Casts light in a 2D environment. Casts light in a 2D environment. Light is defined by a (usually grayscale) texture, a color, an energy value, a mode (see constants), and various other parameters (range and shadows-related). [b]Note:[/b] Light2D can also be used as a mask. $DOCS_URL/tutorials/2d/2d_lights_and_shadows.html The Light2D's blend mode. See [enum BlendMode] constants for values. The Light2D's [Color]. If [code]true[/code], Light2D will only appear when editing the scene. If [code]true[/code], Light2D will emit light. The Light2D's energy value. The larger the value, the stronger the light. The layer mask. Only objects with a matching mask will be affected by the Light2D. Maximum layer value of objects that are affected by the Light2D. Minimum layer value of objects that are affected by the Light2D. Maximum [code]z[/code] value of objects that are affected by the Light2D. Minimum [code]z[/code] value of objects that are affected by the Light2D. [Color] of shadows cast by the Light2D. If [code]true[/code], the Light2D will cast shadows. Shadow filter type. See [enum ShadowFilter] for possible values. Smoothing value for shadows. The shadow mask. Used with [LightOccluder2D] to cast shadows. Only occluders with a matching light mask will cast shadows. No filter applies to the shadow map. See [member shadow_filter]. Percentage closer filtering (5 samples) applies to the shadow map. See [member shadow_filter]. Percentage closer filtering (13 samples) applies to the shadow map. See [member shadow_filter]. Adds the value of pixels corresponding to the Light2D to the values of pixels under it. This is the common behavior of a light. Subtracts the value of pixels corresponding to the Light2D to the values of pixels under it, resulting in inversed light effect. Mix the value of pixels corresponding to the Light2D to the values of pixels under it by linear interpolation.