEdit::Text::set_use_custom_word_separators(bool p_enabled) { if (use_custom_word_separators == p_enabled) { return; } use_custom_word_separators = p_enabled; invalidate_all_lines(); } bool TextEdit::Text::is_default_word_separators_enabled() const { return use_default_word_separators; } bool TextEdit::Text::is_custom_word_separators_enabled() const { return use_custom_word_separators; } String TextEdit::Text::get_custom_word_separators() const { return custom_word_separators; } String TextEdit::Text::get_default_word_separators() const { String concat_separators = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~"; for (char32_t ch = 0x2000; ch <= 0x206F; ++ch) { // General punctuation block. concat_separators += ch; } for (char32_t ch = 0x3000; ch <= 0x303F; ++ch) { // CJK punctuation block. concat_separators += ch; } return concat_separators; } // Get default and/or custom word separators depending on the option enabled. String TextEdit::Text::get_enabled_word_separators() const { String all_separators; if (use_default_word_separators) { all_separators += get_default_word_separators(); } if (use_custom_word_separators) { all_separators += get_custom_word_separators(); } return all_separators; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TEXT EDIT /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TextEdit::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_POSTINITIALIZE: { _update_caches(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: { _update_caches(); if (caret_pos_dirty) { callable_mp(this, &TextEdit::_emit_caret_changed).call_deferred(); } if (text_changed_dirty) { callable_mp(this, &TextEdit::_emit_text_changed).call_deferred(); } _update_wrap_at_column(true); } break; case NOTIFICATION_RESIZED: { _update_scrollbars(); _update_wrap_at_column(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY_CHANGED: { if (is_visible()) { callable_mp(this, &TextEdit::_update_scrollbars).call_deferred(); callable_mp(this, &TextEdit::_update_wrap_at_column).call_deferred(false); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_CHANGED: case NOTIFICATION_TRANSLATION_CHANGED: case NOTIFICATION_THEME_CHANGED: { if (is_inside_tree()) { _update_caches(); _update_wrap_at_column(true); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_WM_WINDOW_FOCUS_IN: { window_has_focus = true; draw_caret = true; queue_redraw(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_WM_WINDOW_FOCUS_OUT: { window_has_focus = false; draw_caret = false; queue_redraw(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_INTERNAL_PHYSICS_PROCESS: { if (scrolling && get_v_scroll() != target_v_scroll) { double target_y = target_v_scroll - get_v_scroll(); double dist = abs(target_y); // To ensure minimap is responsive override the speed setting. double vel = ((target_y / dist) * ((minimap_clicked) ? 3000 : v_scroll_speed)) * get_physics_process_delta_time(); // Prevent small velocities from blocking scrolling. if (Math::abs(vel) < v_scroll->get_step()) { vel = v_scroll->get_step() * SIGN(vel); } if (Math::abs(vel) >= dist) { set_v_scroll(target_v_scroll); scrolling = false; minimap_clicked = false; set_physics_process_internal(false); } else { set_v_scroll(get_v_scroll() + vel); } } else { scrolling = false; minimap_clicked = false; set_physics_process_internal(false); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_DRAW: { if (first_draw) { // Size may not be the final one, so attempts to ensure caret was visible may have failed. adjust_viewport_to_caret(); first_draw = false; } /* Prevent the resource getting lost between the editor and game. */ if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { if (syntax_highlighter.is_valid() && syntax_highlighter->get_text_edit() != this) { syntax_highlighter->set_text_edit(this); } } Size2 size = get_size(); bool rtl = is_layout_rtl(); if ((!has_focus() && !(menu && menu->has_focus())) || !window_has_focus) { draw_caret = false; } _update_scrollbars(); RID ci = get_canvas_item(); int xmargin_beg = theme_cache.style_normal->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT) + gutters_width + gutter_padding; int xmargin_end = size.width - theme_cache.style_normal->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT); if (draw_minimap) { xmargin_end -= minimap_width; } // Let's do it easy for now. theme_cache.style_normal->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(), size)); if (!editable) { theme_cache.style_readonly->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(), size)); draw_caret = is_drawing_caret_when_editable_disabled(); } if (has_focus()) { theme_cache.style_focus->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(), size)); } int visible_rows = get_visible_line_count() + 1; if (theme_cache.background_color.a > 0.01) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(Point2i(), get_size()), theme_cache.background_color); } Vector brace_matching; if (highlight_matching_braces_enabled) { brace_matching.resize(get_caret_count()); for (int caret = 0; caret < get_caret_count(); caret++) { BraceMatchingData &brace_match = brace_matching.write[caret]; if (get_caret_line(caret) < 0 || get_caret_line(caret) >= text.size() || get_caret_column(caret) < 0) { continue; } if (get_caret_column(caret) < text[get_caret_line(caret)].length()) { // Check for open. char32_t c = text[get_caret_line(caret)][get_caret_column(caret)]; char32_t closec = 0; if (c == '[') { closec = ']'; } else if (c == '{') { closec = '}'; } else if (c == '(') { closec = ')'; } if (closec != 0) { int stack = 1; for (int i = get_caret_line(caret); i < text.size(); i++) { int from = i == get_caret_line(caret) ? get_caret_column(caret) + 1 : 0; for (int j = from; j < text[i].length(); j++) { char32_t cc = text[i][j]; // Ignore any brackets inside a string. if (cc == '"' || cc == '\'') { char32_t quotation = cc; do { j++; if (!(j < text[i].length())) { break; } cc = text[i][j]; // Skip over escaped quotation marks inside strings. if (cc == '\\') { bool escaped = true; while (j + 1 < text[i].length() && text[i][j + 1] == '\\') { escaped = !escaped; j++; } if (escaped) { j++; continue; } } } while (cc != quotation); } else if (cc == c) { stack++; } else if (cc == closec) { stack--; } if (stack == 0) { brace_match.open_match_line = i; brace_match.open_match_column = j; brace_match.open_matching = true; break; } } if (brace_match.open_match_line != -1) { break; } } if (!brace_match.open_matching) { brace_match.open_mismatch = true; } } } if (get_caret_column(caret) > 0) { char32_t c = text[get_caret_line(caret)][get_caret_column(caret) - 1]; char32_t closec = 0; if (c == ']') { closec = '['; } else if (c == '}') { closec = '{'; } else if (c == ')') { closec = '('; } if (closec != 0) { int stack = 1; for (int i = get_caret_line(caret); i >= 0; i--) { int from = i == get_caret_line(caret) ? get_caret_column(caret) - 2 : text[i].length() - 1; for (int j = from; j >= 0; j--) { char32_t cc = text[i][j]; // Ignore any brackets inside a string. if (cc == '"' || cc == '\'') { char32_t quotation = cc; do { j--; if (!(j >= 0)) { break; } cc = text[i][j]; // Skip over escaped quotation marks inside strings. if (cc == quotation) { bool escaped = false; while (j - 1 >= 0 && text[i][j - 1] == '\\') { escaped = !escaped; j--; } if (escaped) { cc = '\\'; continue; } } } while (cc != quotation); } else if (cc == c) { stack++; } else if (cc == closec) { stack--; } if (stack == 0) { brace_match.close_match_line = i; brace_match.close_match_column = j; brace_match.close_matching = true; break; } } if (brace_match.close_match_line != -1) { break; } } if (!brace_match.close_matching) { brace_match.close_mismatch = true; } } } } } bool draw_placeholder = _using_placeholder(); // Get the highlighted words. String highlighted_text = get_selected_text(0); // Check if highlighted words contain only whitespaces (tabs or spaces). bool only_whitespaces_highlighted = highlighted_text.strip_edges().is_empty(); Vector> highlighted_lines; highlighted_lines.resize(carets.size()); Vector carets_wrap_index; carets_wrap_index.resize(carets.size()); for (int i = 0; i < carets.size(); i++) { carets.write[i].visible = false; int wrap_index = get_caret_wrap_index(i); highlighted_lines.write[i] = Pair(get_caret_line(i), wrap_index); carets_wrap_index.write[i] = wrap_index; } int first_vis_line = get_first_visible_line() - 1; int draw_amount = visible_rows + (smooth_scroll_enabled ? 1 : 0); draw_amount += draw_placeholder ? placeholder_wraped_rows.size() - 1 : get_line_wrap_count(first_vis_line + 1); // Draw minimap. if (draw_minimap) { int minimap_visible_lines = get_minimap_visible_lines(); int minimap_line_height = (minimap_char_size.y + minimap_line_spacing); int tab_size = text.get_tab_size(); // Calculate viewport size and y offset. int viewport_height = (draw_amount - 1) * minimap_line_height; int control_height = _get_control_height() - viewport_height; int viewport_offset_y = round(get_scroll_pos_for_line(first_vis_line + 1) * control_height) / ((v_scroll->get_max() <= minimap_visible_lines) ? (minimap_visible_lines - draw_amount) : (v_scroll->get_max() - draw_amount)); // Calculate the first line. int num_lines_before = round((viewport_offset_y) / minimap_line_height); int minimap_line = (v_scroll->get_max() <= minimap_visible_lines) ? -1 : first_vis_line; if (minimap_line >= 0) { minimap_line -= get_next_visible_line_index_offset_from(first_vis_line, 0, -num_lines_before).x; minimap_line -= (minimap_line > 0 && smooth_scroll_enabled ? 1 : 0); } int minimap_draw_amount = minimap_visible_lines + get_line_wrap_count(minimap_line + 1); // Draw the minimap. // Add visual feedback when dragging or hovering the visible area rectangle. Color viewport_color = theme_cache.caret_color; if (dragging_minimap) { viewport_color.a = 0.25; } else if (hovering_minimap) { viewport_color.a = 0.175; } else { viewport_color.a = 0.1; } if (rtl) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(size.width - (xmargin_end + 2) - minimap_width, viewport_offset_y, minimap_width, viewport_height), viewport_color); } else { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2((xmargin_end + 2), viewport_offset_y, minimap_width, viewport_height), viewport_color); } for (int i = 0; i < minimap_draw_amount; i++) { minimap_line++; if (minimap_line < 0 || minimap_line >= (int)text.size()) { break; } while (_is_line_hidden(minimap_line)) { minimap_line++; if (minimap_line < 0 || minimap_line >= (int)text.size()) { break; } } if (minimap_line < 0 || minimap_line >= (int)text.size()) { break; } const Vector> color_map = _get_line_syntax_highlighting(minimap_line); Color line_background_color = text.get_line_background_color(minimap_line); if (line_background_color != theme_cache.background_color) { // Make non-default background colors more visible, such as error markers. line_background_color.a = 1.0; } else { line_background_color.a *= 0.6; } Color current_color = editable ? theme_cache.font_color : theme_cache.font_readonly_color; const Vector wrap_rows = get_line_wrapped_text(minimap_line); int line_wrap_amount = get_line_wrap_count(minimap_line); int last_wrap_column = 0; for (int line_wrap_index = 0; line_wrap_index < line_wrap_amount + 1; line_wrap_index++) { if (line_wrap_index != 0) { i++; if (i >= minimap_draw_amount) { break; } } const String &str = wrap_rows[line_wrap_index]; int indent_px = line_wrap_index != 0 ? get_indent_level(minimap_line) : 0; if (indent_px >= wrap_at_column) { indent_px = 0; } indent_px = minimap_char_size.x * indent_px; if (line_wrap_index > 0) { last_wrap_column += wrap_rows[line_wrap_index - 1].length(); } if (highlight_current_line && highlighted_lines.has(Pair(minimap_line, line_wrap_index))) { if (rtl) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(size.width - (xmargin_end + 2) - minimap_width, i * 3, minimap_width, 2), theme_cache.current_line_color); } else { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2((xmargin_end + 2), i * 3, minimap_width, 2), theme_cache.current_line_color); } } else if (line_background_color.a > 0) { if (rtl) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(size.width - (xmargin_end + 2) - minimap_width, i * 3, minimap_width, 2), line_background_color); } else { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2((xmargin_end + 2), i * 3, minimap_width, 2), line_background_color); } } Color next_color = current_color; int characters = 0; int tab_alignment = 0; int xpos = xmargin_end + 2 + indent_px; for (int j = 0; j < str.length(); j++) { bool next_is_whitespace = false; bool next_is_tab = false; // Get the number of characters to draw together. for (characters = 0; j + characters < str.length(); characters++) { int next_char_index = j + characters; for (const Pair &color_data : color_map) { if (last_wrap_column + next_char_index >= color_data.first) { next_color = color_data.second; if (!editable) { next_color.a = theme_cache.font_readonly_color.a; } next_color.a *= 0.6; } else { break; } } if (characters == 0) { current_color = next_color; } if (next_color != current_color) { break; } next_is_whitespace = is_whitespace(str[next_char_index]); if (next_is_whitespace) { if (str[next_char_index] == '\t') { next_is_tab = true; } break; } bool out_of_bounds = xpos + minimap_char_size.x * characters >= xmargin_end + minimap_width; if (out_of_bounds) { break; } } if (!next_is_whitespace && characters == 0) { break; } if (characters > 0) { if (rtl) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(Point2(size.width - xpos - minimap_char_size.x * characters, minimap_line_height * i), Point2(minimap_char_size.x * characters, minimap_char_size.y)), current_color); } else { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(Point2(xpos, minimap_line_height * i), Point2(minimap_char_size.x * characters, minimap_char_size.y)), current_color); } } j += characters - 1; xpos += minimap_char_size.x * characters; tab_alignment += characters; if (next_is_whitespace) { if (next_is_tab) { tab_alignment %= tab_size; xpos += minimap_char_size.x * (tab_size - tab_alignment); tab_alignment = 0; } else { xpos += minimap_char_size.x; tab_alignment += 1; } j += 1; } if (xpos >= xmargin_end + minimap_width) { // Out of bounds. break; } } } } } int top_limit_y = 0; int bottom_limit_y = get_size().height; if (!editable) { top_limit_y += theme_cache.style_readonly->get_margin(SIDE_TOP); bottom_limit_y -= theme_cache.style_readonly->get_margin(SIDE_BOTTOM); } else { top_limit_y += theme_cache.style_normal->get_margin(SIDE_TOP); bottom_limit_y -= theme_cache.style_normal->get_margin(SIDE_BOTTOM); } // Draw main text. line_drawing_cache.clear(); int row_height = draw_placeholder ? placeholder_line_height + theme_cache.line_spacing : get_line_height(); int line = first_vis_line; for (int i = 0; i < draw_amount; i++) { line++; if (line < 0 || line >= (int)text.size()) { continue; } while (_is_line_hidden(line)) { line++; if (line < 0 || line >= (int)text.size()) { break; } } if (line < 0 || line >= (int)text.size()) { continue; } LineDrawingCache cache_entry; const Vector> color_map = _get_line_syntax_highlighting(line); // Ensure we at least use the font color. Color current_color = !editable ? theme_cache.font_readonly_color : theme_cache.font_color; if (draw_placeholder) { current_color = theme_cache.font_placeholder_color; } const Ref ldata = draw_placeholder ? placeholder_data_buf : text.get_line_data(line); const Vector wrap_rows = draw_placeholder ? placeholder_wraped_rows : get_line_wrapped_text(line); int line_wrap_amount = draw_placeholder ? placeholder_wraped_rows.size() - 1 : get_line_wrap_count(line); for (int line_wrap_index = 0; line_wrap_index <= line_wrap_amount; line_wrap_index++) { if (line_wrap_index != 0) { i++; if (i >= draw_amount) { break; } } const String &str = wrap_rows[line_wrap_index]; int char_margin = xmargin_beg - first_visible_col; int ofs_x = 0; int ofs_y = 0; if (!editable) { ofs_x = theme_cache.style_readonly->get_offset().x / 2; ofs_x -= theme_cache.style_normal->get_offset().x / 2; ofs_y = theme_cache.style_readonly->get_offset().y / 2; } else { ofs_y = theme_cache.style_normal->get_offset().y / 2; } ofs_y += i * row_height + theme_cache.line_spacing / 2; ofs_y -= first_visible_line_wrap_ofs * row_height; ofs_y -= _get_v_scroll_offset() * row_height; bool clipped = false; if (ofs_y + row_height < top_limit_y) { // Line is outside the top margin, clip current line. // Still need to go through the process to prepare color changes for next lines. clipped = true; } if (ofs_y > bottom_limit_y) { // Line is outside the bottom margin, clip any remaining text. i = draw_amount; break; } if (text.get_line_background_color(line).a > 0.0) { if (rtl) { RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(size.width - ofs_x - xmargin_end, ofs_y, xmargin_end - xmargin_beg, row_height), text.get_line_background_color(line)); } else { RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(xmargin_beg + ofs_x, ofs_y, xmargin_end - xmargin_beg, row_height), text.get_line_background_color(line)); } } // Draw current line highlight. if (highlight_current_line && highlighted_lines.has(Pair(line, line_wrap_index))) { if (rtl) { RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(size.width - ofs_x - xmargin_end, ofs_y, xmargin_end, row_height), theme_cache.current_line_color); } else { RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(ofs_x, ofs_y, xmargin_end, row_height), theme_cache.current_line_color); } } if (line_wrap_index == 0) { // Only do these if we are on the first wrapped part of a line. cache_entry.y_offset = ofs_y; int gutter_offset = theme_cache.style_normal->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT); for (int g = 0; g < gutters.size(); g++) { const GutterInfo &gutter = gutters[g]; if (!gutter.draw || gutter.width <= 0) { continue; } switch (gutter.type) { case GUTTER_TYPE_STRING: { const String &txt = get_line_gutter_text(line, g); if (txt.is_empty()) { break; } Ref tl; tl.instantiate(); tl->add_string(txt, theme_cache.font, theme_cache.font_size); int yofs = ofs_y + (row_height - tl->get_size().y) / 2; if (theme_cache.outline_size > 0 && theme_cache.outline_color.a > 0) { tl->draw_outline(ci, Point2(gutter_offset + ofs_x, yofs), theme_cache.outline_size, theme_cache.outline_color); } tl->draw(ci, Point2(gutter_offset + ofs_x, yofs), get_line_gutter_item_color(line, g)); } break; case GUTTER_TYPE_ICON: { const Ref icon = get_line_gutter_icon(line, g); if (icon.is_null()) { break; } Rect2 gutter_rect = Rect2(Point2i(gutter_offset, ofs_y), Size2i(gutter.width, row_height)); int horizontal_padding = gutter_rect.size.x / 6; int vertical_padding = gutter_rect.size.y / 6; gutter_rect.position += Point2(horizontal_padding, vertical_padding); gutter_rect.size -= Point2(horizontal_padding, vertical_padding) * 2; // Correct icon aspect ratio. float icon_ratio = icon->get_width() / icon->get_height(); float gutter_ratio = gutter_rect.size.x / gutter_rect.size.y; if (gutter_ratio > icon_ratio) { gutter_rect.size.x = floor(icon->get_width() * (gutter_rect.size.y / icon->get_height())); } else { gutter_rect.size.y = floor(icon->get_height() * (gutter_rect.size.x / icon->get_width())); } if (rtl) { gutter_rect.position.x = size.width - gutter_rect.position.x - gutter_rect.size.x; } icon->draw_rect(ci, gutter_rect, false, get_line_gutter_item_color(line, g)); } break; case GUTTER_TYPE_CUSTOM: { if (gutter.custom_draw_callback.is_valid()) { Rect2i gutter_rect = Rect2i(Point2i(gutter_offset, ofs_y), Size2i(gutter.width, row_height)); if (rtl) { gutter_rect.position.x = size.width - gutter_rect.position.x - gutter_rect.size.x; } gutter.custom_draw_callback.call(line, g, Rect2(gutter_rect)); } } break; } gutter_offset += gutter.width; } } // Draw line. RID rid = ldata->get_line_rid(line_wrap_index); float text_height = TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid).y; float wrap_indent = (text.is_indent_wrapped_lines() && line_wrap_index > 0) ? get_indent_level(line) * theme_cache.font->get_char_size(' ', theme_cache.font_size).width : 0.0; if (rtl) { char_margin = size.width - char_margin - (TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid).x + wrap_indent); } else { char_margin += wrap_indent; } // Draw selections. float char_w = theme_cache.font->get_char_size(' ', theme_cache.font_size).width; for (int c = 0; c < get_caret_count(); c++) { if (!clipped && has_selection(c) && line >= get_selection_from_line(c) && line <= get_selection_to_line(c)) { int sel_from = (line > get_selection_from_line(c)) ? TS->shaped_text_get_range(rid).x : get_selection_from_column(c); int sel_to = (line < get_selection_to_line(c)) ? TS->shaped_text_get_range(rid).y : get_selection_to_column(c); Vector sel = TS->shaped_text_get_selection(rid, sel_from, sel_to); // Show selection at the end of line. if (line_wrap_index == line_wrap_amount && line < get_selection_to_line(c)) { if (rtl) { sel.push_back(Vector2(-char_w, 0)); } else { float line_end = TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid).width; sel.push_back(Vector2(line_end, line_end + char_w)); } } for (int j = 0; j < sel.size(); j++) { Rect2 rect = Rect2(sel[j].x + char_margin + ofs_x, ofs_y, Math::ceil(sel[j].y) - sel[j].x, row_height); if (rect.position.x + rect.size.x <= xmargin_beg || rect.position.x > xmargin_end) { continue; } if (rect.position.x < xmargin_beg) { rect.size.x -= (xmargin_beg - rect.position.x); rect.position.x = xmargin_beg; } if (rect.position.x + rect.size.x > xmargin_end) { rect.size.x = xmargin_end - rect.position.x; } RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, rect, theme_cache.selection_color); } } } int start = TS->shaped_text_get_range(rid).x; if (!clipped && !search_text.is_empty()) { // Search highlight int search_text_col = _get_column_pos_of_word(search_text, str, search_flags, 0); int search_text_len = search_text.length(); while (search_text_col != -1) { const Vector sel = TS->shaped_text_get_selection(rid, search_text_col + start, search_text_col + search_text_len + start); for (int j = 0; j < sel.size(); j++) { Rect2 rect = Rect2(sel[j].x + char_margin + ofs_x, ofs_y, sel[j].y - sel[j].x, row_height); if (rect.position.x + rect.size.x <= xmargin_beg || rect.position.x > xmargin_end) { continue; } if (rect.position.x < xmargin_beg) { rect.size.x -= (xmargin_beg - rect.position.x); rect.position.x = xmargin_beg; } else if (rect.position.x + rect.size.x > xmargin_end) { rect.size.x = xmargin_end - rect.position.x; } RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, rect, theme_cache.search_result_color); draw_rect(rect, theme_cache.search_result_border_color, false); } search_text_col = _get_column_pos_of_word(search_text, str, search_flags, search_text_col + search_text_len); } } if (!clipped && highlight_all_occurrences && !only_whitespaces_highlighted && !highlighted_text.is_empty()) { // Highlight int highlighted_text_col = _get_column_pos_of_word(highlighted_text, str, SEARCH_MATCH_CASE | SEARCH_WHOLE_WORDS, 0); int highlighted_text_len = highlighted_text.length(); while (highlighted_text_col != -1) { const Vector sel = TS->shaped_text_get_selection(rid, highlighted_text_col + start, highlighted_text_col + highlighted_text_len + start); for (int j = 0; j < sel.size(); j++) { Rect2 rect = Rect2(sel[j].x + char_margin + ofs_x, ofs_y, sel[j].y - sel[j].x, row_height); if (rect.position.x + rect.size.x <= xmargin_beg || rect.position.x > xmargin_end) { continue; } if (rect.position.x < xmargin_beg) { rect.size.x -= (xmargin_beg - rect.position.x); rect.position.x = xmargin_beg; } else if (rect.position.x + rect.size.x > xmargin_end) { rect.size.x = xmargin_end - rect.position.x; } RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, rect, theme_cache.word_highlighted_color); } highlighted_text_col = _get_column_pos_of_word(highlighted_text, str, SEARCH_MATCH_CASE | SEARCH_WHOLE_WORDS, highlighted_text_col + highlighted_text_len); } } if (!clipped && lookup_symbol_word.length() != 0) { // Highlight word if (is_ascii_alphabet_char(lookup_symbol_word[0]) || lookup_symbol_word[0] == '_' || lookup_symbol_word[0] == '.') { Color highlight_underline_color = !editable ? theme_cache.font_readonly_color : theme_cache.font_color; int lookup_symbol_word_col = _get_column_pos_of_word(lookup_symbol_word, str, SEARCH_MATCH_CASE | SEARCH_WHOLE_WORDS, 0); int lookup_symbol_word_len = lookup_symbol_word.length(); while (lookup_symbol_word_col != -1) { const Vector sel = TS->shaped_text_get_selection(rid, lookup_symbol_word_col + start, lookup_symbol_word_col + lookup_symbol_word_len + start); for (int j = 0; j < sel.size(); j++) { Rect2 rect = Rect2(sel[j].x + char_margin + ofs_x, ofs_y + (theme_cache.line_spacing / 2), sel[j].y - sel[j].x, row_height); if (rect.position.x + rect.size.x <= xmargin_beg || rect.position.x > xmargin_end) { continue; } if (rect.position.x < xmargin_beg) { rect.size.x -= (xmargin_beg - rect.position.x); rect.position.x = xmargin_beg; } else if (rect.position.x + rect.size.x > xmargin_end) { rect.size.x = xmargin_end - rect.position.x; } rect.position.y += ceil(TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(rid)) + ceil(theme_cache.font->get_underline_position(theme_cache.font_size)); rect.size.y = MAX(1, theme_cache.font->get_underline_thickness(theme_cache.font_size)); RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, rect, highlight_underline_color); } lookup_symbol_word_col = _get_column_pos_of_word(lookup_symbol_word, str, SEARCH_MATCH_CASE | SEARCH_WHOLE_WORDS, lookup_symbol_word_col + lookup_symbol_word_len); } } } ofs_y += (row_height - text_height) / 2; const Glyph *glyphs = TS->shaped_text_get_glyphs(rid); int gl_size = TS->shaped_text_get_glyph_count(rid); ofs_y += ldata->get_line_ascent(line_wrap_index); int first_visible_char = TS->shaped_text_get_range(rid).y; int last_visible_char = TS->shaped_text_get_range(rid).x; float char_ofs = 0; if (theme_cache.outline_size > 0 && theme_cache.outline_color.a > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < gl_size; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < glyphs[j].repeat; k++) { if ((char_ofs + char_margin) >= xmargin_beg && (char_ofs + glyphs[j].advance + char_margin) <= xmargin_end) { if (glyphs[j].font_rid != RID()) { TS->font_draw_glyph_outline(glyphs[j].font_rid, ci, glyphs[j].font_size, theme_cache.outline_size, Vector2(char_margin + char_ofs + ofs_x + glyphs[j].x_off, ofs_y + glyphs[j].y_off), glyphs[j].index, theme_cache.outline_color); } } char_ofs += glyphs[j].advance; } if ((char_ofs + char_margin) >= xmargin_end) { break; } } char_ofs = 0; } for (int j = 0; j < gl_size; j++) { for (const Pair &color_data : color_map) { if (color_data.first <= glyphs[j].start) { current_color = color_data.second; if (!editable && current_color.a > theme_cache.font_readonly_color.a) { current_color.a = theme_cache.font_readonly_color.a; } } else { break; } } Color gl_color = current_color; for (int c = 0; c < get_caret_count(); c++) { if (has_selection(c) && line >= get_selection_from_line(c) && line <= get_selection_to_line(c)) { // Selection int sel_from = (line > get_selection_from_line(c)) ? TS->shaped_text_get_range(rid).x : get_selection_from_column(c); int sel_to = (line < get_selection_to_line(c)) ? TS->shaped_text_get_range(rid).y : get_selection_to_column(c); if (glyphs[j].start >= sel_from && glyphs[j].end <= sel_to && use_selected_font_color) { gl_color = theme_cache.font_selected_color; } } } float char_pos = char_ofs + char_margin + ofs_x; if (char_pos >= xmargin_beg) { if (highlight_matching_braces_enabled) { for (int c = 0; c < get_caret_count(); c++) { const BraceMatchingData &brace_match = brace_matching[c]; if ((brace_match.open_match_line == line && brace_match.open_match_column == glyphs[j].start) || (get_caret_column(c) == glyphs[j].start && get_caret_line(c) == line && carets_wrap_index[c] == line_wrap_index && (brace_match.open_matching || brace_match.open_mismatch))) { if (brace_match.open_mismatch) { gl_color = _get_brace_mismatch_color(); } Rect2 rect = Rect2(char_pos, ofs_y + theme_cache.font->get_underline_position(theme_cache.font_size), glyphs[j].advance * glyphs[j].repeat, MAX(theme_cache.font->get_underline_thickness(theme_cache.font_size) * theme_cache.base_scale, 1)); RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, rect, gl_color); } if ((brace_match.close_match_line == line && brace_match.close_match_column == glyphs[j].start) || (get_caret_column(c) == glyphs[j].start + 1 && get_caret_line(c) == line && carets_wrap_index[c] == line_wrap_index && (brace_match.close_matching || brace_match.close_mismatch))) { if (brace_match.close_mismatch) { gl_color = _get_brace_mismatch_color(); } Rect2 rect = Rect2(char_pos, ofs_y + theme_cache.font->get_underline_position(theme_cache.font_size), glyphs[j].advance * glyphs[j].repeat, MAX(theme_cache.font->get_underline_thickness(theme_cache.font_size) * theme_cache.base_scale, 1)); RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, rect, gl_color); } } } if (draw_tabs && ((glyphs[j].flags & TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_TAB) == TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_TAB)) { int yofs = (text_height - theme_cache.tab_icon->get_height()) / 2 - ldata->get_line_ascent(line_wrap_index); theme_cache.tab_icon->draw(ci, Point2(char_pos, ofs_y + yofs), gl_color); } else if (draw_spaces && ((glyphs[j].flags & TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE) == TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE) && ((glyphs[j].flags & TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) != TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL)) { int yofs = (text_height - theme_cache.space_icon->get_height()) / 2 - ldata->get_line_ascent(line_wrap_index); int xofs = (glyphs[j].advance * glyphs[j].repeat - theme_cache.space_icon->get_width()) / 2; theme_cache.space_icon->draw(ci, Point2(char_pos + xofs, ofs_y + yofs), gl_color); } } bool had_glyphs_drawn = false; for (int k = 0; k < glyphs[j].repeat; k++) { if (!clipped && (char_ofs + char_margin) >= xmargin_beg && (char_ofs + glyphs[j].advance + char_margin) <= xmargin_end) { if (glyphs[j].font_rid != RID()) { TS->font_draw_glyph(glyphs[j].font_rid, ci, glyphs[j].font_size, Vector2(char_margin + char_ofs + ofs_x + glyphs[j].x_off, ofs_y + glyphs[j].y_off), glyphs[j].index, gl_color); had_glyphs_drawn = true; } else if (((glyphs[j].flags & TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) != TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) && ((glyphs[j].flags & TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_EMBEDDED_OBJECT) != TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_EMBEDDED_OBJECT)) { TS->draw_hex_code_box(ci, glyphs[j].font_size, Vector2(char_margin + char_ofs + ofs_x + glyphs[j].x_off, ofs_y + glyphs[j].y_off), glyphs[j].index, gl_color); had_glyphs_drawn = true; } } char_ofs += glyphs[j].advance; } if (had_glyphs_drawn) { if (first_visible_char > glyphs[j].start) { first_visible_char = glyphs[j].start; } if (last_visible_char < glyphs[j].end) { last_visible_char = glyphs[j].end; } } if ((char_ofs + char_margin) >= xmargin_end) { break; } } cache_entry.first_visible_chars.push_back(first_visible_char); cache_entry.last_visible_chars.push_back(last_visible_char); // is_line_folded if (line_wrap_index == line_wrap_amount && line < text.size() - 1 && _is_line_hidden(line + 1)) { int xofs = char_ofs + char_margin + ofs_x + (_get_folded_eol_icon()->get_width() / 2); if (xofs >= xmargin_beg && xofs < xmargin_end) { int yofs = (text_height - _get_folded_eol_icon()->get_height()) / 2 - ldata->get_line_ascent(line_wrap_index); Color eol_color = _get_code_folding_color(); eol_color.a = 1; _get_folded_eol_icon()->draw(ci, Point2(xofs, ofs_y + yofs), eol_color); } } // Carets. // Prevent carets from disappearing at theme scales below 1.0 (if the caret width is 1). const int caret_width = theme_cache.caret_width * MAX(1, theme_cache.base_scale); for (int c = 0; c < carets.size(); c++) { if (!clipped && get_caret_line(c) == line && carets_wrap_index[c] == line_wrap_index) { carets.write[c].draw_pos.y = ofs_y + ldata->get_line_descent(line_wrap_index); if (ime_text.is_empty() || ime_selection.y == 0) { // Normal caret. CaretInfo ts_caret; if (!str.is_empty() || !ime_text.is_empty()) { // Get carets. ts_caret = TS->shaped_text_get_carets(rid, ime_text.is_empty() ? get_caret_column(c) : get_caret_column(c) + ime_selection.x); } else { // No carets, add one at the start. int h = theme_cache.font->get_height(theme_cache.font_size); if (rtl) { ts_caret.l_dir = TextServer::DIRECTION_RTL; ts_caret.l_caret = Rect2(Vector2(xmargin_end - char_margin + ofs_x, -h / 2), Size2(caret_width * 4, h)); } else { ts_caret.l_dir = TextServer::DIRECTION_LTR; ts_caret.l_caret = Rect2(Vector2(char_ofs, -h / 2), Size2(caret_width * 4, h)); } } if ((ts_caret.l_caret != Rect2() && (ts_caret.l_dir == TextServer::DIRECTION_AUTO || ts_caret.l_dir == (TextServer::Direction)input_direction)) || (ts_caret.t_caret == Rect2())) { carets.write[c].draw_pos.x = char_margin + ofs_x + ts_caret.l_caret.position.x; } else { carets.write[c].draw_pos.x = char_margin + ofs_x + ts_caret.t_caret.position.x; } if (get_caret_draw_pos(c).x >= xmargin_beg && get_caret_draw_pos(c).x < xmargin_end) { carets.write[c].visible = true; if (draw_caret || drag_caret_force_displayed) { if (caret_type == CaretType::CARET_TYPE_BLOCK || overtype_mode) { //Block or underline caret, draw trailing carets at full height. int h = theme_cache.font->get_height(theme_cache.font_size); if (ts_caret.t_caret != Rect2()) { if (overtype_mode) { ts_caret.t_caret.position.y = TS->shaped_text_get_descent(rid); ts_caret.t_caret.size.y = caret_width; } else { ts_caret.t_caret.position.y = -TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(rid); ts_caret.t_caret.size.y = h; } ts_caret.t_caret.position += Vector2(char_margin + ofs_x, ofs_y); draw_rect(ts_caret.t_caret, theme_cache.caret_color, overtype_mode); if (ts_caret.l_caret != Rect2() && ts_caret.l_dir != ts_caret.t_dir) { // Draw split caret (leading part). ts_caret.l_caret.position += Vector2(char_margin + ofs_x, ofs_y); ts_caret.l_caret.size.x = caret_width; RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, ts_caret.l_caret, theme_cache.caret_color); // Draw extra direction marker on top of split caret. float d = (ts_caret.l_dir == TextServer::DIRECTION_LTR) ? 0.5 : -3; Rect2 trect = Rect2(ts_caret.l_caret.position.x + d * caret_width, ts_caret.l_caret.position.y + ts_caret.l_caret.size.y - caret_width, 3 * caret_width, caret_width); RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, trect, theme_cache.caret_color); } } else { // End of the line. if (gl_size > 0) { // Adjust for actual line dimensions. if (overtype_mode) { ts_caret.l_caret.position.y = TS->shaped_text_get_descent(rid); ts_caret.l_caret.size.y = caret_width; } else { ts_caret.l_caret.position.y = -TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(rid); ts_caret.l_caret.size.y = h; } } else if (overtype_mode) { ts_caret.l_caret.position.y += ts_caret.l_caret.size.y; ts_caret.l_caret.size.y = caret_width; } if (Math::ceil(ts_caret.l_caret.position.x) >= TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid).x) { ts_caret.l_caret.size.x = theme_cache.font->get_char_size('m', theme_cache.font_size).x; } else { ts_caret.l_caret.size.x = 3 * caret_width; } ts_caret.l_caret.position += Vector2(char_margin + ofs_x, ofs_y); if (ts_caret.l_dir == TextServer::DIRECTION_RTL) { ts_caret.l_caret.position.x -= ts_caret.l_caret.size.x; } draw_rect(ts_caret.l_caret, theme_cache.caret_color, overtype_mode); } } else { // Normal caret. if (ts_caret.l_caret != Rect2() && ts_caret.l_dir == TextServer::DIRECTION_AUTO) { // Draw extra marker on top of mid caret. Rect2 trect = Rect2(ts_caret.l_caret.position.x - 2.5 * caret_width, ts_caret.l_caret.position.y, 6 * caret_width, caret_width); trect.position += Vector2(char_margin + ofs_x, ofs_y); RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, trect, theme_cache.caret_color); } else if (ts_caret.l_caret != Rect2() && ts_caret.t_caret != Rect2() && ts_caret.l_dir != ts_caret.t_dir) { // Draw extra direction marker on top of split caret. float d = (ts_caret.l_dir == TextServer::DIRECTION_LTR) ? 0.5 : -3; Rect2 trect = Rect2(ts_caret.l_caret.position.x + d * caret_width, ts_caret.l_caret.position.y + ts_caret.l_caret.size.y - caret_width, 3 * caret_width, caret_width); trect.position += Vector2(char_margin + ofs_x, ofs_y); RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, trect, theme_cache.caret_color); d = (ts_caret.t_dir == TextServer::DIRECTION_LTR) ? 0.5 : -3; trect = Rect2(ts_caret.t_caret.position.x + d * caret_width, ts_caret.t_caret.position.y, 3 * caret_width, caret_width); trect.position += Vector2(char_margin + ofs_x, ofs_y); RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, trect, theme_cache.caret_color); } ts_caret.l_caret.position += Vector2(char_margin + ofs_x, ofs_y); ts_caret.l_caret.size.x = caret_width; RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, ts_caret.l_caret, theme_cache.caret_color); ts_caret.t_caret.position += Vector2(char_margin + ofs_x, ofs_y); ts_caret.t_caret.size.x = caret_width; RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, ts_caret.t_caret, theme_cache.caret_color); } } } } if (!ime_text.is_empty()) { { // IME Intermediate text range. const Vector sel = TS->shaped_text_get_selection(rid, get_caret_column(c), get_caret_column(c) + ime_text.length()); for (int j = 0; j < sel.size(); j++) { Rect2 rect = Rect2(sel[j].x + char_margin + ofs_x, ofs_y, sel[j].y - sel[j].x, text_height); if (rect.position.x + rect.size.x <= xmargin_beg || rect.position.x > xmargin_end) { continue; } if (rect.position.x < xmargin_beg) { rect.size.x -= (xmargin_beg - rect.position.x); rect.position.x = xmargin_beg; } else if (rect.position.x + rect.size.x > xmargin_end) { rect.size.x = xmargin_end - rect.position.x; } rect.size.y = caret_width; draw_rect(rect, theme_cache.caret_color); carets.write[c].draw_pos.x = rect.position.x; } } if (ime_selection.y > 0) { // IME caret. const Vector sel = TS->shaped_text_get_selection(rid, get_caret_column(c) + ime_selection.x, get_caret_column(c) + ime_selection.x + ime_selection.y); for (int j = 0; j < sel.size(); j++) { Rect2 rect = Rect2(sel[j].x + char_margin + ofs_x, ofs_y, sel[j].y - sel[j].x, text_height); if (rect.position.x + rect.size.x <= xmargin_beg || rect.position.x > xmargin_end) { continue; } if (rect.position.x < xmargin_beg) { rect.size.x -= (xmargin_beg - rect.position.x); rect.position.x = xmargin_beg; } else if (rect.position.x + rect.size.x > xmargin_end) { rect.size.x = xmargin_end - rect.position.x; } rect.size.y = caret_width * 3; draw_rect(rect, theme_cache.caret_color); carets.write[c].draw_pos.x = rect.position.x; } } } } } } if (!draw_placeholder) { line_drawing_cache[line] = cache_entry; } } if (has_focus()) { _update_ime_window_position(); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_FOCUS_ENTER: { if (caret_blink_enabled) { caret_blink_timer->start(); } else { draw_caret = true; } _show_virtual_keyboard(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_FOCUS_EXIT: { if (caret_blink_enabled) { caret_blink_timer->stop(); } apply_ime(); if (DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD) && virtual_keyboard_enabled) { DisplayServer::get_singleton()->virtual_keyboard_hide(); } if (deselect_on_focus_loss_enabled && !selection_drag_attempt) { deselect(); } } break; case MainLoop::NOTIFICATION_OS_IME_UPDATE: { if (has_focus()) { bool had_ime_text = has_ime_text(); ime_text = DisplayServer::get_singleton()->ime_get_text(); ime_selection = DisplayServer::get_singleton()->ime_get_selection(); if (!had_ime_text && has_ime_text()) { _cancel_drag_and_drop_text(); } if (has_ime_text() && has_selection()) { delete_selection(); } _update_ime_text(); adjust_viewport_to_caret(0); queue_redraw(); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_DRAG_BEGIN: { set_selection_mode(SelectionMode::SELECTION_MODE_NONE); drag_action = true; dragging_minimap = false; dragging_selection = false; can_drag_minimap = false; click_select_held->stop(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_DRAG_END: { remove_drag_caret(); if (selection_drag_attempt && is_drag_successful()) { // Dropped elsewhere. if (is_editable() && !Input::get_singleton()->is_key_pressed(Key::CMD_OR_CTRL)) { delete_selection(); } else if (deselect_on_focus_loss_enabled) { deselect(); } } selection_drag_attempt = false; drag_action = false; drag_caret_force_displayed = false; } break; case NOTIFICATION_MOUSE_EXIT_SELF: { if (drag_caret_force_displayed) { drag_caret_force_displayed = false; queue_redraw(); } } break; } } void TextEdit::unhandled_key_input(const Ref &p_event) { Ref k = p_event; if (k.is_valid()) { if (!k->is_pressed()) { return; } // Handle Unicode (with modifiers active, process after shortcuts). if (has_focus() && editable && (k->get_unicode() >= 32)) { handle_unicode_input(k->get_unicode()); accept_event(); } } } bool TextEdit::alt_input(const Ref &p_gui_input) { Ref k = p_gui_input; if (k.is_valid()) { // Start Unicode input (hold). if (k->is_alt_pressed() && k->get_keycode() == Key::KP_ADD && !alt_start && !alt_start_no_hold) { if (has_selection()) { delete_selection(); } alt_start = true; alt_code = 0; ime_text = "u"; ime_selection = Vector2i(0, -1); _update_ime_text(); return true; } // Start Unicode input (press). if (k->is_action("ui_unicode_start", true) && !alt_start && !alt_start_no_hold) { if (has_selection()) { delete_selection(); } alt_start_no_hold = true; alt_code = 0; ime_text = "u"; ime_selection = Vector2i(0, -1); _update_ime_text(); return true; } // Update Unicode input. if (k->is_pressed() && ((k->is_alt_pressed() && alt_start) || alt_start_no_hold)) { if (k->get_keycode() >= Key::KEY_0 && k->get_keycode() <= Key::KEY_9) { alt_code = alt_code << 4; alt_code += (uint32_t)(k->get_keycode() - Key::KEY_0); } else if (k->get_keycode() >= Key::KP_0 && k->get_keycode() <= Key::KP_9) { alt_code = alt_code << 4; alt_code += (uint32_t)(k->get_keycode() - Key::KP_0); } else if (k->get_keycode() >= Key::A && k->get_keycode() <= Key::F) { alt_code = alt_code << 4; alt_code += (uint32_t)(k->get_keycode() - Key::A) + 10; } else if ((Key)k->get_unicode() >= Key::KEY_0 && (Key)k->get_unicode() <= Key::KEY_9) { alt_code = alt_code << 4; alt_code += (uint32_t)((Key)k->get_unicode() - Key::KEY_0); } else if ((Key)k->get_unicode() >= Key::A && (Key)k->get_unicode() <= Key::F) { alt_code = alt_code << 4; alt_code += (uint32_t)((Key)k->get_unicode() - Key::A) + 10; } else if (k->get_physical_keycode() >= Key::KEY_0 && k->get_physical_keycode() <= Key::KEY_9) { alt_code = alt_code << 4; alt_code += (uint32_t)(k->get_physical_keycode() - Key::KEY_0); } if (k->get_keycode() == Key::BACKSPACE) { alt_code = alt_code >> 4; } if (alt_code > 0x10ffff) { alt_code = 0x10ffff; } if (alt_code > 0) { ime_text = vformat("u%s", String::num_int64(alt_code, 16, true)); } else { ime_text = "u"; } ime_selection = Vector2i(0, -1); _update_ime_text(); return true; } // Submit Unicode input. if ((!k->is_pressed() && alt_start && k->get_keycode() == Key::ALT) || (alt_start_no_hold && (k->is_action("ui_text_submit", true) || k->is_action("ui_accept", true)))) { alt_start = false; alt_start_no_hold = false; if ((alt_code > 0x31 && alt_code < 0xd800) || (alt_code > 0xdfff && alt_code <= 0x10ffff)) { ime_text = String(); ime_selection = Vector2i(); handle_unicode_input(alt_code); } else { ime_text = String(); ime_selection = Vector2i(); } _update_ime_text(); return true; } // Cancel Unicode input. if (alt_start_no_hold && k->is_action("ui_cancel", true)) { alt_start = false; alt_start_no_hold = false; ime_text = String(); ime_selection = Vector2i(); _update_ime_text(); return true; } } return false; } void TextEdit::gui_input(const Ref &p_gui_input) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_gui_input.is_null()); double prev_v_scroll = v_scroll->get_value(); double prev_h_scroll = h_scroll->get_value(); Ref mb = p_gui_input; if (mb.is_valid()) { Vector2i mpos = mb->get_position(); if (is_layout_rtl()) { mpos.x = get_size().x - mpos.x; } if (mb->is_pressed()) { if (mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::WHEEL_UP && !mb->is_command_or_control_pressed()) { if (mb->is_shift_pressed()) { h_scroll->set_value(h_scroll->get_value() - (100 * mb->get_factor())); } else if (mb->is_alt_pressed()) { // Scroll 5 times as fast as normal (like in Visual Studio Code). _scroll_up(15 * mb->get_factor(), true); } else if (v_scroll->is_visible()) { // Scroll 3 lines. _scroll_up(3 * mb->get_factor(), true); } } if (mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::WHEEL_DOWN && !mb->is_command_or_control_pressed()) { if (mb->is_shift_pressed()) { h_scroll->set_value(h_scroll->get_value() + (100 * mb->get_factor())); } else if (mb->is_alt_pressed()) { // Scroll 5 times as fast as normal (like in Visual Studio Code). _scroll_down(15 * mb->get_factor(), true); } else if (v_scroll->is_visible()) { // Scroll 3 lines. _scroll_down(3 * mb->get_factor(), true); } } if (mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::WHEEL_LEFT) { h_scroll->set_value(h_scroll->get_value() - (100 * mb->get_factor())); } if (mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::WHEEL_RIGHT) { h_scroll->set_value(h_scroll->get_value() + (100 * mb->get_factor())); } if (mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::LEFT) { _reset_caret_blink_timer(); apply_ime(); Point2i pos = get_line_column_at_pos(mpos); int line = pos.y; int col = pos.x; // Gutters. int left_margin = theme_cache.style_normal->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT); for (int i = 0; i < gutters.size(); i++) { if (!gutters[i].draw || gutters[i].width <= 0) { continue; } if (mpos.x >= left_margin && mpos.x <= left_margin + gutters[i].width) { emit_signal(SNAME("gutter_clicked"), line, i); return; } left_margin += gutters[i].width; } // Minimap. if (draw_minimap) { _update_minimap_click(); if (dragging_minimap) { return; } } // Update caret. int caret = carets.size() - 1; int prev_col = get_caret_column(caret); int prev_line = get_caret_line(caret); int mouse_over_selection_caret = get_selection_at_line_column(line, col, true); const int triple_click_timeout = 600; const int triple_click_tolerance = 5; bool is_triple_click = (!mb->is_double_click() && (OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec() - last_dblclk) < triple_click_timeout && mb->get_position().distance_to(last_dblclk_pos) < triple_click_tolerance); if (!mb->is_double_click() && !is_triple_click) { if (mb->is_alt_pressed()) { prev_line = line; prev_col = col; // Remove caret at clicked location. if (get_caret_count() > 1) { // Deselect if clicked on caret or its selection. int clicked_caret = get_selection_at_line_column(line, col, true, false); if (clicked_caret != -1) { remove_caret(clicked_caret); last_dblclk = 0; return; } } if (mouse_over_selection_caret >= 0) { // Did not remove selection under mouse, don't add a new caret. return; } // Create new caret at clicked location. caret = add_caret(line, col); if (caret == -1) { return; } last_dblclk = 0; } else if (!mb->is_shift_pressed()) { if (drag_and_drop_selection_enabled && mouse_over_selection_caret >= 0) { // Try to drag and drop. set_selection_mode(SelectionMode::SELECTION_MODE_NONE); selection_drag_attempt = true; drag_and_drop_origin_caret_index = mouse_over_selection_caret; last_dblclk = 0; // Don't update caret until we know if it is not drag and drop. return; } else { // A regular click clears all other carets. caret = 0; remove_secondary_carets(); deselect(); } } _push_current_op(); set_caret_line(line, false, true, -1, caret); set_caret_column(col, false, caret); selection_drag_attempt = false; bool caret_moved = get_caret_column(caret) != prev_col || get_caret_line(caret) != prev_line; if (selecting_enabled && mb->is_shift_pressed() && !has_selection(caret) && caret_moved) { // Select from the previous caret position. select(prev_line, prev_col, line, col, caret); } // Start regular select mode. set_selection_mode(SelectionMode::SELECTION_MODE_POINTER); _update_selection_mode_pointer(true); } else if (is_triple_click) { // Start triple-click select line mode. set_selection_mode(SelectionMode::SELECTION_MODE_LINE); _update_selection_mode_line(true); last_dblclk = 0; } else if (mb->is_double_click()) { // Start double-click select word mode. set_selection_mode(SelectionMode::SELECTION_MODE_WORD); _update_selection_mode_word(true); last_dblclk = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec(); last_dblclk_pos = mb->get_position(); } queue_redraw(); } if (is_middle_mouse_paste_enabled() && mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::MIDDLE && DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_CLIPBOARD_PRIMARY)) { apply_ime(); paste_primary_clipboard(); } if (mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::RIGHT && (context_menu_enabled || is_move_caret_on_right_click_enabled())) { _push_current_op(); _reset_caret_blink_timer(); apply_ime(); _cancel_drag_and_drop_text(); Point2i pos = get_line_column_at_pos(mpos); int mouse_line = pos.y; int mouse_column = pos.x; if (is_move_caret_on_right_click_enabled()) { bool selection_clicked = get_selection_at_line_column(mouse_line, mouse_column, true) >= 0; if (!selection_clicked) { deselect(); remove_secondary_carets(); set_caret_line(mouse_line, false, false, -1); set_caret_column(mouse_column); } } if (context_menu_enabled) { _update_context_menu(); menu->set_position(get_screen_position() + mpos); menu->reset_size(); menu->popup(); grab_focus(); } } } else { if (has_ime_text()) { // Ignore mouse up in IME input mode. return; } if (mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::LEFT) { if (!drag_action && selection_drag_attempt && is_mouse_over_selection()) { // This is not a drag and drop attempt, update the caret. selection_drag_attempt = false; remove_secondary_carets(); deselect(); Point2i pos = get_line_column_at_pos(get_local_mouse_pos()); set_caret_line(pos.y, false, true, -1, 0); set_caret_column(pos.x, true, 0); } dragging_minimap = false; dragging_selection = false; can_drag_minimap = false; click_select_held->stop(); if (DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_CLIPBOARD_PRIMARY)) { DisplayServer::get_singleton()->clipboard_set_primary(get_selected_text()); } } _show_virtual_keyboard(); } } const Ref pan_gesture = p_gui_input; if (pan_gesture.is_valid()) { const real_t delta = pan_gesture->get_delta().y; if (delta < 0) { _scroll_up(-delta, false); } else { _scroll_down(delta, false); } h_scroll->set_value(h_scroll->get_value() + pan_gesture->get_delta().x * 100); if (v_scroll->get_value() != prev_v_scroll || h_scroll->get_value() != prev_h_scroll) { accept_event(); // Accept event if scroll changed. } return; } Ref mm = p_gui_input; if (mm.is_valid()) { Vector2i mpos = mm->get_position(); if (is_layout_rtl()) { mpos.x = get_size().x - mpos.x; } if (mm->get_button_mask().has_flag(MouseButtonMask::LEFT) && get_viewport()->gui_get_drag_data() == Variant()) { // Update if not in drag and drop. _reset_caret_blink_timer(); if (draw_minimap && !dragging_selection) { _update_minimap_drag(); } if (!dragging_minimap && !has_ime_text()) { switch (selecting_mode) { case SelectionMode::SELECTION_MODE_POINTER: { _update_selection_mode_pointer(); } break; case SelectionMode::SELECTION_MODE_WORD: { _update_selection_mode_word(); } break; case SelectionMode::SELECTION_MODE_LINE: { _update_selection_mode_line(); } break; default: { break; } } } } // Check if user is hovering a different gutter, and update if yes. Vector2i current_hovered_gutter = Vector2i(-1, -1); int left_margin = theme_cache.style_normal->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT); if (mpos.x <= left_margin + gutters_width + gutter_padding) { int hovered_row = get_line_column_at_pos(mpos).y; for (int i = 0; i < gutters.size(); i++) { if (!gutters[i].draw || gutters[i].width <= 0) { continue; } if (mpos.x >= left_margin && mpos.x < left_margin + gutters[i].width) { // We are in this gutter i's horizontal area. current_hovered_gutter = Vector2i(i, hovered_row); break; } left_margin += gutters[i].width; } } if (current_hovered_gutter != hovered_gutter) { hovered_gutter = current_hovered_gutter; queue_redraw(); } if (drag_action && can_drop_data(mpos, get_viewport()->gui_get_drag_data())) { apply_ime(); // Update drag and drop caret. drag_caret_force_displayed = true; Point2i pos = get_line_column_at_pos(get_local_mouse_pos()); if (drag_caret_index == -1) { // Force create a new caret for drag and drop. carets.push_back(Caret()); drag_caret_index = carets.size() - 1; } drag_caret_force_displayed = true; set_caret_line(pos.y, false, true, -1, drag_caret_index); set_caret_column(pos.x, true, drag_caret_index); dragging_selection = true; } } if (draw_minimap && !dragging_selection) { _update_minimap_hover(); } if (v_scroll->get_value() != prev_v_scroll || h_scroll->get_value() != prev_h_scroll) { accept_event(); // Accept event if scroll changed. } Ref k = p_gui_input; if (k.is_valid()) { if (alt_input(p_gui_input)) { accept_event(); return; } if (!k->is_pressed()) { return; } // If a modifier has been pressed, and nothing else, return. if (k->get_keycode() == Key::CTRL || k->get_keycode() == Key::ALT || k->get_keycode() == Key::SHIFT || k->get_keycode() == Key::META || k->get_keycode() == Key::CAPSLOCK) { return; } _cancel_drag_and_drop_text(); _reset_caret_blink_timer(); // Allow unicode handling if: // * No modifiers are pressed (except Shift and CapsLock) bool allow_unicode_handling = !(k->is_ctrl_pressed() || k->is_alt_pressed() || k->is_meta_pressed()); // Check and handle all built-in shortcuts. // NEWLINES. if (k->is_action("ui_text_newline_above", true)) { _new_line(false, true); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_newline_blank", true)) { _new_line(false); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_newline", true)) { _new_line(); accept_event(); return; } // BACKSPACE AND DELETE. if (k->is_action("ui_text_backspace_all_to_left", true)) { _do_backspace(false, true); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_backspace_word", true)) { _do_backspace(true); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_backspace", true)) { _do_backspace(); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_delete_all_to_right", true)) { _delete(false, true); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_delete_word", true)) { _delete(true); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_delete", true)) { _delete(); accept_event(); return; } // SCROLLING. if (k->is_action("ui_text_scroll_up", true)) { _scroll_lines_up(); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_scroll_down", true)) { _scroll_lines_down(); accept_event(); return; } if (is_shortcut_keys_enabled()) { // SELECT ALL, SELECT WORD UNDER CARET, ADD SELECTION FOR NEXT OCCURRENCE, SKIP SELECTION FOR NEXT OCCURRENCE, // CLEAR CARETS AND SELECTIONS, CUT, COPY, PASTE. if (k->is_action("ui_text_select_all", true)) { select_all(); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_select_word_under_caret", true)) { select_word_under_caret(); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_add_selection_for_next_occurrence", true)) { add_selection_for_next_occurrence(); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_skip_selection_for_next_occurrence", true)) { skip_selection_for_next_occurrence(); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_clear_carets_and_selection", true)) { // Since the default shortcut is ESC, accepts the event only if it's actually performed. if (_clear_carets_and_selection()) { accept_event(); return; } } if (k->is_action("ui_cut", true)) { cut(); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_copy", true)) { copy(); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_paste", true)) { paste(); accept_event(); return; } // UNDO/REDO. if (k->is_action("ui_undo", true)) { undo(); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_redo", true)) { redo(); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_add_below", true)) { add_caret_at_carets(true); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_add_above", true)) { add_caret_at_carets(false); accept_event(); return; } } // MISC. if (k->is_action("ui_menu", true)) { _push_current_op(); if (context_menu_enabled) { _update_context_menu(); adjust_viewport_to_caret(); menu->set_position(get_screen_position() + get_caret_draw_pos()); menu->reset_size(); menu->popup(); menu->grab_focus(); } accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_toggle_insert_mode", true)) { set_overtype_mode_enabled(!overtype_mode); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_swap_input_direction", true)) { _swap_current_input_direction(); accept_event(); return; } // CARET MOVEMENT k = k->duplicate(); bool shift_pressed = k->is_shift_pressed(); // Remove shift or else actions will not match. Use above variable for selection. k->set_shift_pressed(false); // CARET MOVEMENT - LEFT, RIGHT. if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_word_left", true)) { _move_caret_left(shift_pressed, true); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_left", true)) { _move_caret_left(shift_pressed, false); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_word_right", true)) { _move_caret_right(shift_pressed, true); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_right", true)) { _move_caret_right(shift_pressed, false); accept_event(); return; } // CARET MOVEMENT - UP, DOWN. if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_up", true)) { _move_caret_up(shift_pressed); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_down", true)) { _move_caret_down(shift_pressed); accept_event(); return; } // CARET MOVEMENT - DOCUMENT START/END. if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_document_start", true)) { // && shift_pressed) { _move_caret_document_start(shift_pressed); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_document_end", true)) { // && shift_pressed) { _move_caret_document_end(shift_pressed); accept_event(); return; } // CARET MOVEMENT - LINE START/END. if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_line_start", true)) { _move_caret_to_line_start(shift_pressed); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_line_end", true)) { _move_caret_to_line_end(shift_pressed); accept_event(); return; } // CARET MOVEMENT - PAGE UP/DOWN. if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_page_up", true)) { _move_caret_page_up(shift_pressed); accept_event(); return; } if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_page_down", true)) { _move_caret_page_down(shift_pressed); accept_event(); return; } // Handle tab as it has no set unicode value. if (k->is_action("ui_text_indent", true)) { if (editable) { insert_text_at_caret("\t"); } accept_event(); return; } // Handle Unicode (if no modifiers active). if (allow_unicode_handling && editable && k->get_unicode() >= 32) { handle_unicode_input(k->get_unicode()); accept_event(); return; } } } /* Input actions. */ void TextEdit::_swap_current_input_direction() { if (input_direction == TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR) { input_direction = TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL; } else { input_direction = TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR; } for (int i = 0; i < carets.size(); i++) { set_caret_column(get_caret_column(i), i == 0, i); } queue_redraw(); } void TextEdit::_new_line(bool p_split_current_line, bool p_above) { if (!editable) { return; } begin_complex_operation(); begin_multicaret_edit(); for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { if (multicaret_edit_ignore_caret(i)) { continue; } if (p_split_current_line) { insert_text_at_caret("\n", i); } else { int line = get_caret_line(i); insert_text("\n", line, p_above ? 0 : text[line].length(), p_above, p_above); deselect(i); set_caret_line(p_above ? line : line + 1, false, true, -1, i); set_caret_column(0, i == 0, i); } } end_multicaret_edit(); end_complex_operation(); } void TextEdit::_move_caret_left(bool p_select, bool p_move_by_word) { _push_current_op(); for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { // Handle selection. if (p_select) { _pre_shift_selection(i); } else if (has_selection(i) && !p_move_by_word) { // If a selection is active, move caret to start of selection. set_caret_line(get_selection_from_line(i), false, true, -1, i); set_caret_column(get_selection_from_column(i), i == 0, i); deselect(i); continue; } else { deselect(i); } if (p_move_by_word) { int cc = get_caret_column(i); // If the caret is at the start of the line, and not on the first line, move it up to the end of the previous line. if (cc == 0 && get_caret_line(i) > 0) { set_caret_line(get_caret_line(i) - 1, false, true, -1, i); set_caret_column(text[get_caret_line(i)].length(), i == 0, i); } else { PackedInt32Array words = TS->shaped_text_get_word_breaks(text.get_line_data(get_caret_line(i))->get_rid()); if (words.is_empty() || cc <= words[0]) { // Move to the start when there are no more words. cc = 0; } else { for (int j = words.size() - 2; j >= 0; j = j - 2) { if (words[j] < cc) { cc = words[j]; break; } } } set_caret_column(cc, i == 0, i); } } else { // If the caret is at the start of the line, and not on the first line, move it up to the end of the previous line. if (get_caret_column(i) == 0) { if (get_caret_line(i) > 0) { int new_caret_line = get_caret_line(i) - get_next_visible_line_offset_from(CLAMP(get_caret_line(i) - 1, 0, text.size() - 1), -1); set_caret_line(new_caret_line, false, true, -1, i); set_caret_column(text[get_caret_line(i)].length(), i == 0, i); } } else { if (caret_mid_grapheme_enabled) { set_caret_column(get_caret_column(i) - 1, i == 0, i); } else { set_caret_column(TS->shaped_text_prev_character_pos(text.get_line_data(get_caret_line(i))->get_rid(), get_caret_column(i)), i == 0, i); } } } } merge_overlapping_carets(); } void TextEdit::_move_caret_right(bool p_select, bool p_move_by_word) { _push_current_op(); for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { // Handle selection. if (p_select) { _pre_shift_selection(i); } else if (has_selection(i) && !p_move_by_word) { // If a selection is active, move caret to end of selection. set_caret_line(get_selection_to_line(i), false, true, -1, i); set_caret_column(get_selection_to_column(i), i == 0, i); deselect(i); continue; } else { deselect(i); } if (p_move_by_word) { int cc = get_caret_column(i); // If the caret is at the end of the line, and not on the last line, move it down to the beginning of the next line. if (cc == text[get_caret_line(i)].length() && get_caret_line(i) < text.size() - 1) { set_caret_line(get_caret_line(i) + 1, false, true, -1, i); set_caret_column(0, i == 0, i); } else { PackedInt32Array words = TS->shaped_text_get_word_breaks(text.get_line_data(get_caret_line(i))->get_rid()); if (words.is_empty() || cc >= words[words.size() - 1]) { // Move to the end when there are no more words. cc = text[get_caret_line(i)].length(); } else { for (int j = 1; j < words.size(); j = j + 2) { if (words[j] > cc) { cc = words[j]; break; } } } set_caret_column(cc, i == 0, i); } } else { // If we are at the end of the line, move the caret to the next line down. if (get_caret_column(i) == text[get_caret_line(i)].length()) { if (get_caret_line(i) < text.size() - 1) { int new_caret_line = get_caret_line(i) + get_next_visible_line_offset_from(CLAMP(get_caret_line(i) + 1, 0, text.size() - 1), 1); set_caret_line(new_caret_line, false, false, -1, i); set_caret_column(0, i == 0, i); } } else { if (caret_mid_grapheme_enabled) { set_caret_column(get_caret_column(i) + 1, i == 0, i); } else { set_caret_column(TS->shaped_text_next_character_pos(text.get_line_data(get_caret_line(i))->get_rid(), get_caret_column(i)), i == 0, i); } } } } merge_overlapping_carets(); } void TextEdit::_move_caret_up(bool p_select) { _push_current_op(); for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { if (p_select) { _pre_shift_selection(i); } else { deselect(i); } int cur_wrap_index = get_caret_wrap_index(i); if (cur_wrap_index > 0) { set_caret_line(get_caret_line(i), true, false, cur_wrap_index - 1, i); } else if (get_caret_line(i) == 0) { set_caret_column(0, i == 0, i); } else { int new_line = get_caret_line(i) - get_next_visible_line_offset_from(get_caret_line(i) - 1, -1); if (is_line_wrapped(new_line)) { set_caret_line(new_line, i == 0, false, get_line_wrap_count(new_line), i); } else { set_caret_line(new_line, i == 0, false, 0, i); } } } merge_overlapping_carets(); } void TextEdit::_move_caret_down(bool p_select) { _push_current_op(); for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { if (p_select) { _pre_shift_selection(i); } else { deselect(i); } int cur_wrap_index = get_caret_wrap_index(i); if (cur_wrap_index < get_line_wrap_count(get_caret_line(i))) { set_caret_line(get_caret_line(i), i == 0, false, cur_wrap_index + 1, i); } else if (get_caret_line(i) == get_last_unhidden_line()) { set_caret_column(text[get_caret_line(i)].length()); } else { int new_line = get_caret_line(i) + get_next_visible_line_offset_from(CLAMP(get_caret_line(i) + 1, 0, text.size() - 1), 1); set_caret_line(new_line, i == 0, false, 0, i); } } merge_overlapping_carets(); } void TextEdit::_move_caret_to_line_start(bool p_select) { _push_current_op(); for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { if (p_select) { _pre_shift_selection(i); } else { deselect(i); } // Move caret column to start of wrapped row and then to start of text. Vector rows = get_line_wrapped_text(get_caret_line(i)); int wi = get_caret_wrap_index(i); int row_start_col = 0; for (int j = 0; j < wi; j++) { row_start_col += rows[j].length(); } if (get_caret_column(i) == row_start_col || wi == 0) { // Compute whitespace symbols sequence length. int current_line_whitespace_len = get_first_non_whitespace_column(get_caret_line(i)); if (get_caret_column(i) == current_line_whitespace_len) { set_caret_column(0, i == 0, i); } else { set_caret_column(current_line_whitespace_len, i == 0, i); } } else { set_caret_column(row_start_col, i == 0, i); } } merge_overlapping_carets(); } void TextEdit::_move_caret_to_line_end(bool p_select) { _push_current_op(); for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { if (p_select) { _pre_shift_selection(i); } else { deselect(i); } // Move caret column to end of wrapped row and then to end of text. Vector rows = get_line_wrapped_text(get_caret_line(i)); int wi = get_caret_wrap_index(i); int row_end_col = -1; for (int j = 0; j < wi + 1; j++) { row_end_col += rows[j].length(); } if (wi == rows.size() - 1 || get_caret_column(i) == row_end_col) { set_caret_column(text[get_caret_line(i)].length(), i == 0, i); } else { set_caret_column(row_end_col, i == 0, i); } } merge_overlapping_carets(); } void TextEdit::_move_caret_page_up(bool p_select) { _push_current_op(); for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { if (p_select) { _pre_shift_selection(i); } else { deselect(i); } Point2i next_line = get_next_visible_line_index_offset_from(get_caret_line(i), get_caret_wrap_index(i), -get_visible_line_count()); int n_line = get_caret_line(i) - next_line.x + 1; set_caret_line(n_line, i == 0, false, next_line.y, i); } merge_overlapping_carets(); } void TextEdit::_move_caret_page_down(bool p_select) { _push_current_op(); for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { if (p_select) { _pre_shift_selection(i); } else { deselect(i); } Point2i next_line = get_next_visible_line_index_offset_from(get_caret_line(i), get_caret_wrap_index(i), get_visible_line_count()); int n_line = get_caret_line(i) + next_line.x - 1; set_caret_line(n_line, i == 0, false, next_line.y, i); } merge_overlapping_carets(); } void TextEdit::_do_backspace(bool p_word, bool p_all_to_left) { if (!editable) { return; } start_action(EditAction::ACTION_BACKSPACE); begin_multicaret_edit(); Vector sorted_carets = get_sorted_carets(); sorted_carets.reverse(); for (int i = 0; i < sorted_carets.size(); i++) { int caret_index = sorted_carets[i]; if (multicaret_edit_ignore_caret(caret_index)) { continue; } if (get_caret_column(caret_index) == 0 && get_caret_line(caret_index) == 0 && !has_selection(caret_index)) { continue; } if (has_selection(caret_index) || (!p_all_to_left && !p_word) || get_caret_column(caret_index) == 0) { backspace(caret_index); continue; } if (p_all_to_left) { // Remove everything to left of caret to the start of the line. int caret_current_column = get_caret_column(caret_index); _remove_text(get_caret_line(caret_index), 0, get_caret_line(caret_index), caret_current_column); collapse_carets(get_caret_line(caret_index), 0, get_caret_line(caret_index), caret_current_column); set_caret_column(0, caret_index == 0, caret_index); _offset_carets_after(get_caret_line(caret_index), caret_current_column, get_caret_line(caret_index), 0); continue; } if (p_word) { // Remove text to the start of the word left of the caret. int from_column = get_caret_column(caret_index); int column = get_caret_column(caret_index); // Check for the case "" and ignore the space. // No need to check for column being 0 since it is checked above. if (is_whitespace(text[get_caret_line(caret_index)][get_caret_column(caret_index) - 1])) { column -= 1; } // Get a list with the indices of the word bounds of the given text line. const PackedInt32Array words = TS->shaped_text_get_word_breaks(text.get_line_data(get_caret_line(caret_index))->get_rid()); if (words.is_empty() || column <= words[0]) { // Delete to the start when there are no more words. column = 0; } else { // Otherwise search for the first word break that is smaller than the index from we're currently deleting. for (int c = words.size() - 2; c >= 0; c = c - 2) { if (words[c] < column) { column = words[c]; break; } } } _remove_text(get_caret_line(caret_index), column, get_caret_line(caret_index), from_column); collapse_carets(get_caret_line(caret_index), column, get_caret_line(caret_index), from_column); set_caret_column(column, caret_index == 0, caret_index); _offset_carets_after(get_caret_line(caret_index), from_column, get_caret_line(caret_index), column); } } end_multicaret_edit(); end_action(); } void TextEdit::_delete(bool p_word, bool p_all_to_right) { if (!editable) { return; } start_action(EditAction::ACTION_DELETE); begin_multicaret_edit(); Vector sorted_carets = get_sorted_carets(); for (int i = 0; i < sorted_carets.size(); i++) { int caret_index = sorted_carets[i]; if (multicaret_edit_ignore_caret(caret_index)) { continue; } if (has_selection(caret_index)) { delete_selection(caret_index); continue; } int curline_len = text[get_caret_line(caret_index)].length(); if (get_caret_line(caret_index) == text.size() - 1 && get_caret_column(caret_index) == curline_len) { continue; // Last line, last column: Nothing to do. } int next_line = get_caret_column(caret_index) < curline_len ? get_caret_line(caret_index) : get_caret_line(caret_index) + 1; int next_column; if (p_all_to_right) { if (get_caret_column(caret_index) == curline_len) { continue; } // Delete everything to right of caret. next_column = curline_len; next_line = get_caret_line(caret_index); } else if (p_word && get_caret_column(caret_index) < curline_len - 1) { // Delete next word to right of caret. int line = get_caret_line(caret_index); int column = get_caret_column(caret_index); PackedInt32Array words = TS->shaped_text_get_word_breaks(text.get_line_data(line)->get_rid()); if (words.is_empty() || column >= words[words.size() - 1]) { // Delete to the end when there are no more words. column = text[get_caret_line(i)].length(); } else { for (int j = 1; j < words.size(); j = j + 2) { if (words[j] > column) { column = words[j]; break; } } } next_line = line; next_column = column; } else { // Delete one character. if (caret_mid_grapheme_enabled) { next_column = get_caret_column(caret_index) < curline_len ? (get_caret_column(caret_index) + 1) : 0; } else { next_column = get_caret_column(caret_index) < curline_len ? TS->shaped_text_next_character_pos(text.get_line_data(get_caret_line(caret_index))->get_rid(), (get_caret_column(caret_index))) : 0; } } _remove_text(get_caret_line(caret_index), get_caret_column(caret_index), next_line, next_column); collapse_carets(get_caret_line(caret_index), get_caret_column(caret_index), next_line, next_column); _offset_carets_after(next_line, next_column, get_caret_line(caret_index), get_caret_column(caret_index)); } end_multicaret_edit(); end_action(); } void TextEdit::_move_caret_document_start(bool p_select) { remove_secondary_carets(); if (p_select) { _pre_shift_selection(0); } else { deselect(); } set_caret_line(0, false, true, -1); set_caret_column(0); } void TextEdit::_move_caret_document_end(bool p_select) { remove_secondary_carets(); if (p_select) { _pre_shift_selection(0); } else { deselect(); } set_caret_line(get_last_unhidden_line(), true, false, -1); set_caret_column(text[get_caret_line()].length()); } bool TextEdit::_clear_carets_and_selection() { _push_current_op(); if (get_caret_count() > 1) { remove_secondary_carets(); return true; } if (has_selection()) { deselect(); return true; } return false; } void TextEdit::_update_placeholder() { if (theme_cache.font.is_null() || theme_cache.font_size <= 0) { return; // Not in tree? } const String placeholder_translated = atr(placeholder_text); // Placeholder is generally smaller then text documents, and updates less so this should be fast enough for now. placeholder_data_buf->clear(); placeholder_data_buf->set_width(text.get_width()); BitField flags = text.get_brk_flags(); if (text.is_indent_wrapped_lines()) { flags.set_flag(TextServer::BREAK_TRIM_INDENT); } placeholder_data_buf->set_break_flags(flags); if (text_direction == Control::TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERITED) { placeholder_data_buf->set_direction(is_layout_rtl() ? TextServer::DIRECTION_RTL : TextServer::DIRECTION_LTR); } else { placeholder_data_buf->set_direction((TextServer::Direction)text_direction); } placeholder_data_buf->set_preserve_control(draw_control_chars); placeholder_data_buf->add_string(placeholder_translated, theme_cache.font, theme_cache.font_size, language); placeholder_bidi_override = structured_text_parser(st_parser, st_args, placeholder_translated); if (placeholder_bidi_override.is_empty()) { TS->shaped_text_set_bidi_override(placeholder_data_buf->get_rid(), placeholder_bidi_override); } if (get_tab_size() > 0) { Vector tabs; tabs.push_back(theme_cache.font->get_char_size(' ', theme_cache.font_size).width * get_tab_size()); placeholder_data_buf->tab_align(tabs); } // Update height. const int wrap_amount = placeholder_data_buf->get_line_count() - 1; placeholder_line_height = theme_cache.font->get_height(theme_cache.font_size); for (int i = 0; i <= wrap_amount; i++) { placeholder_line_height = MAX(placeholder_line_height, placeholder_data_buf->get_line_size(i).y); } // Update width. placeholder_max_width = placeholder_data_buf->get_size().x; // Update wrapped rows. placeholder_wraped_rows.clear(); for (int i = 0; i <= wrap_amount; i++) { Vector2i line_range = placeholder_data_buf->get_line_range(i); placeholder_wraped_rows.push_back(placeholder_translated.substr(line_range.x, line_range.y - line_range.x)); } } bool TextEdit::_using_placeholder() const { return text.size() == 1 && text[0].is_empty() && ime_text.is_empty(); } void TextEdit::_update_theme_item_cache() { Control::_update_theme_item_cache(); theme_cache.base_scale = get_theme_default_base_scale(); use_selected_font_color = theme_cache.font_selected_color != Color(0, 0, 0, 0); if (text.get_line_height() + theme_cache.line_spacing < 1) { WARN_PRINT("Line height is too small, please increase font_size and/or line_spacing"); } } void TextEdit::_update_caches() { /* Text properties. */ TextServer::Direction dir; if (text_direction == Control::TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERITED) { dir = is_layout_rtl() ? TextServer::DIRECTION_RTL : TextServer::DIRECTION_LTR; } else { dir = (TextServer::Direction)text_direction; } text.set_direction_and_language(dir, (!language.is_empty()) ? language : TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale()); text.set_draw_control_chars(draw_control_chars); text.set_font(theme_cache.font); text.set_font_size(theme_cache.font_size); text.invalidate_font(); _update_placeholder(); /* Syntax highlighting. */ if (syntax_highlighter.is_valid()) { syntax_highlighter->set_text_edit(this); } } void TextEdit::_close_ime_window() { DisplayServer::WindowID wid = get_window() ? get_window()->get_window_id() : DisplayServer::INVALID_WINDOW_ID; if (wid == DisplayServer::INVALID_WINDOW_ID || !DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_IME)) { return; } DisplayServer::get_singleton()->window_set_ime_position(Point2(), wid); DisplayServer::get_singleton()->window_set_ime_active(false, wid); } void TextEdit::_update_ime_window_position() { DisplayServer::WindowID wid = get_window() ? get_window()->get_window_id() : DisplayServer::INVALID_WINDOW_ID; if (wid == DisplayServer::INVALID_WINDOW_ID || !DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_IME)) { return; } DisplayServer::get_singleton()->window_set_ime_active(true, wid); Point2 pos = get_global_position() + get_caret_draw_pos(); if (get_window()->get_embedder()) { pos += get_viewport()->get_popup_base_transform().get_origin(); } // The window will move to the updated position the next time the IME is updated, not immediately. DisplayServer::get_singleton()->window_set_ime_position(pos, wid); } void TextEdit::_update_ime_text() { if (has_ime_text()) { // Update text to visually include IME text. for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { String text_with_ime = text[get_caret_line(i)].substr(0, get_caret_column(i)) + ime_text + text[get_caret_line(i)].substr(get_caret_column(i), text[get_caret_line(i)].length()); text.invalidate_cache(get_caret_line(i), get_caret_column(i), true, text_with_ime, structured_text_parser(st_parser, st_args, text_with_ime)); } } else { // Reset text. for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { text.invalidate_cache(get_caret_line(i), get_caret_column(i), true); } } queue_redraw(); } void TextEdit::_show_virtual_keyboard() { _update_ime_window_position(); if (virtual_keyboard_enabled && DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD)) { int caret_start = -1; int caret_end = -1; if (!has_selection(0)) { String full_text = _base_get_text(0, 0, get_caret_line(), get_caret_column()); caret_start = full_text.length(); } else { String pre_text = _base_get_text(0, 0, get_selection_from_line(), get_selection_from_column()); String post_text = get_selected_text(0); caret_start = pre_text.length(); caret_end = caret_start + post_text.length(); } DisplayServer::get_singleton()->virtual_keyboard_show(get_text(), get_global_rect(), DisplayServer::KEYBOARD_TYPE_MULTILINE, -1, caret_start, caret_end); } } /* General overrides. */ Size2 TextEdit::get_minimum_size() const { Size2 size = theme_cache.style_normal->get_minimum_size(); if (fit_content_height) { size.y += content_size_cache.y; } if (fit_content_width) { size.x += content_size_cache.x; } return size; } bool TextEdit::is_text_field() const { return true; } Variant TextEdit::get_drag_data(const Point2 &p_point) { Variant ret = Control::get_drag_data(p_point); if (ret != Variant()) { return ret; } if (has_selection() && selection_drag_attempt) { String t = get_selected_text(); Label *l = memnew(Label); l->set_text(t); set_drag_preview(l); return t; } return Variant(); } bool TextEdit::can_drop_data(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data) const { bool drop_override = Control::can_drop_data(p_point, p_data); // In case user wants to drop custom data. if (drop_override) { return drop_override; } return is_editable() && p_data.is_string(); } void TextEdit::drop_data(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data) { Control::drop_data(p_point, p_data); if (p_data.is_string() && is_editable()) { Point2i pos = get_line_column_at_pos(get_local_mouse_pos()); int drop_at_line = pos.y; int drop_at_column = pos.x; int selection_index = get_selection_at_line_column(drop_at_line, drop_at_column, !Input::get_singleton()->is_key_pressed(Key::CMD_OR_CTRL)); // Remove drag caret before the complex operation starts so it won't appear in undo. remove_caret(drag_caret_index); if (selection_drag_attempt && selection_index >= 0 && selection_index == drag_and_drop_origin_caret_index) { // Dropped onto original selection, do nothing. selection_drag_attempt = false; return; } begin_complex_operation(); begin_multicaret_edit(); if (selection_drag_attempt) { // Drop from self. selection_drag_attempt = false; if (!Input::get_singleton()->is_key_pressed(Key::CMD_OR_CTRL)) { // Delete all selections. int temp_caret = add_caret(drop_at_line, drop_at_column); delete_selection(); // Use a temporary caret to update the drop at position. drop_at_line = get_caret_line(temp_caret); drop_at_column = get_caret_column(temp_caret); } } remove_secondary_carets(); deselect(); // Insert the dragged text. set_caret_line(drop_at_line, true, false, -1); set_caret_column(drop_at_column); insert_text_at_caret(p_data); select(drop_at_line, drop_at_column, get_caret_line(), get_caret_column()); grab_focus(); adjust_viewport_to_caret(); end_multicaret_edit(); end_complex_operation(); } } Control::CursorShape TextEdit::get_cursor_shape(const Point2 &p_pos) const { Point2i pos = get_line_column_at_pos(p_pos); int row = pos.y; int left_margin = theme_cache.style_normal->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT); int gutter = left_margin + gutters_width; if (p_pos.x < gutter) { for (int i = 0; i < gutters.size(); i++) { if (!gutters[i].draw) { continue; } if (p_pos.x >= left_margin && p_pos.x < left_margin + gutters[i].width) { if (gutters[i].clickable || is_line_gutter_clickable(row, i)) { return CURSOR_POINTING_HAND; } } left_margin += gutters[i].width; } return CURSOR_ARROW; } int xmargin_end = get_size().width - theme_cache.style_normal->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT); if (draw_minimap && p_pos.x > xmargin_end - minimap_width && p_pos.x <= xmargin_end) { return CURSOR_ARROW; } return get_default_cursor_shape(); } String TextEdit::get_tooltip(const Point2 &p_pos) const { if (!tooltip_callback.is_valid()) { return Control::get_tooltip(p_pos); } Point2i pos = get_line_column_at_pos(p_pos); int row = pos.y; int col = pos.x; String s = text[row]; if (s.length() == 0) { return Control::get_tooltip(p_pos); } int beg, end; if (select_word(s, col, beg, end)) { Variant args[1] = { s.substr(beg, end - beg) }; const Variant *argp[] = { &args[0] }; Callable::CallError ce; Variant ret; tooltip_callback.callp(argp, 1, ret, ce); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(ce.error != Callable::CallError::CALL_OK, "", "Failed to call custom tooltip."); return ret; } return Control::get_tooltip(p_pos); } void TextEdit::set_tooltip_request_func(const Callable &p_tooltip_callback) { tooltip_callback = p_tooltip_callback; } /* Text */ // Text properties. bool TextEdit::has_ime_text() const { return !ime_text.is_empty(); } void TextEdit::cancel_ime() { if (!has_ime_text()) { return; } ime_text = String(); ime_selection = Vector2i(); alt_start = false; alt_start_no_hold = false; _close_ime_window(); _update_ime_text(); } void TextEdit::apply_ime() { if (!has_ime_text()) { return; } // Force apply the current IME text. if (alt_start || alt_start_no_hold) { cancel_ime(); if ((alt_code > 0x31 && alt_code < 0xd800) || (alt_code > 0xdfff && alt_code <= 0x10ffff)) { handle_unicode_input(alt_code); } } else { String insert_ime_text = ime_text; cancel_ime(); insert_text_at_caret(insert_ime_text); } } void TextEdit::set_editable(bool p_editable) { if (editable == p_editable) { return; } editable = p_editable; queue_redraw(); } bool TextEdit::is_editable() const { return editable; } void TextEdit::set_text_direction(Control::TextDirection p_text_direction) { ERR_FAIL_COND((int)p_text_direction < -1 || (int)p_text_direction > 3); if (text_direction != p_text_direction) { text_direction = p_text_direction; if (text_direction != TEXT_DIRECTION_AUTO && text_direction != TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERITED) { input_direction = text_direction; } TextServer::Direction dir; if (text_direction == Control::TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERITED) { dir = is_layout_rtl() ? TextServer::DIRECTION_RTL : TextServer::DIRECTION_LTR; } else { dir = (TextServer::Direction)text_direction; } text.set_direction_and_language(dir, (!language.is_empty()) ? language : TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale()); text.invalidate_font(); _update_placeholder(); if (menu_dir) { menu_dir->set_item_checked(menu_dir->get_item_index(MENU_DIR_INHERITED), text_direction == TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERITED); menu_dir->set_item_checked(menu_dir->get_item_index(MENU_DIR_AUTO), text_direction == TEXT_DIRECTION_AUTO); menu_dir->set_item_checked(menu_dir->get_item_index(MENU_DIR_LTR), text_direction == TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR); menu_dir->set_item_checked(menu_dir->get_item_index(MENU_DIR_RTL), text_direction == TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL); } queue_redraw(); } } Control::TextDirection TextEdit::get_text_direction() const { return text_direction; } void TextEdit::set_language(const String &p_language) { if (language != p_language) { language = p_language; TextServer::Direction dir; if (text_direction == Control::TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERITED) { dir = is_layout_rtl() ? TextServer::DIRECTION_RTL : TextServer::DIRECTION_LTR; } else { dir = (TextServer::Direction)text_direction; } text.set_direction_and_language(dir, (!language.is_empty()) ? language : TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale()); text.invalidate_all(); _update_placeholder(); queue_redraw(); } } String TextEdit::get_language() const { return language; } void TextEdit::set_structured_text_bidi_override(TextServer::StructuredTextParser p_parser) { if (st_parser != p_parser) { st_parser = p_parser; for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) { text.set(i, text[i], structured_text_parser(st_parser, st_args, text[i])); } queue_redraw(); } } TextServer::StructuredTextParser TextEdit::get_structured_text_bidi_override() const { return st_parser; } void TextEdit::set_structured_text_bidi_override_options(Array p_args) { if (st_args == p_args) { return; } st_args = p_args; for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) { text.set(i, text[i], structured_text_parser(st_parser, st_args, text[i])); } queue_redraw(); } Array TextEdit::get_structured_text_bidi_override_options() const { return st_args; } void TextEdit::set_tab_size(const int p_size) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_size <= 0, "Tab size must be greater than 0."); if (p_size == text.get_tab_size()) { return; } text.set_tab_size(p_size); text.invalidate_all_lines(); _update_placeholder(); queue_redraw(); } int TextEdit::get_tab_size() const { return text.get_tab_size(); } void TextEdit::set_indent_wrapped_lines(bool p_enabled) { if (text.is_indent_wrapped_lines() == p_enabled) { return; } text.set_indent_wrapped_lines(p_enabled); text.invalidate_all_lines(); _update_placeholder(); queue_redraw(); } bool TextEdit::is_indent_wrapped_lines() const { return text.is_indent_wrapped_lines(); } // User controls void TextEdit::set_overtype_mode_enabled(bool p_enabled) { if (overtype_mode == p_enabled) { return; } overtype_mode = p_enabled; queue_redraw(); } bool TextEdit::is_overtype_mode_enabled() const { return overtype_mode; } void TextEdit::set_context_menu_enabled(bool p_enabled) { context_menu_enabled = p_enabled; } bool TextEdit::is_context_menu_enabled() const { return context_menu_enabled; } void TextEdit::set_shortcut_keys_enabled(bool p_enabled) { shortcut_keys_enabled = p_enabled; } bool TextEdit::is_shortcut_keys_enabled() const { return shortcut_keys_enabled; } void TextEdit::set_virtual_keyboard_enabled(bool p_enabled) { virtual_keyboard_enabled = p_enabled; } bool TextEdit::is_virtual_keyboard_enabled() const { return virtual_keyboard_enabled; } void TextEdit::set_middle_mouse_paste_enabled(bool p_enabled) { middle_mouse_paste_enabled = p_enabled; } bool TextEdit::is_middle_mouse_paste_enabled() const { return middle_mouse_paste_enabled; } // Text manipulation void TextEdit::clear() { setting_text = true; _clear(); setting_text = false; emit_signal(SNAME("text_set")); } void TextEdit::_clear() { if (editable && undo_enabled) { remove_secondary_carets(); _move_caret_document_start(false); begin_complex_operation(); _remove_text(0, 0, MAX(0, get_line_count() - 1), MAX(get_line(MAX(get_line_count() - 1, 0)).size() - 1, 0)); insert_text_at_caret(""); text.clear(); end_complex_operation(); return; } // Cannot merge with above, as we are not part of the tree on creation. int old_text_size = text.size(); clear_undo_history(); text.clear(); remove_secondary_carets(); set_caret_line(0, false, true, -1); set_caret_column(0); first_visible_col = 0; first_visible_line = 0; first_visible_line_wrap_ofs = 0; carets.write[0].last_fit_x = 0; deselect(); emit_signal(SNAME("lines_edited_from"), old_text_size, 0); } void TextEdit::set_text(const String &p_text) { setting_text = true; if (!undo_enabled) { _clear(); insert_text_at_caret(p_text); } if (undo_enabled) { remove_secondary_carets(); set_caret_line(0); set_caret_column(0); begin_complex_operation(); deselect(); _remove_text(0, 0, MAX(0, get_line_count() - 1), MAX(get_line(MAX(get_line_count() - 1, 0)).size() - 1, 0)); insert_text_at_caret(p_text); end_complex_operation(); } set_caret_line(0); set_caret_column(0); queue_redraw(); setting_text = false; emit_signal(SNAME("text_set")); } String TextEdit::get_text() const { StringBuilder ret_text; const int text_size = text.size(); for (int i = 0; i < text_size; i++) { ret_text += text[i]; if (i != text_size - 1) { ret_text += "\n"; } } return ret_text.as_string(); } int TextEdit::get_line_count() const { return text.size(); } void TextEdit::set_placeholder(const String &p_text) { if (placeholder_text == p_text) { return; } placeholder_text = p_text; _update_placeholder(); queue_redraw(); } String TextEdit::get_placeholder() const { return placeholder_text; } void TextEdit::set_line(int p_line, const String &p_new_text) { if (p_line < 0 || p_line >= text.size()) { return; } begin_complex_operation(); int old_column = text[p_line].length(); // Set the affected carets column to update their last offset x. for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { if (_is_line_col_in_range(get_caret_line(i), get_caret_column(i), p_line, 0, p_line, old_column)) { set_caret_column(get_caret_column(i), false, i); } if (has_selection(i) && _is_line_col_in_range(get_selection_origin_line(i), get_selection_origin_column(i), p_line, 0, p_line, old_column)) { set_selection_origin_column(get_selection_origin_column(i), i); } } _remove_text(p_line, 0, p_line, old_column); int new_line, new_column; _insert_text(p_line, 0, p_new_text, &new_line, &new_column); // Don't offset carets that were on the old line. _offset_carets_after(p_line, old_column, new_line, new_column, false, false); // Set the caret lines to update the column to match visually. for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { if (_is_line_col_in_range(get_caret_line(i), get_caret_column(i), p_line, 0, p_line, old_column)) { set_caret_line(get_caret_line(i), false, true, 0, i); } if (has_selection(i) && _is_line_col_in_range(get_selection_origin_line(i), get_selection_origin_column(i), p_line, 0, p_line, old_column)) { set_selection_origin_line(get_selection_origin_line(i), true, 0, i); } } merge_overlapping_carets(); end_complex_operation(); } String TextEdit::get_line(int p_line) const { if (p_line < 0 || p_line >= text.size()) { return ""; } return text[p_line]; } int TextEdit::get_line_width(int p_line, int p_wrap_index) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), 0); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_wrap_index > get_line_wrap_count(p_line), 0); return text.get_line_width(p_line, p_wrap_index); } int TextEdit::get_line_height() const { return MAX(text.get_line_height() + theme_cache.line_spacing, 1); } int TextEdit::get_indent_level(int p_line) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), 0); int tab_count = 0; int whitespace_count = 0; int line_length = text[p_line].size(); for (int i = 0; i < line_length - 1; i++) { if (text[p_line][i] == '\t') { tab_count++; } else if (text[p_line][i] == ' ') { whitespace_count++; } else { break; } } return tab_count * text.get_tab_size() + whitespace_count; } int TextEdit::get_first_non_whitespace_column(int p_line) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), 0); int col = 0; while (col < text[p_line].length() && is_whitespace(text[p_line][col])) { col++; } return col; } void TextEdit::swap_lines(int p_from_line, int p_to_line) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_from_line, text.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_to_line, text.size()); if (p_from_line == p_to_line) { return; } String from_line_text = get_line(p_from_line); String to_line_text = get_line(p_to_line); begin_complex_operation(); begin_multicaret_edit(); // Don't use set_line to avoid clamping and updating carets. _remove_text(p_to_line, 0, p_to_line, text[p_to_line].length()); _insert_text(p_to_line, 0, from_line_text); _remove_text(p_from_line, 0, p_from_line, text[p_from_line].length()); _insert_text(p_from_line, 0, to_line_text); // Swap carets. for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { bool selected = has_selection(i); if (get_caret_line(i) == p_from_line || get_caret_line(i) == p_to_line) { int caret_new_line = get_caret_line(i) == p_from_line ? p_to_line : p_from_line; int caret_column = get_caret_column(i); set_caret_line(caret_new_line, false, true, -1, i); set_caret_column(caret_column, false, i); } if (selected && (get_selection_origin_line(i) == p_from_line || get_selection_origin_line(i) == p_to_line)) { int origin_new_line = get_selection_origin_line(i) == p_from_line ? p_to_line : p_from_line; int origin_column = get_selection_origin_column(i); select(origin_new_line, origin_column, get_caret_line(i), get_caret_column(i), i); } } // If only part of a selection was changed, it may now overlap. merge_overlapping_carets(); end_multicaret_edit(); end_complex_operation(); } void TextEdit::insert_line_at(int p_line, const String &p_text) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size()); // Use a complex operation so subsequent calls aren't merged together. begin_complex_operation(); int new_line, new_column; _insert_text(p_line, 0, p_text + "\n", &new_line, &new_column); _offset_carets_after(p_line, 0, new_line, new_column); end_complex_operation(); } void TextEdit::remove_line_at(int p_line, bool p_move_carets_down) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size()); if (get_line_count() == 1) { // Only one line, just remove contents. begin_complex_operation(); int line_length = get_line(p_line).length(); _remove_text(p_line, 0, p_line, line_length); collapse_carets(p_line, 0, p_line, line_length, true); end_complex_operation(); return; } begin_complex_operation(); bool is_last_line = p_line == get_line_count() - 1; int from_line = is_last_line ? p_line - 1 : p_line; int next_line = is_last_line ? p_line : p_line + 1; int from_column = is_last_line ? get_line(from_line).length() : 0; int next_column = is_last_line ? get_line(next_line).length() : 0; if ((!is_last_line && p_move_carets_down) || (p_line != 0 && !p_move_carets_down)) { // Set the carets column to update their last offset x. for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { if (get_caret_line(i) == p_line) { set_caret_column(get_caret_column(i), false, i); } if (has_selection(i) && get_selection_origin_line(i) == p_line) { set_selection_origin_column(get_selection_origin_column(i), i); } } } // Remove line. _remove_text(from_line, from_column, next_line, next_column); begin_multicaret_edit(); if ((is_last_line && p_move_carets_down) || (p_line == 0 && !p_move_carets_down)) { // Collapse carets. collapse_carets(from_line, from_column, next_line, next_column, true); } else { // Move carets to visually line up. int target_line = p_move_carets_down ? p_line : p_line - 1; for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { bool selected = has_selection(i); if (get_caret_line(i) == p_line) { set_caret_line(target_line, i == 0, true, 0, i); } if (selected && get_selection_origin_line(i) == p_line) { set_selection_origin_line(target_line, true, 0, i); select(get_selection_origin_line(i), get_selection_origin_column(i), get_caret_line(i), get_caret_column(i), i); } } merge_overlapping_carets(); } _offset_carets_after(next_line, next_column, from_line, from_column); end_multicaret_edit(); end_complex_operation(); } void TextEdit::insert_text_at_caret(const String &p_text, int p_caret) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_caret >= get_caret_count() || p_caret < -1); begin_complex_operation(); begin_multicaret_edit(); for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { if (p_caret != -1 && p_caret != i) { continue; } if (p_caret == -1 && multicaret_edit_ignore_caret(i)) { continue; } delete_selection(i); int from_line = get_caret_line(i); int from_col = get_caret_column(i); int new_line, new_column; _insert_text(from_line, from_col, p_text, &new_line, &new_column); _update_scrollbars(); _offset_carets_after(from_line, from_col, new_line, new_column); set_caret_line(new_line, false, true, -1, i); set_caret_column(new_column, i == 0, i); } if (has_ime_text()) { _update_ime_text(); } end_multicaret_edit(); end_complex_operation(); } void TextEdit::insert_text(const String &p_text, int p_line, int p_column, bool p_before_selection_begin, bool p_before_selection_end) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_column, text[p_line].length() + 1); begin_complex_operation(); int new_line, new_column; _insert_text(p_line, p_column, p_text, &new_line, &new_column); _offset_carets_after(p_line, p_column, new_line, new_column, p_before_selection_begin, p_before_selection_end); end_complex_operation(); } void TextEdit::remove_text(int p_from_line, int p_from_column, int p_to_line, int p_to_column) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_from_line, text.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_from_column, text[p_from_line].length() + 1); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_to_line, text.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_to_column, text[p_to_line].length() + 1); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_to_line < p_from_line); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_to_line == p_from_line && p_to_column < p_from_column); begin_complex_operation(); _remove_text(p_from_line, p_from_column, p_to_line, p_to_column); collapse_carets(p_from_line, p_from_column, p_to_line, p_to_column); _offset_carets_after(p_to_line, p_to_column, p_from_line, p_from_column); end_complex_operation(); } int TextEdit::get_last_unhidden_line() const { // Returns the last line in the text that is not hidden. if (!_is_hiding_enabled()) { return text.size() - 1; } int last_line; for (last_line = text.size() - 1; last_line > 0; last_line--) { if (!_is_line_hidden(last_line)) { break; } } return last_line; } int TextEdit::get_next_visible_line_offset_from(int p_line_from, int p_visible_amount) const { // Returns the number of lines (hidden and unhidden) from p_line_from to (p_line_from + visible_amount of unhidden lines). ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line_from, text.size(), ABS(p_visible_amount)); if (!_is_hiding_enabled()) { return ABS(p_visible_amount); } int num_visible = 0; int num_total = 0; if (p_visible_amount >= 0) { for (int i = p_line_from; i < text.size(); i++) { num_total++; if (!_is_line_hidden(i)) { num_visible++; } if (num_visible >= p_visible_amount) { break; } } } else { p_visible_amount = ABS(p_visible_amount); for (int i = p_line_from; i >= 0; i--) { num_total++; if (!_is_line_hidden(i)) { num_visible++; } if (num_visible >= p_visible_amount) { break; } } } return num_total; } Point2i TextEdit::get_next_visible_line_index_offset_from(int p_line_from, int p_wrap_index_from, int p_visible_amount) const { // Returns the number of lines (hidden and unhidden) from (p_line_from + p_wrap_index_from) row to (p_line_from + visible_amount of unhidden and wrapped rows). // Wrap index is set to the wrap index of the last line. int wrap_index = 0; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line_from, text.size(), Point2i(ABS(p_visible_amount), 0)); if (!_is_hiding_enabled() && get_line_wrapping_mode() == LineWrappingMode::LINE_WRAPPING_NONE) { return Point2i(ABS(p_visible_amount), 0); } int num_visible = 0; int num_total = 0; if (p_visible_amount == 0) { num_total = 0; wrap_index = 0; } else if (p_visible_amount > 0) { int i; num_visible -= p_wrap_index_from; for (i = p_line_from; i < text.size(); i++) { num_total++; if (!_is_line_hidden(i)) { num_visible++; num_visible += get_line_wrap_count(i); } if (num_visible >= p_visible_amount) { break; } } wrap_index = get_line_wrap_count(MIN(i, text.size() - 1)) - MAX(0, num_visible - p_visible_amount); // If we are a hidden line, then we are the last line as we cannot reach "p_visible_amount". // This means we need to backtrack to get last visible line. // Currently, line 0 cannot be hidden so this should always be valid. int line = (p_line_from + num_total) - 1; if (_is_line_hidden(line)) { Point2i backtrack = get_next_visible_line_index_offset_from(line, 0, -1); num_total = num_total - (backtrack.x - 1); wrap_index = backtrack.y; } } else { p_visible_amount = ABS(p_visible_amount); int i; num_visible -= get_line_wrap_count(p_line_from) - p_wrap_index_from; for (i = p_line_from; i >= 0; i--) { num_total++; if (!_is_line_hidden(i)) { num_visible++; num_visible += get_line_wrap_count(i); } if (num_visible >= p_visible_amount) { break; } } wrap_index = MAX(0, num_visible - p_visible_amount); } wrap_index = MAX(wrap_index, 0); return Point2i(num_total, wrap_index); } // Overridable actions void TextEdit::handle_unicode_input(const uint32_t p_unicode, int p_caret) { if (GDVIRTUAL_CALL(_handle_unicode_input, p_unicode, p_caret)) { return; } _handle_unicode_input_internal(p_unicode, p_caret); } void TextEdit::backspace(int p_caret) { if (GDVIRTUAL_CALL(_backspace, p_caret)) { return; } _backspace_internal(p_caret); } void TextEdit::cut(int p_caret) { if (GDVIRTUAL_CALL(_cut, p_caret)) { return; } _cut_internal(p_caret); } void TextEdit::copy(int p_caret) { if (GDVIRTUAL_CALL(_copy, p_caret)) { return; } _copy_internal(p_caret); } void TextEdit::paste(int p_caret) { if (GDVIRTUAL_CALL(_paste, p_caret)) { return; } _paste_internal(p_caret); } void TextEdit::paste_primary_clipboard(int p_caret) { if (GDVIRTUAL_CALL(_paste_primary_clipboard, p_caret)) { return; } _paste_primary_clipboard_internal(p_caret); } // Context menu. PopupMenu *TextEdit::get_menu() const { if (!menu) { const_cast(this)->_generate_context_menu(); } return menu; } bool TextEdit::is_menu_visible() const { return menu && menu->is_visible(); } void TextEdit::menu_option(int p_option) { switch (p_option) { case MENU_CUT: { cut(); } break; case MENU_COPY: { copy(); } break; case MENU_PASTE: { paste(); } break; case MENU_CLEAR: { if (editable) { clear(); } } break; case MENU_SELECT_ALL: { select_all(); } break; case MENU_UNDO: { undo(); } break; case MENU_REDO: { redo(); } break; case MENU_DIR_INHERITED: { set_text_direction(TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERITED); } break; case MENU_DIR_AUTO: { set_text_direction(TEXT_DIRECTION_AUTO); } break; case MENU_DIR_LTR: { set_text_direction(TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR); } break; case MENU_DIR_RTL: { set_text_direction(TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL); } break; case MENU_DISPLAY_UCC: { set_draw_control_chars(!get_draw_control_chars()); } break; case MENU_INSERT_LRM: { if (editable) { insert_text_at_caret(String::chr(0x200E)); } } break; case MENU_INSERT_RLM: { if (editable) { insert_text_at_caret(String::chr(0x200F)); } } break; case MENU_INSERT_LRE: { if (editable) { insert_text_at_caret(String::chr(0x202A)); } } break; case MENU_INSERT_RLE: { if (editable) { insert_text_at_caret(String::chr(0x202B)); } } break; case MENU_INSERT_LRO: { if (editable) { insert_text_at_caret(String::chr(0x202D)); } } break; case MENU_INSERT_RLO: { if (editable) { insert_text_at_caret(String::chr(0x202E)); } } break; case MENU_INSERT_PDF: { if (editable) { insert_text_at_caret(String::chr(0x202C)); } } break; case MENU_INSERT_ALM: { if (editable) { insert_text_at_caret(String::chr(0x061C)); } } break; case MENU_INSERT_LRI: { if (editable) { insert_text_at_caret(String::chr(0x2066)); } } break; case MENU_INSERT_RLI: { if (editable) { insert_text_at_caret(String::chr(0x2067)); } } break; case MENU_INSERT_FSI: { if (editable) { insert_text_at_caret(String::chr(0x2068)); } } break; case MENU_INSERT_PDI: { if (editable) { insert_text_at_caret(String::chr(0x2069)); } } break; case MENU_INSERT_ZWJ: { if (editable) { insert_text_at_caret(String::chr(0x200D)); } } break; case MENU_INSERT_ZWNJ: { if (editable) { insert_text_at_caret(String::chr(0x200C)); } } break; case MENU_INSERT_WJ: { if (editable) { insert_text_at_caret(String::chr(0x2060)); } } break; case MENU_INSERT_SHY: { if (editable) { insert_text_at_caret(String::chr(0x00AD)); } } } } /* Versioning */ void TextEdit::start_action(EditAction p_action) { if (current_action != p_action) { if (current_action != EditAction::ACTION_NONE) { in_action = false; pending_action_end = false; end_complex_operation(); } if (p_action != EditAction::ACTION_NONE) { in_action = true; begin_complex_operation(); } } else if (current_action != EditAction::ACTION_NONE) { pending_action_end = false; } current_action = p_action; } void TextEdit::end_action() { if (current_action != EditAction::ACTION_NONE) { pending_action_end = true; } } TextEdit::EditAction TextEdit::get_current_action() const { return current_action; } void TextEdit::begin_complex_operation() { _push_current_op(); if (complex_operation_count == 0) { next_operation_is_complex = true; current_op.start_carets = carets; } complex_operation_count++; } void TextEdit::end_complex_operation() { _push_current_op(); complex_operation_count = MAX(complex_operation_count - 1, 0); if (complex_operation_count > 0) { return; } if (undo_stack.is_empty()) { return; } undo_stack.back()->get().end_carets = carets; if (undo_stack.back()->get().chain_forward) { undo_stack.back()->get().chain_forward = false; return; } undo_stack.back()->get().chain_backward = true; } bool TextEdit::has_undo() const { if (undo_stack_pos == nullptr) { int pending = current_op.type == TextOperation::TYPE_NONE ? 0 : 1; return undo_stack.size() + pending > 0; } return undo_stack_pos != undo_stack.front(); } bool TextEdit::has_redo() const { return undo_stack_pos != nullptr; } void TextEdit::undo() { if (!editable) { return; } if (in_action) { pending_action_end = true; } _push_current_op(); if (undo_stack_pos == nullptr) { if (undo_stack.is_empty()) { return; // Nothing to undo. } undo_stack_pos = undo_stack.back(); } else if (undo_stack_pos == undo_stack.front()) { return; // At the bottom of the undo stack. } else { undo_stack_pos = undo_stack_pos->prev(); } deselect(); TextOperation op = undo_stack_pos->get(); _do_text_op(op, true); current_op.version = op.prev_version; if (undo_stack_pos->get().chain_backward) { // This was part of a complex operation, undo until the chain forward at the start of the complex operation. while (true) { ERR_BREAK(!undo_stack_pos->prev()); undo_stack_pos = undo_stack_pos->prev(); op = undo_stack_pos->get(); _do_text_op(op, true); current_op.version = op.prev_version; if (undo_stack_pos->get().chain_forward) { break; } } } _update_scrollbars(); bool dirty_carets = get_caret_count() != undo_stack_pos->get().start_carets.size(); if (!dirty_carets) { for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { if (carets[i].line != undo_stack_pos->get().start_carets[i].line || carets[i].column != undo_stack_pos->get().start_carets[i].column) { dirty_carets = true; break; } } } carets = undo_stack_pos->get().start_carets; _unhide_carets(); if (dirty_carets) { _caret_changed(); _selection_changed(); } adjust_viewport_to_caret(); } void TextEdit::redo() { if (!editable) { return; } if (in_action) { pending_action_end = true; } _push_current_op(); if (undo_stack_pos == nullptr) { return; // Nothing to do. } deselect(); TextOperation op = undo_stack_pos->get(); _do_text_op(op, false); current_op.version = op.version; if (undo_stack_pos->get().chain_forward) { // This was part of a complex operation, redo until the chain backward at the end of the complex operation. while (true) { ERR_BREAK(!undo_stack_pos->next()); undo_stack_pos = undo_stack_pos->next(); op = undo_stack_pos->get(); _do_text_op(op, false); current_op.version = op.version; if (undo_stack_pos->get().chain_backward) { break; } } } _update_scrollbars(); bool dirty_carets = get_caret_count() != undo_stack_pos->get().end_carets.size(); if (!dirty_carets) { for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { if (carets[i].line != undo_stack_pos->get().end_carets[i].line || carets[i].column != undo_stack_pos->get().end_carets[i].column) { dirty_carets = true; break; } } } carets = undo_stack_pos->get().end_carets; undo_stack_pos = undo_stack_pos->next(); _unhide_carets(); if (dirty_carets) { _caret_changed(); _selection_changed(); } adjust_viewport_to_caret(); } void TextEdit::clear_undo_history() { saved_version = 0; current_op.type = TextOperation::TYPE_NONE; undo_stack_pos = nullptr; undo_stack.clear(); } bool TextEdit::is_insert_text_operation() const { return (current_op.type == TextOperation::TYPE_INSERT || current_action == EditAction::ACTION_TYPING); } void TextEdit::tag_saved_version() { saved_version = get_version(); } uint32_t TextEdit::get_version() const { return current_op.version; } uint32_t TextEdit::get_saved_version() const { return saved_version; } /* Search */ void TextEdit::set_search_text(const String &p_search_text) { search_text = p_search_text; } void TextEdit::set_search_flags(uint32_t p_flags) { search_flags = p_flags; } Point2i TextEdit::search(const String &p_key, uint32_t p_search_flags, int p_from_line, int p_from_column) const { if (p_key.length() == 0) { return Point2(-1, -1); } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_from_line, text.size(), Point2i(-1, -1)); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_from_column, text[p_from_line].length() + 1, Point2i(-1, -1)); // Search through the whole document, but start by current line. int line = p_from_line; int pos = -1; bool key_start_is_symbol = is_symbol(p_key[0]); bool key_end_is_symbol = is_symbol(p_key[p_key.length() - 1]); for (int i = 0; i < text.size() + 1; i++) { if (line < 0) { line = text.size() - 1; } if (line == text.size()) { line = 0; } String text_line = text[line]; int from_column = 0; if (line == p_from_line) { if (i == text.size()) { // Wrapped. if (p_search_flags & SEARCH_BACKWARDS) { from_column = text_line.length(); } else { from_column = 0; } } else { from_column = p_from_column; } } else { if (p_search_flags & SEARCH_BACKWARDS) { from_column = text_line.length() - 1; } else { from_column = 0; } } pos = -1; int pos_from = (p_search_flags & SEARCH_BACKWARDS) ? text_line.length() : 0; int last_pos = -1; while (true) { if (p_search_flags & SEARCH_BACKWARDS) { while ((last_pos = (p_search_flags & SEARCH_MATCH_CASE) ? text_line.rfind(p_key, pos_from) : text_line.rfindn(p_key, pos_from)) != -1) { if (last_pos <= from_column) { pos = last_pos; break; } pos_from = last_pos - p_key.length(); if (pos_from < 0) { break; } } } else { while ((last_pos = (p_search_flags & SEARCH_MATCH_CASE) ? text_line.find(p_key, pos_from) : text_line.findn(p_key, pos_from)) != -1) { if (last_pos >= from_column) { pos = last_pos; break; } pos_from = last_pos + p_key.length(); } } bool is_match = true; if (pos != -1 && (p_search_flags & SEARCH_WHOLE_WORDS)) { // Validate for whole words. if (!key_start_is_symbol && pos > 0 && !is_symbol(text_line[pos - 1])) { is_match = false; } else if (!key_end_is_symbol && pos + p_key.length() < text_line.length() && !is_symbol(text_line[pos + p_key.length()])) { is_match = false; } } if (pos_from == -1) { pos = -1; } if (is_match || last_pos == -1 || pos == -1) { break; } pos_from = (p_search_flags & SEARCH_BACKWARDS) ? pos - 1 : pos + 1; pos = -1; } if (pos != -1) { break; } if (p_search_flags & SEARCH_BACKWARDS) { line--; } else { line++; } } return (pos == -1) ? Point2i(-1, -1) : Point2i(pos, line); } /* Mouse */ Point2 TextEdit::get_local_mouse_pos() const { Point2 mp = get_local_mouse_position(); if (is_layout_rtl()) { mp.x = get_size().width - mp.x; } return mp; } String TextEdit::get_word_at_pos(const Vector2 &p_pos) const { Point2i pos = get_line_column_at_pos(p_pos); int row = pos.y; int col = pos.x; String s = text[row]; if (s.length() == 0) { return ""; } int beg, end; if (select_word(s, col, beg, end)) { bool inside_quotes = false; char32_t selected_quote = '\0'; int qbegin = 0, qend = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (s[i] == '"' || s[i] == '\'') { if (i == 0 || s[i - 1] != '\\') { if (inside_quotes && selected_quote == s[i]) { qend = i; inside_quotes = false; selected_quote = '\0'; if (col >= qbegin && col <= qend) { return s.substr(qbegin, qend - qbegin); } } else if (!inside_quotes) { qbegin = i + 1; inside_quotes = true; selected_quote = s[i]; } } } } return s.substr(beg, end - beg); } return String(); } Point2i TextEdit::get_line_column_at_pos(const Point2i &p_pos, bool p_allow_out_of_bounds) const { float rows = p_pos.y - theme_cache.style_normal->get_margin(SIDE_TOP); if (!editable) { rows -= theme_cache.style_readonly->get_offset().y / 2; rows += theme_cache.style_normal->get_offset().y / 2; } rows /= get_line_height(); rows += _get_v_scroll_offset(); int first_vis_line = get_first_visible_line(); int row = first_vis_line + Math::floor(rows); int wrap_index = 0; if (get_line_wrapping_mode() != LineWrappingMode::LINE_WRAPPING_NONE || _is_hiding_enabled()) { Point2i f_ofs = get_next_visible_line_index_offset_from(first_vis_line, first_visible_line_wrap_ofs, rows + (1 * SIGN(rows))); wrap_index = f_ofs.y; if (rows < 0) { row = first_vis_line - (f_ofs.x - 1); } else { row = first_vis_line + (f_ofs.x - 1); } } row = CLAMP(row, 0, text.size() - 1); int visible_lines = get_visible_line_count_in_range(first_vis_line, row); if (rows > visible_lines) { if (!p_allow_out_of_bounds) { return Point2i(-1, -1); } return Point2i(text[row].length(), row); } int colx = p_pos.x - (theme_cache.style_normal->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT) + gutters_width + gutter_padding); colx += first_visible_col; if (!editable) { colx -= theme_cache.style_readonly->get_offset().x / 2; colx += theme_cache.style_normal->get_offset().x / 2; } RID text_rid = text.get_line_data(row)->get_line_rid(wrap_index); float wrap_indent = (text.is_indent_wrapped_lines() && wrap_index > 0) ? get_indent_level(row) * theme_cache.font->get_char_size(' ', theme_cache.font_size).width : 0.0; if (is_layout_rtl()) { colx = TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).x - colx + wrap_indent; } else { colx -= wrap_indent; } int col = TS->shaped_text_hit_test_position(text_rid, colx); if (!caret_mid_grapheme_enabled) { col = TS->shaped_text_closest_character_pos(text_rid, col); } return Point2i(col, row); } Point2i TextEdit::get_pos_at_line_column(int p_line, int p_column) const { Rect2i rect = get_rect_at_line_column(p_line, p_column); return rect.position.x == -1 ? rect.position : rect.position + Vector2i(0, get_line_height()); } Rect2i TextEdit::get_rect_at_line_column(int p_line, int p_column) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), Rect2i(-1, -1, 0, 0)); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_column < 0, Rect2i(-1, -1, 0, 0)); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_column > text[p_line].length(), Rect2i(-1, -1, 0, 0)); if (text.size() == 1 && text[0].length() == 0) { // The TextEdit is empty. return Rect2i(); } if (line_drawing_cache.size() == 0 || !line_drawing_cache.has(p_line)) { // Line is not in the cache, which means it's outside of the viewing area. return Rect2i(-1, -1, 0, 0); } LineDrawingCache cache_entry = line_drawing_cache[p_line]; int wrap_index = get_line_wrap_index_at_column(p_line, p_column); if (wrap_index >= cache_entry.first_visible_chars.size()) { // Line seems to be wrapped beyond the viewable area. return Rect2i(-1, -1, 0, 0); } int first_visible_char = cache_entry.first_visible_chars[wrap_index]; int last_visible_char = cache_entry.last_visible_chars[wrap_index]; if (p_column < first_visible_char || p_column > last_visible_char) { // Character is outside of the viewing area, no point calculating its position. return Rect2i(-1, -1, 0, 0); } Point2i pos, size; pos.y = cache_entry.y_offset + get_line_height() * wrap_index; pos.x = get_total_gutter_width() + theme_cache.style_normal->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT) - get_h_scroll(); RID text_rid = text.get_line_data(p_line)->get_line_rid(wrap_index); Vector2 col_bounds = TS->shaped_text_get_grapheme_bounds(text_rid, p_column); pos.x += col_bounds.x; size.x = col_bounds.y - col_bounds.x; size.y = get_line_height(); return Rect2i(pos, size); } int TextEdit::get_minimap_line_at_pos(const Point2i &p_pos) const { float rows = p_pos.y; rows -= theme_cache.style_normal->get_margin(SIDE_TOP); rows /= (minimap_char_size.y + minimap_line_spacing); rows += _get_v_scroll_offset(); // Calculate visible lines. int minimap_visible_lines = get_minimap_visible_lines(); int visible_rows = get_visible_line_count() + 1; int first_vis_line = get_first_visible_line() - 1; int draw_amount = visible_rows + (smooth_scroll_enabled ? 1 : 0); draw_amount += get_line_wrap_count(first_vis_line + 1); int minimap_line_height = (minimap_char_size.y + minimap_line_spacing); // Calculate viewport size and y offset. int viewport_height = (draw_amount - 1) * minimap_line_height; int control_height = _get_control_height() - viewport_height; int viewport_offset_y = round(get_scroll_pos_for_line(first_vis_line + 1) * control_height) / ((v_scroll->get_max() <= minimap_visible_lines) ? (minimap_visible_lines - draw_amount) : (v_scroll->get_max() - draw_amount)); // Calculate the first line. int num_lines_before = round((viewport_offset_y) / minimap_line_height); int minimap_line = (v_scroll->get_max() <= minimap_visible_lines) ? -1 : first_vis_line; if (first_vis_line > 0 && minimap_line >= 0) { minimap_line -= get_next_visible_line_index_offset_from(first_vis_line, 0, -num_lines_before).x; minimap_line -= (minimap_line > 0 && smooth_scroll_enabled ? 1 : 0); } if (minimap_line < 0) { minimap_line = 0; } int row = minimap_line + Math::floor(rows); if (get_line_wrapping_mode() != LineWrappingMode::LINE_WRAPPING_NONE || _is_hiding_enabled()) { int f_ofs = get_next_visible_line_index_offset_from(minimap_line, first_visible_line_wrap_ofs, rows + (1 * SIGN(rows))).x - 1; if (rows < 0) { row = minimap_line - f_ofs; } else { row = minimap_line + f_ofs; } } row = CLAMP(row, 0, text.size() - 1); return row; } bool TextEdit::is_dragging_cursor() const { return dragging_selection || dragging_minimap; } bool TextEdit::is_mouse_over_selection(bool p_edges, int p_caret) const { Point2i pos = get_line_column_at_pos(get_local_mouse_pos()); int line = pos.y; int column = pos.x; if ((p_caret == -1 && get_selection_at_line_column(line, column, p_edges) != -1) || (p_caret != -1 && _selection_contains(p_caret, line, column, p_edges))) { return true; } return false; } /* Caret */ void TextEdit::set_caret_type(CaretType p_type) { if (caret_type == p_type) { return; } caret_type = p_type; queue_redraw(); } TextEdit::CaretType TextEdit::get_caret_type() const { return caret_type; } void TextEdit::set_caret_blink_enabled(bool p_enabled) { if (caret_blink_enabled == p_enabled) { return; } caret_blink_enabled = p_enabled; if (has_focus()) { if (p_enabled) { caret_blink_timer->start(); } else { caret_blink_timer->stop(); } } draw_caret = true; } bool TextEdit::is_caret_blink_enabled() const { return caret_blink_enabled; } float TextEdit::get_caret_blink_interval() const { return caret_blink_timer->get_wait_time(); } void TextEdit::set_caret_blink_interval(const float p_interval) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_interval <= 0); caret_blink_timer->set_wait_time(p_interval); } void TextEdit::set_draw_caret_when_editable_disabled(bool p_enable) { if (draw_caret_when_editable_disabled == p_enable) { return; } draw_caret_when_editable_disabled = p_enable; queue_redraw(); } bool TextEdit::is_drawing_caret_when_editable_disabled() const { return draw_caret_when_editable_disabled; } void TextEdit::set_move_caret_on_right_click_enabled(bool p_enabled) { move_caret_on_right_click = p_enabled; } bool TextEdit::is_move_caret_on_right_click_enabled() const { return move_caret_on_right_click; } void TextEdit::set_caret_mid_grapheme_enabled(bool p_enabled) { caret_mid_grapheme_enabled = p_enabled; } bool TextEdit::is_caret_mid_grapheme_enabled() const { return caret_mid_grapheme_enabled; } void TextEdit::set_multiple_carets_enabled(bool p_enabled) { multi_carets_enabled = p_enabled; if (!multi_carets_enabled) { remove_secondary_carets(); multicaret_edit_count = 0; multicaret_edit_ignore_carets.clear(); multicaret_edit_merge_queued = false; } } bool TextEdit::is_multiple_carets_enabled() const { return multi_carets_enabled; } int TextEdit::add_caret(int p_line, int p_column) { if (!multi_carets_enabled) { return -1; } _cancel_drag_and_drop_text(); p_line = CLAMP(p_line, 0, text.size() - 1); p_column = CLAMP(p_column, 0, get_line(p_line).length()); if (!is_in_mulitcaret_edit()) { // Carets cannot overlap. if (get_selection_at_line_column(p_line, p_column, true, false) != -1) { return -1; } } carets.push_back(Caret()); int new_index = carets.size() - 1; set_caret_line(p_line, false, false, -1, new_index); set_caret_column(p_column, false, new_index); _caret_changed(new_index); if (is_in_mulitcaret_edit()) { multicaret_edit_ignore_carets.insert(new_index); merge_overlapping_carets(); } return new_index; } void TextEdit::remove_caret(int p_caret) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(carets.size() <= 1, "The main caret should not be removed."); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_caret, carets.size()); _caret_changed(p_caret); carets.remove_at(p_caret); if (drag_caret_index >= 0) { if (p_caret == drag_caret_index) { drag_caret_index = -1; } else if (p_caret < drag_caret_index) { drag_caret_index -= 1; } } } void TextEdit::remove_drag_caret() { if (drag_caret_index >= 0) { if (drag_caret_index < carets.size()) { remove_caret(drag_caret_index); } drag_caret_index = -1; } } void TextEdit::remove_secondary_carets() { if (carets.size() == 1) { return; } _caret_changed(); carets.resize(1); if (drag_caret_index >= 0) { drag_caret_index = -1; } } int TextEdit::get_caret_count() const { // Don't include drag caret. if (drag_caret_index >= 0) { return carets.size() - 1; } return carets.size(); } void TextEdit::add_caret_at_carets(bool p_below) { if (!multi_carets_enabled) { return; } const int last_line_max_wrap = get_line_wrap_count(text.size() - 1); begin_multicaret_edit(); int view_target_caret = -1; int view_line = p_below ? -1 : INT_MAX; int num_carets = get_caret_count(); for (int i = 0; i < num_carets; i++) { const int caret_line = get_caret_line(i); const int caret_column = get_caret_column(i); bool is_selected = has_selection(i) || carets[i].last_fit_x != carets[i].selection.origin_last_fit_x; const int selection_origin_line = get_selection_origin_line(i); const int selection_origin_column = get_selection_origin_column(i); const int caret_wrap_index = get_caret_wrap_index(i); const int selection_origin_wrap_index = !is_selected ? -1 : get_line_wrap_index_at_column(selection_origin_line, selection_origin_column); if (caret_line == 0 && !p_below && (caret_wrap_index == 0 || selection_origin_wrap_index == 0)) { // Can't add above the first line. continue; } if (caret_line == text.size() - 1 && p_below && (caret_wrap_index == last_line_max_wrap || selection_origin_wrap_index == last_line_max_wrap)) { // Can't add below the last line. continue; } // Add a new caret. int new_caret_index = add_caret(caret_line, caret_column); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(new_caret_index < 0, "Failed to add a caret."); // Copy the selection origin and last fit. set_selection_origin_line(selection_origin_line, true, -1, new_caret_index); set_selection_origin_column(selection_origin_column, new_caret_index); carets.write[new_caret_index].last_fit_x = carets[i].last_fit_x; carets.write[new_caret_index].selection.origin_last_fit_x = carets[i].selection.origin_last_fit_x; // Move the caret up or down one visible line. if (!p_below) { // Move caret up. if (caret_wrap_index > 0) { set_caret_line(caret_line, false, false, caret_wrap_index - 1, new_caret_index); } else { int new_line = caret_line - get_next_visible_line_offset_from(caret_line - 1, -1); if (is_line_wrapped(new_line)) { set_caret_line(new_line, false, false, get_line_wrap_count(new_line), new_caret_index); } else { set_caret_line(new_line, false, false, 0, new_caret_index); } } // Move selection origin up. if (is_selected) { if (selection_origin_wrap_index > 0) { set_selection_origin_line(caret_line, false, selection_origin_wrap_index - 1, new_caret_index); } else { int new_line = selection_origin_line - get_next_visible_line_offset_from(selection_origin_line - 1, -1); if (is_line_wrapped(new_line)) { set_selection_origin_line(new_line, false, get_line_wrap_count(new_line), new_caret_index); } else { set_selection_origin_line(new_line, false, 0, new_caret_index); } } } if (get_caret_line(new_caret_index) < view_line) { view_line = get_caret_line(new_caret_index); view_target_caret = new_caret_index; } } else { // Move caret down. if (caret_wrap_index < get_line_wrap_count(caret_line)) { set_caret_line(caret_line, false, false, caret_wrap_index + 1, new_caret_index); } else { int new_line = caret_line + get_next_visible_line_offset_from(CLAMP(caret_line + 1, 0, text.size() - 1), 1); set_caret_line(new_line, false, false, 0, new_caret_index); } // Move selection origin down. if (is_selected) { if (selection_origin_wrap_index < get_line_wrap_count(selection_origin_line)) { set_selection_origin_line(selection_origin_line, false, selection_origin_wrap_index + 1, new_caret_index); } else { int new_line = selection_origin_line + get_next_visible_line_offset_from(CLAMP(selection_origin_line + 1, 0, text.size() - 1), 1); set_selection_origin_line(new_line, false, 0, new_caret_index); } } if (get_caret_line(new_caret_index) > view_line) { view_line = get_caret_line(new_caret_index); view_target_caret = new_caret_index; } } if (is_selected) { // Make sure selection is active. select(get_selection_origin_line(new_caret_index), get_selection_origin_column(new_caret_index), get_caret_line(new_caret_index), get_caret_column(new_caret_index), new_caret_index); carets.write[new_caret_index].last_fit_x = carets[i].last_fit_x; carets.write[new_caret_index].selection.origin_last_fit_x = carets[i].selection.origin_last_fit_x; } bool check_edges = !has_selection(0) || !has_selection(new_caret_index); bool will_merge_with_main_caret = _selection_contains(0, get_caret_line(new_caret_index), get_caret_column(new_caret_index), check_edges, false) || _selection_contains(new_caret_index, get_caret_line(0), get_caret_column(0), check_edges, false); if (will_merge_with_main_caret) { // Move next to the main caret so it stays the main caret after merging. Caret new_caret = carets[new_caret_index]; carets.remove_at(new_caret_index); carets.insert(0, new_caret); i++; } } // Show the topmost caret if added above or bottommost caret if added below. if (view_target_caret >= 0 && view_target_caret < get_caret_count()) { adjust_viewport_to_caret(view_target_caret); } merge_overlapping_carets(); end_multicaret_edit(); } struct _CaretSortComparator { _FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator()(const Vector3i &a, const Vector3i &b) const { // x is column, y is line, z is caret index. if (a.y == b.y) { return a.x < b.x; } return a.y < b.y; } }; Vector TextEdit::get_sorted_carets(bool p_include_ignored_carets) const { // Returns caret indexes sorted by selection start or caret position from top to bottom of text. Vector caret_line_col_indexes; for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { if (!p_include_ignored_carets && multicaret_edit_ignore_caret(i)) { continue; } caret_line_col_indexes.push_back(Vector3i(get_selection_from_column(i), get_selection_from_line(i), i)); } caret_line_col_indexes.sort_custom<_CaretSortComparator>(); Vector sorted; sorted.resize(caret_line_col_indexes.size()); for (int i = 0; i < caret_line_col_indexes.size(); i++) { sorted.set(i, caret_line_col_indexes[i].z); } return sorted; } void TextEdit::collapse_carets(int p_from_line, int p_from_column, int p_to_line, int p_to_column, bool p_inclusive) { // Collapse carets in the selected range to the from position. // Clamp the collapse target position. int collapse_line = CLAMP(p_from_line, 0, text.size() - 1); int collapse_column = CLAMP(p_from_column, 0, text[collapse_line].length()); // Swap the lines if they are in the wrong order. if (p_from_line > p_to_line) { SWAP(p_from_line, p_to_line); SWAP(p_from_column, p_to_column); } if (p_from_line == p_to_line && p_from_column > p_to_column) { SWAP(p_from_column, p_to_column); } bool any_collapsed = false; // Intentionally includes carets in the multicaret_edit_ignore list so that they are moved together. for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { bool is_caret_in = _is_line_col_in_range(get_caret_line(i), get_caret_column(i), p_from_line, p_from_column, p_to_line, p_to_column, p_inclusive); if (!has_selection(i)) { if (is_caret_in) { // Caret was in the collapsed area. set_caret_line(collapse_line, false, true, -1, i); set_caret_column(collapse_column, false, i); if (is_in_mulitcaret_edit() && get_caret_count() > 1) { multicaret_edit_ignore_carets.insert(i); } any_collapsed = true; } } else { bool is_origin_in = _is_line_col_in_range(get_selection_origin_line(i), get_selection_origin_column(i), p_from_line, p_from_column, p_to_line, p_to_column, p_inclusive); if (is_caret_in && is_origin_in) { // Selection was completely encapsulated. deselect(i); set_caret_line(collapse_line, false, true, -1, i); set_caret_column(collapse_column, false, i); if (is_in_mulitcaret_edit() && get_caret_count() > 1) { multicaret_edit_ignore_carets.insert(i); } any_collapsed = true; } else if (is_caret_in) { // Only caret was inside. set_caret_line(collapse_line, false, true, -1, i); set_caret_column(collapse_column, false, i); any_collapsed = true; } else if (is_origin_in) { // Only selection origin was inside. set_selection_origin_line(collapse_line, true, -1, i); set_selection_origin_column(collapse_column, i); any_collapsed = true; } } if (!p_inclusive && !any_collapsed) { if ((get_caret_line(i) == collapse_line && get_caret_column(i) == collapse_column) || (get_selection_origin_line(i) == collapse_line && get_selection_origin_column(i) == collapse_column)) { // Make sure to queue a merge, even if we didn't include it. any_collapsed = true; } } } if (any_collapsed) { merge_overlapping_carets(); } } void TextEdit::merge_overlapping_carets() { if (is_in_mulitcaret_edit()) { // Queue merge to be performed the end of the multicaret edit. multicaret_edit_merge_queued = true; return; } multicaret_edit_merge_queued = false; multicaret_edit_ignore_carets.clear(); if (get_caret_count() == 1) { return; } Vector sorted_carets = get_sorted_carets(true); for (int i = 0; i < sorted_carets.size() - 1; i++) { int first_caret = sorted_carets[i]; int second_caret = sorted_carets[i + 1]; bool merge_carets; if (!has_selection(first_caret) || !has_selection(second_caret)) { // Merge if touching. merge_carets = get_selection_from_line(second_caret) < get_selection_to_line(first_caret) || (get_selection_from_line(second_caret) == get_selection_to_line(first_caret) && get_selection_from_column(second_caret) <= get_selection_to_column(first_caret)); } else { // Merge two selections if overlapping. merge_carets = get_selection_from_line(second_caret) < get_selection_to_line(first_caret) || (get_selection_from_line(second_caret) == get_selection_to_line(first_caret) && get_selection_from_column(second_caret) < get_selection_to_column(first_caret)); } if (!merge_carets) { continue; } // Save the newest one for Click + Drag. int caret_to_save = first_caret; int caret_to_remove = second_caret; if (first_caret < second_caret) { caret_to_save = second_caret; caret_to_remove = first_caret; } if (get_selection_from_line(caret_to_save) != get_selection_from_line(caret_to_remove) || get_selection_to_line(caret_to_save) != get_selection_to_line(caret_to_remove) || get_selection_from_column(caret_to_save) != get_selection_from_column(caret_to_remove) || get_selection_to_column(caret_to_save) != get_selection_to_column(caret_to_remove)) { // Selections are not the same, merge them into one bigger selection. int new_from_line = MIN(get_selection_from_line(caret_to_remove), get_selection_from_line(caret_to_save)); int new_to_line = MAX(get_selection_to_line(caret_to_remove), get_selection_to_line(caret_to_save)); int new_from_col; int new_to_col; if (get_selection_from_line(caret_to_remove) < get_selection_from_line(caret_to_save)) { new_from_col = get_selection_from_column(caret_to_remove); } else if (get_selection_from_line(caret_to_remove) > get_selection_from_line(caret_to_save)) { new_from_col = get_selection_from_column(caret_to_save); } else { new_from_col = MIN(get_selection_from_column(caret_to_remove), get_selection_from_column(caret_to_save)); } if (get_selection_to_line(caret_to_remove) < get_selection_to_line(caret_to_save)) { new_to_col = get_selection_to_column(caret_to_save); } else if (get_selection_to_line(caret_to_remove) > get_selection_to_line(caret_to_save)) { new_to_col = get_selection_to_column(caret_to_remove); } else { new_to_col = MAX(get_selection_to_column(caret_to_remove), get_selection_to_column(caret_to_save)); } // Use the direction from the last caret or the saved one. int caret_dir_to_copy; if (has_selection(caret_to_remove) && has_selection(caret_to_save)) { caret_dir_to_copy = caret_to_remove == get_caret_count() - 1 ? caret_to_remove : caret_to_save; } else { caret_dir_to_copy = !has_selection(caret_to_remove) ? caret_to_save : caret_to_remove; } if (is_caret_after_selection_origin(caret_dir_to_copy)) { select(new_from_line, new_from_col, new_to_line, new_to_col, caret_to_save); } else { select(new_to_line, new_to_col, new_from_line, new_from_col, caret_to_save); } } if (caret_to_save == 0) { adjust_viewport_to_caret(caret_to_save); } remove_caret(caret_to_remove); // Update the rest of the sorted list. for (int j = i; j < sorted_carets.size(); j++) { if (sorted_carets[j] > caret_to_remove) { // Shift the index since a caret before it was removed. sorted_carets.write[j] -= 1; } } // Remove the caret from the sorted array. sorted_carets.remove_at(caret_to_remove == first_caret ? i : i + 1); // Process the caret again, since it and the next caret might also overlap. i--; } } // Starts a multicaret edit operation. Call this before iterating over the carets and call [end_multicaret_edit] afterwards. void TextEdit::begin_multicaret_edit() { if (!multi_carets_enabled) { return; } multicaret_edit_count++; } void TextEdit::end_multicaret_edit() { if (!multi_carets_enabled) { return; } if (multicaret_edit_count > 0) { multicaret_edit_count--; } if (multicaret_edit_count != 0) { return; } // This was the last multicaret edit operation. if (multicaret_edit_merge_queued) { merge_overlapping_carets(); } multicaret_edit_ignore_carets.clear(); } bool TextEdit::is_in_mulitcaret_edit() const { return multicaret_edit_count > 0; } bool TextEdit::multicaret_edit_ignore_caret(int p_caret) const { return multicaret_edit_ignore_carets.has(p_caret); } bool TextEdit::is_caret_visible(int p_caret) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_caret, carets.size(), 0); return carets[p_caret].visible; } Point2 TextEdit::get_caret_draw_pos(int p_caret) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_caret, carets.size(), Point2(0, 0)); return carets[p_caret].draw_pos; } void TextEdit::set_caret_line(int p_line, bool p_adjust_viewport, bool p_can_be_hidden, int p_wrap_index, int p_caret) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_caret, carets.size()); if (setting_caret_line) { return; } setting_caret_line = true; p_line = CLAMP(p_line, 0, text.size() - 1); if (!p_can_be_hidden) { if (_is_line_hidden(p_line)) { int move_down = get_next_visible_line_offset_from(p_line, 1) - 1; if (p_line + move_down <= text.size() - 1 && !_is_line_hidden(p_line + move_down)) { p_line += move_down; } else { int move_up = get_next_visible_line_offset_from(p_line, -1) - 1; if (p_line - move_up > 0 && !_is_line_hidden(p_line - move_up)) { p_line -= move_up; } else { WARN_PRINT("Caret set to hidden line " + itos(p_line) + " and there are no nonhidden lines."); } } } } bool caret_moved = get_caret_line(p_caret) != p_line; carets.write[p_caret].line = p_line; int n_col; if (p_wrap_index >= 0) { // Keep caret in same visual x position it was at previously. n_col = _get_char_pos_for_line(carets[p_caret].last_fit_x, p_line, p_wrap_index); if (n_col != 0 && get_line_wrapping_mode() != LineWrappingMode::LINE_WRAPPING_NONE && p_wrap_index < get_line_wrap_count(p_line)) { // Offset by one to not go past the end of the wrapped line. if (n_col >= text.get_line_wrap_ranges(p_line)[p_wrap_index].y) { n_col -= 1; } } } else { // Clamp the column. n_col = MIN(get_caret_column(p_caret), get_line(p_line).length()); } caret_moved = (caret_moved || get_caret_column(p_caret) != n_col); carets.write[p_caret].column = n_col; // Unselect if the caret moved to the selection origin. if (p_wrap_index >= 0 && has_selection(p_caret) && get_caret_line(p_caret) == get_selection_origin_line(p_caret) && get_caret_column(p_caret) == get_selection_origin_column(p_caret)) { deselect(p_caret); } if (is_inside_tree() && p_adjust_viewport) { adjust_viewport_to_caret(p_caret); } setting_caret_line = false; if (caret_moved) { _caret_changed(p_caret); } } int TextEdit::get_caret_line(int p_caret) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_caret, carets.size(), 0); return carets[p_caret].line; } void TextEdit::set_caret_column(int p_column, bool p_adjust_viewport, int p_caret) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_caret, carets.size()); p_column = CLAMP(p_column, 0, get_line(get_caret_line(p_caret)).length()); bool caret_moved = get_caret_column(p_caret) != p_column; carets.write[p_caret].column = p_column; carets.write[p_caret].last_fit_x = _get_column_x_offset_for_line(get_caret_column(p_caret), get_caret_line(p_caret), get_caret_column(p_caret)); if (!has_selection(p_caret)) { // Set the selection origin last fit x to be the same, so we can tell if there was a selection. carets.write[p_caret].selection.origin_last_fit_x = carets[p_caret].last_fit_x; } // Unselect if the caret moved to the selection origin. if (has_selection(p_caret) && get_caret_line(p_caret) == get_selection_origin_line(p_caret) && get_caret_column(p_caret) == get_selection_origin_column(p_caret)) { deselect(p_caret); } if (is_inside_tree() && p_adjust_viewport) { adjust_viewport_to_caret(p_caret); } if (caret_moved) { _caret_changed(p_caret); } } int TextEdit::get_caret_column(int p_caret) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_caret, carets.size(), 0); return carets[p_caret].column; } int TextEdit::get_caret_wrap_index(int p_caret) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_caret, carets.size(), 0); return get_line_wrap_index_at_column(get_caret_line(p_caret), get_caret_column(p_caret)); } String TextEdit::get_word_under_caret(int p_caret) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_caret >= carets.size() || p_caret < -1, ""); StringBuilder selected_text; for (int c = 0; c < carets.size(); c++) { if (p_caret != -1 && p_caret != c) { continue; } PackedInt32Array words = TS->shaped_text_get_word_breaks(text.get_line_data(get_caret_line(c))->get_rid()); for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i = i + 2) { if (words[i] <= get_caret_column(c) && words[i + 1] > get_caret_column(c)) { selected_text += text[get_caret_line(c)].substr(words[i], words[i + 1] - words[i]); if (p_caret == -1 && c != carets.size() - 1) { selected_text += "\n"; } } } } return selected_text.as_string(); } /* Selection. */ void TextEdit::set_selecting_enabled(bool p_enabled) { if (selecting_enabled == p_enabled) { return; } selecting_enabled = p_enabled; if (!selecting_enabled) { deselect(); } } bool TextEdit::is_selecting_enabled() const { return selecting_enabled; } void TextEdit::set_deselect_on_focus_loss_enabled(bool p_enabled) { if (deselect_on_focus_loss_enabled == p_enabled) { return; } deselect_on_focus_loss_enabled = p_enabled; if (p_enabled && has_selection() && !has_focus()) { deselect(); } } bool TextEdit::is_deselect_on_focus_loss_enabled() const { return deselect_on_focus_loss_enabled; } void TextEdit::set_drag_and_drop_selection_enabled(bool p_enabled) { drag_and_drop_selection_enabled = p_enabled; } bool TextEdit::is_drag_and_drop_selection_enabled() const { return drag_and_drop_selection_enabled; } void TextEdit::set_selection_mode(SelectionMode p_mode) { selecting_mode = p_mode; } TextEdit::SelectionMode TextEdit::get_selection_mode() const { return selecting_mode; } void TextEdit::select_all() { _push_current_op(); if (!selecting_enabled) { return; } if (text.size() == 1 && text[0].length() == 0) { return; } remove_secondary_carets(); set_selection_mode(SelectionMode::SELECTION_MODE_SHIFT); select(0, 0, text.size() - 1, text[text.size() - 1].length()); } void TextEdit::select_word_under_caret(int p_caret) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_caret >= carets.size() || p_caret < -1); _push_current_op(); if (!selecting_enabled) { return; } if (text.size() == 1 && text[0].length() == 0) { return; } for (int c = 0; c < carets.size(); c++) { if (p_caret != -1 && p_caret != c) { continue; } if (has_selection(c)) { // Allow toggling selection by pressing the shortcut a second time. // This is also usable as a general-purpose "deselect" shortcut after // selecting anything. deselect(c); continue; } int begin = 0; int end = 0; const PackedInt32Array words = TS->shaped_text_get_word_breaks(text.get_line_data(get_caret_line(c))->get_rid()); for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i = i + 2) { if ((words[i] <= get_caret_column(c) && words[i + 1] >= get_caret_column(c)) || (i == words.size() - 2 && get_caret_column(c) == words[i + 1])) { begin = words[i]; end = words[i + 1]; break; } } // No word found. if (begin == 0 && end == 0) { continue; } select(get_caret_line(c), begin, get_caret_line(c), end, c); } merge_overlapping_carets(); } void TextEdit::add_selection_for_next_occurrence() { if (!selecting_enabled || !is_multiple_carets_enabled()) { return; } if (text.size() == 1 && text[0].length() == 0) { return; } _push_current_op(); // Always use the last caret, to correctly search for // the next occurrence that comes after this caret. int caret = get_caret_count() - 1; if (!has_selection(caret)) { select_word_under_caret(caret); return; } const String &highlighted_text = get_selected_text(caret); int column = get_selection_from_column(caret) + 1; int line = get_selection_from_line(caret); const Point2i next_occurrence = search(highlighted_text, SEARCH_MATCH_CASE, line, column); if (next_occurrence.x == -1 || next_occurrence.y == -1) { return; } int to_column = get_selection_to_column(caret) + 1; int end = next_occurrence.x + (to_column - column); int new_caret = add_caret(next_occurrence.y, end); if (new_caret != -1) { select(next_occurrence.y, next_occurrence.x, next_occurrence.y, end, new_caret); _unhide_carets(); adjust_viewport_to_caret(new_caret); merge_overlapping_carets(); } } void TextEdit::skip_selection_for_next_occurrence() { if (!selecting_enabled) { return; } if (text.size() == 1 && text[0].length() == 0) { return; } // Always use the last caret, to correctly search for // the next occurrence that comes after this caret. int caret = get_caret_count() - 1; // Supports getting the text under caret without selecting it. // It allows to use this shortcut to simply jump to the next (under caret) word. // Due to const and &(reference) presence, ternary operator is a way to avoid errors and warnings. const String &searched_text = has_selection(caret) ? get_selected_text(caret) : get_word_under_caret(caret); int column = get_selection_from_column(caret) + 1; int line = get_selection_from_line(caret); const Point2i next_occurrence = search(searched_text, SEARCH_MATCH_CASE, line, column); if (next_occurrence.x == -1 || next_occurrence.y == -1) { return; } int to_column = get_selection_to_column(caret) + 1; int end = next_occurrence.x + (to_column - column); int new_caret = add_caret(next_occurrence.y, end); if (new_caret != -1) { select(next_occurrence.y, next_occurrence.x, next_occurrence.y, end, new_caret); _unhide_carets(); adjust_viewport_to_caret(new_caret); merge_overlapping_carets(); } // Deselect word under previous caret. if (has_selection(caret)) { select_word_under_caret(caret); } // Remove previous caret. if (get_caret_count() > 1) { remove_caret(caret); } } void TextEdit::select(int p_origin_line, int p_origin_column, int p_caret_line, int p_caret_column, int p_caret) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_caret, get_caret_count()); p_caret_line = CLAMP(p_caret_line, 0, text.size() - 1); p_caret_column = CLAMP(p_caret_column, 0, text[p_caret_line].length()); set_caret_line(p_caret_line, false, true, -1, p_caret); set_caret_column(p_caret_column, false, p_caret); if (!selecting_enabled) { return; } p_origin_line = CLAMP(p_origin_line, 0, text.size() - 1); p_origin_column = CLAMP(p_origin_column, 0, text[p_origin_line].length()); set_selection_origin_line(p_origin_line, true, -1, p_caret); set_selection_origin_column(p_origin_column, p_caret); bool had_selection = has_selection(p_caret); bool activate = p_origin_line != p_caret_line || p_origin_column != p_caret_column; carets.write[p_caret].selection.active = activate; if (had_selection != activate) { _selection_changed(p_caret); } } bool TextEdit::has_selection(int p_caret) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_caret >= carets.size() || p_caret < -1, false); if (p_caret >= 0) { return carets[p_caret].selection.active; } for (int i = 0; i < carets.size(); i++) { if (carets[i].selection.active) { return true; } } return false; } String TextEdit::get_selected_text(int p_caret) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_caret >= carets.size() || p_caret < -1, ""); if (p_caret >= 0) { if (!has_selection(p_caret)) { return ""; } return _base_get_text(get_selection_from_line(p_caret), get_selection_from_column(p_caret), get_selection_to_line(p_caret), get_selection_to_column(p_caret)); } StringBuilder selected_text; Vector sorted_carets = get_sorted_carets(); for (int i = 0; i < sorted_carets.size(); i++) { int caret_index = sorted_carets[i]; if (!has_selection(caret_index)) { continue; } if (selected_text.get_string_length() != 0) { selected_text += "\n"; } selected_text += _base_get_text(get_selection_from_line(caret_index), get_selection_from_column(caret_index), get_selection_to_line(caret_index), get_selection_to_column(caret_index)); } return selected_text.as_string(); } int TextEdit::get_selection_at_line_column(int p_line, int p_column, bool p_include_edges, bool p_only_selections) const { // Return the caret index of the found selection, or -1. for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { if (_selection_contains(i, p_line, p_column, p_include_edges, p_only_selections)) { return i; } } return -1; } Vector TextEdit::get_line_ranges_from_carets(bool p_only_selections, bool p_merge_adjacent) const { // Get a series of line ranges that cover all lines that have a caret or selection. // For each Point2i range, x is the first line and y is the last line. Vector ret; int last_to_line = INT_MIN; Vector sorted_carets = get_sorted_carets(); for (int i = 0; i < sorted_carets.size(); i++) { int caret_index = sorted_carets[i]; if (p_only_selections && !has_selection(caret_index)) { continue; } Point2i range = Point2i(get_selection_from_line(caret_index), get_selection_to_line(caret_index)); if (has_selection(caret_index) && get_selection_to_column(caret_index) == 0) { // Dont include selection end line if it ends at column 0. range.y--; } if (range.x == last_to_line || (p_merge_adjacent && range.x - 1 == last_to_line)) { // Merge if starts on the same line or adjacent line. ret.write[ret.size() - 1].y = range.y; } else { ret.append(range); } last_to_line = range.y; } return ret; } TypedArray TextEdit::get_line_ranges_from_carets_typed_array(bool p_only_selections, bool p_merge_adjacent) const { // Wrapper for `get_line_ranges_from_carets` to return a datatype that can be exposed. TypedArray ret; Vector ranges = get_line_ranges_from_carets(p_only_selections, p_merge_adjacent); for (const Point2i &range : ranges) { ret.push_back(range); } return ret; } void TextEdit::set_selection_origin_line(int p_line, bool p_can_be_hidden, int p_wrap_index, int p_caret) { if (!selecting_enabled) { return; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_caret, carets.size()); p_line = CLAMP(p_line, 0, text.size() - 1); if (!p_can_be_hidden) { if (_is_line_hidden(p_line)) { int move_down = get_next_visible_line_offset_from(p_line, 1) - 1; if (p_line + move_down <= text.size() - 1 && !_is_line_hidden(p_line + move_down)) { p_line += move_down; } else { int move_up = get_next_visible_line_offset_from(p_line, -1) - 1; if (p_line - move_up > 0 && !_is_line_hidden(p_line - move_up)) { p_line -= move_up; } else { WARN_PRINT("Selection origin set to hidden line " + itos(p_line) + " and there are no nonhidden lines."); } } } } bool selection_moved = get_selection_origin_line(p_caret) != p_line; carets.write[p_caret].selection.origin_line = p_line; int n_col; if (p_wrap_index >= 0) { // Keep selection origin in same visual x position it was at previously. n_col = _get_char_pos_for_line(carets[p_caret].selection.origin_last_fit_x, p_line, p_wrap_index); if (n_col != 0 && get_line_wrapping_mode() != LineWrappingMode::LINE_WRAPPING_NONE && p_wrap_index < get_line_wrap_count(p_line)) { // Offset by one to not go past the end of the wrapped line. if (n_col >= text.get_line_wrap_ranges(p_line)[p_wrap_index].y) { n_col -= 1; } } } else { // Clamp the column. n_col = MIN(get_selection_origin_column(p_caret), get_line(p_line).length()); } selection_moved = (selection_moved || get_selection_origin_column(p_caret) != n_col); carets.write[p_caret].selection.origin_column = n_col; // Unselect if the selection origin moved to the caret. if (p_wrap_index >= 0 && has_selection(p_caret) && get_caret_line(p_caret) == get_selection_origin_line(p_caret) && get_caret_column(p_caret) == get_selection_origin_column(p_caret)) { deselect(p_caret); } if (selection_moved && has_selection(p_caret)) { _selection_changed(p_caret); } } void TextEdit::set_selection_origin_column(int p_column, int p_caret) { if (!selecting_enabled) { return; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_caret, carets.size()); p_column = CLAMP(p_column, 0, get_line(get_selection_origin_line(p_caret)).length()); bool selection_moved = get_selection_origin_column(p_caret) != p_column; carets.write[p_caret].selection.origin_column = p_column; carets.write[p_caret].selection.origin_last_fit_x = _get_column_x_offset_for_line(get_selection_origin_column(p_caret), get_selection_origin_line(p_caret), get_selection_origin_column(p_caret)); // Unselect if the selection origin moved to the caret. if (has_selection(p_caret) && get_caret_line(p_caret) == get_selection_origin_line(p_caret) && get_caret_column(p_caret) == get_selection_origin_column(p_caret)) { deselect(p_caret); } if (selection_moved && has_selection(p_caret)) { _selection_changed(p_caret); } } int TextEdit::get_selection_origin_line(int p_caret) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_caret, carets.size(), -1); return carets[p_caret].selection.origin_line; } int TextEdit::get_selection_origin_column(int p_caret) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_caret, carets.size(), -1); return carets[p_caret].selection.origin_column; } int TextEdit::get_selection_from_line(int p_caret) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_caret, carets.size(), -1); if (!has_selection(p_caret)) { return carets[p_caret].line; } return MIN(carets[p_caret].selection.origin_line, carets[p_caret].line); } int TextEdit::get_selection_from_column(int p_caret) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_caret, carets.size(), -1); if (!has_selection(p_caret)) { return carets[p_caret].column; } if (carets[p_caret].selection.origin_line < carets[p_caret].line) { return carets[p_caret].selection.origin_column; } else if (carets[p_caret].selection.origin_line > carets[p_caret].line) { return carets[p_caret].column; } else { return MIN(carets[p_caret].selection.origin_column, carets[p_caret].column); } } int TextEdit::get_selection_to_line(int p_caret) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_caret, carets.size(), -1); if (!has_selection(p_caret)) { return carets[p_caret].line; } return MAX(carets[p_caret].selection.origin_line, carets[p_caret].line); } int TextEdit::get_selection_to_column(int p_caret) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_caret, carets.size(), -1); if (!has_selection(p_caret)) { return carets[p_caret].column; } if (carets[p_caret].selection.origin_line < carets[p_caret].line) { return carets[p_caret].column; } else if (carets[p_caret].selection.origin_line > carets[p_caret].line) { return carets[p_caret].selection.origin_column; } else { return MAX(carets[p_caret].selection.origin_column, carets[p_caret].column); } } bool TextEdit::is_caret_after_selection_origin(int p_caret) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_caret, carets.size(), false); if (!has_selection(p_caret)) { return true; } return carets[p_caret].line > carets[p_caret].selection.origin_line || (carets[p_caret].line == carets[p_caret].selection.origin_line && carets[p_caret].column >= carets[p_caret].selection.origin_column); } void TextEdit::deselect(int p_caret) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_caret >= carets.size() || p_caret < -1); bool selection_changed = false; if (p_caret >= 0) { selection_changed = carets.write[p_caret].selection.active; carets.write[p_caret].selection.active = false; } else { for (int i = 0; i < carets.size(); i++) { selection_changed |= carets.write[i].selection.active; carets.write[i].selection.active = false; } } if (selection_changed) { _selection_changed(p_caret); } } void TextEdit::delete_selection(int p_caret) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_caret >= get_caret_count() || p_caret < -1); begin_complex_operation(); begin_multicaret_edit(); for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { if (p_caret != -1 && p_caret != i) { continue; } if (p_caret == -1 && multicaret_edit_ignore_caret(i)) { continue; } if (!has_selection(i)) { continue; } int selection_from_line = get_selection_from_line(i); int selection_from_column = get_selection_from_column(i); int selection_to_line = get_selection_to_line(i); int selection_to_column = get_selection_to_column(i); _remove_text(selection_from_line, selection_from_column, selection_to_line, selection_to_column); _offset_carets_after(selection_to_line, selection_to_column, selection_from_line, selection_from_column); merge_overlapping_carets(); deselect(i); set_caret_line(selection_from_line, false, false, -1, i); set_caret_column(selection_from_column, i == 0, i); } end_multicaret_edit(); end_complex_operation(); } /* Line wrapping. */ void TextEdit::set_line_wrapping_mode(LineWrappingMode p_wrapping_mode) { if (line_wrapping_mode != p_wrapping_mode) { line_wrapping_mode = p_wrapping_mode; _update_wrap_at_column(true); queue_redraw(); } } TextEdit::LineWrappingMode TextEdit::get_line_wrapping_mode() const { return line_wrapping_mode; } void TextEdit::set_autowrap_mode(TextServer::AutowrapMode p_mode) { if (autowrap_mode == p_mode) { return; } autowrap_mode = p_mode; if (get_line_wrapping_mode() != LineWrappingMode::LINE_WRAPPING_NONE) { _update_wrap_at_column(true); queue_redraw(); } } TextServer::AutowrapMode TextEdit::get_autowrap_mode() const { return autowrap_mode; } bool TextEdit::is_line_wrapped(int p_line) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), 0); if (get_line_wrapping_mode() == LineWrappingMode::LINE_WRAPPING_NONE) { return false; } return text.get_line_wrap_amount(p_line) > 0; } int TextEdit::get_line_wrap_count(int p_line) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), 0); if (!is_line_wrapped(p_line)) { return 0; } return text.get_line_wrap_amount(p_line); } int TextEdit::get_line_wrap_index_at_column(int p_line, int p_column) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), 0); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_column < 0, 0); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_column > text[p_line].length(), 0); if (!is_line_wrapped(p_line)) { return 0; } /* Loop through wraps in the line text until we get to the column. */ int wrap_index = 0; int col = 0; Vector lines = get_line_wrapped_text(p_line); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { wrap_index = i; col += lines[wrap_index].length(); if (col > p_column) { break; } } return wrap_index; } Vector TextEdit::get_line_wrapped_text(int p_line) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), Vector()); Vector lines; if (!is_line_wrapped(p_line)) { lines.push_back(text[p_line]); return lines; } const String &line_text = text[p_line]; Vector line_ranges = text.get_line_wrap_ranges(p_line); for (int i = 0; i < line_ranges.size(); i++) { lines.push_back(line_text.substr(line_ranges[i].x, line_ranges[i].y - line_ranges[i].x)); } return lines; } /* Viewport */ // Scrolling. void TextEdit::set_smooth_scroll_enabled(bool p_enabled) { v_scroll->set_smooth_scroll_enabled(p_enabled); smooth_scroll_enabled = p_enabled; } bool TextEdit::is_smooth_scroll_enabled() const { return smooth_scroll_enabled; } void TextEdit::set_scroll_past_end_of_file_enabled(bool p_enabled) { if (scroll_past_end_of_file_enabled == p_enabled) { return; } scroll_past_end_of_file_enabled = p_enabled; queue_redraw(); } bool TextEdit::is_scroll_past_end_of_file_enabled() const { return scroll_past_end_of_file_enabled; } VScrollBar *TextEdit::get_v_scroll_bar() const { return v_scroll; } HScrollBar *TextEdit::get_h_scroll_bar() const { return h_scroll; } void TextEdit::set_v_scroll(double p_scroll) { v_scroll->set_value(p_scroll); int max_v_scroll = v_scroll->get_max() - v_scroll->get_page(); if (p_scroll >= max_v_scroll - 1.0) { _scroll_moved(v_scroll->get_value()); } } double TextEdit::get_v_scroll() const { return v_scroll->get_value(); } void TextEdit::set_h_scroll(int p_scroll) { if (p_scroll < 0) { p_scroll = 0; } h_scroll->set_value(p_scroll); } int TextEdit::get_h_scroll() const { return h_scroll->get_value(); } void TextEdit::set_v_scroll_speed(float p_speed) { // Prevent setting a vertical scroll speed value under 1. ERR_FAIL_COND(p_speed < 1.0); v_scroll_speed = p_speed; } float TextEdit::get_v_scroll_speed() const { return v_scroll_speed; } void TextEdit::set_fit_content_height_enabled(bool p_enabled) { if (fit_content_height == p_enabled) { return; } fit_content_height = p_enabled; update_minimum_size(); } bool TextEdit::is_fit_content_height_enabled() const { return fit_content_height; } void TextEdit::set_fit_content_width_enabled(bool p_enabled) { if (fit_content_width == p_enabled) { return; } fit_content_width = p_enabled; update_minimum_size(); } bool TextEdit::is_fit_content_width_enabled() const { return fit_content_width; } double TextEdit::get_scroll_pos_for_line(int p_line, int p_wrap_index) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), 0); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_wrap_index < 0, 0); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_wrap_index > get_line_wrap_count(p_line), 0); if (get_line_wrapping_mode() == LineWrappingMode::LINE_WRAPPING_NONE && !_is_hiding_enabled()) { return p_line; } double new_line_scroll_pos = 0.0; if (p_line > 0) { new_line_scroll_pos = get_visible_line_count_in_range(0, MIN(p_line - 1, text.size() - 1)); } new_line_scroll_pos += p_wrap_index; return new_line_scroll_pos; } // Visible lines. void TextEdit::set_line_as_first_visible(int p_line, int p_wrap_index) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size()); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_wrap_index < 0); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_wrap_index > get_line_wrap_count(p_line)); set_v_scroll(get_scroll_pos_for_line(p_line, p_wrap_index)); } int TextEdit::get_first_visible_line() const { return CLAMP(first_visible_line, 0, text.size() - 1); } void TextEdit::set_line_as_center_visible(int p_line, int p_wrap_index) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size()); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_wrap_index < 0); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_wrap_index > get_line_wrap_count(p_line)); int visible_rows = get_visible_line_count(); Point2i next_line = get_next_visible_line_index_offset_from(p_line, p_wrap_index, (-visible_rows / 2) - 1); int first_line = p_line - next_line.x + 1; if (first_line < 0) { set_v_scroll(0); return; } set_v_scroll(get_scroll_pos_for_line(first_line, next_line.y)); } void TextEdit::set_line_as_last_visible(int p_line, int p_wrap_index) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size()); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_wrap_index < 0); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_wrap_index > get_line_wrap_count(p_line)); Point2i next_line = get_next_visible_line_index_offset_from(p_line, p_wrap_index, -get_visible_line_count() - 1); int first_line = p_line - next_line.x + 1; // Adding _get_visible_lines_offset is not 100% correct as we end up showing almost p_line + 1, however, it provides a // better user experience. Therefore we need to special case < visible line count, else showing line 0 is impossible. if (get_visible_line_count_in_range(0, p_line) < get_visible_line_count() + 1) { set_v_scroll(0); return; } set_v_scroll(Math::round(get_scroll_pos_for_line(first_line, next_line.y) + _get_visible_lines_offset())); } int TextEdit::get_last_full_visible_line() const { int first_vis_line = get_first_visible_line(); int last_vis_line = 0; last_vis_line = first_vis_line + get_next_visible_line_index_offset_from(first_vis_line, first_visible_line_wrap_ofs, get_visible_line_count()).x - 1; last_vis_line = CLAMP(last_vis_line, 0, text.size() - 1); return last_vis_line; } int TextEdit::get_last_full_visible_line_wrap_index() const { int first_vis_line = get_first_visible_line(); return get_next_visible_line_index_offset_from(first_vis_line, first_visible_line_wrap_ofs, get_visible_line_count()).y; } int TextEdit::get_visible_line_count() const { return _get_control_height() / get_line_height(); } int TextEdit::get_visible_line_count_in_range(int p_from_line, int p_to_line) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_from_line, text.size(), 0); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_to_line, text.size(), 0); // So we can handle inputs in whatever order. if (p_from_line > p_to_line) { SWAP(p_from_line, p_to_line); } // Returns the total number of (lines + wrapped - hidden). if (!_is_hiding_enabled() && get_line_wrapping_mode() == LineWrappingMode::LINE_WRAPPING_NONE) { return (p_to_line - p_from_line) + 1; } int total_rows = 0; for (int i = p_from_line; i <= p_to_line; i++) { if (!text.is_hidden(i)) { total_rows++; total_rows += get_line_wrap_count(i); } } return total_rows; } int TextEdit::get_total_visible_line_count() const { return text.get_total_visible_line_count(); } // Auto adjust. void TextEdit::adjust_viewport_to_caret(int p_caret) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_caret, carets.size()); // Make sure Caret is visible on the screen. scrolling = false; minimap_clicked = false; int cur_line = get_caret_line(p_caret); int cur_wrap = get_caret_wrap_index(p_caret); int first_vis_line = get_first_visible_line(); int first_vis_wrap = first_visible_line_wrap_ofs; int last_vis_line = get_last_full_visible_line(); int last_vis_wrap = get_last_full_visible_line_wrap_index(); if (cur_line < first_vis_line || (cur_line == first_vis_line && cur_wrap < first_vis_wrap)) { // Caret is above screen. set_line_as_first_visible(cur_line, cur_wrap); } else if (cur_line > last_vis_line || (cur_line == last_vis_line && cur_wrap > last_vis_wrap)) { // Caret is below screen. set_line_as_last_visible(cur_line, cur_wrap); } int visible_width = get_size().width - theme_cache.style_normal->get_minimum_size().width - gutters_width - gutter_padding; if (draw_minimap) { visible_width -= minimap_width; } if (v_scroll->is_visible_in_tree()) { visible_width -= v_scroll->get_combined_minimum_size().width; } visible_width -= 20; // Give it a little more space. if (visible_width <= 0) { // Not resized yet. return; } Vector2i caret_pos; // Get position of the start of caret. if (has_ime_text() && ime_selection.x != 0) { caret_pos.x = _get_column_x_offset_for_line(get_caret_column(p_caret) + ime_selection.x, get_caret_line(p_caret), get_caret_column(p_caret)); } else { caret_pos.x = _get_column_x_offset_for_line(get_caret_column(p_caret), get_caret_line(p_caret), get_caret_column(p_caret)); } // Get position of the end of caret. if (has_ime_text()) { if (ime_selection.y > 0) { caret_pos.y = _get_column_x_offset_for_line(get_caret_column(p_caret) + ime_selection.x + ime_selection.y, get_caret_line(p_caret), get_caret_column(p_caret)); } else { caret_pos.y = _get_column_x_offset_for_line(get_caret_column(p_caret) + ime_text.size(), get_caret_line(p_caret), get_caret_column(p_caret)); } } else { caret_pos.y = caret_pos.x; } if (MAX(caret_pos.x, caret_pos.y) > (first_visible_col + visible_width)) { first_visible_col = MAX(caret_pos.x, caret_pos.y) - visible_width + 1; } if (MIN(caret_pos.x, caret_pos.y) < first_visible_col) { first_visible_col = MIN(caret_pos.x, caret_pos.y); } h_scroll->set_value(first_visible_col); queue_redraw(); } void TextEdit::center_viewport_to_caret(int p_caret) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_caret, carets.size()); // Move viewport so the caret is in the center of the screen. scrolling = false; minimap_clicked = false; set_line_as_center_visible(get_caret_line(p_caret), get_caret_wrap_index(p_caret)); int visible_width = get_size().width - theme_cache.style_normal->get_minimum_size().width - gutters_width - gutter_padding; if (draw_minimap) { visible_width -= minimap_width; } if (v_scroll->is_visible_in_tree()) { visible_width -= v_scroll->get_combined_minimum_size().width; } visible_width -= 20; // Give it a little more space. if (get_line_wrapping_mode() != LineWrappingMode::LINE_WRAPPING_NONE) { // Center x offset. Vector2i caret_pos; // Get position of the start of caret. if (has_ime_text() && ime_selection.x != 0) { caret_pos.x = _get_column_x_offset_for_line(get_caret_column(p_caret) + ime_selection.x, get_caret_line(p_caret), get_caret_column(p_caret)); } else { caret_pos.x = _get_column_x_offset_for_line(get_caret_column(p_caret), get_caret_line(p_caret), get_caret_column(p_caret)); } // Get position of the end of caret. if (has_ime_text()) { if (ime_selection.y > 0) { caret_pos.y = _get_column_x_offset_for_line(get_caret_column(p_caret) + ime_selection.x + ime_selection.y, get_caret_line(p_caret), get_caret_column(p_caret)); } else { caret_pos.y = _get_column_x_offset_for_line(get_caret_column(p_caret) + ime_text.size(), get_caret_line(p_caret), get_caret_column(p_caret)); } } else { caret_pos.y = caret_pos.x; } if (MAX(caret_pos.x, caret_pos.y) > (first_visible_col + visible_width)) { first_visible_col = MAX(caret_pos.x, caret_pos.y) - visible_width + 1; } if (MIN(caret_pos.x, caret_pos.y) < first_visible_col) { first_visible_col = MIN(caret_pos.x, caret_pos.y); } } else { first_visible_col = 0; } h_scroll->set_value(first_visible_col); queue_redraw(); } /* Minimap */ void TextEdit::set_draw_minimap(bool p_enabled) { if (draw_minimap == p_enabled) { return; } draw_minimap = p_enabled; _update_wrap_at_column(); queue_redraw(); } bool TextEdit::is_drawing_minimap() const { return draw_minimap; } void TextEdit::set_minimap_width(int p_minimap_width) { if (minimap_width == p_minimap_width) { return; } minimap_width = p_minimap_width; _update_wrap_at_column(); queue_redraw(); } int TextEdit::get_minimap_width() const { return minimap_width; } int TextEdit::get_minimap_visible_lines() const { return _get_control_height() / (minimap_char_size.y + minimap_line_spacing); } /* Gutters. */ void TextEdit::add_gutter(int p_at) { if (p_at < 0 || p_at > gutters.size()) { gutters.push_back(GutterInfo()); } else { gutters.insert(p_at, GutterInfo()); } text.add_gutter(p_at); _update_gutter_width(); emit_signal(SNAME("gutter_added")); queue_redraw(); } void TextEdit::remove_gutter(int p_gutter) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size()); gutters.remove_at(p_gutter); text.remove_gutter(p_gutter); _update_gutter_width(); emit_signal(SNAME("gutter_removed")); queue_redraw(); } int TextEdit::get_gutter_count() const { return gutters.size(); } void TextEdit::set_gutter_name(int p_gutter, const String &p_name) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size()); gutters.write[p_gutter].name = p_name; } String TextEdit::get_gutter_name(int p_gutter) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), ""); return gutters[p_gutter].name; } void TextEdit::set_gutter_type(int p_gutter, GutterType p_type) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size()); if (gutters[p_gutter].type == p_type) { return; } gutters.write[p_gutter].type = p_type; queue_redraw(); } TextEdit::GutterType TextEdit::get_gutter_type(int p_gutter) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), GUTTER_TYPE_STRING); return gutters[p_gutter].type; } void TextEdit::set_gutter_width(int p_gutter, int p_width) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size()); if (gutters[p_gutter].width == p_width) { return; } gutters.write[p_gutter].width = p_width; _update_gutter_width(); } int TextEdit::get_gutter_width(int p_gutter) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), -1); return gutters[p_gutter].width; } int TextEdit::get_total_gutter_width() const { return gutters_width + gutter_padding; } void TextEdit::set_gutter_draw(int p_gutter, bool p_draw) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size()); if (gutters[p_gutter].draw == p_draw) { return; } gutters.write[p_gutter].draw = p_draw; _update_gutter_width(); } bool TextEdit::is_gutter_drawn(int p_gutter) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), false); return gutters[p_gutter].draw; } void TextEdit::set_gutter_clickable(int p_gutter, bool p_clickable) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size()); if (gutters[p_gutter].clickable == p_clickable) { return; } gutters.write[p_gutter].clickable = p_clickable; queue_redraw(); } bool TextEdit::is_gutter_clickable(int p_gutter) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), false); return gutters[p_gutter].clickable; } void TextEdit::set_gutter_overwritable(int p_gutter, bool p_overwritable) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size()); gutters.write[p_gutter].overwritable = p_overwritable; } bool TextEdit::is_gutter_overwritable(int p_gutter) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), false); return gutters[p_gutter].overwritable; } void TextEdit::merge_gutters(int p_from_line, int p_to_line) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_from_line, text.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_to_line, text.size()); if (p_from_line == p_to_line) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < gutters.size(); i++) { if (!gutters[i].overwritable) { continue; } if (text.get_line_gutter_text(p_from_line, i) != "") { text.set_line_gutter_text(p_to_line, i, text.get_line_gutter_text(p_from_line, i)); text.set_line_gutter_item_color(p_to_line, i, text.get_line_gutter_item_color(p_from_line, i)); } if (text.get_line_gutter_icon(p_from_line, i).is_valid()) { text.set_line_gutter_icon(p_to_line, i, text.get_line_gutter_icon(p_from_line, i)); text.set_line_gutter_item_color(p_to_line, i, text.get_line_gutter_item_color(p_from_line, i)); } if (text.get_line_gutter_metadata(p_from_line, i) != "") { text.set_line_gutter_metadata(p_to_line, i, text.get_line_gutter_metadata(p_from_line, i)); } if (text.is_line_gutter_clickable(p_from_line, i)) { text.set_line_gutter_clickable(p_to_line, i, true); } } queue_redraw(); } void TextEdit::set_gutter_custom_draw(int p_gutter, const Callable &p_draw_callback) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size()); if (gutters[p_gutter].custom_draw_callback == p_draw_callback) { return; } gutters.write[p_gutter].custom_draw_callback = p_draw_callback; queue_redraw(); } // Line gutters. void TextEdit::set_line_gutter_metadata(int p_line, int p_gutter, const Variant &p_metadata) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size()); text.set_line_gutter_metadata(p_line, p_gutter, p_metadata); } Variant TextEdit::get_line_gutter_metadata(int p_line, int p_gutter) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), ""); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), ""); return text.get_line_gutter_metadata(p_line, p_gutter); } void TextEdit::set_line_gutter_text(int p_line, int p_gutter, const String &p_text) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size()); if (text.get_line_gutter_text(p_line, p_gutter) == p_text) { return; } text.set_line_gutter_text(p_line, p_gutter, p_text); queue_redraw(); } String TextEdit::get_line_gutter_text(int p_line, int p_gutter) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), ""); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), ""); return text.get_line_gutter_text(p_line, p_gutter); } void TextEdit::set_line_gutter_icon(int p_line, int p_gutter, const Ref &p_icon) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size()); if (text.get_line_gutter_icon(p_line, p_gutter) == p_icon) { return; } text.set_line_gutter_icon(p_line, p_gutter, p_icon); queue_redraw(); } Ref TextEdit::get_line_gutter_icon(int p_line, int p_gutter) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), Ref()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), Ref()); return text.get_line_gutter_icon(p_line, p_gutter); } void TextEdit::set_line_gutter_item_color(int p_line, int p_gutter, const Color &p_color) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size()); if (text.get_line_gutter_item_color(p_line, p_gutter) == p_color) { return; } text.set_line_gutter_item_color(p_line, p_gutter, p_color); queue_redraw(); } Color TextEdit::get_line_gutter_item_color(int p_line, int p_gutter) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), Color()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), Color()); return text.get_line_gutter_item_color(p_line, p_gutter); } void TextEdit::set_line_gutter_clickable(int p_line, int p_gutter, bool p_clickable) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size()); text.set_line_gutter_clickable(p_line, p_gutter, p_clickable); } bool TextEdit::is_line_gutter_clickable(int p_line, int p_gutter) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), false); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), false); return text.is_line_gutter_clickable(p_line, p_gutter); } // Line style void TextEdit::set_line_background_color(int p_line, const Color &p_color) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size()); if (text.get_line_background_color(p_line) == p_color) { return; } text.set_line_background_color(p_line, p_color); queue_redraw(); } Color TextEdit::get_line_background_color(int p_line) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), Color()); return text.get_line_background_color(p_line); } /* Syntax Highlighting. */ void TextEdit::set_syntax_highlighter(Ref p_syntax_highlighter) { if (syntax_highlighter == p_syntax_highlighter && syntax_highlighter.is_valid() == p_syntax_highlighter.is_valid()) { return; } syntax_highlighter = p_syntax_highlighter; if (syntax_highlighter.is_valid()) { syntax_highlighter->set_text_edit(this); } queue_redraw(); } Ref TextEdit::get_syntax_highlighter() const { return syntax_highlighter; } /* Visual. */ void TextEdit::set_highlight_current_line(bool p_enabled) { if (highlight_current_line == p_enabled) { return; } highlight_current_line = p_enabled; queue_redraw(); } bool TextEdit::is_highlight_current_line_enabled() const { return highlight_current_line; } void TextEdit::set_highlight_all_occurrences(bool p_enabled) { if (highlight_all_occurrences == p_enabled) { return; } highlight_all_occurrences = p_enabled; queue_redraw(); } bool TextEdit::is_highlight_all_occurrences_enabled() const { return highlight_all_occurrences; } void TextEdit::set_use_default_word_separators(bool p_enabled) { text.set_use_default_word_separators(p_enabled); } bool TextEdit::is_default_word_separators_enabled() const { return text.is_default_word_separators_enabled(); } // Set word separators. Combine default separators with custom separators if those options are enabled. void TextEdit::set_custom_word_separators(const String &p_separators) { text.set_custom_word_separators(p_separators); } void TextEdit::Text::set_custom_word_separators(const String &p_separators) { if (custom_word_separators == p_separators) { return; } custom_word_separators = p_separators; invalidate_all_lines(); } bool TextEdit::is_custom_word_separators_enabled() const { return text.is_custom_word_separators_enabled(); } String TextEdit::get_custom_word_separators() const { return text.get_custom_word_separators(); } // Enable or disable custom word separators. void TextEdit::set_use_custom_word_separators(bool p_enabled) { text.set_use_custom_word_separators(p_enabled); } String TextEdit::get_default_word_separators() const { return text.get_default_word_separators(); } void TextEdit::set_draw_control_chars(bool p_enabled) { if (draw_control_chars != p_enabled) { draw_control_chars = p_enabled; if (menu) { menu->set_item_checked(menu->get_item_index(MENU_DISPLAY_UCC), draw_control_chars); } text.set_draw_control_chars(draw_control_chars); text.invalidate_font(); _update_placeholder(); queue_redraw(); } } bool TextEdit::get_draw_control_chars() const { return draw_control_chars; } void TextEdit::set_draw_tabs(bool p_enabled) { if (draw_tabs == p_enabled) { return; } draw_tabs = p_enabled; queue_redraw(); } bool TextEdit::is_drawing_tabs() const { return draw_tabs; } void TextEdit::set_draw_spaces(bool p_enabled) { if (draw_spaces == p_enabled) { return; } draw_spaces = p_enabled; queue_redraw(); } bool TextEdit::is_drawing_spaces() const { return draw_spaces; } Color TextEdit::get_font_color() const { return theme_cache.font_color; } void TextEdit::_bind_methods() { /* Text */ // Text properties ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_ime_text"), &TextEdit::has_ime_text); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("cancel_ime"), &TextEdit::cancel_ime); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("apply_ime"), &TextEdit::apply_ime); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_editable", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_editable); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_editable"), &TextEdit::is_editable); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_text_direction", "direction"), &TextEdit::set_text_direction); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_text_direction"), &TextEdit::get_text_direction); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_language", "language"), &TextEdit::set_language); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_language"), &TextEdit::get_language); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_structured_text_bidi_override", "parser"), &TextEdit::set_structured_text_bidi_override); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_structured_text_bidi_override"), &TextEdit::get_structured_text_bidi_override); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_structured_text_bidi_override_options", "args"), &TextEdit::set_structured_text_bidi_override_options); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_structured_text_bidi_override_options"), &TextEdit::get_structured_text_bidi_override_options); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_tab_size", "size"), &TextEdit::set_tab_size); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_tab_size"), &TextEdit::get_tab_size); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_indent_wrapped_lines", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_indent_wrapped_lines); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_indent_wrapped_lines"), &TextEdit::is_indent_wrapped_lines); // User controls ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_overtype_mode_enabled", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_overtype_mode_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_overtype_mode_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_overtype_mode_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_context_menu_enabled", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_context_menu_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_context_menu_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_context_menu_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_shortcut_keys_enabled", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_shortcut_keys_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_shortcut_keys_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_shortcut_keys_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_virtual_keyboard_enabled", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_virtual_keyboard_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_virtual_keyboard_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_virtual_keyboard_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_middle_mouse_paste_enabled", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_middle_mouse_paste_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_middle_mouse_paste_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_middle_mouse_paste_enabled); // Text manipulation ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear"), &TextEdit::clear); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_text", "text"), &TextEdit::set_text); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_text"), &TextEdit::get_text); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_count"), &TextEdit::get_line_count); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_placeholder", "text"), &TextEdit::set_placeholder); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_placeholder"), &TextEdit::get_placeholder); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line", "line", "new_text"), &TextEdit::set_line); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line", "line"), &TextEdit::get_line); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_width", "line", "wrap_index"), &TextEdit::get_line_width, DEFVAL(-1)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_height"), &TextEdit::get_line_height); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_indent_level", "line"), &TextEdit::get_indent_level); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_first_non_whitespace_column", "line"), &TextEdit::get_first_non_whitespace_column); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("swap_lines", "from_line", "to_line"), &TextEdit::swap_lines); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("insert_line_at", "line", "text"), &TextEdit::insert_line_at); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_line_at", "line", "move_carets_down"), &TextEdit::remove_line_at, DEFVAL(true)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("insert_text_at_caret", "text", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::insert_text_at_caret, DEFVAL(-1)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("insert_text", "text", "line", "column", "before_selection_begin", "before_selection_end"), &TextEdit::insert_text, DEFVAL(true), DEFVAL(false)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_text", "from_line", "from_column", "to_line", "to_column"), &TextEdit::remove_text); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_last_unhidden_line"), &TextEdit::get_last_unhidden_line); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_next_visible_line_offset_from", "line", "visible_amount"), &TextEdit::get_next_visible_line_offset_from); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_next_visible_line_index_offset_from", "line", "wrap_index", "visible_amount"), &TextEdit::get_next_visible_line_index_offset_from); // Overridable actions ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("backspace", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::backspace, DEFVAL(-1)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("cut", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::cut, DEFVAL(-1)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("copy", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::copy, DEFVAL(-1)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("paste", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::paste, DEFVAL(-1)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("paste_primary_clipboard", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::paste_primary_clipboard, DEFVAL(-1)); GDVIRTUAL_BIND(_handle_unicode_input, "unicode_char", "caret_index") GDVIRTUAL_BIND(_backspace, "caret_index") GDVIRTUAL_BIND(_cut, "caret_index") GDVIRTUAL_BIND(_copy, "caret_index") GDVIRTUAL_BIND(_paste, "caret_index") GDVIRTUAL_BIND(_paste_primary_clipboard, "caret_index") // Context Menu BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_CUT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_COPY); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_PASTE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_CLEAR); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_SELECT_ALL); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_UNDO); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_REDO); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_SUBMENU_TEXT_DIR); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_DIR_INHERITED); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_DIR_AUTO); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_DIR_LTR); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_DIR_RTL); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_DISPLAY_UCC); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_SUBMENU_INSERT_UCC); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_INSERT_LRM); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_INSERT_RLM); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_INSERT_LRE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_INSERT_RLE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_INSERT_LRO); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_INSERT_RLO); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_INSERT_PDF); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_INSERT_ALM); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_INSERT_LRI); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_INSERT_RLI); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_INSERT_FSI); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_INSERT_PDI); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_INSERT_ZWJ); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_INSERT_ZWNJ); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_INSERT_WJ); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_INSERT_SHY); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MENU_MAX); /* Versioning */ BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ACTION_NONE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ACTION_TYPING); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ACTION_BACKSPACE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ACTION_DELETE); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("start_action", "action"), &TextEdit::start_action); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("end_action"), &TextEdit::end_complex_operation); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("begin_complex_operation"), &TextEdit::begin_complex_operation); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("end_complex_operation"), &TextEdit::end_complex_operation); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_undo"), &TextEdit::has_undo); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_redo"), &TextEdit::has_redo); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("undo"), &TextEdit::undo); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("redo"), &TextEdit::redo); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_undo_history"), &TextEdit::clear_undo_history); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("tag_saved_version"), &TextEdit::tag_saved_version); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_version"), &TextEdit::get_version); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_saved_version"), &TextEdit::get_saved_version); /* Search */ BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(SEARCH_MATCH_CASE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(SEARCH_WHOLE_WORDS); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(SEARCH_BACKWARDS); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_search_text", "search_text"), &TextEdit::set_search_text); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_search_flags", "flags"), &TextEdit::set_search_flags); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("search", "text", "flags", "from_line", "from_column"), &TextEdit::search); /* Tooltip */ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_tooltip_request_func", "callback"), &TextEdit::set_tooltip_request_func); /* Mouse */ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_local_mouse_pos"), &TextEdit::get_local_mouse_pos); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_word_at_pos", "position"), &TextEdit::get_word_at_pos); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_column_at_pos", "position", "allow_out_of_bounds"), &TextEdit::get_line_column_at_pos, DEFVAL(true)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_pos_at_line_column", "line", "column"), &TextEdit::get_pos_at_line_column); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_rect_at_line_column", "line", "column"), &TextEdit::get_rect_at_line_column); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_minimap_line_at_pos", "position"), &TextEdit::get_minimap_line_at_pos); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_dragging_cursor"), &TextEdit::is_dragging_cursor); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_mouse_over_selection", "edges", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::is_mouse_over_selection, DEFVAL(-1)); /* Caret. */ BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(CARET_TYPE_LINE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(CARET_TYPE_BLOCK); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_caret_type", "type"), &TextEdit::set_caret_type); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_caret_type"), &TextEdit::get_caret_type); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_caret_blink_enabled", "enable"), &TextEdit::set_caret_blink_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_caret_blink_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_caret_blink_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_caret_blink_interval", "interval"), &TextEdit::set_caret_blink_interval); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_caret_blink_interval"), &TextEdit::get_caret_blink_interval); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_draw_caret_when_editable_disabled", "enable"), &TextEdit::set_draw_caret_when_editable_disabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_drawing_caret_when_editable_disabled"), &TextEdit::is_drawing_caret_when_editable_disabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_move_caret_on_right_click_enabled", "enable"), &TextEdit::set_move_caret_on_right_click_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_move_caret_on_right_click_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_move_caret_on_right_click_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_caret_mid_grapheme_enabled", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_caret_mid_grapheme_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_caret_mid_grapheme_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_caret_mid_grapheme_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_multiple_carets_enabled", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_multiple_carets_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_multiple_carets_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_multiple_carets_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_caret", "line", "column"), &TextEdit::add_caret); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_caret", "caret"), &TextEdit::remove_caret); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_secondary_carets"), &TextEdit::remove_secondary_carets); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_caret_count"), &TextEdit::get_caret_count); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_caret_at_carets", "below"), &TextEdit::add_caret_at_carets); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_sorted_carets", "include_ignored_carets"), &TextEdit::get_sorted_carets, DEFVAL(false)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("collapse_carets", "from_line", "from_column", "to_line", "to_column", "inclusive"), &TextEdit::collapse_carets, DEFVAL(false)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("merge_overlapping_carets"), &TextEdit::merge_overlapping_carets); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("begin_multicaret_edit"), &TextEdit::begin_multicaret_edit); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("end_multicaret_edit"), &TextEdit::end_multicaret_edit); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_in_mulitcaret_edit"), &TextEdit::is_in_mulitcaret_edit); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("multicaret_edit_ignore_caret", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::multicaret_edit_ignore_caret); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_caret_visible", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::is_caret_visible, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_caret_draw_pos", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::get_caret_draw_pos, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_caret_line", "line", "adjust_viewport", "can_be_hidden", "wrap_index", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::set_caret_line, DEFVAL(true), DEFVAL(true), DEFVAL(0), DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_caret_line", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::get_caret_line, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_caret_column", "column", "adjust_viewport", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::set_caret_column, DEFVAL(true), DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_caret_column", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::get_caret_column, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_caret_wrap_index", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::get_caret_wrap_index, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_word_under_caret", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::get_word_under_caret, DEFVAL(-1)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_use_default_word_separators", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_use_default_word_separators); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_default_word_separators_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_default_word_separators_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_use_custom_word_separators", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_use_custom_word_separators); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_custom_word_separators_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_custom_word_separators_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_custom_word_separators", "custom_word_separators"), &TextEdit::set_custom_word_separators); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_custom_word_separators"), &TextEdit::get_custom_word_separators); /* Selection. */ BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(SELECTION_MODE_NONE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(SELECTION_MODE_SHIFT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(SELECTION_MODE_POINTER); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(SELECTION_MODE_WORD); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(SELECTION_MODE_LINE); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_selecting_enabled", "enable"), &TextEdit::set_selecting_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_selecting_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_selecting_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_deselect_on_focus_loss_enabled", "enable"), &TextEdit::set_deselect_on_focus_loss_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_deselect_on_focus_loss_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_deselect_on_focus_loss_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_drag_and_drop_selection_enabled", "enable"), &TextEdit::set_drag_and_drop_selection_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_drag_and_drop_selection_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_drag_and_drop_selection_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_selection_mode", "mode"), &TextEdit::set_selection_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_selection_mode"), &TextEdit::get_selection_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("select_all"), &TextEdit::select_all); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("select_word_under_caret", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::select_word_under_caret, DEFVAL(-1)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_selection_for_next_occurrence"), &TextEdit::add_selection_for_next_occurrence); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("skip_selection_for_next_occurrence"), &TextEdit::skip_selection_for_next_occurrence); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("select", "origin_line", "origin_column", "caret_line", "caret_column", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::select, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_selection", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::has_selection, DEFVAL(-1)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_selected_text", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::get_selected_text, DEFVAL(-1)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_selection_at_line_column", "line", "column", "include_edges", "only_selections"), &TextEdit::get_selection_at_line_column, DEFVAL(true), DEFVAL(true)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_ranges_from_carets", "only_selections", "merge_adjacent"), &TextEdit::get_line_ranges_from_carets_typed_array, DEFVAL(false), DEFVAL(true)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_selection_origin_line", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::get_selection_origin_line, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_selection_origin_column", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::get_selection_origin_column, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_selection_origin_line", "line", "can_be_hidden", "wrap_index", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::set_selection_origin_line, DEFVAL(true), DEFVAL(-1), DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_selection_origin_column", "column", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::set_selection_origin_column, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_selection_from_line", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::get_selection_from_line, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_selection_from_column", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::get_selection_from_column, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_selection_to_line", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::get_selection_to_line, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_selection_to_column", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::get_selection_to_column, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_caret_after_selection_origin", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::is_caret_after_selection_origin, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("deselect", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::deselect, DEFVAL(-1)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("delete_selection", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::delete_selection, DEFVAL(-1)); /* Line wrapping. */ BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(LINE_WRAPPING_NONE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(LINE_WRAPPING_BOUNDARY); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line_wrapping_mode", "mode"), &TextEdit::set_line_wrapping_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_wrapping_mode"), &TextEdit::get_line_wrapping_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_autowrap_mode", "autowrap_mode"), &TextEdit::set_autowrap_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_autowrap_mode"), &TextEdit::get_autowrap_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_line_wrapped", "line"), &TextEdit::is_line_wrapped); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_wrap_count", "line"), &TextEdit::get_line_wrap_count); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_wrap_index_at_column", "line", "column"), &TextEdit::get_line_wrap_index_at_column); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_wrapped_text", "line"), &TextEdit::get_line_wrapped_text); /* Viewport. */ // Scrolling. ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_smooth_scroll_enabled", "enable"), &TextEdit::set_smooth_scroll_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_smooth_scroll_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_smooth_scroll_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_v_scroll_bar"), &TextEdit::get_v_scroll_bar); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_h_scroll_bar"), &TextEdit::get_h_scroll_bar); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_v_scroll", "value"), &TextEdit::set_v_scroll); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_v_scroll"), &TextEdit::get_v_scroll); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_h_scroll", "value"), &TextEdit::set_h_scroll); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_h_scroll"), &TextEdit::get_h_scroll); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_scroll_past_end_of_file_enabled", "enable"), &TextEdit::set_scroll_past_end_of_file_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_scroll_past_end_of_file_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_scroll_past_end_of_file_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_v_scroll_speed", "speed"), &TextEdit::set_v_scroll_speed); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_v_scroll_speed"), &TextEdit::get_v_scroll_speed); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_fit_content_height_enabled", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_fit_content_height_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_fit_content_height_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_fit_content_height_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_fit_content_width_enabled", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_fit_content_width_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_fit_content_width_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_fit_content_width_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_scroll_pos_for_line", "line", "wrap_index"), &TextEdit::get_scroll_pos_for_line, DEFVAL(0)); // Visible lines. ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line_as_first_visible", "line", "wrap_index"), &TextEdit::set_line_as_first_visible, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_first_visible_line"), &TextEdit::get_first_visible_line); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line_as_center_visible", "line", "wrap_index"), &TextEdit::set_line_as_center_visible, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line_as_last_visible", "line", "wrap_index"), &TextEdit::set_line_as_last_visible, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_last_full_visible_line"), &TextEdit::get_last_full_visible_line); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_last_full_visible_line_wrap_index"), &TextEdit::get_last_full_visible_line_wrap_index); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_visible_line_count"), &TextEdit::get_visible_line_count); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_visible_line_count_in_range", "from_line", "to_line"), &TextEdit::get_visible_line_count_in_range); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_total_visible_line_count"), &TextEdit::get_total_visible_line_count); // Auto adjust ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("adjust_viewport_to_caret", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::adjust_viewport_to_caret, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("center_viewport_to_caret", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::center_viewport_to_caret, DEFVAL(0)); // Minimap ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_draw_minimap", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_draw_minimap); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_drawing_minimap"), &TextEdit::is_drawing_minimap); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_minimap_width", "width"), &TextEdit::set_minimap_width); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_minimap_width"), &TextEdit::get_minimap_width); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_minimap_visible_lines"), &TextEdit::get_minimap_visible_lines); /* Gutters. */ BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(GUTTER_TYPE_STRING); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(GUTTER_TYPE_ICON); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(GUTTER_TYPE_CUSTOM); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_gutter", "at"), &TextEdit::add_gutter, DEFVAL(-1)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_gutter", "gutter"), &TextEdit::remove_gutter); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_gutter_count"), &TextEdit::get_gutter_count); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_gutter_name", "gutter", "name"), &TextEdit::set_gutter_name); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_gutter_name", "gutter"), &TextEdit::get_gutter_name); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_gutter_type", "gutter", "type"), &TextEdit::set_gutter_type); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_gutter_type", "gutter"), &TextEdit::get_gutter_type); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_gutter_width", "gutter", "width"), &TextEdit::set_gutter_width); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_gutter_width", "gutter"), &TextEdit::get_gutter_width); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_gutter_draw", "gutter", "draw"), &TextEdit::set_gutter_draw); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_gutter_drawn", "gutter"), &TextEdit::is_gutter_drawn); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_gutter_clickable", "gutter", "clickable"), &TextEdit::set_gutter_clickable); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_gutter_clickable", "gutter"), &TextEdit::is_gutter_clickable); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_gutter_overwritable", "gutter", "overwritable"), &TextEdit::set_gutter_overwritable); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_gutter_overwritable", "gutter"), &TextEdit::is_gutter_overwritable); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("merge_gutters", "from_line", "to_line"), &TextEdit::merge_gutters); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_gutter_custom_draw", "column", "draw_callback"), &TextEdit::set_gutter_custom_draw); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_total_gutter_width"), &TextEdit::get_total_gutter_width); // Line gutters. ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line_gutter_metadata", "line", "gutter", "metadata"), &TextEdit::set_line_gutter_metadata); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_gutter_metadata", "line", "gutter"), &TextEdit::get_line_gutter_metadata); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line_gutter_text", "line", "gutter", "text"), &TextEdit::set_line_gutter_text); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_gutter_text", "line", "gutter"), &TextEdit::get_line_gutter_text); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line_gutter_icon", "line", "gutter", "icon"), &TextEdit::set_line_gutter_icon); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_gutter_icon", "line", "gutter"), &TextEdit::get_line_gutter_icon); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line_gutter_item_color", "line", "gutter", "color"), &TextEdit::set_line_gutter_item_color); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_gutter_item_color", "line", "gutter"), &TextEdit::get_line_gutter_item_color); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line_gutter_clickable", "line", "gutter", "clickable"), &TextEdit::set_line_gutter_clickable); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_line_gutter_clickable", "line", "gutter"), &TextEdit::is_line_gutter_clickable); // Line style ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line_background_color", "line", "color"), &TextEdit::set_line_background_color); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_background_color", "line"), &TextEdit::get_line_background_color); /* Syntax Highlighting. */ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_syntax_highlighter", "syntax_highlighter"), &TextEdit::set_syntax_highlighter); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_syntax_highlighter"), &TextEdit::get_syntax_highlighter); /* Visual. */ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_highlight_current_line", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_highlight_current_line); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_highlight_current_line_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_highlight_current_line_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_highlight_all_occurrences", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_highlight_all_occurrences); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_highlight_all_occurrences_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_highlight_all_occurrences_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_draw_control_chars"), &TextEdit::get_draw_control_chars); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_draw_control_chars", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_draw_control_chars); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_draw_tabs", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_draw_tabs); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_drawing_tabs"), &TextEdit::is_drawing_tabs); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_draw_spaces", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_draw_spaces); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_drawing_spaces"), &TextEdit::is_drawing_spaces); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_menu"), &TextEdit::get_menu); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_menu_visible"), &TextEdit::is_menu_visible); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("menu_option", "option"), &TextEdit::menu_option); /* Deprecated */ #ifndef DISABLE_DEPRECATED ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("adjust_carets_after_edit", "caret", "from_line", "from_col", "to_line", "to_col"), &TextEdit::adjust_carets_after_edit); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_caret_index_edit_order"), &TextEdit::get_caret_index_edit_order); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_selection_line", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::get_selection_line, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_selection_column", "caret_index"), &TextEdit::get_selection_column, DEFVAL(0)); #endif /* Inspector */ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "text", PROPERTY_HINT_MULTILINE_TEXT), "set_text", "get_text"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "placeholder_text", PROPERTY_HINT_MULTILINE_TEXT), "set_placeholder", "get_placeholder"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "editable"), "set_editable", "is_editable"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "context_menu_enabled"), "set_context_menu_enabled", "is_context_menu_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "shortcut_keys_enabled"), "set_shortcut_keys_enabled", "is_shortcut_keys_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "selecting_enabled"), "set_selecting_enabled", "is_selecting_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "deselect_on_focus_loss_enabled"), "set_deselect_on_focus_loss_enabled", "is_deselect_on_focus_loss_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "drag_and_drop_selection_enabled"), "set_drag_and_drop_selection_enabled", "is_drag_and_drop_selection_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "virtual_keyboard_enabled"), "set_virtual_keyboard_enabled", "is_virtual_keyboard_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "middle_mouse_paste_enabled"), "set_middle_mouse_paste_enabled", "is_middle_mouse_paste_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "wrap_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "None,Boundary"), "set_line_wrapping_mode", "get_line_wrapping_mode"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "autowrap_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Arbitrary:1,Word:2,Word (Smart):3"), "set_autowrap_mode", "get_autowrap_mode"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "indent_wrapped_lines"), "set_indent_wrapped_lines", "is_indent_wrapped_lines"); ADD_GROUP("Scroll", "scroll_"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "scroll_smooth"), "set_smooth_scroll_enabled", "is_smooth_scroll_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "scroll_v_scroll_speed", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "suffix:lines/s"), "set_v_scroll_speed", "get_v_scroll_speed"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "scroll_past_end_of_file"), "set_scroll_past_end_of_file_enabled", "is_scroll_past_end_of_file_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "scroll_vertical", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "suffix:lines"), "set_v_scroll", "get_v_scroll"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "scroll_horizontal", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "suffix:px"), "set_h_scroll", "get_h_scroll"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "scroll_fit_content_height"), "set_fit_content_height_enabled", "is_fit_content_height_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "scroll_fit_content_width"), "set_fit_content_width_enabled", "is_fit_content_width_enabled"); ADD_GROUP("Minimap", "minimap_"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "minimap_draw"), "set_draw_minimap", "is_drawing_minimap"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "minimap_width", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "suffix:px"), "set_minimap_width", "get_minimap_width"); ADD_GROUP("Caret", "caret_"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "caret_type", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Line,Block"), "set_caret_type", "get_caret_type"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "caret_blink"), "set_caret_blink_enabled", "is_caret_blink_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "caret_blink_interval", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.1,10,0.01,suffix:s"), "set_caret_blink_interval", "get_caret_blink_interval"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "caret_draw_when_editable_disabled"), "set_draw_caret_when_editable_disabled", "is_drawing_caret_when_editable_disabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "caret_move_on_right_click"), "set_move_caret_on_right_click_enabled", "is_move_caret_on_right_click_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "caret_mid_grapheme"), "set_caret_mid_grapheme_enabled", "is_caret_mid_grapheme_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "caret_multiple"), "set_multiple_carets_enabled", "is_multiple_carets_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "use_default_word_separators"), "set_use_default_word_separators", "is_default_word_separators_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "use_custom_word_separators"), "set_use_custom_word_separators", "is_custom_word_separators_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "custom_word_separators"), "set_custom_word_separators", "get_custom_word_separators"); ADD_GROUP("Highlighting", ""); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "syntax_highlighter", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "SyntaxHighlighter", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_ALWAYS_DUPLICATE), "set_syntax_highlighter", "get_syntax_highlighter"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "highlight_all_occurrences"), "set_highlight_all_occurrences", "is_highlight_all_occurrences_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "highlight_current_line"), "set_highlight_current_line", "is_highlight_current_line_enabled"); ADD_GROUP("Visual Whitespace", "draw_"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "draw_control_chars"), "set_draw_control_chars", "get_draw_control_chars"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "draw_tabs"), "set_draw_tabs", "is_drawing_tabs"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "draw_spaces"), "set_draw_spaces", "is_drawing_spaces"); ADD_GROUP("BiDi", ""); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "text_direction", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Auto,Left-to-Right,Right-to-Left,Inherited"), "set_text_direction", "get_text_direction"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "language", PROPERTY_HINT_LOCALE_ID, ""), "set_language", "get_language"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "structured_text_bidi_override", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Default,URI,File,Email,List,None,Custom"), "set_structured_text_bidi_override", "get_structured_text_bidi_override"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::ARRAY, "structured_text_bidi_override_options"), "set_structured_text_bidi_override_options", "get_structured_text_bidi_override_options"); /* Signals */ /* Core. */ ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("text_set")); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("text_changed")); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("lines_edited_from", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "from_line"), PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "to_line"))); /* Caret. */ ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("caret_changed")); /* Gutters. */ ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("gutter_clicked", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "line"), PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "gutter"))); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("gutter_added")); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("gutter_removed")); // Theme items /* Search */ BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, TextEdit, search_result_color); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, TextEdit, search_result_border_color); /* Caret */ BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_CONSTANT, TextEdit, caret_width); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, TextEdit, caret_color); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, TextEdit, caret_background_color); /* Selection */ BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, TextEdit, font_selected_color); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, TextEdit, selection_color); /* Other visuals */ BIND_THEME_ITEM_CUSTOM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_STYLEBOX, TextEdit, style_normal, "normal"); BIND_THEME_ITEM_CUSTOM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_STYLEBOX, TextEdit, style_focus, "focus"); BIND_THEME_ITEM_CUSTOM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_STYLEBOX, TextEdit, style_readonly, "read_only"); BIND_THEME_ITEM_CUSTOM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_ICON, TextEdit, tab_icon, "tab"); BIND_THEME_ITEM_CUSTOM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_ICON, TextEdit, space_icon, "space"); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_FONT, TextEdit, font); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_FONT_SIZE, TextEdit, font_size); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, TextEdit, font_color); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, TextEdit, font_readonly_color); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, TextEdit, font_placeholder_color); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_CONSTANT, TextEdit, outline_size); BIND_THEME_ITEM_CUSTOM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, TextEdit, outline_color, "font_outline_color"); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_CONSTANT, TextEdit, line_spacing); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, TextEdit, background_color); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, TextEdit, current_line_color); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, TextEdit, word_highlighted_color); /* Settings. */ GLOBAL_DEF(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "gui/timers/text_edit_idle_detect_sec", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,10,0.01,or_greater"), 3); GLOBAL_DEF(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "gui/common/text_edit_undo_stack_max_size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,10000,1,or_greater"), 1024); } /* Internal API for CodeEdit. */ // Line hiding. void TextEdit::_set_hiding_enabled(bool p_enabled) { if (hiding_enabled == p_enabled) { return; } if (!p_enabled) { _unhide_all_lines(); } hiding_enabled = p_enabled; queue_redraw(); } bool TextEdit::_is_hiding_enabled() const { return hiding_enabled; } bool TextEdit::_is_line_hidden(int p_line) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), false); return text.is_hidden(p_line); } void TextEdit::_unhide_all_lines() { for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) { text.set_hidden(i, false); } _update_scrollbars(); queue_redraw(); } void TextEdit::_unhide_carets() { // Override for functionality. } void TextEdit::_set_line_as_hidden(int p_line, bool p_hidden) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size()); if (text.is_hidden(p_line) == p_hidden) { return; } if (_is_hiding_enabled() || !p_hidden) { text.set_hidden(p_line, p_hidden); } queue_redraw(); } // Symbol lookup. void TextEdit::_set_symbol_lookup_word(const String &p_symbol) { if (lookup_symbol_word == p_symbol) { return; } lookup_symbol_word = p_symbol; queue_redraw(); } /* Text manipulation */ // Overridable actions void TextEdit::_handle_unicode_input_internal(const uint32_t p_unicode, int p_caret) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_caret >= get_caret_count() || p_caret < -1); if (!editable) { return; } start_action(EditAction::ACTION_TYPING); begin_multicaret_edit(); for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { if (p_caret == -1 && multicaret_edit_ignore_caret(i)) { continue; } if (p_caret != -1 && p_caret != i) { continue; } // Remove the old character if in insert mode and no selection. if (overtype_mode && !has_selection(i)) { // Make sure we don't try and remove empty space. int cl = get_caret_line(i); int cc = get_caret_column(i); if (cc < get_line(cl).length()) { _remove_text(cl, cc, cl, cc + 1); } } const char32_t chr[2] = { (char32_t)p_unicode, 0 }; insert_text_at_caret(chr, i); } end_multicaret_edit(); end_action(); } void TextEdit::_backspace_internal(int p_caret) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_caret >= get_caret_count() || p_caret < -1); if (!editable) { return; } if (has_selection(p_caret)) { delete_selection(p_caret); return; } begin_complex_operation(); begin_multicaret_edit(); for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { if (p_caret == -1 && multicaret_edit_ignore_caret(i)) { continue; } if (p_caret != -1 && p_caret != i) { continue; } int to_line = get_caret_line(i); int to_column = get_caret_column(i); if (to_column == 0 && to_line == 0) { continue; } int from_line = to_column > 0 ? to_line : to_line - 1; int from_column = to_column > 0 ? (to_column - 1) : (text[to_line - 1].length()); merge_gutters(from_line, to_line); _remove_text(from_line, from_column, to_line, to_column); collapse_carets(from_line, from_column, to_line, to_column); _offset_carets_after(to_line, to_column, from_line, from_column); set_caret_line(from_line, false, true, -1, i); set_caret_column(from_column, i == 0, i); } end_multicaret_edit(); end_complex_operation(); } void TextEdit::_cut_internal(int p_caret) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_caret >= get_caret_count() || p_caret < -1); _copy_internal(p_caret); if (!editable) { return; } if (has_selection(p_caret)) { delete_selection(p_caret); return; } // Remove full lines. begin_complex_operation(); begin_multicaret_edit(); Vector line_ranges; if (p_caret == -1) { line_ranges = get_line_ranges_from_carets(); } else { line_ranges.push_back(Point2i(get_caret_line(p_caret), get_caret_line(p_caret))); } int line_offset = 0; for (Point2i line_range : line_ranges) { // Preserve carets on the last line. remove_line_at(line_range.y + line_offset); if (line_range.x != line_range.y) { remove_text(line_range.x + line_offset, 0, line_range.y + line_offset, 0); } line_offset += line_range.x - line_range.y - 1; } end_multicaret_edit(); end_complex_operation(); } void TextEdit::_copy_internal(int p_caret) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_caret >= get_caret_count() || p_caret < -1); if (has_selection(p_caret)) { DisplayServer::get_singleton()->clipboard_set(get_selected_text(p_caret)); cut_copy_line = ""; return; } // Copy full lines. StringBuilder clipboard; Vector line_ranges; if (p_caret == -1) { // When there are multiple carets on a line, only copy it once. line_ranges = get_line_ranges_from_carets(false, true); } else { line_ranges.push_back(Point2i(get_caret_line(p_caret), get_caret_line(p_caret))); } for (Point2i line_range : line_ranges) { for (int i = line_range.x; i <= line_range.y; i++) { if (text[i].length() != 0) { clipboard += _base_get_text(i, 0, i, text[i].length()); } clipboard += "\n"; } } String clipboard_string = clipboard.as_string(); DisplayServer::get_singleton()->clipboard_set(clipboard_string); // Set the cut copy line so we know to paste as a line. if (get_caret_count() == 1) { cut_copy_line = clipboard_string; } else { cut_copy_line = ""; } } void TextEdit::_paste_internal(int p_caret) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_caret >= get_caret_count() || p_caret < -1); if (!editable) { return; } String clipboard = DisplayServer::get_singleton()->clipboard_get(); // Paste a full line. Ignore '\r' characters that may have been added to the clipboard by the OS. if (get_caret_count() == 1 && !has_selection(0) && !cut_copy_line.is_empty() && cut_copy_line == clipboard.replace("\r", "")) { insert_text(clipboard, get_caret_line(), 0); return; } // Paste text at each caret or one line per caret. Vector clipboad_lines = clipboard.split("\n"); bool insert_line_per_caret = p_caret == -1 && get_caret_count() > 1 && clipboad_lines.size() == get_caret_count(); begin_complex_operation(); begin_multicaret_edit(); Vector sorted_carets = get_sorted_carets(); for (int i = 0; i < sorted_carets.size(); i++) { int caret_index = sorted_carets[i]; if (p_caret != -1 && p_caret != caret_index) { continue; } if (has_selection(caret_index)) { delete_selection(caret_index); } if (insert_line_per_caret) { clipboard = clipboad_lines[i]; } insert_text_at_caret(clipboard, caret_index); } end_multicaret_edit(); end_complex_operation(); } void TextEdit::_paste_primary_clipboard_internal(int p_caret) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_caret >= get_caret_count() || p_caret < -1); if (!is_editable() || !DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_CLIPBOARD_PRIMARY)) { return; } String paste_buffer = DisplayServer::get_singleton()->clipboard_get_primary(); if (get_caret_count() == 1) { Point2i pos = get_line_column_at_pos(get_local_mouse_pos()); deselect(); set_caret_line(pos.y, true, false, -1); set_caret_column(pos.x); } if (!paste_buffer.is_empty()) { insert_text_at_caret(paste_buffer); } grab_focus(); } // Context menu. Key TextEdit::_get_menu_action_accelerator(const String &p_action) { const List> *events = InputMap::get_singleton()->action_get_events(p_action); if (!events) { return Key::NONE; } // Use first event in the list for the accelerator. const List>::Element *first_event = events->front(); if (!first_event) { return Key::NONE; } const Ref event = first_event->get(); if (event.is_null()) { return Key::NONE; } // Use physical keycode if non-zero. if (event->get_physical_keycode() != Key::NONE) { return event->get_physical_keycode_with_modifiers(); } else { return event->get_keycode_with_modifiers(); } } void TextEdit::_generate_context_menu() { menu = memnew(PopupMenu); add_child(menu, false, INTERNAL_MODE_FRONT); menu_dir = memnew(PopupMenu); menu_dir->add_radio_check_item(ETR("Same as Layout Direction"), MENU_DIR_INHERITED); menu_dir->add_radio_check_item(ETR("Auto-Detect Direction"), MENU_DIR_AUTO); menu_dir->add_radio_check_item(ETR("Left-to-Right"), MENU_DIR_LTR); menu_dir->add_radio_check_item(ETR("Right-to-Left"), MENU_DIR_RTL); menu_ctl = memnew(PopupMenu); menu_ctl->add_item(ETR("Left-to-Right Mark (LRM)"), MENU_INSERT_LRM); menu_ctl->add_item(ETR("Right-to-Left Mark (RLM)"), MENU_INSERT_RLM); menu_ctl->add_item(ETR("Start of Left-to-Right Embedding (LRE)"), MENU_INSERT_LRE); menu_ctl->add_item(ETR("Start of Right-to-Left Embedding (RLE)"), MENU_INSERT_RLE); menu_ctl->add_item(ETR("Start of Left-to-Right Override (LRO)"), MENU_INSERT_LRO); menu_ctl->add_item(ETR("Start of Right-to-Left Override (RLO)"), MENU_INSERT_RLO); menu_ctl->add_item(ETR("Pop Direction Formatting (PDF)"), MENU_INSERT_PDF); menu_ctl->add_separator(); menu_ctl->add_item(ETR("Arabic Letter Mark (ALM)"), MENU_INSERT_ALM); menu_ctl->add_item(ETR("Left-to-Right Isolate (LRI)"), MENU_INSERT_LRI); menu_ctl->add_item(ETR("Right-to-Left Isolate (RLI)"), MENU_INSERT_RLI); menu_ctl->add_item(ETR("First Strong Isolate (FSI)"), MENU_INSERT_FSI); menu_ctl->add_item(ETR("Pop Direction Isolate (PDI)"), MENU_INSERT_PDI); menu_ctl->add_separator(); menu_ctl->add_item(ETR("Zero-Width Joiner (ZWJ)"), MENU_INSERT_ZWJ); menu_ctl->add_item(ETR("Zero-Width Non-Joiner (ZWNJ)"), MENU_INSERT_ZWNJ); menu_ctl->add_item(ETR("Word Joiner (WJ)"), MENU_INSERT_WJ); menu_ctl->add_item(ETR("Soft Hyphen (SHY)"), MENU_INSERT_SHY); menu->add_item(ETR("Cut"), MENU_CUT); menu->add_item(ETR("Copy"), MENU_COPY); menu->add_item(ETR("Paste"), MENU_PASTE); menu->add_separator(); menu->add_item(ETR("Select All"), MENU_SELECT_ALL); menu->add_item(ETR("Clear"), MENU_CLEAR); menu->add_separator(); menu->add_item(ETR("Undo"), MENU_UNDO); menu->add_item(ETR("Redo"), MENU_REDO); menu->add_separator(); menu->add_submenu_node_item(ETR("Text Writing Direction"), menu_dir, MENU_SUBMENU_TEXT_DIR); menu->add_separator(); menu->add_check_item(ETR("Display Control Characters"), MENU_DISPLAY_UCC); menu->add_submenu_node_item(ETR("Insert Control Character"), menu_ctl, MENU_SUBMENU_INSERT_UCC); menu->connect(SceneStringName(id_pressed), callable_mp(this, &TextEdit::menu_option)); menu_dir->connect(SceneStringName(id_pressed), callable_mp(this, &TextEdit::menu_option)); menu_ctl->connect(SceneStringName(id_pressed), callable_mp(this, &TextEdit::menu_option)); } void TextEdit::_update_context_menu() { if (!menu) { _generate_context_menu(); } int idx = -1; #define MENU_ITEM_ACTION_DISABLED(m_menu, m_id, m_action, m_disabled) \ idx = m_menu->get_item_index(m_id); \ if (idx >= 0) { \ m_menu->set_item_accelerator(idx, shortcut_keys_enabled ? _get_menu_action_accelerator(m_action) : Key::NONE); \ m_menu->set_item_disabled(idx, m_disabled); \ } #define MENU_ITEM_ACTION(m_menu, m_id, m_action) \ idx = m_menu->get_item_index(m_id); \ if (idx >= 0) { \ m_menu->set_item_accelerator(idx, shortcut_keys_enabled ? _get_menu_action_accelerator(m_action) : Key::NONE); \ } #define MENU_ITEM_DISABLED(m_menu, m_id, m_disabled) \ idx = m_menu->get_item_index(m_id); \ if (idx >= 0) { \ m_menu->set_item_disabled(idx, m_disabled); \ } #define MENU_ITEM_CHECKED(m_menu, m_id, m_checked) \ idx = m_menu->get_item_index(m_id); \ if (idx >= 0) { \ m_menu->set_item_checked(idx, m_checked); \ } MENU_ITEM_ACTION_DISABLED(menu, MENU_CUT, "ui_cut", !editable) MENU_ITEM_ACTION(menu, MENU_COPY, "ui_copy") MENU_ITEM_ACTION_DISABLED(menu, MENU_PASTE, "ui_paste", !editable) MENU_ITEM_ACTION_DISABLED(menu, MENU_SELECT_ALL, "ui_text_select_all", !selecting_enabled) MENU_ITEM_DISABLED(menu, MENU_CLEAR, !editable) MENU_ITEM_ACTION_DISABLED(menu, MENU_UNDO, "ui_undo", !editable || !has_undo()) MENU_ITEM_ACTION_DISABLED(menu, MENU_REDO, "ui_redo", !editable || !has_redo()) MENU_ITEM_CHECKED(menu_dir, MENU_DIR_INHERITED, text_direction == TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERITED) MENU_ITEM_CHECKED(menu_dir, MENU_DIR_AUTO, text_direction == TEXT_DIRECTION_AUTO) MENU_ITEM_CHECKED(menu_dir, MENU_DIR_LTR, text_direction == TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR) MENU_ITEM_CHECKED(menu_dir, MENU_DIR_RTL, text_direction == TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL) MENU_ITEM_CHECKED(menu, MENU_DISPLAY_UCC, draw_control_chars) MENU_ITEM_DISABLED(menu, MENU_SUBMENU_INSERT_UCC, !editable) #undef MENU_ITEM_ACTION_DISABLED #undef MENU_ITEM_ACTION #undef MENU_ITEM_DISABLED #undef MENU_ITEM_CHECKED } /* Versioning */ void TextEdit::_push_current_op() { if (pending_action_end) { start_action(EditAction::ACTION_NONE); return; } if (current_op.type == TextOperation::TYPE_NONE) { return; // Nothing to do. } if (next_operation_is_complex) { current_op.chain_forward = true; next_operation_is_complex = false; } undo_stack.push_back(current_op); current_op.type = TextOperation::TYPE_NONE; current_op.text = ""; current_op.chain_forward = false; if (undo_stack.size() > undo_stack_max_size) { undo_stack.pop_front(); } } void TextEdit::_do_text_op(const TextOperation &p_op, bool p_reverse) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_op.type == TextOperation::TYPE_NONE); bool insert = p_op.type == TextOperation::TYPE_INSERT; if (p_reverse) { insert = !insert; } if (insert) { int check_line; int check_column; _base_insert_text(p_op.from_line, p_op.from_column, p_op.text, check_line, check_column); ERR_FAIL_COND(check_line != p_op.to_line); // BUG. ERR_FAIL_COND(check_column != p_op.to_column); // BUG. } else { _base_remove_text(p_op.from_line, p_op.from_column, p_op.to_line, p_op.to_column); } } void TextEdit::_clear_redo() { if (undo_stack_pos == nullptr) { return; // Nothing to clear. } _push_current_op(); while (undo_stack_pos) { List::Element *elem = undo_stack_pos; undo_stack_pos = undo_stack_pos->next(); undo_stack.erase(elem); } } /* Search */ int TextEdit::_get_column_pos_of_word(const String &p_key, const String &p_search, uint32_t p_search_flags, int p_from_column) const { int col = -1; if (p_key.length() > 0 && p_search.length() > 0) { if (p_from_column < 0 || p_from_column > p_search.length()) { p_from_column = 0; } bool key_start_is_symbol = is_symbol(p_key[0]); bool key_end_is_symbol = is_symbol(p_key[p_key.length() - 1]); while (col == -1 && p_from_column <= p_search.length()) { if (p_search_flags & SEARCH_MATCH_CASE) { col = p_search.find(p_key, p_from_column); } else { col = p_search.findn(p_key, p_from_column); } // If not found, just break early to improve performance. if (col == -1) { break; } // Whole words only. if (col != -1 && p_search_flags & SEARCH_WHOLE_WORDS) { p_from_column = col; if (!key_start_is_symbol && col > 0 && !is_symbol(p_search[col - 1])) { col = -1; } else if (!key_end_is_symbol && (col + p_key.length()) < p_search.length() && !is_symbol(p_search[col + p_key.length()])) { col = -1; } } p_from_column += 1; } } return col; } /* Mouse */ int TextEdit::_get_char_pos_for_line(int p_px, int p_line, int p_wrap_index) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), 0); p_wrap_index = MIN(p_wrap_index, text.get_line_data(p_line)->get_line_count() - 1); RID text_rid = text.get_line_data(p_line)->get_line_rid(p_wrap_index); float wrap_indent = (text.is_indent_wrapped_lines() && p_wrap_index > 0) ? get_indent_level(p_line) * theme_cache.font->get_char_size(' ', theme_cache.font_size).width : 0.0; if (is_layout_rtl()) { p_px = TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).x - p_px + wrap_indent; } else { p_px -= wrap_indent; } int ofs = TS->shaped_text_hit_test_position(text_rid, p_px); if (!caret_mid_grapheme_enabled) { ofs = TS->shaped_text_closest_character_pos(text_rid, ofs); } return ofs; } /* Caret */ void TextEdit::_caret_changed(int p_caret) { queue_redraw(); if (has_selection(p_caret)) { _selection_changed(p_caret); } if (caret_pos_dirty) { return; } if (is_inside_tree()) { callable_mp(this, &TextEdit::_emit_caret_changed).call_deferred(); } caret_pos_dirty = true; } void TextEdit::_emit_caret_changed() { emit_signal(SNAME("caret_changed")); caret_pos_dirty = false; } void TextEdit::_reset_caret_blink_timer() { if (!caret_blink_enabled) { return; } draw_caret = true; if (has_focus()) { caret_blink_timer->stop(); caret_blink_timer->start(); queue_redraw(); } } void TextEdit::_toggle_draw_caret() { draw_caret = !draw_caret; if (is_visible_in_tree() && has_focus() && window_has_focus) { queue_redraw(); } } int TextEdit::_get_column_x_offset_for_line(int p_char, int p_line, int p_column) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), 0); int row = 0; Vector rows2 = text.get_line_wrap_ranges(p_line); for (int i = 0; i < rows2.size(); i++) { if ((p_char >= rows2[i].x) && (p_char < rows2[i].y || (i == rows2.size() - 1 && p_char == rows2[i].y))) { row = i; break; } } RID text_rid = text.get_line_data(p_line)->get_line_rid(row); float wrap_indent = (text.is_indent_wrapped_lines() && row > 0) ? get_indent_level(p_line) * theme_cache.font->get_char_size(' ', theme_cache.font_size).width : 0.0; CaretInfo ts_caret = TS->shaped_text_get_carets(text_rid, p_column); if ((ts_caret.l_caret != Rect2() && (ts_caret.l_dir == TextServer::DIRECTION_AUTO || ts_caret.l_dir == (TextServer::Direction)input_direction)) || (ts_caret.t_caret == Rect2())) { return ts_caret.l_caret.position.x + (is_layout_rtl() ? -wrap_indent : wrap_indent); } else { return ts_caret.t_caret.position.x + (is_layout_rtl() ? -wrap_indent : wrap_indent); } } bool TextEdit::_is_line_col_in_range(int p_line, int p_column, int p_from_line, int p_from_column, int p_to_line, int p_to_column, bool p_include_edges) const { if (p_line >= p_from_line && p_line <= p_to_line && (p_line > p_from_line || p_column > p_from_column) && (p_line < p_to_line || p_column < p_to_column)) { return true; } if (p_include_edges) { if ((p_line == p_from_line && p_column == p_from_column) || (p_line == p_to_line && p_column == p_to_column)) { return true; } } return false; } void TextEdit::_offset_carets_after(int p_old_line, int p_old_column, int p_new_line, int p_new_column, bool p_include_selection_begin, bool p_include_selection_end) { // Moves all carets at or after old_line and old_column. // Called after deleting or inserting text so that the carets stay with the text they are at. int edit_height = p_new_line - p_old_line; int edit_size = p_new_column - p_old_column; if (edit_height == 0 && edit_size == 0) { return; } // Intentionally includes carets in the multicaret_edit_ignore list so that they are moved together. for (int i = 0; i < get_caret_count(); i++) { bool selected = has_selection(i); bool caret_at_end = selected && is_caret_after_selection_origin(i); bool include_caret_at = caret_at_end ? p_include_selection_end : p_include_selection_begin; // Move caret. int caret_line = get_caret_line(i); int caret_column = get_caret_column(i); bool caret_after = caret_line > p_old_line || (caret_line == p_old_line && caret_column > p_old_column); bool caret_at = caret_line == p_old_line && caret_column == p_old_column; if (caret_after || (caret_at && include_caret_at)) { caret_line += edit_height; if (caret_line == p_new_line) { caret_column += edit_size; } if (edit_height != 0) { set_caret_line(caret_line, false, true, -1, i); } set_caret_column(caret_column, false, i); } // Move selection origin. if (!selected) { continue; } bool include_selection_origin_at = !caret_at_end ? p_include_selection_end : p_include_selection_begin; int selection_origin_line = get_selection_origin_line(i); int selection_origin_column = get_selection_origin_column(i); bool selection_origin_after = selection_origin_line > p_old_line || (selection_origin_line == p_old_line && selection_origin_column > p_old_column); bool selection_origin_at = selection_origin_line == p_old_line && selection_origin_column == p_old_column; if (selection_origin_after || (selection_origin_at && include_selection_origin_at)) { selection_origin_line += edit_height; if (selection_origin_line == p_new_line) { selection_origin_column += edit_size; } select(selection_origin_line, selection_origin_column, caret_line, caret_column, i); } } if (!p_include_selection_begin && p_include_selection_end && has_selection()) { // It is possible that two adjacent selections now overlap. merge_overlapping_carets(); } } void TextEdit::_cancel_drag_and_drop_text() { // Cancel the drag operation if drag originated from here. if (selection_drag_attempt && get_viewport()) { get_viewport()->gui_cancel_drag(); } } /* Selection */ void TextEdit::_selection_changed(int p_caret) { if (!selecting_enabled) { return; } _cancel_drag_and_drop_text(); queue_redraw(); } void TextEdit::_click_selection_held() { // Update the selection mode on a timer so it is updated when the view scrolls even if the mouse isn't moving. if (!Input::get_singleton()->is_mouse_button_pressed(MouseButton::LEFT) || get_selection_mode() == SelectionMode::SELECTION_MODE_NONE) { click_select_held->stop(); return; } switch (get_selection_mode()) { case SelectionMode::SELECTION_MODE_POINTER: { _update_selection_mode_pointer(); } break; case SelectionMode::SELECTION_MODE_WORD: { _update_selection_mode_word(); } break; case SelectionMode::SELECTION_MODE_LINE: { _update_selection_mode_line(); } break; default: { break; } } } void TextEdit::_update_selection_mode_pointer(bool p_initial) { Point2 mp = get_local_mouse_pos(); Point2i pos = get_line_column_at_pos(mp); int line = pos.y; int column = pos.x; int caret_index = get_caret_count() - 1; if (p_initial && !has_selection(caret_index)) { set_selection_origin_line(line, true, -1, caret_index); set_selection_origin_column(column, caret_index); // Set the word begin and end to the column in case the mode changes later. carets.write[caret_index].selection.word_begin_column = column; carets.write[caret_index].selection.word_end_column = column; } else { select(get_selection_origin_line(caret_index), get_selection_origin_column(caret_index), line, column, caret_index); } adjust_viewport_to_caret(caret_index); if (has_selection(caret_index)) { // Only set to true if any selection has been made. dragging_selection = true; } click_select_held->start(); merge_overlapping_carets(); } void TextEdit::_update_selection_mode_word(bool p_initial) { dragging_selection = true; Point2 mp = get_local_mouse_pos(); Point2i pos = get_line_column_at_pos(mp); int line = pos.y; int column = pos.x; int caret_index = get_caret_count() - 1; int caret_pos = CLAMP(column, 0, text[line].length()); int beg = caret_pos; int end = beg; PackedInt32Array words = TS->shaped_text_get_word_breaks(text.get_line_data(line)->get_rid()); for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i = i + 2) { if ((words[i] < caret_pos && words[i + 1] > caret_pos) || (i == words.size() - 2 && caret_pos == words[i + 1])) { beg = words[i]; end = words[i + 1]; break; } } if (p_initial && !has_selection(caret_index)) { // Set the selection origin if there is no existing selection. select(line, beg, line, end, caret_index); carets.write[caret_index].selection.word_begin_column = beg; carets.write[caret_index].selection.word_end_column = end; } else { // Expand the word selection to the mouse. int origin_line = get_selection_origin_line(caret_index); bool is_new_selection_dir_right = line > origin_line || (line == origin_line && column >= carets[caret_index].selection.word_begin_column); int origin_col = is_new_selection_dir_right ? carets[caret_index].selection.word_begin_column : carets[caret_index].selection.word_end_column; int caret_col = is_new_selection_dir_right ? end : beg; select(origin_line, origin_col, line, caret_col, caret_index); } adjust_viewport_to_caret(caret_index); if (DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_CLIPBOARD_PRIMARY)) { DisplayServer::get_singleton()->clipboard_set_primary(get_selected_text()); } click_select_held->start(); merge_overlapping_carets(); } void TextEdit::_update_selection_mode_line(bool p_initial) { dragging_selection = true; Point2 mp = get_local_mouse_pos(); Point2i pos = get_line_column_at_pos(mp); int line = pos.y; int caret_index = get_caret_count() - 1; int origin_line = p_initial && !has_selection(caret_index) ? line : get_selection_origin_line(); bool line_below = line >= origin_line; int origin_col = line_below ? 0 : get_line(origin_line).length(); int caret_line = line_below ? line + 1 : line; int caret_col = caret_line < text.size() ? 0 : get_line(text.size() - 1).length(); select(origin_line, origin_col, caret_line, caret_col, caret_index); adjust_viewport_to_caret(caret_index); if (p_initial) { // Set the word begin and end to the start and end of the origin line in case the mode changes later. carets.write[caret_index].selection.word_begin_column = 0; carets.write[caret_index].selection.word_end_column = get_line(origin_line).length(); } if (DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_CLIPBOARD_PRIMARY)) { DisplayServer::get_singleton()->clipboard_set_primary(get_selected_text()); } click_select_held->start(); merge_overlapping_carets(); } void TextEdit::_pre_shift_selection(int p_caret) { if (!selecting_enabled) { return; } set_selection_mode(SelectionMode::SELECTION_MODE_SHIFT); if (has_selection(p_caret)) { return; } // Prepare selection to start at current caret position. set_selection_origin_line(get_caret_line(p_caret), true, -1, p_caret); set_selection_origin_column(get_caret_column(p_caret), p_caret); carets.write[p_caret].selection.active = true; carets.write[p_caret].selection.word_begin_column = get_caret_column(p_caret); carets.write[p_caret].selection.word_end_column = get_caret_column(p_caret); } bool TextEdit::_selection_contains(int p_caret, int p_line, int p_column, bool p_include_edges, bool p_only_selections) const { if (!has_selection(p_caret)) { return !p_only_selections && p_line == get_caret_line(p_caret) && p_column == get_caret_column(p_caret); } return _is_line_col_in_range(p_line, p_column, get_selection_from_line(p_caret), get_selection_from_column(p_caret), get_selection_to_line(p_caret), get_selection_to_column(p_caret), p_include_edges); } /* Line Wrapping */ void TextEdit::_update_wrap_at_column(bool p_force) { int new_wrap_at = get_size().width - theme_cache.style_normal->get_minimum_size().width - gutters_width - gutter_padding; if (draw_minimap) { new_wrap_at -= minimap_width; } if (v_scroll->is_visible_in_tree()) { new_wrap_at -= v_scroll->get_combined_minimum_size().width; } /* Give it a little more space. */ new_wrap_at -= wrap_right_offset; if ((wrap_at_column != new_wrap_at) || p_force) { wrap_at_column = new_wrap_at; if (line_wrapping_mode) { BitField autowrap_flags = TextServer::BREAK_MANDATORY; switch (autowrap_mode) { case TextServer::AUTOWRAP_WORD_SMART: autowrap_flags = TextServer::BREAK_WORD_BOUND | TextServer::BREAK_ADAPTIVE | TextServer::BREAK_MANDATORY; break; case TextServer::AUTOWRAP_WORD: autowrap_flags = TextServer::BREAK_WORD_BOUND | TextServer::BREAK_MANDATORY; break; case TextServer::AUTOWRAP_ARBITRARY: autowrap_flags = TextServer::BREAK_GRAPHEME_BOUND | TextServer::BREAK_MANDATORY; break; case TextServer::AUTOWRAP_OFF: break; } text.set_brk_flags(autowrap_flags); text.set_width(wrap_at_column); } else { text.set_width(-1); } text.invalidate_all_lines(); _update_placeholder(); } // Update viewport. int first_vis_line = get_first_visible_line(); if (is_line_wrapped(first_vis_line)) { first_visible_line_wrap_ofs = MIN(first_visible_line_wrap_ofs, get_line_wrap_count(first_vis_line)); } else { first_visible_line_wrap_ofs = 0; } set_line_as_first_visible(first_visible_line, first_visible_line_wrap_ofs); } /* Viewport. */ void TextEdit::_update_scrollbars() { Size2 size = get_size(); Size2 hmin = h_scroll->get_combined_minimum_size(); Size2 vmin = v_scroll->get_combined_minimum_size(); v_scroll->set_begin(Point2(size.width - vmin.width, theme_cache.style_normal->get_margin(SIDE_TOP))); v_scroll->set_end(Point2(size.width, size.height - theme_cache.style_normal->get_margin(SIDE_TOP) - theme_cache.style_normal->get_margin(SIDE_BOTTOM))); h_scroll->set_begin(Point2(0, size.height - hmin.height)); h_scroll->set_end(Point2(size.width - vmin.width, size.height)); bool draw_placeholder = _using_placeholder(); int visible_rows = get_visible_line_count(); int total_rows = draw_placeholder ? placeholder_wraped_rows.size() : get_total_visible_line_count(); if (scroll_past_end_of_file_enabled && !fit_content_height) { total_rows += visible_rows - 1; } int visible_width = size.width - theme_cache.style_normal->get_minimum_size().width; int total_width = (draw_placeholder ? placeholder_max_width : text.get_max_width()) + gutters_width + gutter_padding; if (draw_minimap) { total_width += minimap_width; } content_size_cache = Vector2i(total_width + 10, MAX(total_rows, 1) * get_line_height()); if (fit_content_height || fit_content_width) { update_minimum_size(); } updating_scrolls = true; if (!fit_content_height && total_rows > visible_rows) { v_scroll->show(); v_scroll->set_max(total_rows + _get_visible_lines_offset()); v_scroll->set_page(visible_rows + _get_visible_lines_offset()); set_v_scroll(get_v_scroll()); } else { first_visible_line = 0; first_visible_line_wrap_ofs = 0; v_scroll->set_value(0); v_scroll->set_max(0); v_scroll->hide(); } if (total_width > visible_width) { h_scroll->show(); h_scroll->set_max(total_width); h_scroll->set_page(visible_width); if (first_visible_col > (total_width - visible_width)) { first_visible_col = (total_width - visible_width); } if (fabs(h_scroll->get_value() - (double)first_visible_col) >= 1) { h_scroll->set_value(first_visible_col); } } else { first_visible_col = 0; h_scroll->set_value(0); h_scroll->set_max(0); h_scroll->hide(); } updating_scrolls = false; } int TextEdit::_get_control_height() const { int control_height = get_size().height; control_height -= theme_cache.style_normal->get_minimum_size().height; if (h_scroll->is_visible_in_tree()) { control_height -= h_scroll->get_size().height; } return control_height; } void TextEdit::_v_scroll_input() { scrolling = false; minimap_clicked = false; } void TextEdit::_scroll_moved(double p_to_val) { if (updating_scrolls) { return; } if (h_scroll->is_visible_in_tree()) { first_visible_col = h_scroll->get_value(); } if (v_scroll->is_visible_in_tree()) { // Set line ofs and wrap ofs. bool draw_placeholder = _using_placeholder(); int v_scroll_i = floor(get_v_scroll()); int sc = 0; int n_line; for (n_line = 0; n_line < text.size(); n_line++) { if (!_is_line_hidden(n_line)) { sc++; sc += draw_placeholder ? placeholder_wraped_rows.size() - 1 : get_line_wrap_count(n_line); if (sc > v_scroll_i) { break; } } } n_line = MIN(n_line, text.size() - 1); int line_wrap_amount = draw_placeholder ? placeholder_wraped_rows.size() - 1 : get_line_wrap_count(n_line); int wi = line_wrap_amount - (sc - v_scroll_i - 1); wi = CLAMP(wi, 0, line_wrap_amount); first_visible_line = n_line; first_visible_line_wrap_ofs = wi; } queue_redraw(); } double TextEdit::_get_visible_lines_offset() const { double total = _get_control_height(); total /= (double)get_line_height(); total = total - floor(total); total = -CLAMP(total, 0.001, 1) + 1; return total; } double TextEdit::_get_v_scroll_offset() const { double val = get_v_scroll() - floor(get_v_scroll()); return CLAMP(val, 0, 1); } void TextEdit::_scroll_up(real_t p_delta, bool p_animate) { if (scrolling && smooth_scroll_enabled && SIGN(target_v_scroll - v_scroll->get_value()) != SIGN(-p_delta)) { scrolling = false; minimap_clicked = false; } if (scrolling) { target_v_scroll = (target_v_scroll - p_delta); } else { target_v_scroll = (get_v_scroll() - p_delta); } if (smooth_scroll_enabled) { if (target_v_scroll <= 0) { target_v_scroll = 0; } if (!p_animate || Math::abs(target_v_scroll - v_scroll->get_value()) < 1.0) { v_scroll->set_value(target_v_scroll); } else { scrolling = true; set_physics_process_internal(true); } } else { set_v_scroll(target_v_scroll); } } void TextEdit::_scroll_down(real_t p_delta, bool p_animate) { if (scrolling && smooth_scroll_enabled && SIGN(target_v_scroll - v_scroll->get_value()) != SIGN(p_delta)) { scrolling = false; minimap_clicked = false; } if (scrolling) { target_v_scroll = (target_v_scroll + p_delta); } else { target_v_scroll = (get_v_scroll() + p_delta); } if (smooth_scroll_enabled) { int max_v_scroll = round(v_scroll->get_max() - v_scroll->get_page()); if (target_v_scroll > max_v_scroll) { target_v_scroll = max_v_scroll; } if (!p_animate || Math::abs(target_v_scroll - v_scroll->get_value()) < 1.0) { v_scroll->set_value(target_v_scroll); } else { scrolling = true; set_physics_process_internal(true); } } else { set_v_scroll(target_v_scroll); } } void TextEdit::_scroll_lines_up() { scrolling = false; minimap_clicked = false; // Adjust the vertical scroll. set_v_scroll(get_v_scroll() - 1); // Adjust the caret to viewport. for (int i = 0; i < carets.size(); i++) { if (has_selection(i)) { continue; } int last_vis_line = get_last_full_visible_line(); int last_vis_wrap = get_last_full_visible_line_wrap_index(); if (get_caret_line(i) > last_vis_line || (get_caret_line(i) == last_vis_line && get_caret_wrap_index(i) > last_vis_wrap)) { set_caret_line(last_vis_line, false, false, last_vis_wrap, i); } } merge_overlapping_carets(); } void TextEdit::_scroll_lines_down() { scrolling = false; minimap_clicked = false; // Adjust the vertical scroll. set_v_scroll(get_v_scroll() + 1); // Adjust the caret to viewport. for (int i = 0; i < carets.size(); i++) { if (has_selection(i)) { continue; } int first_vis_line = get_first_visible_line(); if (get_caret_line(i) < first_vis_line || (get_caret_line(i) == first_vis_line && get_caret_wrap_index(i) < first_visible_line_wrap_ofs)) { set_caret_line(first_vis_line, false, false, first_visible_line_wrap_ofs, i); } } merge_overlapping_carets(); } // Minimap void TextEdit::_update_minimap_hover() { const Point2 mp = get_local_mouse_pos(); const int xmargin_end = get_size().width - theme_cache.style_normal->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT); bool hovering_sidebar = mp.x > xmargin_end - minimap_width && mp.x < xmargin_end; if (!hovering_sidebar) { if (hovering_minimap) { // Only redraw if the hovering status changed. hovering_minimap = false; queue_redraw(); } // Return early to avoid running the operations below when not needed. return; } const int row = get_minimap_line_at_pos(mp); bool new_hovering_minimap = row >= get_first_visible_line() && row <= get_last_full_visible_line(); if (new_hovering_minimap != hovering_minimap) { // Only redraw if the hovering status changed. hovering_minimap = new_hovering_minimap; queue_redraw(); } } void TextEdit::_update_minimap_click() { Point2 mp = get_local_mouse_pos(); int xmargin_end = get_size().width - theme_cache.style_normal->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT); if (!dragging_minimap && (mp.x < xmargin_end - minimap_width || mp.x > xmargin_end)) { minimap_clicked = false; return; } minimap_clicked = true; dragging_minimap = true; int row = get_minimap_line_at_pos(mp); if (row >= get_first_visible_line() && (row < get_last_full_visible_line() || row >= (text.size() - 1))) { minimap_scroll_ratio = v_scroll->get_as_ratio(); minimap_scroll_click_pos = mp.y; can_drag_minimap = true; return; } Point2i next_line = get_next_visible_line_index_offset_from(row, 0, -get_visible_line_count() / 2); int first_line = MAX(0, row - next_line.x + 1); double delta = get_scroll_pos_for_line(first_line, next_line.y) - get_v_scroll(); if (delta < 0) { _scroll_up(-delta, true); } else { _scroll_down(delta, true); } } void TextEdit::_update_minimap_drag() { if (!can_drag_minimap) { return; } int control_height = _get_control_height(); int scroll_height = v_scroll->get_max() * (minimap_char_size.y + minimap_line_spacing); if (control_height > scroll_height) { control_height = scroll_height; } Point2 mp = get_local_mouse_pos(); double diff = (mp.y - minimap_scroll_click_pos) / control_height; v_scroll->set_as_ratio(minimap_scroll_ratio + diff); } /* Gutters. */ void TextEdit::_update_gutter_width() { gutters_width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gutters.size(); i++) { if (gutters[i].draw) { gutters_width += gutters[i].width; } } if (gutters_width > 0) { gutter_padding = 2; } queue_redraw(); } /* Syntax highlighting. */ Vector> TextEdit::_get_line_syntax_highlighting(int p_line) { if (syntax_highlighter.is_null() || setting_text) { return Vector>(); } HashMap>>::Iterator E = syntax_highlighting_cache.find(p_line); if (E) { return E->value; } Dictionary color_map = syntax_highlighter->get_line_syntax_highlighting(p_line); Vector> result; result.resize(color_map.size()); int i = 0; for (const Variant *key = color_map.next(nullptr); key; key = color_map.next(key), i++) { int64_t key_data = *key; const Variant *color_data = color_map.getptr(*key); Color color_value = editable ? theme_cache.font_color : theme_cache.font_readonly_color; if (color_data != nullptr) { color_value = (color_data->operator Dictionary()).get("color", color_value); } result.write[i] = Pair(key_data, color_value); } syntax_highlighting_cache.insert(p_line, result); return result; } void TextEdit::_clear_syntax_highlighting_cache() { syntax_highlighting_cache.clear(); } /* Deprecated. */ #ifndef DISABLE_DEPRECATED Vector TextEdit::get_caret_index_edit_order() { Vector carets_order = get_sorted_carets(); carets_order.reverse(); return carets_order; } void TextEdit::adjust_carets_after_edit(int p_caret, int p_from_line, int p_from_col, int p_to_line, int p_to_col) { } int TextEdit::get_selection_line(int p_caret) const { return get_selection_origin_line(p_caret); } int TextEdit::get_selection_column(int p_caret) const { return get_selection_origin_column(p_caret); } #endif /*** Super internal Core API. Everything builds on it. ***/ void TextEdit::_text_changed() { _clear_syntax_highlighting_cache(); _cancel_drag_and_drop_text(); queue_redraw(); if (text_changed_dirty || setting_text) { return; } if (is_inside_tree()) { callable_mp(this, &TextEdit::_emit_text_changed).call_deferred(); } text_changed_dirty = true; } void TextEdit::_emit_text_changed() { emit_signal(SceneStringName(text_changed)); text_changed_dirty = false; } void TextEdit::_insert_text(int p_line, int p_char, const String &p_text, int *r_end_line, int *r_end_char) { if (!setting_text && idle_detect->is_inside_tree()) { idle_detect->start(); } if (undo_enabled) { _clear_redo(); } int retline, retchar; _base_insert_text(p_line, p_char, p_text, retline, retchar); if (r_end_line) { *r_end_line = retline; } if (r_end_char) { *r_end_char = retchar; } if (!undo_enabled) { return; } /* UNDO!! */ TextOperation op; op.type = TextOperation::TYPE_INSERT; op.from_line = p_line; op.from_column = p_char; op.to_line = retline; op.to_column = retchar; op.text = p_text; op.version = ++version; op.chain_forward = false; op.chain_backward = false; if (next_operation_is_complex) { op.start_carets = current_op.start_carets; } else { op.start_carets = carets; } op.end_carets = carets; op.prev_version = get_version(); _push_current_op(); current_op = op; } void TextEdit::_remove_text(int p_from_line, int p_from_column, int p_to_line, int p_to_column) { if (!setting_text && idle_detect->is_inside_tree()) { idle_detect->start(); } String txt; if (undo_enabled) { _clear_redo(); txt = _base_get_text(p_from_line, p_from_column, p_to_line, p_to_column); } _base_remove_text(p_from_line, p_from_column, p_to_line, p_to_column); if (!undo_enabled) { return; } /* UNDO! */ TextOperation op; op.type = TextOperation::TYPE_REMOVE; op.from_line = p_from_line; op.from_column = p_from_column; op.to_line = p_to_line; op.to_column = p_to_column; op.text = txt; op.version = ++version; op.chain_forward = false; op.chain_backward = false; if (next_operation_is_complex) { op.start_carets = current_op.start_carets; } else { op.start_carets = carets; } op.end_carets = carets; op.prev_version = get_version(); _push_current_op(); current_op = op; } void TextEdit::_base_insert_text(int p_line, int p_char, const String &p_text, int &r_end_line, int &r_end_column) { // Save for undo. ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size()); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_char < 0); /* STEP 1: Remove \r from source text and separate in substrings. */ const String text_to_insert = p_text.replace("\r", ""); Vector substrings = text_to_insert.split("\n"); // Is this just a new empty line? bool shift_first_line = p_char == 0 && substrings.size() == 2 && text_to_insert == "\n"; /* STEP 2: Add spaces if the char is greater than the end of the line. */ while (p_char > text[p_line].length()) { text.set(p_line, text[p_line] + String::chr(' '), structured_text_parser(st_parser, st_args, text[p_line] + String::chr(' '))); } /* STEP 3: Separate dest string in pre and post text. */ String postinsert_text = text[p_line].substr(p_char, text[p_line].size()); substrings.write[0] = text[p_line].substr(0, p_char) + substrings[0]; substrings.write[substrings.size() - 1] += postinsert_text; Vector bidi_override; bidi_override.resize(substrings.size()); for (int i = 0; i < substrings.size(); i++) { bidi_override.write[i] = structured_text_parser(st_parser, st_args, substrings[i]); } text.insert(p_line, substrings, bidi_override); if (shift_first_line) { text.move_gutters(p_line, p_line + 1); text.set_hidden(p_line + 1, text.is_hidden(p_line)); text.set_hidden(p_line, false); } r_end_line = p_line + substrings.size() - 1; r_end_column = text[r_end_line].length() - postinsert_text.length(); TextServer::Direction dir = TS->shaped_text_get_dominant_direction_in_range(text.get_line_data(r_end_line)->get_rid(), (r_end_line == p_line) ? carets[0].column : 0, r_end_column); if (dir != TextServer::DIRECTION_AUTO) { input_direction = (TextDirection)dir; } _text_changed(); emit_signal(SNAME("lines_edited_from"), p_line, r_end_line); } String TextEdit::_base_get_text(int p_from_line, int p_from_column, int p_to_line, int p_to_column) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_from_line, text.size(), String()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_from_column, text[p_from_line].length() + 1, String()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_to_line, text.size(), String()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_to_column, text[p_to_line].length() + 1, String()); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_to_line < p_from_line, String()); // 'from > to'. ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_to_line == p_from_line && p_to_column < p_from_column, String()); // 'from > to'. StringBuilder ret; for (int i = p_from_line; i <= p_to_line; i++) { int begin = (i == p_from_line) ? p_from_column : 0; int end = (i == p_to_line) ? p_to_column : text[i].length(); if (i > p_from_line) { ret += "\n"; } ret += text[i].substr(begin, end - begin); } return ret.as_string(); } void TextEdit::_base_remove_text(int p_from_line, int p_from_column, int p_to_line, int p_to_column) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_from_line, text.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_from_column, text[p_from_line].length() + 1); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_to_line, text.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_to_column, text[p_to_line].length() + 1); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_to_line < p_from_line); // 'from > to'. ERR_FAIL_COND(p_to_line == p_from_line && p_to_column < p_from_column); // 'from > to'. String pre_text = text[p_from_line].substr(0, p_from_column); String post_text = text[p_to_line].substr(p_to_column, text[p_to_line].length()); text.remove_range(p_from_line, p_to_line); text.set(p_from_line, pre_text + post_text, structured_text_parser(st_parser, st_args, pre_text + post_text)); _text_changed(); emit_signal(SNAME("lines_edited_from"), p_to_line, p_from_line); } TextEdit::TextEdit(const String &p_placeholder) { placeholder_data_buf.instantiate(); carets.push_back(Caret()); clear(); set_focus_mode(FOCUS_ALL); set_default_cursor_shape(CURSOR_IBEAM); set_process_unhandled_key_input(true); text.set_tab_size(text.get_tab_size()); h_scroll = memnew(HScrollBar); v_scroll = memnew(VScrollBar); add_child(h_scroll, false, INTERNAL_MODE_FRONT); add_child(v_scroll, false, INTERNAL_MODE_FRONT); h_scroll->connect(SceneStringName(value_changed), callable_mp(this, &TextEdit::_scroll_moved)); v_scroll->connect(SceneStringName(value_changed), callable_mp(this, &TextEdit::_scroll_moved)); v_scroll->connect("scrolling", callable_mp(this, &TextEdit::_v_scroll_input)); /* Caret. */ caret_blink_timer = memnew(Timer); add_child(caret_blink_timer, false, INTERNAL_MODE_FRONT); caret_blink_timer->set_wait_time(0.65); caret_blink_timer->connect("timeout", callable_mp(this, &TextEdit::_toggle_draw_caret)); set_caret_blink_enabled(false); /* Selection. */ click_select_held = memnew(Timer); add_child(click_select_held, false, INTERNAL_MODE_FRONT); click_select_held->set_wait_time(0.05); click_select_held->connect("timeout", callable_mp(this, &TextEdit::_click_selection_held)); idle_detect = memnew(Timer); add_child(idle_detect, false, INTERNAL_MODE_FRONT); idle_detect->set_one_shot(true); idle_detect->set_wait_time(GLOBAL_GET("gui/timers/text_edit_idle_detect_sec")); idle_detect->connect("timeout", callable_mp(this, &TextEdit::_push_current_op)); undo_stack_max_size = GLOBAL_GET("gui/common/text_edit_undo_stack_max_size"); set_placeholder(p_placeholder); set_clip_contents(true); set_editable(true); }