/**************************************************************************/ /* tts_linux.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "tts_linux.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "servers/text_server.h" TTS_Linux *TTS_Linux::singleton = nullptr; void TTS_Linux::speech_init_thread_func(void *p_userdata) { TTS_Linux *tts = (TTS_Linux *)p_userdata; if (tts) { MutexLock thread_safe_method(tts->_thread_safe_); #ifdef SOWRAP_ENABLED #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED int dylibloader_verbose = 1; #else int dylibloader_verbose = 0; #endif if (initialize_speechd(dylibloader_verbose) != 0) { print_verbose("Text-to-Speech: Cannot load Speech Dispatcher library!"); } else { if (!spd_open || !spd_set_notification_on || !spd_list_synthesis_voices || !free_spd_voices || !spd_set_synthesis_voice || !spd_set_volume || !spd_set_voice_pitch || !spd_set_voice_rate || !spd_set_data_mode || !spd_say || !spd_pause || !spd_resume || !spd_cancel) { // There's no API to check version, check if functions are available instead. print_verbose("Text-to-Speech: Unsupported Speech Dispatcher library version!"); return; } #else { #endif CharString class_str; String config_name = GLOBAL_GET("application/config/name"); if (config_name.length() == 0) { class_str = "Godot_Engine"; } else { class_str = config_name.utf8(); } tts->synth = spd_open(class_str, "Godot_Engine_Speech_API", "Godot_Engine", SPD_MODE_THREADED); if (tts->synth) { tts->synth->callback_end = &speech_event_callback; tts->synth->callback_cancel = &speech_event_callback; tts->synth->callback_im = &speech_event_index_mark; spd_set_notification_on(tts->synth, SPD_END); spd_set_notification_on(tts->synth, SPD_CANCEL); print_verbose("Text-to-Speech: Speech Dispatcher initialized."); } else { print_verbose("Text-to-Speech: Cannot initialize Speech Dispatcher synthesizer!"); } } } } void TTS_Linux::speech_event_index_mark(size_t p_msg_id, size_t p_client_id, SPDNotificationType p_type, char *p_index_mark) { TTS_Linux *tts = TTS_Linux::get_singleton(); if (tts) { callable_mp(tts, &TTS_Linux::_speech_index_mark).call_deferred((int)p_msg_id, (int)p_type, String::utf8(p_index_mark)); } } void TTS_Linux::_speech_index_mark(int p_msg_id, int p_type, const String &p_index_mark) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ if (ids.has(p_msg_id)) { DisplayServer::get_singleton()->tts_post_utterance_event(DisplayServer::TTS_UTTERANCE_BOUNDARY, ids[p_msg_id], p_index_mark.to_int()); } } void TTS_Linux::speech_event_callback(size_t p_msg_id, size_t p_client_id, SPDNotificationType p_type) { TTS_Linux *tts = TTS_Linux::get_singleton(); if (tts) { callable_mp(tts, &TTS_Linux::_speech_event).call_deferred((int)p_msg_id, (int)p_type); } } void TTS_Linux::_load_voices() { if (!voices_loaded) { SPDVoice **spd_voices = spd_list_synthesis_voices(synth); if (spd_voices != nullptr) { SPDVoice **voices_ptr = spd_voices; while (*voices_ptr != nullptr) { VoiceInfo vi; vi.language = String::utf8((*voices_ptr)->language); vi.variant = String::utf8((*voices_ptr)->variant); voices[String::utf8((*voices_ptr)->name)] = vi; voices_ptr++; } free_spd_voices(spd_voices); } voices_loaded = true; } } void TTS_Linux::_speech_event(int p_msg_id, int p_type) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ if (!paused && ids.has(p_msg_id)) { if ((SPDNotificationType)p_type == SPD_EVENT_END) { DisplayServer::get_singleton()->tts_post_utterance_event(DisplayServer::TTS_UTTERANCE_ENDED, ids[p_msg_id]); ids.erase(p_msg_id); last_msg_id = -1; speaking = false; } else if ((SPDNotificationType)p_type == SPD_EVENT_CANCEL) { DisplayServer::get_singleton()->tts_post_utterance_event(DisplayServer::TTS_UTTERANCE_CANCELED, ids[p_msg_id]); ids.erase(p_msg_id); last_msg_id = -1; speaking = false; } } if (!speaking && queue.size() > 0) { DisplayServer::TTSUtterance &message = queue.front()->get(); // Inject index mark after each word. String text; String language; _load_voices(); const VoiceInfo *voice = voices.getptr(message.voice); if (voice) { language = voice->language; } PackedInt32Array breaks = TS->string_get_word_breaks(message.text, language); int prev_end = -1; for (int i = 0; i < breaks.size(); i += 2) { const int start = breaks[i]; const int end = breaks[i + 1]; if (prev_end != -1 && prev_end != start) { text += message.text.substr(prev_end, start - prev_end); } text += message.text.substr(start, end - start); text += ""; prev_end = end; } spd_set_synthesis_voice(synth, message.voice.utf8().get_data()); spd_set_volume(synth, message.volume * 2 - 100); spd_set_voice_pitch(synth, (message.pitch - 1) * 100); float rate = 0; if (message.rate > 1.f) { rate = log10(MIN(message.rate, 2.5f)) / log10(2.5f) * 100; } else if (message.rate < 1.f) { rate = log10(MAX(message.rate, 0.5f)) / log10(0.5f) * -100; } spd_set_voice_rate(synth, rate); spd_set_data_mode(synth, SPD_DATA_SSML); last_msg_id = spd_say(synth, SPD_TEXT, text.utf8().get_data()); ids[last_msg_id] = message.id; DisplayServer::get_singleton()->tts_post_utterance_event(DisplayServer::TTS_UTTERANCE_STARTED, message.id); queue.pop_front(); speaking = true; } } bool TTS_Linux::is_speaking() const { return speaking; } bool TTS_Linux::is_paused() const { return paused; } Array TTS_Linux::get_voices() const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(synth, Array()); const_cast(this)->_load_voices(); Array list; for (const KeyValue &E : voices) { Dictionary voice_d; voice_d["name"] = E.key; voice_d["id"] = E.key; voice_d["language"] = E.value.language + "_" + E.value.variant; list.push_back(voice_d); } return list; } void TTS_Linux::speak(const String &p_text, const String &p_voice, int p_volume, float p_pitch, float p_rate, int p_utterance_id, bool p_interrupt) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_NULL(synth); if (p_interrupt) { stop(); } if (p_text.is_empty()) { DisplayServer::get_singleton()->tts_post_utterance_event(DisplayServer::TTS_UTTERANCE_CANCELED, p_utterance_id); return; } DisplayServer::TTSUtterance message; message.text = p_text; message.voice = p_voice; message.volume = CLAMP(p_volume, 0, 100); message.pitch = CLAMP(p_pitch, 0.f, 2.f); message.rate = CLAMP(p_rate, 0.1f, 10.f); message.id = p_utterance_id; queue.push_back(message); if (is_paused()) { resume(); } else { _speech_event(0, (int)SPD_EVENT_BEGIN); } } void TTS_Linux::pause() { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_NULL(synth); if (spd_pause(synth) == 0) { paused = true; } } void TTS_Linux::resume() { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_NULL(synth); spd_resume(synth); paused = false; } void TTS_Linux::stop() { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_NULL(synth); for (DisplayServer::TTSUtterance &message : queue) { DisplayServer::get_singleton()->tts_post_utterance_event(DisplayServer::TTS_UTTERANCE_CANCELED, message.id); } if ((last_msg_id != -1) && ids.has(last_msg_id)) { DisplayServer::get_singleton()->tts_post_utterance_event(DisplayServer::TTS_UTTERANCE_CANCELED, ids[last_msg_id]); } queue.clear(); ids.clear(); last_msg_id = -1; spd_cancel(synth); spd_resume(synth); speaking = false; paused = false; } TTS_Linux *TTS_Linux::get_singleton() { return singleton; } TTS_Linux::TTS_Linux() { singleton = this; // Speech Dispatcher init can be slow, it might wait for helper process to start on background, so run it in the thread. init_thread.start(speech_init_thread_func, this); } TTS_Linux::~TTS_Linux() { init_thread.wait_to_finish(); if (synth) { spd_close(synth); } singleton = nullptr; }