A modified version of [FileDialog] used by the editor. [EditorFileDialog] is an enhanced version of [FileDialog] available only to editor plugins. Additional features include list of favorited/recent files and the ability to see files as thumbnails grid instead of list. Adds a comma-delimited file name [param filter] option to the [EditorFileDialog] with an optional [param description], which restricts what files can be picked. A [param filter] should be of the form [code]"filename.extension"[/code], where filename and extension can be [code]*[/code] to match any string. Filters starting with [code].[/code] (i.e. empty filenames) are not allowed. For example, a [param filter] of [code]"*.tscn, *.scn"[/code] and a [param description] of [code]"Scenes"[/code] results in filter text "Scenes (*.tscn, *.scn)". Adds an additional [OptionButton] to the file dialog. If [param values] is empty, a [CheckBox] is added instead. [param default_value_index] should be an index of the value in the [param values]. If [param values] is empty it should be either [code]1[/code] (checked), or [code]0[/code] (unchecked). Adds the given [param menu] to the side of the file dialog with the given [param title] text on top. Only one side menu is allowed. Removes all filters except for "All Files (*)". Returns the LineEdit for the selected file. [b]Warning:[/b] This is a required internal node, removing and freeing it may cause a crash. If you wish to hide it or any of its children, use their [member CanvasItem.visible] property. Returns the default value index of the [OptionButton] or [CheckBox] with index [param option]. Returns the name of the [OptionButton] or [CheckBox] with index [param option]. Returns an array of values of the [OptionButton] with index [param option]. Returns a [Dictionary] with the selected values of the additional [OptionButton]s and/or [CheckBox]es. [Dictionary] keys are names and values are selected value indices. Returns the [VBoxContainer] used to display the file system. [b]Warning:[/b] This is a required internal node, removing and freeing it may cause a crash. If you wish to hide it or any of its children, use their [member CanvasItem.visible] property. Notify the [EditorFileDialog] that its view of the data is no longer accurate. Updates the view contents on next view update. Shows the [EditorFileDialog] at the default size and position for file dialogs in the editor, and selects the file name if there is a current file. Sets the default value index of the [OptionButton] or [CheckBox] with index [param option]. Sets the name of the [OptionButton] or [CheckBox] with index [param option]. Sets the option values of the [OptionButton] with index [param option]. The location from which the user may select a file, including [code]res://[/code], [code]user://[/code], and the local file system. The currently occupied directory. The currently selected file. The file system path in the address bar. If [code]true[/code], the [EditorFileDialog] will not warn the user before overwriting files. The view format in which the [EditorFileDialog] displays resources to the user. The dialog's open or save mode, which affects the selection behavior. See [enum FileMode]. The available file type filters. For example, this shows only [code].png[/code] and [code].gd[/code] files: [code]set_filters(PackedStringArray(["*.png ; PNG Images","*.gd ; GDScript Files"]))[/code]. Multiple file types can also be specified in a single filter. [code]"*.png, *.jpg, *.jpeg ; Supported Images"[/code] will show both PNG and JPEG files when selected. The number of additional [OptionButton]s and [CheckBox]es in the dialog. If [code]true[/code], hidden files and directories will be visible in the [EditorFileDialog]. This property is synchronized with [member EditorSettings.filesystem/file_dialog/show_hidden_files]. Emitted when a directory is selected. Emitted when a file is selected. Emitted when multiple files are selected. The [EditorFileDialog] can select only one file. Accepting the window will open the file. The [EditorFileDialog] can select multiple files. Accepting the window will open all files. The [EditorFileDialog] can select only one directory. Accepting the window will open the directory. The [EditorFileDialog] can select a file or directory. Accepting the window will open it. The [EditorFileDialog] can select only one file. Accepting the window will save the file. The [EditorFileDialog] can only view [code]res://[/code] directory contents. The [EditorFileDialog] can only view [code]user://[/code] directory contents. The [EditorFileDialog] can view the entire local file system. The [EditorFileDialog] displays resources as thumbnails. The [EditorFileDialog] displays resources as a list of filenames.