/*************************************************************************/ /* node.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef NODE_H #define NODE_H #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/object/class_db.h" #include "core/object/script_language.h" #include "core/string/node_path.h" #include "core/templates/map.h" #include "core/variant/typed_array.h" #include "scene/main/scene_tree.h" class Viewport; class SceneState; class Tween; class PropertyTweener; class Node : public Object { GDCLASS(Node, Object); OBJ_CATEGORY("Nodes"); public: enum ProcessMode { PROCESS_MODE_INHERIT, // same as parent node PROCESS_MODE_PAUSABLE, // process only if not paused PROCESS_MODE_WHEN_PAUSED, // process only if paused PROCESS_MODE_ALWAYS, // process always PROCESS_MODE_DISABLED, // never process }; enum DuplicateFlags { DUPLICATE_SIGNALS = 1, DUPLICATE_GROUPS = 2, DUPLICATE_SCRIPTS = 4, DUPLICATE_USE_INSTANCING = 8, #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED DUPLICATE_FROM_EDITOR = 16, #endif }; enum NameCasing { NAME_CASING_PASCAL_CASE, NAME_CASING_CAMEL_CASE, NAME_CASING_SNAKE_CASE }; enum InternalMode { INTERNAL_MODE_DISABLED, INTERNAL_MODE_FRONT, INTERNAL_MODE_BACK, }; struct Comparator { bool operator()(const Node *p_a, const Node *p_b) const { return p_b->is_greater_than(p_a); } }; struct ComparatorWithPriority { bool operator()(const Node *p_a, const Node *p_b) const { return p_b->data.process_priority == p_a->data.process_priority ? p_b->is_greater_than(p_a) : p_b->data.process_priority > p_a->data.process_priority; } }; static int orphan_node_count; private: struct GroupData { bool persistent = false; SceneTree::Group *group = nullptr; }; struct Data { String scene_file_path; Ref instance_state; Ref inherited_state; Node *parent = nullptr; Node *owner = nullptr; Vector children; int internal_children_front = 0; int internal_children_back = 0; int pos = -1; int depth = -1; int blocked = 0; // Safeguard that throws an error when attempting to modify the tree in a harmful way while being traversed. StringName name; SceneTree *tree = nullptr; bool inside_tree = false; bool ready_notified = false; // This is a small hack, so if a node is added during _ready() to the tree, it correctly gets the _ready() notification. bool ready_first = true; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED NodePath import_path; // Path used when imported, used by scene editors to keep tracking. #endif String editor_description; Viewport *viewport = nullptr; Map grouped; List::Element *OW = nullptr; // Owned element. List owned; ProcessMode process_mode = PROCESS_MODE_INHERIT; Node *process_owner = nullptr; int multiplayer_authority = 1; // Server by default. Vector rpc_methods; // Variables used to properly sort the node when processing, ignored otherwise. // TODO: Should move all the stuff below to bits. bool physics_process = false; bool process = false; int process_priority = 0; bool physics_process_internal = false; bool process_internal = false; bool input = false; bool unhandled_input = false; bool unhandled_key_input = false; bool parent_owned = false; bool in_constructor = true; bool use_placeholder = false; bool display_folded = false; bool editable_instance = false; mutable NodePath *path_cache = nullptr; } data; Ref multiplayer; void _print_tree_pretty(const String &prefix, const bool last); void _print_tree(const Node *p_node); Node *_get_child_by_name(const StringName &p_name) const; void _replace_connections_target(Node *p_new_target); void _validate_child_name(Node *p_child, bool p_force_human_readable = false); void _generate_serial_child_name(const Node *p_child, StringName &name) const; void _propagate_reverse_notification(int p_notification); void _propagate_deferred_notification(int p_notification, bool p_reverse); void _propagate_enter_tree(); void _propagate_ready(); void _propagate_exit_tree(); void _propagate_after_exit_tree(); void _propagate_validate_owner(); void _print_stray_nodes(); void _propagate_process_owner(Node *p_owner, int p_pause_notification, int p_enabled_notification); Array _get_node_and_resource(const NodePath &p_path); void _duplicate_signals(const Node *p_original, Node *p_copy) const; Node *_duplicate(int p_flags, Map *r_duplimap = nullptr) const; TypedArray _get_children(bool p_include_internal = true) const; Array _get_groups() const; Variant _rpc_bind(const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Callable::CallError &r_error); Variant _rpc_id_bind(const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Callable::CallError &r_error); _FORCE_INLINE_ bool _is_internal_front() const { return data.parent && data.pos < data.parent->data.internal_children_front; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool _is_internal_back() const { return data.parent && data.pos >= data.parent->data.children.size() - data.parent->data.internal_children_back; } friend class SceneTree; void _set_tree(SceneTree *p_tree); void _propagate_pause_notification(bool p_enable); _FORCE_INLINE_ bool _can_process(bool p_paused) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ bool _is_enabled() const; protected: void _block() { data.blocked++; } void _unblock() { data.blocked--; } void _notification(int p_notification); virtual void add_child_notify(Node *p_child); virtual void remove_child_notify(Node *p_child); virtual void move_child_notify(Node *p_child); void _propagate_replace_owner(Node *p_owner, Node *p_by_owner); static void _bind_methods(); static String _get_name_num_separator(); friend class SceneState; friend class MultiplayerReplicator; void _add_child_nocheck(Node *p_child, const StringName &p_name); void _set_owner_nocheck(Node *p_owner); void _set_name_nocheck(const StringName &p_name); //call from SceneTree void _call_input(const Ref &p_event); void _call_unhandled_input(const Ref &p_event); void _call_unhandled_key_input(const Ref &p_event); protected: virtual void input(const Ref &p_event); virtual void unhandled_input(const Ref &p_event); virtual void unhandled_key_input(const Ref &p_key_event); GDVIRTUAL1(_process, double) GDVIRTUAL1(_physics_process, double) GDVIRTUAL0(_enter_tree) GDVIRTUAL0(_exit_tree) GDVIRTUAL0(_ready) GDVIRTUAL0RC(Vector, _get_configuration_warnings) GDVIRTUAL1(_input, Ref) GDVIRTUAL1(_unhandled_input, Ref) GDVIRTUAL1(_unhandled_key_input, Ref) public: enum { // you can make your own, but don't use the same numbers as other notifications in other nodes NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE = 10, NOTIFICATION_EXIT_TREE = 11, NOTIFICATION_MOVED_IN_PARENT = 12, NOTIFICATION_READY = 13, NOTIFICATION_PAUSED = 14, NOTIFICATION_UNPAUSED = 15, NOTIFICATION_PHYSICS_PROCESS = 16, NOTIFICATION_PROCESS = 17, NOTIFICATION_PARENTED = 18, NOTIFICATION_UNPARENTED = 19, NOTIFICATION_INSTANCED = 20, NOTIFICATION_DRAG_BEGIN = 21, NOTIFICATION_DRAG_END = 22, NOTIFICATION_PATH_CHANGED = 23, //NOTIFICATION_TRANSLATION_CHANGED = 24, moved below NOTIFICATION_INTERNAL_PROCESS = 25, NOTIFICATION_INTERNAL_PHYSICS_PROCESS = 26, NOTIFICATION_POST_ENTER_TREE = 27, NOTIFICATION_DISABLED = 28, NOTIFICATION_ENABLED = 29, //keep these linked to node NOTIFICATION_WM_MOUSE_ENTER = 1002, NOTIFICATION_WM_MOUSE_EXIT = 1003, NOTIFICATION_WM_WINDOW_FOCUS_IN = 1004, NOTIFICATION_WM_WINDOW_FOCUS_OUT = 1005, NOTIFICATION_WM_CLOSE_REQUEST = 1006, NOTIFICATION_WM_GO_BACK_REQUEST = 1007, NOTIFICATION_WM_SIZE_CHANGED = 1008, NOTIFICATION_WM_DPI_CHANGE = 1009, NOTIFICATION_OS_MEMORY_WARNING = MainLoop::NOTIFICATION_OS_MEMORY_WARNING, NOTIFICATION_TRANSLATION_CHANGED = MainLoop::NOTIFICATION_TRANSLATION_CHANGED, NOTIFICATION_WM_ABOUT = MainLoop::NOTIFICATION_WM_ABOUT, NOTIFICATION_CRASH = MainLoop::NOTIFICATION_CRASH, NOTIFICATION_OS_IME_UPDATE = MainLoop::NOTIFICATION_OS_IME_UPDATE, NOTIFICATION_APPLICATION_RESUMED = MainLoop::NOTIFICATION_APPLICATION_RESUMED, NOTIFICATION_APPLICATION_PAUSED = MainLoop::NOTIFICATION_APPLICATION_PAUSED, NOTIFICATION_APPLICATION_FOCUS_IN = MainLoop::NOTIFICATION_APPLICATION_FOCUS_IN, NOTIFICATION_APPLICATION_FOCUS_OUT = MainLoop::NOTIFICATION_APPLICATION_FOCUS_OUT, NOTIFICATION_TEXT_SERVER_CHANGED = MainLoop::NOTIFICATION_TEXT_SERVER_CHANGED, // Editor specific node notifications NOTIFICATION_EDITOR_PRE_SAVE = 9001, NOTIFICATION_EDITOR_POST_SAVE = 9002, }; /* NODE/TREE */ StringName get_name() const; void set_name(const String &p_name); void add_child(Node *p_child, bool p_legible_unique_name = false, InternalMode p_internal = INTERNAL_MODE_DISABLED); void add_sibling(Node *p_sibling, bool p_legible_unique_name = false); void remove_child(Node *p_child); int get_child_count(bool p_include_internal = true) const; Node *get_child(int p_index, bool p_include_internal = true) const; bool has_node(const NodePath &p_path) const; Node *get_node(const NodePath &p_path) const; Node *get_node_or_null(const NodePath &p_path) const; Node *find_node(const String &p_mask, bool p_recursive = true, bool p_owned = true) const; bool has_node_and_resource(const NodePath &p_path) const; Node *get_node_and_resource(const NodePath &p_path, RES &r_res, Vector &r_leftover_subpath, bool p_last_is_property = true) const; Node *get_parent() const; Node *find_parent(const String &p_mask) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ SceneTree *get_tree() const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!data.tree, nullptr); return data.tree; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_inside_tree() const { return data.inside_tree; } bool is_ancestor_of(const Node *p_node) const; bool is_greater_than(const Node *p_node) const; NodePath get_path() const; NodePath get_path_to(const Node *p_node) const; Node *find_common_parent_with(const Node *p_node) const; void add_to_group(const StringName &p_identifier, bool p_persistent = false); void remove_from_group(const StringName &p_identifier); bool is_in_group(const StringName &p_identifier) const; struct GroupInfo { StringName name; bool persistent = false; }; void get_groups(List *p_groups) const; int get_persistent_group_count() const; void move_child(Node *p_child, int p_pos); void _move_child(Node *p_child, int p_pos, bool p_ignore_end = false); void raise(); void set_owner(Node *p_owner); Node *get_owner() const; void get_owned_by(Node *p_by, List *p_owned); void remove_and_skip(); int get_index(bool p_include_internal = true) const; Ref create_tween(); void print_tree(); void print_tree_pretty(); void set_scene_file_path(const String &p_scene_file_path); String get_scene_file_path() const; void set_editor_description(const String &p_editor_description); String get_editor_description() const; void set_editable_instance(Node *p_node, bool p_editable); bool is_editable_instance(const Node *p_node) const; Node *get_deepest_editable_node(Node *p_start_node) const; virtual String to_string() override; /* NOTIFICATIONS */ void propagate_notification(int p_notification); void propagate_call(const StringName &p_method, const Array &p_args = Array(), const bool p_parent_first = false); /* PROCESSING */ void set_physics_process(bool p_process); double get_physics_process_delta_time() const; bool is_physics_processing() const; void set_process(bool p_process); double get_process_delta_time() const; bool is_processing() const; void set_physics_process_internal(bool p_process_internal); bool is_physics_processing_internal() const; void set_process_internal(bool p_process_internal); bool is_processing_internal() const; void set_process_priority(int p_priority); int get_process_priority() const; void set_process_input(bool p_enable); bool is_processing_input() const; void set_process_unhandled_input(bool p_enable); bool is_processing_unhandled_input() const; void set_process_unhandled_key_input(bool p_enable); bool is_processing_unhandled_key_input() const; Node *duplicate(int p_flags = DUPLICATE_GROUPS | DUPLICATE_SIGNALS | DUPLICATE_SCRIPTS) const; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED Node *duplicate_from_editor(Map &r_duplimap) const; Node *duplicate_from_editor(Map &r_duplimap, const Map &p_resource_remap) const; void remap_node_resources(Node *p_node, const Map &p_resource_remap) const; void remap_nested_resources(RES p_resource, const Map &p_resource_remap) const; #endif // used by editors, to save what has changed only void set_scene_instance_state(const Ref &p_state); Ref get_scene_instance_state() const; void set_scene_inherited_state(const Ref &p_state); Ref get_scene_inherited_state() const; void set_scene_instance_load_placeholder(bool p_enable); bool get_scene_instance_load_placeholder() const; static Vector make_binds(VARIANT_ARG_LIST); void replace_by(Node *p_node, bool p_keep_data = false); void set_process_mode(ProcessMode p_mode); ProcessMode get_process_mode() const; bool can_process() const; bool can_process_notification(int p_what) const; bool is_enabled() const; void request_ready(); static void print_stray_nodes(); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED String validate_child_name(Node *p_child); #endif void queue_delete(); //hacks for speed static void init_node_hrcr(); void force_parent_owned() { data.parent_owned = true; } //hack to avoid duplicate nodes void set_import_path(const NodePath &p_import_path); //path used when imported, used by scene editors to keep tracking NodePath get_import_path() const; bool is_owned_by_parent() const; void get_argument_options(const StringName &p_function, int p_idx, List *r_options) const override; void clear_internal_tree_resource_paths(); _FORCE_INLINE_ Viewport *get_viewport() const { return data.viewport; } virtual TypedArray get_configuration_warnings() const; String get_configuration_warnings_as_string() const; void update_configuration_warnings(); void set_display_folded(bool p_folded); bool is_displayed_folded() const; /* NETWORK */ void set_multiplayer_authority(int p_peer_id, bool p_recursive = true); int get_multiplayer_authority() const; bool is_multiplayer_authority() const; uint16_t rpc_config(const StringName &p_method, Multiplayer::RPCMode p_rpc_mode, bool p_call_local = false, Multiplayer::TransferMode p_transfer_mode = Multiplayer::TRANSFER_MODE_RELIABLE, int p_channel = 0); // config a local method for RPC Vector get_node_rpc_methods() const; void rpc(const StringName &p_method, VARIANT_ARG_LIST); // RPC, honors RPCMode, TransferMode, channel void rpc_id(int p_peer_id, const StringName &p_method, VARIANT_ARG_LIST); // RPC to specific peer(s), honors RPCMode, TransferMode, channel void rpcp(int p_peer_id, const StringName &p_method, const Variant **p_arg, int p_argcount); Ref get_multiplayer() const; Ref get_custom_multiplayer() const; void set_custom_multiplayer(Ref p_multiplayer); Node(); ~Node(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Node::DuplicateFlags); typedef Set NodeSet; #endif