A physics joint that restricts the rotation of a 3D physics body around an axis relative to another physics body. A physics joint that restricts the rotation of a 3D physics body around an axis relative to another physics body. For example, Body A can be a [StaticBody3D] representing a door hinge that a [RigidBody3D] rotates around. Returns the value of the specified flag. Returns the value of the specified parameter. If [code]true[/code], enables the specified flag. Sets the value of the specified parameter. The speed with which the rotation across the axis perpendicular to the hinge gets corrected. If [code]true[/code], the hinges maximum and minimum rotation, defined by [member angular_limit/lower] and [member angular_limit/upper] has effects. The minimum rotation. Only active if [member angular_limit/enable] is [code]true[/code]. The lower this value, the more the rotation gets slowed down. The maximum rotation. Only active if [member angular_limit/enable] is [code]true[/code]. When activated, a motor turns the hinge. Maximum acceleration for the motor. Target speed for the motor. The speed with which the two bodies get pulled together when they move in different directions. The speed with which the two bodies get pulled together when they move in different directions. The maximum rotation. Only active if [member angular_limit/enable] is [code]true[/code]. The minimum rotation. Only active if [member angular_limit/enable] is [code]true[/code]. The speed with which the rotation across the axis perpendicular to the hinge gets corrected. The lower this value, the more the rotation gets slowed down. Target speed for the motor. Maximum acceleration for the motor. Represents the size of the [enum Param] enum. If [code]true[/code], the hinges maximum and minimum rotation, defined by [member angular_limit/lower] and [member angular_limit/upper] has effects. When activated, a motor turns the hinge. Represents the size of the [enum Flag] enum.