/*************************************************************************/ /* editor_properties.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef EDITOR_PROPERTIES_H #define EDITOR_PROPERTIES_H #include "editor/create_dialog.h" #include "editor/editor_inspector.h" #include "editor/editor_locale_dialog.h" #include "editor/editor_resource_picker.h" #include "editor/editor_spin_slider.h" #include "editor/property_selector.h" #include "editor/scene_tree_editor.h" #include "scene/gui/color_picker.h" #include "scene/gui/line_edit.h" class EditorPropertyNil : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyNil, EditorProperty); LineEdit *text = nullptr; public: virtual void update_property() override; EditorPropertyNil(); }; class EditorPropertyText : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyText, EditorProperty); LineEdit *text = nullptr; bool updating = false; bool string_name = false; void _text_changed(const String &p_string); void _text_submitted(const String &p_string); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; static void _bind_methods(); public: void set_string_name(bool p_enabled); virtual void update_property() override; void set_placeholder(const String &p_string); EditorPropertyText(); }; class EditorPropertyMultilineText : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyMultilineText, EditorProperty); TextEdit *text = nullptr; AcceptDialog *big_text_dialog = nullptr; TextEdit *big_text = nullptr; Button *open_big_text = nullptr; void _big_text_changed(); void _text_changed(); void _open_big_text(); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void update_property() override; EditorPropertyMultilineText(); }; class EditorPropertyTextEnum : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyTextEnum, EditorProperty); HBoxContainer *default_layout = nullptr; HBoxContainer *edit_custom_layout = nullptr; OptionButton *option_button = nullptr; Button *edit_button = nullptr; LineEdit *custom_value_edit = nullptr; Button *accept_button = nullptr; Button *cancel_button = nullptr; Vector options; bool string_name = false; bool loose_mode = false; void _emit_changed_value(String p_string); void _option_selected(int p_which); void _edit_custom_value(); void _custom_value_submitted(String p_value); void _custom_value_accepted(); void _custom_value_cancelled(); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; static void _bind_methods(); void _notification(int p_what); public: void setup(const Vector &p_options, bool p_string_name = false, bool p_loose_mode = false); virtual void update_property() override; EditorPropertyTextEnum(); }; class EditorPropertyPath : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyPath, EditorProperty); Vector extensions; bool folder = false; bool global = false; bool save_mode = false; EditorFileDialog *dialog = nullptr; LineEdit *path = nullptr; Button *path_edit = nullptr; void _path_selected(const String &p_path); void _path_pressed(); void _path_focus_exited(); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; static void _bind_methods(); void _notification(int p_what); public: void setup(const Vector &p_extensions, bool p_folder, bool p_global); void set_save_mode(); virtual void update_property() override; EditorPropertyPath(); }; class EditorPropertyLocale : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyLocale, EditorProperty); EditorLocaleDialog *dialog = nullptr; LineEdit *locale = nullptr; Button *locale_edit = nullptr; void _locale_selected(const String &p_locale); void _locale_pressed(); void _locale_focus_exited(); protected: static void _bind_methods(); void _notification(int p_what); public: void setup(const String &p_hit_string); virtual void update_property() override; EditorPropertyLocale(); }; class EditorPropertyClassName : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyClassName, EditorProperty); private: CreateDialog *dialog = nullptr; Button *property = nullptr; String selected_type; String base_type; void _property_selected(); void _dialog_created(); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; static void _bind_methods(); public: void setup(const String &p_base_type, const String &p_selected_type); virtual void update_property() override; EditorPropertyClassName(); }; class EditorPropertyMember : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyMember, EditorProperty); public: enum Type { MEMBER_METHOD_OF_VARIANT_TYPE, ///< a method of a type MEMBER_METHOD_OF_BASE_TYPE, ///< a method of a base type MEMBER_METHOD_OF_INSTANCE, ///< a method of an instance MEMBER_METHOD_OF_SCRIPT, ///< a method of a script & base MEMBER_PROPERTY_OF_VARIANT_TYPE, ///< a property of a type MEMBER_PROPERTY_OF_BASE_TYPE, ///< a property of a base type MEMBER_PROPERTY_OF_INSTANCE, ///< a property of an instance MEMBER_PROPERTY_OF_SCRIPT, ///< a property of a script & base }; private: Type hint; PropertySelector *selector = nullptr; Button *property = nullptr; String hint_text; void _property_selected(const String &p_selected); void _property_select(); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; static void _bind_methods(); public: void setup(Type p_hint, const String &p_hint_text); virtual void update_property() override; EditorPropertyMember(); }; class EditorPropertyCheck : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyCheck, EditorProperty); CheckBox *checkbox = nullptr; void _checkbox_pressed(); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void update_property() override; EditorPropertyCheck(); }; class EditorPropertyEnum : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyEnum, EditorProperty); OptionButton *options = nullptr; void _option_selected(int p_which); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; static void _bind_methods(); public: void setup(const Vector &p_options); virtual void update_property() override; void set_option_button_clip(bool p_enable); EditorPropertyEnum(); }; class EditorPropertyFlags : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyFlags, EditorProperty); VBoxContainer *vbox = nullptr; Vector flags; Vector flag_values; void _flag_toggled(int p_index); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; static void _bind_methods(); public: void setup(const Vector &p_options); virtual void update_property() override; EditorPropertyFlags(); }; ///////////////////// LAYERS ///////////////////////// class EditorPropertyLayersGrid : public Control { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyLayersGrid, Control); private: Vector flag_rects; Rect2 expand_rect; bool expand_hovered = false; bool expanded = false; int expansion_rows = 0; int hovered_index = -1; bool read_only = false; int renamed_layer_index = -1; PopupMenu *layer_rename = nullptr; ConfirmationDialog *rename_dialog = nullptr; LineEdit *rename_dialog_text = nullptr; void _rename_pressed(int p_menu); void _rename_operation_confirm(); Size2 get_grid_size() const; protected: void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: uint32_t value = 0; int layer_group_size = 0; int layer_count = 0; Vector names; Vector tooltips; void set_read_only(bool p_read_only); virtual Size2 get_minimum_size() const override; virtual String get_tooltip(const Point2 &p_pos) const override; void gui_input(const Ref &p_ev) override; void set_flag(uint32_t p_flag); EditorPropertyLayersGrid(); }; class EditorPropertyLayers : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyLayers, EditorProperty); public: enum LayerType { LAYER_PHYSICS_2D, LAYER_RENDER_2D, LAYER_NAVIGATION_2D, LAYER_PHYSICS_3D, LAYER_RENDER_3D, LAYER_NAVIGATION_3D, }; private: EditorPropertyLayersGrid *grid = nullptr; void _grid_changed(uint32_t p_grid); String basename; LayerType layer_type; PopupMenu *layers = nullptr; Button *button = nullptr; void _button_pressed(); void _menu_pressed(int p_menu); void _refresh_names(); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; static void _bind_methods(); public: void setup(LayerType p_layer_type); void set_layer_name(int p_index, const String &p_name); virtual void update_property() override; EditorPropertyLayers(); }; class EditorPropertyInteger : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyInteger, EditorProperty); EditorSpinSlider *spin = nullptr; bool setting = false; void _value_changed(int64_t p_val); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void update_property() override; void setup(int64_t p_min, int64_t p_max, int64_t p_step, bool p_allow_greater, bool p_allow_lesser); EditorPropertyInteger(); }; class EditorPropertyObjectID : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyObjectID, EditorProperty); Button *edit = nullptr; String base_type; void _edit_pressed(); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void update_property() override; void setup(const String &p_base_type); EditorPropertyObjectID(); }; class EditorPropertyFloat : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyFloat, EditorProperty); EditorSpinSlider *spin = nullptr; bool setting = false; bool angle_in_radians = false; void _value_changed(double p_val); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void update_property() override; void setup(double p_min, double p_max, double p_step, bool p_no_slider, bool p_exp_range, bool p_greater, bool p_lesser, const String &p_suffix = String(), bool p_angle_in_radians = false); EditorPropertyFloat(); }; class EditorPropertyEasing : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyEasing, EditorProperty); Control *easing_draw = nullptr; PopupMenu *preset = nullptr; EditorSpinSlider *spin = nullptr; bool setting = false; bool dragging = false; bool full = false; bool flip = false; enum { EASING_ZERO, EASING_LINEAR, EASING_IN, EASING_OUT, EASING_IN_OUT, EASING_OUT_IN, EASING_MAX }; void _drag_easing(const Ref &p_ev); void _draw_easing(); void _set_preset(int); void _setup_spin(); void _spin_value_changed(double p_value); void _spin_focus_exited(); void _notification(int p_what); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void update_property() override; void setup(bool p_full, bool p_flip); EditorPropertyEasing(); }; class EditorPropertyVector2 : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyVector2, EditorProperty); EditorSpinSlider *spin[2]; bool setting = false; void _value_changed(double p_val, const String &p_name); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void update_property() override; void setup(double p_min, double p_max, double p_step, bool p_no_slider, const String &p_suffix = String()); EditorPropertyVector2(bool p_force_wide = false); }; class EditorPropertyRect2 : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyRect2, EditorProperty); EditorSpinSlider *spin[4]; bool setting = false; void _value_changed(double p_val, const String &p_name); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void update_property() override; void setup(double p_min, double p_max, double p_step, bool p_no_slider, const String &p_suffix = String()); EditorPropertyRect2(bool p_force_wide = false); }; class EditorPropertyVector3 : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyVector3, EditorProperty); EditorSpinSlider *spin[3]; bool setting = false; bool angle_in_radians = false; void _value_changed(double p_val, const String &p_name); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void update_property() override; virtual void update_using_vector(Vector3 p_vector); virtual Vector3 get_vector(); void setup(double p_min, double p_max, double p_step, bool p_no_slider, const String &p_suffix = String(), bool p_angle_in_radians = false); EditorPropertyVector3(bool p_force_wide = false); }; class EditorPropertyVector2i : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyVector2i, EditorProperty); EditorSpinSlider *spin[2]; bool setting = false; void _value_changed(double p_val, const String &p_name); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void update_property() override; void setup(int p_min, int p_max, bool p_no_slider, const String &p_suffix = String()); EditorPropertyVector2i(bool p_force_wide = false); }; class EditorPropertyRect2i : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyRect2i, EditorProperty); EditorSpinSlider *spin[4]; bool setting = false; void _value_changed(double p_val, const String &p_name); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void update_property() override; void setup(int p_min, int p_max, bool p_no_slider, const String &p_suffix = String()); EditorPropertyRect2i(bool p_force_wide = false); }; class EditorPropertyVector3i : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyVector3i, EditorProperty); EditorSpinSlider *spin[3]; bool setting = false; void _value_changed(double p_val, const String &p_name); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void update_property() override; void setup(int p_min, int p_max, bool p_no_slider, const String &p_suffix = String()); EditorPropertyVector3i(bool p_force_wide = false); }; class EditorPropertyPlane : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyPlane, EditorProperty); EditorSpinSlider *spin[4]; bool setting = false; void _value_changed(double p_val, const String &p_name); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void update_property() override; void setup(double p_min, double p_max, double p_step, bool p_no_slider, const String &p_suffix = String()); EditorPropertyPlane(bool p_force_wide = false); }; class EditorPropertyQuaternion : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyQuaternion, EditorProperty); EditorSpinSlider *spin[4]; bool setting = false; void _value_changed(double p_val, const String &p_name); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void update_property() override; void setup(double p_min, double p_max, double p_step, bool p_no_slider, const String &p_suffix = String()); EditorPropertyQuaternion(); }; class EditorPropertyAABB : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyAABB, EditorProperty); EditorSpinSlider *spin[6]; bool setting = false; void _value_changed(double p_val, const String &p_name); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void update_property() override; void setup(double p_min, double p_max, double p_step, bool p_no_slider, const String &p_suffix = String()); EditorPropertyAABB(); }; class EditorPropertyTransform2D : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyTransform2D, EditorProperty); EditorSpinSlider *spin[6]; bool setting = false; void _value_changed(double p_val, const String &p_name); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void update_property() override; void setup(double p_min, double p_max, double p_step, bool p_no_slider, const String &p_suffix = String()); EditorPropertyTransform2D(bool p_include_origin = true); }; class EditorPropertyBasis : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyBasis, EditorProperty); EditorSpinSlider *spin[9]; bool setting = false; void _value_changed(double p_val, const String &p_name); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void update_property() override; void setup(double p_min, double p_max, double p_step, bool p_no_slider, const String &p_suffix = String()); EditorPropertyBasis(); }; class EditorPropertyTransform3D : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyTransform3D, EditorProperty); EditorSpinSlider *spin[12]; bool setting = false; void _value_changed(double p_val, const String &p_name); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void update_property() override; virtual void update_using_transform(Transform3D p_transform); void setup(double p_min, double p_max, double p_step, bool p_no_slider, const String &p_suffix = String()); EditorPropertyTransform3D(); }; class EditorPropertyColor : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyColor, EditorProperty); ColorPickerButton *picker = nullptr; void _color_changed(const Color &p_color); void _popup_closed(); void _picker_created(); void _picker_opening(); Color last_color; protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; void _notification(int p_what); public: virtual void update_property() override; void setup(bool p_show_alpha); EditorPropertyColor(); }; class EditorPropertyNodePath : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyNodePath, EditorProperty); Button *assign = nullptr; Button *clear = nullptr; SceneTreeDialog *scene_tree = nullptr; NodePath base_hint; bool use_path_from_scene_root = false; Vector valid_types; void _node_selected(const NodePath &p_path); void _node_assign(); void _node_clear(); bool can_drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data, Control *p_from) const; void drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data, Control *p_from); bool is_drop_valid(const Dictionary &p_drag_data) const; protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; static void _bind_methods(); void _notification(int p_what); public: virtual void update_property() override; void setup(const NodePath &p_base_hint, Vector p_valid_types, bool p_use_path_from_scene_root = true); EditorPropertyNodePath(); }; class EditorPropertyRID : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyRID, EditorProperty); Label *label = nullptr; public: virtual void update_property() override; EditorPropertyRID(); }; class EditorPropertyResource : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyResource, EditorProperty); EditorResourcePicker *resource_picker = nullptr; SceneTreeDialog *scene_tree = nullptr; bool use_sub_inspector = false; EditorInspector *sub_inspector = nullptr; VBoxContainer *sub_inspector_vbox = nullptr; bool updating_theme = false; bool opened_editor = false; void _resource_selected(const Ref &p_resource, bool p_edit); void _resource_changed(const Ref &p_resource); void _viewport_selected(const NodePath &p_path); void _sub_inspector_property_keyed(const String &p_property, const Variant &p_value, bool p_advance); void _sub_inspector_resource_selected(const Ref &p_resource, const String &p_property); void _sub_inspector_object_id_selected(int p_id); void _open_editor_pressed(); void _fold_other_editors(Object *p_self); void _update_property_bg(); void _update_preferred_shader(); protected: virtual void _set_read_only(bool p_read_only) override; static void _bind_methods(); void _notification(int p_what); public: virtual void update_property() override; void setup(Object *p_object, const String &p_path, const String &p_base_type); void collapse_all_folding() override; void expand_all_folding() override; void set_use_sub_inspector(bool p_enable); EditorPropertyResource(); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \brief The EditorInspectorDefaultPlugin class /// class EditorInspectorDefaultPlugin : public EditorInspectorPlugin { GDCLASS(EditorInspectorDefaultPlugin, EditorInspectorPlugin); public: virtual bool can_handle(Object *p_object) override; virtual bool parse_property(Object *p_object, const Variant::Type p_type, const String &p_path, const PropertyHint p_hint, const String &p_hint_text, const uint32_t p_usage, const bool p_wide = false) override; static EditorProperty *get_editor_for_property(Object *p_object, const Variant::Type p_type, const String &p_path, const PropertyHint p_hint, const String &p_hint_text, const uint32_t p_usage, const bool p_wide = false); }; #endif // EDITOR_PROPERTIES_H