Blends two animations subtractively inside of an [AnimationNodeBlendTree]. A resource to add to an [AnimationNodeBlendTree]. Blends two animations subtractively based on the amount value. This animation node is usually used for pre-calculation to cancel out any extra poses from the animation for the "add" animation source in [AnimationNodeAdd2] or [AnimationNodeAdd3]. In general, the blend value should be in the [code][0.0, 1.0][/code] range, but values outside of this range can be used for amplified or inverted animations. [b]Note:[/b] This calculation is different from using a negative value in [AnimationNodeAdd2], since the transformation matrices do not satisfy the commutative law. [AnimationNodeSub2] multiplies the transformation matrix of the inverted animation from the left side, while negative [AnimationNodeAdd2] multiplies it from the right side. $DOCS_URL/tutorials/animation/animation_tree.html