/*************************************************************************/ /* editor_import_collada.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "editor_import_collada.h" #include "core/os/os.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "editor/import/collada.h" #include "scene/3d/camera_3d.h" #include "scene/3d/importer_mesh_instance_3d.h" #include "scene/3d/light_3d.h" #include "scene/3d/mesh_instance_3d.h" #include "scene/3d/node_3d.h" #include "scene/3d/path_3d.h" #include "scene/3d/skeleton_3d.h" #include "scene/animation/animation_player.h" #include "scene/resources/animation.h" #include "scene/resources/importer_mesh.h" #include "scene/resources/packed_scene.h" #include "scene/resources/surface_tool.h" struct ColladaImport { Collada collada; Node3D *scene = nullptr; Vector> animations; struct NodeMap { //String path; Node3D *node = nullptr; int bone = -1; List anim_tracks; }; bool found_ambient = false; Color ambient; bool found_directional = false; bool force_make_tangents = false; bool apply_mesh_xform_to_vertices = true; bool use_mesh_builtin_materials = false; float bake_fps = 15; Map node_map; //map from collada node to engine node Map node_name_map; //map from collada node to engine node Map> mesh_cache; Map> curve_cache; Map> material_cache; Map skeleton_map; Map> skeleton_bone_map; Set valid_animated_nodes; Vector valid_animated_properties; Map bones_with_animation; Set mesh_unique_names; Set material_unique_names; Error _populate_skeleton(Skeleton3D *p_skeleton, Collada::Node *p_node, int &r_bone, int p_parent); Error _create_scene_skeletons(Collada::Node *p_node); Error _create_scene(Collada::Node *p_node, Node3D *p_parent); Error _create_resources(Collada::Node *p_node, bool p_use_compression); Error _create_material(const String &p_target); Error _create_mesh_surfaces(bool p_optimize, Ref &p_mesh, const Map &p_material_map, const Collada::MeshData &meshdata, const Transform3D &p_local_xform, const Vector &bone_remap, const Collada::SkinControllerData *p_skin_controller, const Collada::MorphControllerData *p_morph_data, Vector> p_morph_meshes = Vector>(), bool p_use_compression = false, bool p_use_mesh_material = false); Error load(const String &p_path, int p_flags, bool p_force_make_tangents = false, bool p_use_compression = false); void _fix_param_animation_tracks(); void create_animation(int p_clip, bool p_import_value_tracks); void create_animations(bool p_import_value_tracks); Set tracks_in_clips; Vector missing_textures; void _pre_process_lights(Collada::Node *p_node); }; Error ColladaImport::_populate_skeleton(Skeleton3D *p_skeleton, Collada::Node *p_node, int &r_bone, int p_parent) { if (p_node->type != Collada::Node::TYPE_JOINT) { return OK; } Collada::NodeJoint *joint = static_cast(p_node); p_skeleton->add_bone(p_node->name); if (p_parent >= 0) { p_skeleton->set_bone_parent(r_bone, p_parent); } NodeMap nm; nm.node = p_skeleton; nm.bone = r_bone; node_map[p_node->id] = nm; node_name_map[p_node->name] = p_node->id; skeleton_bone_map[p_skeleton][joint->sid] = r_bone; { Transform3D xform = joint->compute_transform(collada); xform = collada.fix_transform(xform) * joint->post_transform; p_skeleton->set_bone_pose_position(r_bone, xform.origin); p_skeleton->set_bone_pose_rotation(r_bone, xform.basis.get_rotation_quaternion()); p_skeleton->set_bone_pose_scale(r_bone, xform.basis.get_scale()); } if (collada.state.bone_rest_map.has(joint->sid)) { p_skeleton->set_bone_rest(r_bone, collada.fix_transform(collada.state.bone_rest_map[joint->sid])); //should map this bone to something for animation? } else { WARN_PRINT("Collada: Joint has no rest."); } int id = r_bone++; for (int i = 0; i < p_node->children.size(); i++) { Error err = _populate_skeleton(p_skeleton, p_node->children[i], r_bone, id); if (err) { return err; } } return OK; } void ColladaImport::_pre_process_lights(Collada::Node *p_node) { if (p_node->type == Collada::Node::TYPE_LIGHT) { Collada::NodeLight *light = static_cast(p_node); if (collada.state.light_data_map.has(light->light)) { Collada::LightData &ld = collada.state.light_data_map[light->light]; if (ld.mode == Collada::LightData::MODE_AMBIENT) { found_ambient = true; ambient = ld.color; } if (ld.mode == Collada::LightData::MODE_DIRECTIONAL) { found_directional = true; } } } for (int i = 0; i < p_node->children.size(); i++) { _pre_process_lights(p_node->children[i]); } } Error ColladaImport::_create_scene_skeletons(Collada::Node *p_node) { if (p_node->type == Collada::Node::TYPE_SKELETON) { Skeleton3D *sk = memnew(Skeleton3D); int bone = 0; for (int i = 0; i < p_node->children.size(); i++) { _populate_skeleton(sk, p_node->children[i], bone, -1); } sk->localize_rests(); //after creating skeleton, rests must be localized...! skeleton_map[p_node] = sk; } for (int i = 0; i < p_node->children.size(); i++) { Error err = _create_scene_skeletons(p_node->children[i]); if (err) { return err; } } return OK; } Error ColladaImport::_create_scene(Collada::Node *p_node, Node3D *p_parent) { Node3D *node = nullptr; switch (p_node->type) { case Collada::Node::TYPE_NODE: { node = memnew(Node3D); } break; case Collada::Node::TYPE_JOINT: { return OK; // do nothing } break; case Collada::Node::TYPE_LIGHT: { //node = memnew( Light) Collada::NodeLight *light = static_cast(p_node); if (collada.state.light_data_map.has(light->light)) { Collada::LightData &ld = collada.state.light_data_map[light->light]; if (ld.mode == Collada::LightData::MODE_AMBIENT) { if (found_directional) { return OK; //do nothing not needed } if (!bool(GLOBAL_DEF("collada/use_ambient", false))) { return OK; } //well, it's an ambient light.. Light3D *l = memnew(DirectionalLight3D); //l->set_color(Light::COLOR_AMBIENT,ld.color); //l->set_color(Light::COLOR_DIFFUSE,Color(0,0,0)); //l->set_color(Light::COLOR_SPECULAR,Color(0,0,0)); node = l; } else if (ld.mode == Collada::LightData::MODE_DIRECTIONAL) { //well, it's an ambient light.. Light3D *l = memnew(DirectionalLight3D); /* if (found_ambient) //use it here l->set_color(Light::COLOR_AMBIENT,ambient); l->set_color(Light::COLOR_DIFFUSE,ld.color); l->set_color(Light::COLOR_SPECULAR,Color(1,1,1)); */ node = l; } else { Light3D *l; if (ld.mode == Collada::LightData::MODE_OMNI) { l = memnew(OmniLight3D); } else { l = memnew(SpotLight3D); //l->set_parameter(Light::PARAM_SPOT_ANGLE,ld.spot_angle); //l->set_parameter(Light::PARAM_SPOT_ATTENUATION,ld.spot_exp); } // //l->set_color(Light::COLOR_DIFFUSE,ld.color); //l->set_color(Light::COLOR_SPECULAR,Color(1,1,1)); //l->approximate_opengl_attenuation(ld.constant_att,ld.linear_att,ld.quad_att); node = l; } } else { node = memnew(Node3D); } } break; case Collada::Node::TYPE_CAMERA: { Collada::NodeCamera *cam = static_cast(p_node); Camera3D *camera = memnew(Camera3D); if (collada.state.camera_data_map.has(cam->camera)) { const Collada::CameraData &cd = collada.state.camera_data_map[cam->camera]; switch (cd.mode) { case Collada::CameraData::MODE_ORTHOGONAL: { if (cd.orthogonal.y_mag) { camera->set_keep_aspect_mode(Camera3D::KEEP_HEIGHT); camera->set_orthogonal(cd.orthogonal.y_mag * 2.0, cd.z_near, cd.z_far); } else if (!cd.orthogonal.y_mag && cd.orthogonal.x_mag) { camera->set_keep_aspect_mode(Camera3D::KEEP_WIDTH); camera->set_orthogonal(cd.orthogonal.x_mag * 2.0, cd.z_near, cd.z_far); } } break; case Collada::CameraData::MODE_PERSPECTIVE: { if (cd.perspective.y_fov) { camera->set_perspective(cd.perspective.y_fov, cd.z_near, cd.z_far); } else if (!cd.perspective.y_fov && cd.perspective.x_fov) { camera->set_perspective(cd.perspective.x_fov / cd.aspect, cd.z_near, cd.z_far); } } break; } } node = camera; } break; case Collada::Node::TYPE_GEOMETRY: { Collada::NodeGeometry *ng = static_cast(p_node); if (collada.state.curve_data_map.has(ng->source)) { node = memnew(Path3D); } else { //mesh since nothing else node = memnew(ImporterMeshInstance3D); //Object::cast_to(node)->set_flag(GeometryInstance3D::FLAG_USE_BAKED_LIGHT, true); } } break; case Collada::Node::TYPE_SKELETON: { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!skeleton_map.has(p_node), ERR_CANT_CREATE); Skeleton3D *sk = skeleton_map[p_node]; node = sk; } break; } if (!p_node->name.is_empty()) { node->set_name(p_node->name); } NodeMap nm; nm.node = node; node_map[p_node->id] = nm; node_name_map[node->get_name()] = p_node->id; Transform3D xf = p_node->default_transform; xf = collada.fix_transform(xf) * p_node->post_transform; node->set_transform(xf); p_parent->add_child(node, true); node->set_owner(scene); if (!p_node->empty_draw_type.is_empty()) { node->set_meta("empty_draw_type", Variant(p_node->empty_draw_type)); } for (int i = 0; i < p_node->children.size(); i++) { Error err = _create_scene(p_node->children[i], node); if (err) { return err; } } return OK; } Error ColladaImport::_create_material(const String &p_target) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(material_cache.has(p_target), ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!collada.state.material_map.has(p_target), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); Collada::Material &src_mat = collada.state.material_map[p_target]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!collada.state.effect_map.has(src_mat.instance_effect), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); Collada::Effect &effect = collada.state.effect_map[src_mat.instance_effect]; Ref material = memnew(StandardMaterial3D); String base_name; if (!src_mat.name.is_empty()) { base_name = src_mat.name; } else if (!effect.name.is_empty()) { base_name = effect.name; } else { base_name = "Material"; } String name = base_name; int counter = 2; while (material_unique_names.has(name)) { name = base_name + itos(counter++); } material_unique_names.insert(name); material->set_name(name); // DIFFUSE if (!effect.diffuse.texture.is_empty()) { String texfile = effect.get_texture_path(effect.diffuse.texture, collada); if (!texfile.is_empty()) { if (texfile.begins_with("/")) { texfile = texfile.replace_first("/", "res://"); } Ref texture = ResourceLoader::load(texfile, "Texture2D"); if (texture.is_valid()) { material->set_texture(StandardMaterial3D::TEXTURE_ALBEDO, texture); material->set_albedo(Color(1, 1, 1, 1)); //material->set_parameter(StandardMaterial3D::PARAM_DIFFUSE,Color(1,1,1,1)); } else { missing_textures.push_back(texfile.get_file()); } } } else { material->set_albedo(effect.diffuse.color); } // SPECULAR if (!effect.specular.texture.is_empty()) { String texfile = effect.get_texture_path(effect.specular.texture, collada); if (!texfile.is_empty()) { if (texfile.begins_with("/")) { texfile = texfile.replace_first("/", "res://"); } Ref texture = ResourceLoader::load(texfile, "Texture2D"); if (texture.is_valid()) { material->set_texture(StandardMaterial3D::TEXTURE_METALLIC, texture); material->set_specular(1.0); //material->set_texture(StandardMaterial3D::PARAM_SPECULAR,texture); //material->set_parameter(StandardMaterial3D::PARAM_SPECULAR,Color(1,1,1,1)); } else { missing_textures.push_back(texfile.get_file()); } } } else { material->set_metallic(effect.specular.color.get_v()); } // EMISSION if (!effect.emission.texture.is_empty()) { String texfile = effect.get_texture_path(effect.emission.texture, collada); if (!texfile.is_empty()) { if (texfile.begins_with("/")) { texfile = texfile.replace_first("/", "res://"); } Ref texture = ResourceLoader::load(texfile, "Texture2D"); if (texture.is_valid()) { material->set_feature(StandardMaterial3D::FEATURE_EMISSION, true); material->set_texture(StandardMaterial3D::TEXTURE_EMISSION, texture); material->set_emission(Color(1, 1, 1, 1)); //material->set_parameter(StandardMaterial3D::PARAM_EMISSION,Color(1,1,1,1)); } else { missing_textures.push_back(texfile.get_file()); } } } else { if (effect.emission.color != Color()) { material->set_feature(StandardMaterial3D::FEATURE_EMISSION, true); material->set_emission(effect.emission.color); } } // NORMAL if (!effect.bump.texture.is_empty()) { String texfile = effect.get_texture_path(effect.bump.texture, collada); if (!texfile.is_empty()) { if (texfile.begins_with("/")) { texfile = texfile.replace_first("/", "res://"); } Ref texture = ResourceLoader::load(texfile, "Texture2D"); if (texture.is_valid()) { material->set_feature(StandardMaterial3D::FEATURE_NORMAL_MAPPING, true); material->set_texture(StandardMaterial3D::TEXTURE_NORMAL, texture); //material->set_emission(Color(1,1,1,1)); //material->set_texture(StandardMaterial3D::PARAM_NORMAL,texture); } else { //missing_textures.push_back(texfile.get_file()); } } } float roughness = (effect.shininess - 1.0) / 510; material->set_roughness(roughness); if (effect.double_sided) { material->set_cull_mode(StandardMaterial3D::CULL_DISABLED); } if (effect.unshaded) { material->set_shading_mode(StandardMaterial3D::SHADING_MODE_UNSHADED); } material_cache[p_target] = material; return OK; } Error ColladaImport::_create_mesh_surfaces(bool p_optimize, Ref &p_mesh, const Map &p_material_map, const Collada::MeshData &meshdata, const Transform3D &p_local_xform, const Vector &bone_remap, const Collada::SkinControllerData *p_skin_controller, const Collada::MorphControllerData *p_morph_data, Vector> p_morph_meshes, bool p_use_compression, bool p_use_mesh_material) { bool local_xform_mirror = p_local_xform.basis.determinant() < 0; if (p_morph_data) { //add morph target ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!p_morph_data->targets.has("MORPH_TARGET"), ERR_INVALID_DATA); String mt = p_morph_data->targets["MORPH_TARGET"]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!p_morph_data->sources.has(mt), ERR_INVALID_DATA); int morph_targets = p_morph_data->sources[mt].sarray.size(); for (int i = 0; i < morph_targets; i++) { String target = p_morph_data->sources[mt].sarray[i]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!collada.state.mesh_data_map.has(target), ERR_INVALID_DATA); String name = collada.state.mesh_data_map[target].name; p_mesh->add_blend_shape(name); } if (p_morph_data->mode == "RELATIVE") { p_mesh->set_blend_shape_mode(Mesh::BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_RELATIVE); } else if (p_morph_data->mode == "NORMALIZED") { p_mesh->set_blend_shape_mode(Mesh::BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED); } } int surface = 0; for (int p_i = 0; p_i < meshdata.primitives.size(); p_i++) { const Collada::MeshData::Primitives &p = meshdata.primitives[p_i]; /* VERTEX SOURCE */ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!p.sources.has("VERTEX"), ERR_INVALID_DATA); String vertex_src_id = p.sources["VERTEX"].source; int vertex_ofs = p.sources["VERTEX"].offset; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!meshdata.vertices.has(vertex_src_id), ERR_INVALID_DATA); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!meshdata.vertices[vertex_src_id].sources.has("POSITION"), ERR_INVALID_DATA); String position_src_id = meshdata.vertices[vertex_src_id].sources["POSITION"]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!meshdata.sources.has(position_src_id), ERR_INVALID_DATA); const Collada::MeshData::Source *vertex_src = &meshdata.sources[position_src_id]; /* NORMAL SOURCE */ const Collada::MeshData::Source *normal_src = nullptr; int normal_ofs = 0; { String normal_source_id = ""; if (p.sources.has("NORMAL")) { normal_source_id = p.sources["NORMAL"].source; normal_ofs = p.sources["NORMAL"].offset; } else if (meshdata.vertices[vertex_src_id].sources.has("NORMAL")) { normal_source_id = meshdata.vertices[vertex_src_id].sources["NORMAL"]; normal_ofs = vertex_ofs; } if (!normal_source_id.is_empty()) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!meshdata.sources.has(normal_source_id), ERR_INVALID_DATA); normal_src = &meshdata.sources[normal_source_id]; } } const Collada::MeshData::Source *binormal_src = nullptr; int binormal_ofs = 0; { String binormal_source_id = ""; if (p.sources.has("TEXBINORMAL")) { binormal_source_id = p.sources["TEXBINORMAL"].source; binormal_ofs = p.sources["TEXBINORMAL"].offset; } else if (meshdata.vertices[vertex_src_id].sources.has("TEXBINORMAL")) { binormal_source_id = meshdata.vertices[vertex_src_id].sources["TEXBINORMAL"]; binormal_ofs = vertex_ofs; } if (!binormal_source_id.is_empty()) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!meshdata.sources.has(binormal_source_id), ERR_INVALID_DATA); binormal_src = &meshdata.sources[binormal_source_id]; } } const Collada::MeshData::Source *tangent_src = nullptr; int tangent_ofs = 0; { String tangent_source_id = ""; if (p.sources.has("TEXTANGENT")) { tangent_source_id = p.sources["TEXTANGENT"].source; tangent_ofs = p.sources["TEXTANGENT"].offset; } else if (meshdata.vertices[vertex_src_id].sources.has("TEXTANGENT")) { tangent_source_id = meshdata.vertices[vertex_src_id].sources["TEXTANGENT"]; tangent_ofs = vertex_ofs; } if (!tangent_source_id.is_empty()) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!meshdata.sources.has(tangent_source_id), ERR_INVALID_DATA); tangent_src = &meshdata.sources[tangent_source_id]; } } const Collada::MeshData::Source *uv_src = nullptr; int uv_ofs = 0; { String uv_source_id = ""; if (p.sources.has("TEXCOORD0")) { uv_source_id = p.sources["TEXCOORD0"].source; uv_ofs = p.sources["TEXCOORD0"].offset; } else if (meshdata.vertices[vertex_src_id].sources.has("TEXCOORD0")) { uv_source_id = meshdata.vertices[vertex_src_id].sources["TEXCOORD0"]; uv_ofs = vertex_ofs; } if (!uv_source_id.is_empty()) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!meshdata.sources.has(uv_source_id), ERR_INVALID_DATA); uv_src = &meshdata.sources[uv_source_id]; } } const Collada::MeshData::Source *uv2_src = nullptr; int uv2_ofs = 0; { String uv2_source_id = ""; if (p.sources.has("TEXCOORD1")) { uv2_source_id = p.sources["TEXCOORD1"].source; uv2_ofs = p.sources["TEXCOORD1"].offset; } else if (meshdata.vertices[vertex_src_id].sources.has("TEXCOORD1")) { uv2_source_id = meshdata.vertices[vertex_src_id].sources["TEXCOORD1"]; uv2_ofs = vertex_ofs; } if (!uv2_source_id.is_empty()) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!meshdata.sources.has(uv2_source_id), ERR_INVALID_DATA); uv2_src = &meshdata.sources[uv2_source_id]; } } const Collada::MeshData::Source *color_src = nullptr; int color_ofs = 0; { String color_source_id = ""; if (p.sources.has("COLOR")) { color_source_id = p.sources["COLOR"].source; color_ofs = p.sources["COLOR"].offset; } else if (meshdata.vertices[vertex_src_id].sources.has("COLOR")) { color_source_id = meshdata.vertices[vertex_src_id].sources["COLOR"]; color_ofs = vertex_ofs; } if (!color_source_id.is_empty()) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!meshdata.sources.has(color_source_id), ERR_INVALID_DATA); color_src = &meshdata.sources[color_source_id]; } } //find largest source.. /************************/ /* ADD WEIGHTS IF EXIST */ /************************/ Map> pre_weights; bool has_weights = false; if (p_skin_controller) { const Collada::SkinControllerData::Source *weight_src = nullptr; int weight_ofs = 0; if (p_skin_controller->weights.sources.has("WEIGHT")) { String weight_id = p_skin_controller->weights.sources["WEIGHT"].source; weight_ofs = p_skin_controller->weights.sources["WEIGHT"].offset; if (p_skin_controller->sources.has(weight_id)) { weight_src = &p_skin_controller->sources[weight_id]; } } int joint_ofs = 0; if (p_skin_controller->weights.sources.has("JOINT")) { joint_ofs = p_skin_controller->weights.sources["JOINT"].offset; } //should be OK, given this was pre-checked. int index_ofs = 0; int wstride = p_skin_controller->weights.sources.size(); for (int w_i = 0; w_i < p_skin_controller->weights.sets.size(); w_i++) { int amount = p_skin_controller->weights.sets[w_i]; Vector weights; for (int a_i = 0; a_i < amount; a_i++) { Collada::Vertex::Weight w; int read_from = index_ofs + a_i * wstride; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(read_from + wstride - 1, p_skin_controller->weights.indices.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); int weight_index = p_skin_controller->weights.indices[read_from + weight_ofs]; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(weight_index, weight_src->array.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); w.weight = weight_src->array[weight_index]; int bone_index = p_skin_controller->weights.indices[read_from + joint_ofs]; if (bone_index == -1) { continue; //ignore this weight (refers to bind shape) } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(bone_index, bone_remap.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); w.bone_idx = bone_remap[bone_index]; weights.push_back(w); } /* FIX WEIGHTS */ weights.sort(); if (weights.size() > 4) { //cap to 4 and make weights add up 1 weights.resize(4); } //make sure weights always add up to 1 float total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < weights.size(); i++) { total += weights[i].weight; } if (total) { for (int i = 0; i < weights.size(); i++) { weights.write[i].weight /= total; } } if (weights.size() == 0 || total == 0) { //if nothing, add a weight to bone 0 //no weights assigned Collada::Vertex::Weight w; w.bone_idx = 0; w.weight = 1.0; weights.clear(); weights.push_back(w); } pre_weights[w_i] = weights; index_ofs += wstride * amount; } //vertices need to be localized has_weights = true; } Set vertex_set; //vertex set will be the vertices List indices_list; //indices will be the indices /**************************/ /* CREATE PRIMITIVE ARRAY */ /**************************/ // The way collada uses indices is more optimal, and friendlier with 3D modelling software, // because it can index everything, not only vertices (similar to how the WII works). // This is, however, more incompatible with standard video cards, so arrays must be converted. // Must convert to GL/DX format. int _prim_ofs = 0; int vertidx = 0; for (int p_j = 0; p_j < p.count; p_j++) { int amount; if (p.polygons.size()) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_j, p.polygons.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); amount = p.polygons[p_j]; } else { amount = 3; //triangles; } //COLLADA_PRINT("amount: "+itos(amount)); int prev2[2] = { 0, 0 }; for (int j = 0; j < amount; j++) { int src = _prim_ofs; //_prim_ofs+=p.sources.size() ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(src, p.indices.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); Collada::Vertex vertex; if (!p_optimize) { vertex.uid = vertidx++; } int vertex_index = p.indices[src + vertex_ofs]; //used for index field (later used by controllers) int vertex_pos = (vertex_src->stride ? vertex_src->stride : 3) * vertex_index; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(vertex_pos + 0, vertex_src->array.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(vertex_pos + 2, vertex_src->array.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); vertex.vertex = Vector3(vertex_src->array[vertex_pos + 0], vertex_src->array[vertex_pos + 1], vertex_src->array[vertex_pos + 2]); if (pre_weights.has(vertex_index)) { vertex.weights = pre_weights[vertex_index]; } if (normal_src) { int normal_pos = (normal_src->stride ? normal_src->stride : 3) * p.indices[src + normal_ofs]; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(normal_pos + 0, normal_src->array.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(normal_pos + 2, normal_src->array.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); vertex.normal = Vector3(normal_src->array[normal_pos + 0], normal_src->array[normal_pos + 1], normal_src->array[normal_pos + 2]); if (tangent_src && binormal_src) { int binormal_pos = (binormal_src->stride ? binormal_src->stride : 3) * p.indices[src + binormal_ofs]; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(binormal_pos + 0, binormal_src->array.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(binormal_pos + 2, binormal_src->array.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); Vector3 binormal = Vector3(binormal_src->array[binormal_pos + 0], binormal_src->array[binormal_pos + 1], binormal_src->array[binormal_pos + 2]); int tangent_pos = (tangent_src->stride ? tangent_src->stride : 3) * p.indices[src + tangent_ofs]; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(tangent_pos + 0, tangent_src->array.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(tangent_pos + 2, tangent_src->array.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); Vector3 tangent = Vector3(tangent_src->array[tangent_pos + 0], tangent_src->array[tangent_pos + 1], tangent_src->array[tangent_pos + 2]); vertex.tangent.normal = tangent; vertex.tangent.d = vertex.normal.cross(tangent).dot(binormal) > 0 ? 1 : -1; } } if (uv_src) { int uv_pos = (uv_src->stride ? uv_src->stride : 2) * p.indices[src + uv_ofs]; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(uv_pos + 0, uv_src->array.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(uv_pos + 1, uv_src->array.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); vertex.uv = Vector3(uv_src->array[uv_pos + 0], 1.0 - uv_src->array[uv_pos + 1], 0); } if (uv2_src) { int uv2_pos = (uv2_src->stride ? uv2_src->stride : 2) * p.indices[src + uv2_ofs]; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(uv2_pos + 0, uv2_src->array.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(uv2_pos + 1, uv2_src->array.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); vertex.uv2 = Vector3(uv2_src->array[uv2_pos + 0], 1.0 - uv2_src->array[uv2_pos + 1], 0); } if (color_src) { int color_pos = (color_src->stride ? color_src->stride : 3) * p.indices[src + color_ofs]; // colors are RGB in collada.. ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(color_pos + 0, color_src->array.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(color_pos + ((color_src->stride > 3) ? 3 : 2), color_src->array.size(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); vertex.color = Color(color_src->array[color_pos + 0], color_src->array[color_pos + 1], color_src->array[color_pos + 2], (color_src->stride > 3) ? color_src->array[color_pos + 3] : 1.0); } #ifndef NO_UP_AXIS_SWAP if (collada.state.up_axis == Vector3::AXIS_Z) { Vector3 bn = vertex.normal.cross(vertex.tangent.normal) * vertex.tangent.d; SWAP(vertex.vertex.z, vertex.vertex.y); vertex.vertex.z = -vertex.vertex.z; SWAP(vertex.normal.z, vertex.normal.y); vertex.normal.z = -vertex.normal.z; SWAP(vertex.tangent.normal.z, vertex.tangent.normal.y); vertex.tangent.normal.z = -vertex.tangent.normal.z; SWAP(bn.z, bn.y); bn.z = -bn.z; vertex.tangent.d = vertex.normal.cross(vertex.tangent.normal).dot(bn) > 0 ? 1 : -1; } #endif vertex.fix_unit_scale(collada); int index = 0; //COLLADA_PRINT("vertex: "+vertex.vertex); if (vertex_set.has(vertex)) { index = vertex_set.find(vertex)->get().idx; } else { index = vertex_set.size(); vertex.idx = index; vertex_set.insert(vertex); } //build triangles if needed if (j == 0) { prev2[0] = index; } if (j >= 2) { //insert indices in reverse order (collada uses CCW as frontface) if (local_xform_mirror) { indices_list.push_back(prev2[0]); indices_list.push_back(prev2[1]); indices_list.push_back(index); } else { indices_list.push_back(prev2[0]); indices_list.push_back(index); indices_list.push_back(prev2[1]); } } prev2[1] = index; _prim_ofs += p.vertex_size; } } Vector vertex_array; //there we go, vertex array vertex_array.resize(vertex_set.size()); for (Set::Element *F = vertex_set.front(); F; F = F->next()) { vertex_array.write[F->get().idx] = F->get(); } if (has_weights) { //if skeleton, localize Transform3D local_xform = p_local_xform; for (int i = 0; i < vertex_array.size(); i++) { vertex_array.write[i].vertex = local_xform.xform(vertex_array[i].vertex); vertex_array.write[i].normal = local_xform.basis.xform(vertex_array[i].normal).normalized(); vertex_array.write[i].tangent.normal = local_xform.basis.xform(vertex_array[i].tangent.normal).normalized(); if (local_xform_mirror) { //i shouldn't do this? wtf? //vertex_array[i].normal*=-1.0; //vertex_array[i].tangent.normal*=-1.0; } } } /*****************/ /* MAKE SURFACES */ /*****************/ { Ref material; { if (p_material_map.has(p.material)) { String target = p_material_map[p.material].target; if (!material_cache.has(target)) { Error err = _create_material(target); if (!err) { material = material_cache[target]; } } else { material = material_cache[target]; } } else if (!p.material.is_empty()) { WARN_PRINT("Collada: Unreferenced material in geometry instance: " + p.material); } } Ref surftool; surftool.instantiate(); surftool->begin(Mesh::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES); for (int k = 0; k < vertex_array.size(); k++) { if (normal_src) { surftool->set_normal(vertex_array[k].normal); if (binormal_src && tangent_src) { surftool->set_tangent(vertex_array[k].tangent); } } if (uv_src) { surftool->set_uv(Vector2(vertex_array[k].uv.x, vertex_array[k].uv.y)); } if (uv2_src) { surftool->set_uv2(Vector2(vertex_array[k].uv2.x, vertex_array[k].uv2.y)); } if (color_src) { surftool->set_color(vertex_array[k].color); } if (has_weights) { Vector weights; Vector bones; weights.resize(RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS_SIZE); bones.resize(RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS_SIZE); //float sum=0.0; for (int l = 0; l < RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS_SIZE; l++) { if (l < vertex_array[k].weights.size()) { weights.write[l] = vertex_array[k].weights[l].weight; bones.write[l] = vertex_array[k].weights[l].bone_idx; //sum += vertex_array[k].weights[l].weight; } else { weights.write[l] = 0; bones.write[l] = 0; } } surftool->set_bones(bones); surftool->set_weights(weights); } surftool->add_vertex(vertex_array[k].vertex); } for (int &E : indices_list) { surftool->add_index(E); } if (!normal_src) { //should always be normals surftool->generate_normals(); } if ((!binormal_src || !tangent_src) && normal_src && uv_src && force_make_tangents) { surftool->generate_tangents(); } //////////////////////////// // FINALLY CREATE SUFRACE // //////////////////////////// Array d = surftool->commit_to_arrays(); d.resize(RS::ARRAY_MAX); Array mr; //////////////////////////// // THEN THE MORPH TARGETS // //////////////////////////// for (int mi = 0; mi < p_morph_meshes.size(); mi++) { Array a = p_morph_meshes[mi]->get_surface_arrays(surface); //add valid weight and bone arrays if they exist, TODO check if they are unique to shape (generally not) // Enforce blend shape mask array format for (int mj = 0; mj < Mesh::ARRAY_MAX; mj++) { if (!(Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_BLEND_SHAPE_MASK & (1 << mj))) { a[mj] = Variant(); } } mr.push_back(a); } String surface_name; Ref mat; if (material.is_valid()) { if (p_use_mesh_material) { mat = material; } surface_name = material->get_name(); } p_mesh->add_surface(Mesh::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, d, mr, Dictionary(), mat, surface_name); } /*****************/ /* FIND MATERIAL */ /*****************/ surface++; } return OK; } Error ColladaImport::_create_resources(Collada::Node *p_node, bool p_use_compression) { if (p_node->type == Collada::Node::TYPE_GEOMETRY && node_map.has(p_node->id)) { Node3D *node = node_map[p_node->id].node; Collada::NodeGeometry *ng = static_cast(p_node); if (Object::cast_to(node)) { Path3D *path = Object::cast_to(node); if (curve_cache.has(ng->source)) { path->set_curve(curve_cache[ng->source]); } else { Ref c = memnew(Curve3D); const Collada::CurveData &cd = collada.state.curve_data_map[ng->source]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!cd.control_vertices.has("POSITION"), ERR_INVALID_DATA); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!cd.control_vertices.has("IN_TANGENT"), ERR_INVALID_DATA); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!cd.control_vertices.has("OUT_TANGENT"), ERR_INVALID_DATA); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!cd.control_vertices.has("INTERPOLATION"), ERR_INVALID_DATA); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!cd.sources.has(cd.control_vertices["POSITION"]), ERR_INVALID_DATA); const Collada::CurveData::Source &vertices = cd.sources[cd.control_vertices["POSITION"]]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(vertices.stride != 3, ERR_INVALID_DATA); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!cd.sources.has(cd.control_vertices["IN_TANGENT"]), ERR_INVALID_DATA); const Collada::CurveData::Source &in_tangents = cd.sources[cd.control_vertices["IN_TANGENT"]]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(in_tangents.stride != 3, ERR_INVALID_DATA); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!cd.sources.has(cd.control_vertices["OUT_TANGENT"]), ERR_INVALID_DATA); const Collada::CurveData::Source &out_tangents = cd.sources[cd.control_vertices["OUT_TANGENT"]]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(out_tangents.stride != 3, ERR_INVALID_DATA); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!cd.sources.has(cd.control_vertices["INTERPOLATION"]), ERR_INVALID_DATA); const Collada::CurveData::Source &interps = cd.sources[cd.control_vertices["INTERPOLATION"]]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(interps.stride != 1, ERR_INVALID_DATA); const Collada::CurveData::Source *tilts = nullptr; if (cd.control_vertices.has("TILT") && cd.sources.has(cd.control_vertices["TILT"])) { tilts = &cd.sources[cd.control_vertices["TILT"]]; } int pc = vertices.array.size() / 3; for (int i = 0; i < pc; i++) { Vector3 pos(vertices.array[i * 3 + 0], vertices.array[i * 3 + 1], vertices.array[i * 3 + 2]); Vector3 in(in_tangents.array[i * 3 + 0], in_tangents.array[i * 3 + 1], in_tangents.array[i * 3 + 2]); Vector3 out(out_tangents.array[i * 3 + 0], out_tangents.array[i * 3 + 1], out_tangents.array[i * 3 + 2]); #ifndef NO_UP_AXIS_SWAP if (collada.state.up_axis == Vector3::AXIS_Z) { SWAP(pos.y, pos.z); pos.z = -pos.z; SWAP(in.y, in.z); in.z = -in.z; SWAP(out.y, out.z); out.z = -out.z; } #endif pos *= collada.state.unit_scale; in *= collada.state.unit_scale; out *= collada.state.unit_scale; c->add_point(pos, in - pos, out - pos); if (tilts) { c->set_point_tilt(i, tilts->array[i]); } } curve_cache[ng->source] = c; path->set_curve(c); } } if (Object::cast_to(node)) { Collada::NodeGeometry *ng2 = static_cast(p_node); ImporterMeshInstance3D *mi = Object::cast_to(node); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!mi, ERR_BUG); Collada::SkinControllerData *skin = nullptr; Collada::MorphControllerData *morph = nullptr; String meshid; Transform3D apply_xform; Vector bone_remap; Vector> morphs; if (ng2->controller) { String ngsource = ng2->source; if (collada.state.skin_controller_data_map.has(ngsource)) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!collada.state.skin_controller_data_map.has(ngsource), ERR_INVALID_DATA); skin = &collada.state.skin_controller_data_map[ngsource]; Vector skeletons = ng2->skeletons; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(skeletons.is_empty(), ERR_INVALID_DATA); String skname = skeletons[0]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!node_map.has(skname), ERR_INVALID_DATA); NodeMap nmsk = node_map[skname]; Skeleton3D *sk = Object::cast_to(nmsk.node); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!sk, ERR_INVALID_DATA); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!skeleton_bone_map.has(sk), ERR_INVALID_DATA); Map &bone_remap_map = skeleton_bone_map[sk]; meshid = skin->base; if (collada.state.morph_controller_data_map.has(meshid)) { //it's a morph!! morph = &collada.state.morph_controller_data_map[meshid]; ngsource = meshid; meshid = morph->mesh; } else { ngsource = ""; } if (apply_mesh_xform_to_vertices) { apply_xform = collada.fix_transform(p_node->default_transform); node->set_transform(Transform3D()); } else { apply_xform = Transform3D(); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!skin->weights.sources.has("JOINT"), ERR_INVALID_DATA); String joint_id = skin->weights.sources["JOINT"].source; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!skin->sources.has(joint_id), ERR_INVALID_DATA); Collada::SkinControllerData::Source *joint_src = &skin->sources[joint_id]; bone_remap.resize(joint_src->sarray.size()); for (int i = 0; i < bone_remap.size(); i++) { String str = joint_src->sarray[i]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!bone_remap_map.has(str), ERR_INVALID_DATA); bone_remap.write[i] = bone_remap_map[str]; } } if (collada.state.morph_controller_data_map.has(ngsource)) { //it's a morph!! morph = &collada.state.morph_controller_data_map[ngsource]; meshid = morph->mesh; if (morph->targets.has("MORPH_TARGET")) { String target = morph->targets["MORPH_TARGET"]; bool valid = false; if (morph->sources.has(target)) { valid = true; Vector names = morph->sources[target].sarray; for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { String meshid2 = names[i]; if (collada.state.mesh_data_map.has(meshid2)) { Ref mesh = Ref(memnew(ImporterMesh)); const Collada::MeshData &meshdata = collada.state.mesh_data_map[meshid2]; mesh->set_name(meshdata.name); Error err = _create_mesh_surfaces(false, mesh, ng2->material_map, meshdata, apply_xform, bone_remap, skin, nullptr, Vector>(), false); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err); morphs.push_back(mesh); } else { valid = false; } } } if (!valid) { morphs.clear(); } ngsource = ""; } } ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!ngsource.is_empty(), ERR_INVALID_DATA, "Controller instance source '" + ngsource + "' is neither skin or morph!"); } else { meshid = ng2->source; } Ref mesh; if (mesh_cache.has(meshid)) { mesh = mesh_cache[meshid]; } else { if (collada.state.mesh_data_map.has(meshid)) { //bleh, must ignore invalid ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!collada.state.mesh_data_map.has(meshid), ERR_INVALID_DATA); mesh = Ref(memnew(ImporterMesh)); const Collada::MeshData &meshdata = collada.state.mesh_data_map[meshid]; String name = meshdata.name; if (name.is_empty()) { name = "Mesh"; } int counter = 2; while (mesh_unique_names.has(name)) { name = meshdata.name; if (name.is_empty()) { name = "Mesh"; } name += itos(counter++); } mesh_unique_names.insert(name); mesh->set_name(name); Error err = _create_mesh_surfaces(morphs.size() == 0, mesh, ng2->material_map, meshdata, apply_xform, bone_remap, skin, morph, morphs, p_use_compression, use_mesh_builtin_materials); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err, err, "Cannot create mesh surface."); mesh_cache[meshid] = mesh; } else { WARN_PRINT("Collada: Will not import geometry: " + meshid); } } if (!mesh.is_null()) { mi->set_mesh(mesh); if (!use_mesh_builtin_materials) { const Collada::MeshData &meshdata = collada.state.mesh_data_map[meshid]; for (int i = 0; i < meshdata.primitives.size(); i++) { String matname = meshdata.primitives[i].material; if (ng2->material_map.has(matname)) { String target = ng2->material_map[matname].target; Ref material; if (!material_cache.has(target)) { Error err = _create_material(target); if (!err) { material = material_cache[target]; } } else { material = material_cache[target]; } mi->set_surface_material(i, material); } else if (!matname.is_empty()) { WARN_PRINT("Collada: Unreferenced material in geometry instance: " + matname); } } } } } } for (int i = 0; i < p_node->children.size(); i++) { Error err = _create_resources(p_node->children[i], p_use_compression); if (err) { return err; } } return OK; } Error ColladaImport::load(const String &p_path, int p_flags, bool p_force_make_tangents, bool p_use_compression) { Error err = collada.load(p_path, p_flags); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err, err, "Cannot load file '" + p_path + "'."); force_make_tangents = p_force_make_tangents; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!collada.state.visual_scene_map.has(collada.state.root_visual_scene), ERR_INVALID_DATA); Collada::VisualScene &vs = collada.state.visual_scene_map[collada.state.root_visual_scene]; scene = memnew(Node3D); // root //determine what's going on with the lights for (int i = 0; i < vs.root_nodes.size(); i++) { _pre_process_lights(vs.root_nodes[i]); } //import scene for (int i = 0; i < vs.root_nodes.size(); i++) { Error err2 = _create_scene_skeletons(vs.root_nodes[i]); if (err2 != OK) { memdelete(scene); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err2, err2); } } for (int i = 0; i < vs.root_nodes.size(); i++) { Error err2 = _create_scene(vs.root_nodes[i], scene); if (err2 != OK) { memdelete(scene); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err2, err2); } Error err3 = _create_resources(vs.root_nodes[i], p_use_compression); if (err3 != OK) { memdelete(scene); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err3, err3); } } //optatively, set unit scale in the root scene->set_transform(collada.get_root_transform()); return OK; } void ColladaImport::_fix_param_animation_tracks() { for (KeyValue &E : collada.state.scene_map) { Collada::Node *n = E.value; switch (n->type) { case Collada::Node::TYPE_NODE: { // ? do nothing } break; case Collada::Node::TYPE_JOINT: { } break; case Collada::Node::TYPE_SKELETON: { } break; case Collada::Node::TYPE_LIGHT: { } break; case Collada::Node::TYPE_CAMERA: { } break; case Collada::Node::TYPE_GEOMETRY: { Collada::NodeGeometry *ng = static_cast(n); // test source(s) String source = ng->source; while (!source.is_empty()) { if (collada.state.skin_controller_data_map.has(source)) { const Collada::SkinControllerData &skin = collada.state.skin_controller_data_map[source]; //nothing to animate here i think source = skin.base; } else if (collada.state.morph_controller_data_map.has(source)) { const Collada::MorphControllerData &morph = collada.state.morph_controller_data_map[source]; if (morph.targets.has("MORPH_WEIGHT") && morph.targets.has("MORPH_TARGET")) { String weights = morph.targets["MORPH_WEIGHT"]; String targets = morph.targets["MORPH_TARGET"]; //fails here if (morph.sources.has(targets) && morph.sources.has(weights)) { const Collada::MorphControllerData::Source &weight_src = morph.sources[weights]; const Collada::MorphControllerData::Source &target_src = morph.sources[targets]; ERR_FAIL_COND(weight_src.array.size() != target_src.sarray.size()); for (int i = 0; i < weight_src.array.size(); i++) { String track_name = weights + "(" + itos(i) + ")"; String mesh_name = target_src.sarray[i]; if (collada.state.mesh_name_map.has(mesh_name) && collada.state.referenced_tracks.has(track_name)) { const Vector &rt = collada.state.referenced_tracks[track_name]; for (int rti = 0; rti < rt.size(); rti++) { Collada::AnimationTrack *at = &collada.state.animation_tracks.write[rt[rti]]; at->target = E.key; at->param = "morph/" + collada.state.mesh_name_map[mesh_name]; at->property = true; //at->param } } } } } source = morph.mesh; } else { source = ""; // for now nothing else supported } } } break; } } } void ColladaImport::create_animations(bool p_import_value_tracks) { _fix_param_animation_tracks(); for (int i = 0; i < collada.state.animation_clips.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < collada.state.animation_clips[i].tracks.size(); j++) { tracks_in_clips.insert(collada.state.animation_clips[i].tracks[j]); } } for (int i = 0; i < collada.state.animation_tracks.size(); i++) { const Collada::AnimationTrack &at = collada.state.animation_tracks[i]; String node; if (!node_map.has(at.target)) { if (node_name_map.has(at.target)) { node = node_name_map[at.target]; } else { WARN_PRINT("Collada: Couldn't find node: " + at.target); continue; } } else { node = at.target; } if (at.property) { valid_animated_properties.push_back(i); } else { node_map[node].anim_tracks.push_back(i); valid_animated_nodes.insert(node); } } create_animation(-1, p_import_value_tracks); for (int i = 0; i < collada.state.animation_clips.size(); i++) { create_animation(i, p_import_value_tracks); } } void ColladaImport::create_animation(int p_clip, bool p_import_value_tracks) { Ref animation = Ref(memnew(Animation)); if (p_clip == -1) { animation->set_name("default"); } else { animation->set_name(collada.state.animation_clips[p_clip].name); } for (const KeyValue &E : node_map) { if (E.value.bone < 0) { continue; } bones_with_animation[E.key] = false; } //store and validate tracks if (p_clip == -1) { //main anim } Set track_filter; if (p_clip == -1) { for (int i = 0; i < collada.state.animation_clips.size(); i++) { int tc = collada.state.animation_clips[i].tracks.size(); for (int j = 0; j < tc; j++) { String n = collada.state.animation_clips[i].tracks[j]; if (collada.state.by_id_tracks.has(n)) { const Vector &ti = collada.state.by_id_tracks[n]; for (int k = 0; k < ti.size(); k++) { track_filter.insert(ti[k]); } } } } } else { int tc = collada.state.animation_clips[p_clip].tracks.size(); for (int j = 0; j < tc; j++) { String n = collada.state.animation_clips[p_clip].tracks[j]; if (collada.state.by_id_tracks.has(n)) { const Vector &ti = collada.state.by_id_tracks[n]; for (int k = 0; k < ti.size(); k++) { track_filter.insert(ti[k]); } } } } //animation->set_loop(true); //create animation tracks Vector base_snapshots; float f = 0; float snapshot_interval = 1.0 / bake_fps; //should be customizable somewhere... float anim_length = collada.state.animation_length; if (p_clip >= 0 && collada.state.animation_clips[p_clip].end) { anim_length = collada.state.animation_clips[p_clip].end; } while (f < anim_length) { base_snapshots.push_back(f); f += snapshot_interval; if (f >= anim_length) { base_snapshots.push_back(anim_length); } } animation->set_length(anim_length); bool tracks_found = false; for (Set::Element *E = valid_animated_nodes.front(); E; E = E->next()) { // take snapshots if (!collada.state.scene_map.has(E->get())) { continue; } NodeMap &nm = node_map[E->get()]; String path = scene->get_path_to(nm.node); if (nm.bone >= 0) { Skeleton3D *sk = static_cast(nm.node); String name = sk->get_bone_name(nm.bone); path = path + ":" + name; } bool found_anim = false; Collada::Node *cn = collada.state.scene_map[E->get()]; if (cn->ignore_anim) { continue; } bool has_position = false; bool has_rotation = false; bool has_scale = false; for (int i = 0; i < cn->xform_list.size(); i++) { switch (cn->xform_list[i].op) { case Collada::Node::XForm::OP_ROTATE: { has_rotation = true; } break; case Collada::Node::XForm::OP_SCALE: { has_scale = true; } break; case Collada::Node::XForm::OP_TRANSLATE: { has_position = true; } break; case Collada::Node::XForm::OP_MATRIX: { has_position = true; has_rotation = true; has_scale = true; } break; case Collada::Node::XForm::OP_VISIBILITY: { } break; } } int base_track = animation->get_track_count(); int position_idx = -1; if (has_position) { position_idx = animation->get_track_count(); animation->add_track(Animation::TYPE_POSITION_3D); animation->track_set_path(position_idx, path); animation->track_set_imported(position_idx, true); //helps merging later } int rotation_idx = -1; if (has_rotation) { rotation_idx = animation->get_track_count(); animation->add_track(Animation::TYPE_ROTATION_3D); animation->track_set_path(rotation_idx, path); animation->track_set_imported(rotation_idx, true); //helps merging later } int scale_idx = -1; if (has_scale) { scale_idx = animation->get_track_count(); animation->add_track(Animation::TYPE_SCALE_3D); animation->track_set_path(scale_idx, path); animation->track_set_imported(scale_idx, true); //helps merging later } Vector snapshots = base_snapshots; if (nm.anim_tracks.size() == 1) { //use snapshot keys from anim track instead, because this was most likely exported baked const Collada::AnimationTrack &at = collada.state.animation_tracks[nm.anim_tracks.front()->get()]; snapshots.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < at.keys.size(); i++) { snapshots.push_back(at.keys[i].time); } } for (int i = 0; i < snapshots.size(); i++) { for (List::Element *ET = nm.anim_tracks.front(); ET; ET = ET->next()) { //apply tracks if (p_clip == -1) { if (track_filter.has(ET->get())) { continue; } } else { if (!track_filter.has(ET->get())) { continue; } } found_anim = true; const Collada::AnimationTrack &at = collada.state.animation_tracks[ET->get()]; int xform_idx = -1; for (int j = 0; j < cn->xform_list.size(); j++) { if (cn->xform_list[j].id == at.param) { xform_idx = j; break; } } if (xform_idx == -1) { WARN_PRINT("Collada: Couldn't find matching node " + at.target + " xform for track " + at.param + "."); continue; } Vector data = at.get_value_at_time(snapshots[i]); ERR_CONTINUE(data.is_empty()); Collada::Node::XForm &xf = cn->xform_list.write[xform_idx]; if (at.component == "ANGLE") { ERR_CONTINUE(data.size() != 1); ERR_CONTINUE(xf.op != Collada::Node::XForm::OP_ROTATE); ERR_CONTINUE(xf.data.size() < 4); xf.data.write[3] = data[0]; } else if (at.component == "X" || at.component == "Y" || at.component == "Z") { int cn2 = at.component[0] - 'X'; ERR_CONTINUE(cn2 >= xf.data.size()); ERR_CONTINUE(data.size() > 1); xf.data.write[cn2] = data[0]; } else if (data.size() == xf.data.size()) { xf.data = data; } else { ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(data.size() != xf.data.size(), "Component " + at.component + " has datasize " + itos(data.size()) + ", xfdatasize " + itos(xf.data.size()) + "."); } } Transform3D xform = cn->compute_transform(collada); xform = collada.fix_transform(xform) * cn->post_transform; Vector3 s = xform.basis.get_scale(); bool singular_matrix = Math::is_zero_approx(s.x) || Math::is_zero_approx(s.y) || Math::is_zero_approx(s.z); Quaternion q = singular_matrix ? Quaternion() : xform.basis.get_rotation_quaternion(); Vector3 l = xform.origin; if (position_idx >= 0) { animation->position_track_insert_key(position_idx, snapshots[i], l); } if (rotation_idx >= 0) { animation->rotation_track_insert_key(rotation_idx, snapshots[i], q); } if (scale_idx >= 0) { animation->scale_track_insert_key(scale_idx, snapshots[i], s); } } if (nm.bone >= 0) { if (found_anim) { bones_with_animation[E->get()] = true; } } if (found_anim) { tracks_found = true; } else { if (position_idx >= 0) { animation->remove_track(base_track); } if (rotation_idx >= 0) { animation->remove_track(base_track); } if (scale_idx >= 0) { animation->remove_track(base_track); } } } if (p_import_value_tracks) { for (int i = 0; i < valid_animated_properties.size(); i++) { int ti = valid_animated_properties[i]; if (p_clip == -1) { if (track_filter.has(ti)) { continue; } } else { if (!track_filter.has(ti)) { continue; } } const Collada::AnimationTrack &at = collada.state.animation_tracks[ti]; // take snapshots if (!collada.state.scene_map.has(at.target)) { continue; } NodeMap &nm = node_map[at.target]; String path = scene->get_path_to(nm.node); animation->add_track(Animation::TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE); int track = animation->get_track_count() - 1; path = path + ":" + at.param; animation->track_set_path(track, path); animation->track_set_imported(track, true); //helps merging later for (int j = 0; j < at.keys.size(); j++) { float time = at.keys[j].time; Variant value; Vector data = at.keys[j].data; if (data.size() == 1) { //push a float value = data[0]; } else if (data.size() == 16) { //matrix WARN_PRINT("Collada: Value keys for matrices not supported."); } else { WARN_PRINT("Collada: Unexpected amount of value keys: " + itos(data.size())); } animation->blend_shape_track_insert_key(track, time, value); } tracks_found = true; } } if (tracks_found) { animations.push_back(animation); } } /*********************************************************************************/ /*************************************** SCENE ***********************************/ /*********************************************************************************/ uint32_t EditorSceneFormatImporterCollada::get_import_flags() const { return IMPORT_SCENE | IMPORT_ANIMATION; } void EditorSceneFormatImporterCollada::get_extensions(List *r_extensions) const { r_extensions->push_back("dae"); } Node *EditorSceneFormatImporterCollada::import_scene(const String &p_path, uint32_t p_flags, const Map &p_options, int p_bake_fps, List *r_missing_deps, Error *r_err) { if (r_err) { *r_err = OK; } ColladaImport state; uint32_t flags = Collada::IMPORT_FLAG_SCENE; if (p_flags & IMPORT_ANIMATION) { flags |= Collada::IMPORT_FLAG_ANIMATION; } state.use_mesh_builtin_materials = true; state.bake_fps = p_bake_fps; Error err = state.load(p_path, flags, p_flags & EditorSceneFormatImporter::IMPORT_GENERATE_TANGENT_ARRAYS, false); if (r_err) { *r_err = err; } ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != OK, nullptr, "Cannot load scene from file '" + p_path + "'."); if (state.missing_textures.size()) { /* for(int i=0;ipush_back(state.missing_textures[i]); } } } if (p_flags & IMPORT_ANIMATION) { state.create_animations(true); AnimationPlayer *ap = memnew(AnimationPlayer); for (int i = 0; i < state.animations.size(); i++) { String name; if (state.animations[i]->get_name().is_empty()) { name = "default"; } else { name = state.animations[i]->get_name(); } ap->add_animation(name, state.animations[i]); } state.scene->add_child(ap, true); ap->set_owner(state.scene); } return state.scene; } Ref EditorSceneFormatImporterCollada::import_animation(const String &p_path, uint32_t p_flags, const Map &p_options, int p_bake_fps) { ColladaImport state; state.use_mesh_builtin_materials = false; Error err = state.load(p_path, Collada::IMPORT_FLAG_ANIMATION, p_flags & EditorSceneFormatImporter::IMPORT_GENERATE_TANGENT_ARRAYS); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != OK, RES(), "Cannot load animation from file '" + p_path + "'."); state.create_animations(true); if (state.scene) { memdelete(state.scene); } if (state.animations.size() == 0) { return Ref(); } Ref anim = state.animations[0]; return anim; } EditorSceneFormatImporterCollada::EditorSceneFormatImporterCollada() { }