Base class for 3-dimensionnal textures. Base class for [ImageTexture3D] and [CompressedTexture3D]. Cannot be used directly, but contains all the functions necessary for accessing the derived resource types. [Texture3D] is the base class for all 3-dimensional texture types. See also [TextureLayered]. All images need to have the same width, height and number of mipmap levels. To create such a texture file yourself, reimport your image files using the Godot Editor import presets. Called when the [Texture3D]'s data is queried. Called when the [Texture3D]'s depth is queried. Called when the [Texture3D]'s format is queried. Called when the [Texture3D]'s height is queried. Called when the [Texture3D]'s width is queried. Called when the presence of mipmaps in the [Texture3D] is queried. Creates a placeholder version of this resource ([PlaceholderTexture3D]). Returns the [Texture3D]'s data as an array of [Image]s. Each [Image] represents a [i]slice[/i] of the [Texture3D], with different slices mapping to different depth (Z axis) levels. Returns the [Texture3D]'s depth in pixels. Depth is typically represented by the Z axis (a dimension not present in [Texture2D]). Returns the current format being used by this texture. See [enum Image.Format] for details. Returns the [Texture3D]'s height in pixels. Width is typically represented by the Y axis. Returns the [Texture3D]'s width in pixels. Width is typically represented by the X axis. Returns [code]true[/code] if the [Texture3D] has generated mipmaps.