/**************************************************************************/ /* editor_help_search.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "editor_help_search.h" #include "core/os/keyboard.h" #include "editor/editor_feature_profile.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "editor/editor_scale.h" #include "editor/editor_settings.h" void EditorHelpSearch::_update_icons() { search_box->set_right_icon(results_tree->get_theme_icon(SNAME("Search"), SNAME("EditorIcons"))); search_box->set_clear_button_enabled(true); search_box->add_theme_icon_override("right_icon", results_tree->get_theme_icon(SNAME("Search"), SNAME("EditorIcons"))); case_sensitive_button->set_icon(results_tree->get_theme_icon(SNAME("MatchCase"), SNAME("EditorIcons"))); hierarchy_button->set_icon(results_tree->get_theme_icon(SNAME("ClassList"), SNAME("EditorIcons"))); if (is_visible()) { _update_results(); } } void EditorHelpSearch::_update_results() { String term = search_box->get_text(); int search_flags = filter_combo->get_selected_id(); if (case_sensitive_button->is_pressed()) { search_flags |= SEARCH_CASE_SENSITIVE; } if (hierarchy_button->is_pressed()) { search_flags |= SEARCH_SHOW_HIERARCHY; } search = Ref(memnew(Runner(results_tree, results_tree, term, search_flags))); set_process(true); } void EditorHelpSearch::_search_box_gui_input(const Ref &p_event) { // Redirect up and down navigational key events to the results list. Ref key = p_event; if (key.is_valid()) { switch (key->get_keycode()) { case Key::UP: case Key::DOWN: case Key::PAGEUP: case Key::PAGEDOWN: { results_tree->gui_input(key); search_box->accept_event(); } break; default: break; } } } void EditorHelpSearch::_search_box_text_changed(const String &p_text) { _update_results(); } void EditorHelpSearch::_filter_combo_item_selected(int p_option) { _update_results(); } void EditorHelpSearch::_confirmed() { TreeItem *item = results_tree->get_selected(); if (!item) { return; } // Activate the script editor and emit the signal with the documentation link to display. EditorNode::get_singleton()->set_visible_editor(EditorNode::EDITOR_SCRIPT); emit_signal(SNAME("go_to_help"), item->get_metadata(0)); hide(); } void EditorHelpSearch::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY_CHANGED: { if (!is_visible()) { results_tree->call_deferred(SNAME("clear")); // Wait for the Tree's mouse event propagation. get_ok_button()->set_disabled(true); EditorSettings::get_singleton()->set_project_metadata("dialog_bounds", "search_help", Rect2(get_position(), get_size())); } } break; case EditorSettings::NOTIFICATION_EDITOR_SETTINGS_CHANGED: { _update_icons(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: { connect("confirmed", callable_mp(this, &EditorHelpSearch::_confirmed)); _update_icons(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_PROCESS: { // Update background search. if (search.is_valid()) { if (search->work()) { // Search done. // Only point to the match if it's a new search, and not just reopening a old one. if (!old_search) { results_tree->ensure_cursor_is_visible(); } else { old_search = false; } get_ok_button()->set_disabled(!results_tree->get_selected()); search = Ref(); set_process(false); } } else { set_process(false); } } break; } } void EditorHelpSearch::_bind_methods() { ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("go_to_help")); } void EditorHelpSearch::popup_dialog() { popup_dialog(search_box->get_text()); } void EditorHelpSearch::popup_dialog(const String &p_term) { // Restore valid window bounds or pop up at default size. Rect2 saved_size = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_metadata("dialog_bounds", "search_help", Rect2()); if (saved_size != Rect2()) { popup(saved_size); } else { popup_centered_ratio(0.5F); } if (p_term.is_empty()) { search_box->clear(); } else { if (old_term == p_term) { old_search = true; } else { old_term = p_term; } search_box->set_text(p_term); search_box->select_all(); } search_box->grab_focus(); _update_results(); } EditorHelpSearch::EditorHelpSearch() { set_hide_on_ok(false); set_title(TTR("Search Help")); get_ok_button()->set_disabled(true); set_ok_button_text(TTR("Open")); // Split search and results area. VBoxContainer *vbox = memnew(VBoxContainer); add_child(vbox); // Create the search box and filter controls (at the top). HBoxContainer *hbox = memnew(HBoxContainer); vbox->add_child(hbox); search_box = memnew(LineEdit); search_box->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(200, 0) * EDSCALE); search_box->set_h_size_flags(Control::SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); search_box->connect("gui_input", callable_mp(this, &EditorHelpSearch::_search_box_gui_input)); search_box->connect("text_changed", callable_mp(this, &EditorHelpSearch::_search_box_text_changed)); register_text_enter(search_box); hbox->add_child(search_box); case_sensitive_button = memnew(Button); case_sensitive_button->set_flat(true); case_sensitive_button->set_tooltip_text(TTR("Case Sensitive")); case_sensitive_button->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &EditorHelpSearch::_update_results)); case_sensitive_button->set_toggle_mode(true); case_sensitive_button->set_focus_mode(Control::FOCUS_NONE); hbox->add_child(case_sensitive_button); hierarchy_button = memnew(Button); hierarchy_button->set_flat(true); hierarchy_button->set_tooltip_text(TTR("Show Hierarchy")); hierarchy_button->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &EditorHelpSearch::_update_results)); hierarchy_button->set_toggle_mode(true); hierarchy_button->set_pressed(true); hierarchy_button->set_focus_mode(Control::FOCUS_NONE); hbox->add_child(hierarchy_button); filter_combo = memnew(OptionButton); filter_combo->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(200, 0) * EDSCALE); filter_combo->set_stretch_ratio(0); // Fixed width. filter_combo->add_item(TTR("Display All"), SEARCH_ALL); filter_combo->add_separator(); filter_combo->add_item(TTR("Classes Only"), SEARCH_CLASSES); filter_combo->add_item(TTR("Constructors Only"), SEARCH_CONSTRUCTORS); filter_combo->add_item(TTR("Methods Only"), SEARCH_METHODS); filter_combo->add_item(TTR("Operators Only"), SEARCH_OPERATORS); filter_combo->add_item(TTR("Signals Only"), SEARCH_SIGNALS); filter_combo->add_item(TTR("Annotations Only"), SEARCH_ANNOTATIONS); filter_combo->add_item(TTR("Constants Only"), SEARCH_CONSTANTS); filter_combo->add_item(TTR("Properties Only"), SEARCH_PROPERTIES); filter_combo->add_item(TTR("Theme Properties Only"), SEARCH_THEME_ITEMS); filter_combo->connect("item_selected", callable_mp(this, &EditorHelpSearch::_filter_combo_item_selected)); hbox->add_child(filter_combo); // Create the results tree. results_tree = memnew(Tree); results_tree->set_v_size_flags(Control::SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); results_tree->set_columns(2); results_tree->set_column_title(0, TTR("Name")); results_tree->set_column_clip_content(0, true); results_tree->set_column_title(1, TTR("Member Type")); results_tree->set_column_expand(1, false); results_tree->set_column_custom_minimum_width(1, 150 * EDSCALE); results_tree->set_column_clip_content(1, true); results_tree->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(0, 100) * EDSCALE); results_tree->set_hide_root(true); results_tree->set_select_mode(Tree::SELECT_ROW); results_tree->connect("item_activated", callable_mp(this, &EditorHelpSearch::_confirmed)); results_tree->connect("item_selected", callable_mp((BaseButton *)get_ok_button(), &BaseButton::set_disabled).bind(false)); vbox->add_child(results_tree, true); } bool EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_is_class_disabled_by_feature_profile(const StringName &p_class) { Ref profile = EditorFeatureProfileManager::get_singleton()->get_current_profile(); if (profile.is_null()) { return false; } StringName class_name = p_class; while (class_name != StringName()) { if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) { return false; } if (profile->is_class_disabled(class_name)) { return true; } class_name = ClassDB::get_parent_class(class_name); } return false; } bool EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_slice() { bool phase_done = false; switch (phase) { case PHASE_MATCH_CLASSES_INIT: phase_done = _phase_match_classes_init(); break; case PHASE_MATCH_CLASSES: phase_done = _phase_match_classes(); break; case PHASE_CLASS_ITEMS_INIT: phase_done = _phase_class_items_init(); break; case PHASE_CLASS_ITEMS: phase_done = _phase_class_items(); break; case PHASE_MEMBER_ITEMS_INIT: phase_done = _phase_member_items_init(); break; case PHASE_MEMBER_ITEMS: phase_done = _phase_member_items(); break; case PHASE_SELECT_MATCH: phase_done = _phase_select_match(); break; case PHASE_MAX: return true; default: WARN_PRINT("Invalid or unhandled phase in EditorHelpSearch::Runner, aborting search."); return true; }; if (phase_done) { phase++; } return false; } bool EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_phase_match_classes_init() { iterator_doc = EditorHelp::get_doc_data()->class_list.begin(); matches.clear(); matched_item = nullptr; match_highest_score = 0; terms = term.split_spaces(); if (terms.is_empty()) { terms.append(term); } return true; } bool EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_phase_match_classes() { if (!iterator_doc) { return true; } DocData::ClassDoc &class_doc = iterator_doc->value; if (class_doc.name.is_empty()) { ++iterator_doc; return false; } if (!_is_class_disabled_by_feature_profile(class_doc.name)) { ClassMatch match; match.doc = &class_doc; // Match class name. if (search_flags & SEARCH_CLASSES) { // If the search term is empty, add any classes which are not script docs or which don't start with // a double-quotation. This will ensure that only C++ classes and explicitly named classes will // be added. match.name = (term.is_empty() && (!class_doc.is_script_doc || class_doc.name[0] != '\"')) || _match_string(term, class_doc.name); } // Match members only if the term is long enough, to avoid slow performance from building a large tree. // Make an exception for annotations, since there are not that many of them. if (term.length() > 1 || term == "@") { if (search_flags & SEARCH_CONSTRUCTORS) { _match_method_name_and_push_back(class_doc.constructors, &match.constructors); } if (search_flags & SEARCH_METHODS) { _match_method_name_and_push_back(class_doc.methods, &match.methods); } if (search_flags & SEARCH_OPERATORS) { _match_method_name_and_push_back(class_doc.operators, &match.operators); } if (search_flags & SEARCH_SIGNALS) { for (int i = 0; i < class_doc.signals.size(); i++) { if (_all_terms_in_name(class_doc.signals[i].name)) { match.signals.push_back(const_cast(&class_doc.signals[i])); } } } if (search_flags & SEARCH_CONSTANTS) { for (int i = 0; i < class_doc.constants.size(); i++) { if (_all_terms_in_name(class_doc.constants[i].name)) { match.constants.push_back(const_cast(&class_doc.constants[i])); } } } if (search_flags & SEARCH_PROPERTIES) { for (int i = 0; i < class_doc.properties.size(); i++) { if (_all_terms_in_name(class_doc.properties[i].name)) { match.properties.push_back(const_cast(&class_doc.properties[i])); } } } if (search_flags & SEARCH_THEME_ITEMS) { for (int i = 0; i < class_doc.theme_properties.size(); i++) { if (_all_terms_in_name(class_doc.theme_properties[i].name)) { match.theme_properties.push_back(const_cast(&class_doc.theme_properties[i])); } } } if (search_flags & SEARCH_ANNOTATIONS) { for (int i = 0; i < class_doc.annotations.size(); i++) { if (_match_string(term, class_doc.annotations[i].name)) { match.annotations.push_back(const_cast(&class_doc.annotations[i])); } } } } matches[class_doc.name] = match; } ++iterator_doc; return !iterator_doc; } bool EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_phase_class_items_init() { iterator_match = matches.begin(); results_tree->clear(); root_item = results_tree->create_item(); class_items.clear(); return true; } bool EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_phase_class_items() { if (!iterator_match) { return true; } ClassMatch &match = iterator_match->value; if (search_flags & SEARCH_SHOW_HIERARCHY) { if (match.required()) { _create_class_hierarchy(match); } } else { if (match.name) { _create_class_item(root_item, match.doc, false); } } ++iterator_match; return !iterator_match; } bool EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_phase_member_items_init() { iterator_match = matches.begin(); return true; } bool EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_phase_member_items() { if (!iterator_match) { return true; } ClassMatch &match = iterator_match->value; if (!match.doc || match.doc->name.is_empty()) { ++iterator_match; return false; } TreeItem *parent_item = (search_flags & SEARCH_SHOW_HIERARCHY) ? class_items[match.doc->name] : root_item; bool constructor_created = false; for (int i = 0; i < match.methods.size(); i++) { String text = match.methods[i]->name; if (!constructor_created) { if (match.doc->name == match.methods[i]->name) { text += " " + TTR("(constructors)"); constructor_created = true; } } else { if (match.doc->name == match.methods[i]->name) { continue; } } _create_method_item(parent_item, match.doc, text, match.methods[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < match.signals.size(); i++) { _create_signal_item(parent_item, match.doc, match.signals[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < match.constants.size(); i++) { _create_constant_item(parent_item, match.doc, match.constants[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < match.properties.size(); i++) { _create_property_item(parent_item, match.doc, match.properties[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < match.theme_properties.size(); i++) { _create_theme_property_item(parent_item, match.doc, match.theme_properties[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < match.annotations.size(); i++) { // Hide the redundant leading @ symbol. _create_annotation_item(parent_item, match.doc, match.annotations[i]->name.substr(1), match.annotations[i]); } ++iterator_match; return !iterator_match; } bool EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_phase_select_match() { if (matched_item) { matched_item->select(0); } return true; } void EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_match_method_name_and_push_back(Vector &p_methods, Vector *r_match_methods) { // Constructors, Methods, Operators... for (int i = 0; i < p_methods.size(); i++) { String method_name = (search_flags & SEARCH_CASE_SENSITIVE) ? p_methods[i].name : p_methods[i].name.to_lower(); if (_all_terms_in_name(method_name) || (term.begins_with(".") && method_name.begins_with(term.substr(1))) || (term.ends_with("(") && method_name.ends_with(term.left(term.length() - 1).strip_edges())) || (term.begins_with(".") && term.ends_with("(") && method_name == term.substr(1, term.length() - 2).strip_edges())) { r_match_methods->push_back(const_cast(&p_methods[i])); } } } bool EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_all_terms_in_name(String name) { for (int i = 0; i < terms.size(); i++) { if (!_match_string(terms[i], name)) { return false; } } return true; } bool EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_match_string(const String &p_term, const String &p_string) const { if (search_flags & SEARCH_CASE_SENSITIVE) { return p_string.find(p_term) > -1; } else { return p_string.findn(p_term) > -1; } } void EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_match_item(TreeItem *p_item, const String &p_text) { float inverse_length = 1.f / float(p_text.length()); // Favor types where search term is a substring close to the start of the type. float w = 0.5f; int pos = p_text.findn(term); float score = (pos > -1) ? 1.0f - w * MIN(1, 3 * pos * inverse_length) : MAX(0.f, .9f - w); // Favor shorter items: they resemble the search term more. w = 0.1f; score *= (1 - w) + w * (term.length() * inverse_length); if (match_highest_score == 0 || score > match_highest_score) { matched_item = p_item; match_highest_score = score; } } String EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_build_method_tooltip(const DocData::ClassDoc *p_class_doc, const DocData::MethodDoc *p_doc) const { String tooltip = p_doc->return_type + " " + p_class_doc->name + "." + p_doc->name + "("; for (int i = 0; i < p_doc->arguments.size(); i++) { const DocData::ArgumentDoc &arg = p_doc->arguments[i]; tooltip += arg.type + " " + arg.name; if (!arg.default_value.is_empty()) { tooltip += " = " + arg.default_value; } if (i < p_doc->arguments.size() - 1) { tooltip += ", "; } } tooltip += ")"; return tooltip; } TreeItem *EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_create_class_hierarchy(const ClassMatch &p_match) { if (p_match.doc->name.is_empty()) { return nullptr; } if (class_items.has(p_match.doc->name)) { return class_items[p_match.doc->name]; } // Ensure parent nodes are created first. TreeItem *parent_item = root_item; if (!p_match.doc->inherits.is_empty()) { if (class_items.has(p_match.doc->inherits)) { parent_item = class_items[p_match.doc->inherits]; } else { ClassMatch &base_match = matches[p_match.doc->inherits]; if (base_match.doc) { parent_item = _create_class_hierarchy(base_match); } } } TreeItem *class_item = _create_class_item(parent_item, p_match.doc, !p_match.name); class_items[p_match.doc->name] = class_item; return class_item; } TreeItem *EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_create_class_item(TreeItem *p_parent, const DocData::ClassDoc *p_doc, bool p_gray) { Ref icon = empty_icon; if (ui_service->has_theme_icon(p_doc->name, SNAME("EditorIcons"))) { icon = ui_service->get_theme_icon(p_doc->name, SNAME("EditorIcons")); } else if (ClassDB::class_exists(p_doc->name) && ClassDB::is_parent_class(p_doc->name, "Object")) { icon = ui_service->get_theme_icon(SNAME("Object"), SNAME("EditorIcons")); } String tooltip = DTR(p_doc->brief_description.strip_edges()); TreeItem *item = results_tree->create_item(p_parent); item->set_icon(0, icon); item->set_text(0, p_doc->name); item->set_text(1, TTR("Class")); item->set_tooltip_text(0, tooltip); item->set_tooltip_text(1, tooltip); item->set_metadata(0, "class_name:" + p_doc->name); if (p_gray) { item->set_custom_color(0, disabled_color); item->set_custom_color(1, disabled_color); } if (p_doc->is_deprecated) { Ref error_icon = ui_service->get_theme_icon("StatusError", SNAME("EditorIcons")); item->add_button(0, error_icon, 0, false, TTR("This class is marked as deprecated.")); } else if (p_doc->is_experimental) { Ref warning_icon = ui_service->get_theme_icon("NodeWarning", SNAME("EditorIcons")); item->add_button(0, warning_icon, 0, false, TTR("This class is marked as experimental.")); } _match_item(item, p_doc->name); return item; } TreeItem *EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_create_method_item(TreeItem *p_parent, const DocData::ClassDoc *p_class_doc, const String &p_text, const DocData::MethodDoc *p_doc) { String tooltip = _build_method_tooltip(p_class_doc, p_doc); return _create_member_item(p_parent, p_class_doc->name, "MemberMethod", p_doc->name, p_text, TTRC("Method"), "method", tooltip, p_doc->is_deprecated, p_doc->is_experimental); } TreeItem *EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_create_signal_item(TreeItem *p_parent, const DocData::ClassDoc *p_class_doc, const DocData::MethodDoc *p_doc) { String tooltip = _build_method_tooltip(p_class_doc, p_doc); return _create_member_item(p_parent, p_class_doc->name, "MemberSignal", p_doc->name, p_doc->name, TTRC("Signal"), "signal", tooltip, p_doc->is_deprecated, p_doc->is_experimental); } TreeItem *EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_create_annotation_item(TreeItem *p_parent, const DocData::ClassDoc *p_class_doc, const String &p_text, const DocData::MethodDoc *p_doc) { String tooltip = _build_method_tooltip(p_class_doc, p_doc); return _create_member_item(p_parent, p_class_doc->name, "MemberAnnotation", p_doc->name, p_text, TTRC("Annotation"), "annotation", tooltip, p_doc->is_deprecated, p_doc->is_experimental); } TreeItem *EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_create_constant_item(TreeItem *p_parent, const DocData::ClassDoc *p_class_doc, const DocData::ConstantDoc *p_doc) { String tooltip = p_class_doc->name + "." + p_doc->name; return _create_member_item(p_parent, p_class_doc->name, "MemberConstant", p_doc->name, p_doc->name, TTRC("Constant"), "constant", tooltip, p_doc->is_deprecated, p_doc->is_experimental); } TreeItem *EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_create_property_item(TreeItem *p_parent, const DocData::ClassDoc *p_class_doc, const DocData::PropertyDoc *p_doc) { String tooltip = p_doc->type + " " + p_class_doc->name + "." + p_doc->name; tooltip += "\n " + p_class_doc->name + "." + p_doc->setter + "(value) setter"; tooltip += "\n " + p_class_doc->name + "." + p_doc->getter + "() getter"; return _create_member_item(p_parent, p_class_doc->name, "MemberProperty", p_doc->name, p_doc->name, TTRC("Property"), "property", tooltip, p_doc->is_deprecated, p_doc->is_experimental); } TreeItem *EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_create_theme_property_item(TreeItem *p_parent, const DocData::ClassDoc *p_class_doc, const DocData::ThemeItemDoc *p_doc) { String tooltip = p_doc->type + " " + p_class_doc->name + "." + p_doc->name; return _create_member_item(p_parent, p_class_doc->name, "MemberTheme", p_doc->name, p_doc->name, TTRC("Theme Property"), "theme_item", tooltip, false, false); } TreeItem *EditorHelpSearch::Runner::_create_member_item(TreeItem *p_parent, const String &p_class_name, const String &p_icon, const String &p_name, const String &p_text, const String &p_type, const String &p_metatype, const String &p_tooltip, bool is_deprecated, bool is_experimental) { Ref icon; String text; if (search_flags & SEARCH_SHOW_HIERARCHY) { icon = ui_service->get_theme_icon(p_icon, SNAME("EditorIcons")); text = p_text; } else { icon = ui_service->get_theme_icon(p_icon, SNAME("EditorIcons")); text = p_class_name + "." + p_text; } TreeItem *item = results_tree->create_item(p_parent); item->set_icon(0, icon); item->set_text(0, text); item->set_text(1, TTRGET(p_type)); item->set_tooltip_text(0, p_tooltip); item->set_tooltip_text(1, p_tooltip); item->set_metadata(0, "class_" + p_metatype + ":" + p_class_name + ":" + p_name); if (is_deprecated) { Ref error_icon = ui_service->get_theme_icon("StatusError", SNAME("EditorIcons")); item->add_button(0, error_icon, 0, false, TTR("This member is marked as deprecated.")); } else if (is_experimental) { Ref warning_icon = ui_service->get_theme_icon("NodeWarning", SNAME("EditorIcons")); item->add_button(0, warning_icon, 0, false, TTR("This member is marked as experimental.")); } _match_item(item, p_name); return item; } bool EditorHelpSearch::Runner::work(uint64_t slot) { // Return true when the search has been completed, otherwise false. const uint64_t until = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() + slot; while (!_slice()) { if (OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() > until) { return false; } } return true; } EditorHelpSearch::Runner::Runner(Control *p_icon_service, Tree *p_results_tree, const String &p_term, int p_search_flags) : ui_service(p_icon_service), results_tree(p_results_tree), term((p_search_flags & SEARCH_CASE_SENSITIVE) == 0 ? p_term.strip_edges().to_lower() : p_term.strip_edges()), search_flags(p_search_flags), empty_icon(ui_service->get_theme_icon(SNAME("ArrowRight"), SNAME("EditorIcons"))), disabled_color(ui_service->get_theme_color(SNAME("disabled_font_color"), SNAME("Editor"))) { }