/**************************************************************************/ /* animation_bezier_editor.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "animation_bezier_editor.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "editor/editor_settings.h" #include "editor/editor_string_names.h" #include "editor/editor_undo_redo_manager.h" #include "editor/gui/editor_spin_slider.h" #include "editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.h" #include "editor/themes/editor_scale.h" #include "scene/gui/view_panner.h" #include "scene/resources/text_line.h" #include float AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_bezier_h_to_pixel(float p_h) { float h = p_h; h = (h - timeline_v_scroll) / timeline_v_zoom; h = (get_size().height / 2.0) - h; return h; } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_draw_track(int p_track, const Color &p_color) { float scale = timeline->get_zoom_scale(); int limit = timeline->get_name_limit(); int right_limit = get_size().width; // Selection may have altered the order of keys. RBMap key_order; for (int i = 0; i < animation->track_get_key_count(p_track); i++) { real_t ofs = animation->track_get_key_time(p_track, i); if (moving_selection && selection.has(IntPair(p_track, i))) { ofs += moving_selection_offset.x; } key_order[ofs] = i; } for (RBMap::Element *E = key_order.front(); E; E = E->next()) { int i = E->get(); if (!E->next()) { break; } int i_n = E->next()->get(); float offset = animation->track_get_key_time(p_track, i); float height = animation->bezier_track_get_key_value(p_track, i); Vector2 out_handle = animation->bezier_track_get_key_out_handle(p_track, i); if (p_track == moving_handle_track && (moving_handle == -1 || moving_handle == 1) && moving_handle_key == i) { out_handle = moving_handle_right; } if (moving_selection && selection.has(IntPair(p_track, i))) { offset += moving_selection_offset.x; height += moving_selection_offset.y; } out_handle += Vector2(offset, height); float offset_n = animation->track_get_key_time(p_track, i_n); float height_n = animation->bezier_track_get_key_value(p_track, i_n); Vector2 in_handle = animation->bezier_track_get_key_in_handle(p_track, i_n); if (p_track == moving_handle_track && (moving_handle == -1 || moving_handle == 1) && moving_handle_key == i_n) { in_handle = moving_handle_left; } if (moving_selection && selection.has(IntPair(p_track, i_n))) { offset_n += moving_selection_offset.x; height_n += moving_selection_offset.y; } in_handle += Vector2(offset_n, height_n); Vector2 start(offset, height); Vector2 end(offset_n, height_n); int from_x = (offset - timeline->get_value()) * scale + limit; int point_start = from_x; int to_x = (offset_n - timeline->get_value()) * scale + limit; int point_end = to_x; if (from_x > right_limit) { // Not visible. continue; } if (to_x < limit) { // Not visible. continue; } from_x = MAX(from_x, limit); to_x = MIN(to_x, right_limit); Vector lines; Vector2 prev_pos; for (int j = from_x; j <= to_x; j++) { float t = (j - limit) / scale + timeline->get_value(); float h; if (j == point_end) { h = end.y; // Make sure it always connects. } else if (j == point_start) { h = start.y; // Make sure it always connects. } else { // Custom interpolation, used because it needs to show paths affected by moving the selection or handles. int iterations = 10; float low = 0; float high = 1; // Narrow high and low as much as possible. for (int k = 0; k < iterations; k++) { float middle = (low + high) / 2.0; Vector2 interp = start.bezier_interpolate(out_handle, in_handle, end, middle); if (interp.x < t) { low = middle; } else { high = middle; } } // Interpolate the result. Vector2 low_pos = start.bezier_interpolate(out_handle, in_handle, end, low); Vector2 high_pos = start.bezier_interpolate(out_handle, in_handle, end, high); float c = (t - low_pos.x) / (high_pos.x - low_pos.x); h = low_pos.lerp(high_pos, c).y; } h = _bezier_h_to_pixel(h); Vector2 pos(j, h); if (j > from_x) { lines.push_back(prev_pos); lines.push_back(pos); } prev_pos = pos; } if (lines.size() >= 2) { draw_multiline(lines, p_color, Math::round(EDSCALE), true); } } } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_draw_line_clipped(const Vector2 &p_from, const Vector2 &p_to, const Color &p_color, int p_clip_left, int p_clip_right) { Vector2 from = p_from; Vector2 to = p_to; if (from.x == to.x && from.y == to.y) { return; } if (to.x < from.x) { SWAP(to, from); } if (to.x < p_clip_left) { return; } if (from.x > p_clip_right) { return; } if (to.x > p_clip_right) { float c = (p_clip_right - from.x) / (to.x - from.x); to = from.lerp(to, c); } if (from.x < p_clip_left) { float c = (p_clip_left - from.x) / (to.x - from.x); from = from.lerp(to, c); } draw_line(from, to, p_color, Math::round(EDSCALE), true); } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case EditorSettings::NOTIFICATION_EDITOR_SETTINGS_CHANGED: { if (EditorSettings::get_singleton()->check_changed_settings_in_group("editors/panning")) { panner->setup((ViewPanner::ControlScheme)EDITOR_GET("editors/panning/animation_editors_panning_scheme").operator int(), ED_GET_SHORTCUT("canvas_item_editor/pan_view"), bool(EDITOR_GET("editors/panning/simple_panning"))); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: { panner->setup((ViewPanner::ControlScheme)EDITOR_GET("editors/panning/animation_editors_panning_scheme").operator int(), ED_GET_SHORTCUT("canvas_item_editor/pan_view"), bool(EDITOR_GET("editors/panning/simple_panning"))); [[fallthrough]]; } case NOTIFICATION_THEME_CHANGED: { bezier_icon = get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("KeyBezierPoint")); bezier_handle_icon = get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("KeyBezierHandle")); selected_icon = get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("KeyBezierSelected")); } break; case NOTIFICATION_DRAW: { if (animation.is_null()) { return; } int limit = timeline->get_name_limit(); const Ref font = get_theme_font(SceneStringName(font), SNAME("Label")); const int font_size = get_theme_font_size(SceneStringName(font_size), SNAME("Label")); const Color color = get_theme_color(SceneStringName(font_color), SNAME("Label")); const Color h_line_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("h_line_color"), SNAME("AnimationBezierTrackEdit")); const Color v_line_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("v_line_color"), SNAME("AnimationBezierTrackEdit")); const Color focus_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("focus_color"), SNAME("AnimationBezierTrackEdit")); const Color track_focus_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("track_focus_color"), SNAME("AnimationBezierTrackEdit")); const int h_separation = get_theme_constant(SNAME("h_separation"), SNAME("AnimationBezierTrackEdit")); const int v_separation = get_theme_constant(SNAME("h_separation"), SNAME("AnimationBezierTrackEdit")); if (has_focus()) { draw_rect(Rect2(Point2(), get_size()), focus_color, false, Math::round(EDSCALE)); } draw_line(Point2(limit, 0), Point2(limit, get_size().height), v_line_color, Math::round(EDSCALE)); int right_limit = get_size().width; track_v_scroll_max = v_separation; int vofs = v_separation + track_v_scroll; int margin = 0; RBMap subtrack_colors; Color selected_track_color; subtracks.clear(); subtrack_icons.clear(); RBMap> track_indices; int track_count = animation->get_track_count(); for (int i = 0; i < track_count; ++i) { if (!_is_track_displayed(i)) { continue; } String base_path = animation->track_get_path(i); int end = base_path.find(":"); if (end != -1) { base_path = base_path.substr(0, end + 1); } Vector indices = track_indices.has(base_path) ? track_indices[base_path] : Vector(); indices.push_back(i); track_indices[base_path] = indices; } for (const KeyValue> &E : track_indices) { String base_path = E.key; Vector tracks = E.value; // Names and icon. { NodePath path = animation->track_get_path(tracks[0]); Node *node = nullptr; if (root && root->has_node(path)) { node = root->get_node(path); } String text; if (node) { int ofs = 0; Ref icon = EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_object_icon(node, "Node"); text = node->get_name(); ofs += h_separation; TextLine text_buf = TextLine(text, font, font_size); text_buf.set_width(limit - ofs - icon->get_width() - h_separation); int h = MAX(text_buf.get_size().y, icon->get_height()); draw_texture(icon, Point2(ofs, vofs + int(h - icon->get_height()) / 2.0)); ofs += icon->get_width() + h_separation; margin = icon->get_width(); Vector2 string_pos = Point2(ofs, vofs); string_pos = string_pos.floor(); text_buf.draw(get_canvas_item(), string_pos, color); vofs += h + v_separation; track_v_scroll_max += h + v_separation; } } const Color dc = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_disabled_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)); Ref remove = get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("Remove")); float remove_hpos = limit - h_separation - remove->get_width(); Ref lock = get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("Lock")); Ref unlock = get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("Unlock")); float lock_hpos = remove_hpos - h_separation - lock->get_width(); Ref visibility_visible = get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("GuiVisibilityVisible")); Ref visibility_hidden = get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("GuiVisibilityHidden")); float visibility_hpos = lock_hpos - h_separation - visibility_visible->get_width(); Ref solo = get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("AudioBusSolo")); float solo_hpos = visibility_hpos - h_separation - solo->get_width(); float buttons_width = remove->get_width() + lock->get_width() + visibility_visible->get_width() + solo->get_width() + h_separation * 3; for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) { // Related track titles. int current_track = tracks[i]; String path = animation->track_get_path(current_track); path = path.replace_first(base_path, ""); Color cc = color; TextLine text_buf = TextLine(path, font, font_size); text_buf.set_width(limit - margin - buttons_width - h_separation * 2); Rect2 rect = Rect2(margin, vofs, solo_hpos - h_separation - solo->get_width(), text_buf.get_size().y + v_separation); cc.a *= 0.7; float h; if (path.ends_with(":x")) { h = 0; } else if (path.ends_with(":y")) { h = 0.33f; } else if (path.ends_with(":z")) { h = 0.66f; } else { uint32_t hash = path.hash(); hash = ((hash >> 16) ^ hash) * 0x45d9f3b; hash = ((hash >> 16) ^ hash) * 0x45d9f3b; hash = (hash >> 16) ^ hash; h = (hash % 65535) / 65536.0; } if (current_track != selected_track) { Color track_color; if (locked_tracks.has(current_track)) { track_color.set_hsv(h, 0, 0.4); } else { track_color.set_hsv(h, 0.2, 0.8); } track_color.a = 0.5; draw_rect(Rect2(0, vofs, margin - h_separation, text_buf.get_size().y * 0.8), track_color); subtrack_colors[current_track] = track_color; subtracks[current_track] = rect; } else { draw_rect(rect, track_focus_color); if (locked_tracks.has(selected_track)) { selected_track_color.set_hsv(h, 0.0, 0.4); } else { selected_track_color.set_hsv(h, 0.8, 0.8); } } Vector2 string_pos = Point2(margin + h_separation, vofs); text_buf.draw(get_canvas_item(), string_pos, cc); float icon_start_height = vofs + rect.size.y / 2.0; Rect2 remove_rect = Rect2(remove_hpos, icon_start_height - remove->get_height() / 2.0, remove->get_width(), remove->get_height()); if (read_only) { draw_texture(remove, remove_rect.position, dc); } else { draw_texture(remove, remove_rect.position); } Rect2 lock_rect = Rect2(lock_hpos, icon_start_height - lock->get_height() / 2.0, lock->get_width(), lock->get_height()); if (locked_tracks.has(current_track)) { draw_texture(lock, lock_rect.position); } else { draw_texture(unlock, lock_rect.position); } Rect2 visible_rect = Rect2(visibility_hpos, icon_start_height - visibility_visible->get_height() / 2.0, visibility_visible->get_width(), visibility_visible->get_height()); if (hidden_tracks.has(current_track)) { draw_texture(visibility_hidden, visible_rect.position); } else { draw_texture(visibility_visible, visible_rect.position); } Rect2 solo_rect = Rect2(solo_hpos, icon_start_height - solo->get_height() / 2.0, solo->get_width(), solo->get_height()); draw_texture(solo, solo_rect.position); RBMap track_icons; track_icons[REMOVE_ICON] = remove_rect; track_icons[LOCK_ICON] = lock_rect; track_icons[VISIBILITY_ICON] = visible_rect; track_icons[SOLO_ICON] = solo_rect; subtrack_icons[current_track] = track_icons; vofs += text_buf.get_size().y + v_separation; track_v_scroll_max += text_buf.get_size().y + v_separation; } } const Color accent = get_theme_color(SNAME("accent_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)); // Guides. { float min_left_scale = font->get_height(font_size) + v_separation; float scale = (min_left_scale * 2) * timeline_v_zoom; float step = Math::pow(10.0, Math::round(Math::log(scale / 5.0) / Math::log(10.0))) * 5.0; scale = Math::snapped(scale, step); while (scale / timeline_v_zoom < min_left_scale * 2) { scale += step; } bool first = true; int prev_iv = 0; for (int i = font->get_height(font_size); i < get_size().height; i++) { float ofs = get_size().height / 2.0 - i; ofs *= timeline_v_zoom; ofs += timeline_v_scroll; int iv = int(ofs / scale); if (ofs < 0) { iv -= 1; } if (!first && iv != prev_iv) { Color lc = h_line_color; lc.a *= 0.5; draw_line(Point2(limit, i), Point2(right_limit, i), lc, Math::round(EDSCALE)); Color c = color; c.a *= 0.5; draw_string(font, Point2(limit + 8, i - 2), TS->format_number(rtos(Math::snapped((iv + 1) * scale, step))), HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, -1, font_size, c); } first = false; prev_iv = iv; } } // Draw other curves. { float scale = timeline->get_zoom_scale(); Ref point = get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("KeyValue")); for (const KeyValue &E : subtrack_colors) { if (hidden_tracks.has(E.key)) { continue; } _draw_track(E.key, E.value); for (int i = 0; i < animation->track_get_key_count(E.key); i++) { float offset = animation->track_get_key_time(E.key, i); float value = animation->bezier_track_get_key_value(E.key, i); Vector2 pos((offset - timeline->get_value()) * scale + limit, _bezier_h_to_pixel(value)); if (pos.x >= limit && pos.x <= right_limit) { draw_texture(point, pos - point->get_size() / 2.0, E.value); } } } if (track_count > 0 && !hidden_tracks.has(selected_track)) { // Draw edited curve. _draw_track(selected_track, selected_track_color); } } // Draw editor handles. { edit_points.clear(); float scale = timeline->get_zoom_scale(); for (int i = 0; i < track_count; ++i) { if (!_is_track_curves_displayed(i) || locked_tracks.has(i)) { continue; } int key_count = animation->track_get_key_count(i); for (int j = 0; j < key_count; ++j) { float offset = animation->track_get_key_time(i, j); float value = animation->bezier_track_get_key_value(i, j); if (moving_selection && selection.has(IntPair(i, j))) { offset += moving_selection_offset.x; value += moving_selection_offset.y; } Vector2 pos((offset - timeline->get_value()) * scale + limit, _bezier_h_to_pixel(value)); Vector2 in_vec = animation->bezier_track_get_key_in_handle(i, j); if ((moving_handle == 1 || moving_handle == -1) && moving_handle_track == i && moving_handle_key == j) { in_vec = moving_handle_left; } Vector2 pos_in(((offset + in_vec.x) - timeline->get_value()) * scale + limit, _bezier_h_to_pixel(value + in_vec.y)); Vector2 out_vec = animation->bezier_track_get_key_out_handle(i, j); if ((moving_handle == 1 || moving_handle == -1) && moving_handle_track == i && moving_handle_key == j) { out_vec = moving_handle_right; } Vector2 pos_out(((offset + out_vec.x) - timeline->get_value()) * scale + limit, _bezier_h_to_pixel(value + out_vec.y)); if (i == selected_track || selection.has(IntPair(i, j))) { _draw_line_clipped(pos, pos_in, accent, limit, right_limit); _draw_line_clipped(pos, pos_out, accent, limit, right_limit); } EditPoint ep; ep.track = i; ep.key = j; if (pos.x >= limit && pos.x <= right_limit) { ep.point_rect.position = (pos - bezier_icon->get_size() / 2.0).floor(); ep.point_rect.size = bezier_icon->get_size(); if (selection.has(IntPair(i, j))) { draw_texture(selected_icon, ep.point_rect.position); draw_string(font, ep.point_rect.position + Vector2(8, -font->get_height(font_size) - 8), TTR("Time:") + " " + TS->format_number(rtos(Math::snapped(offset, 0.0001))), HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, -1, font_size, accent); draw_string(font, ep.point_rect.position + Vector2(8, -8), TTR("Value:") + " " + TS->format_number(rtos(Math::snapped(value, 0.001))), HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, -1, font_size, accent); } else { Color track_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1); if (i != selected_track) { track_color = subtrack_colors[i]; } draw_texture(bezier_icon, ep.point_rect.position, track_color); } ep.point_rect = ep.point_rect.grow(ep.point_rect.size.width * 0.5); } ep.point_rect = ep.point_rect.grow(ep.point_rect.size.width * 0.5); if (i == selected_track || selection.has(IntPair(i, j))) { if (animation->bezier_track_get_key_handle_mode(i, j) != Animation::HANDLE_MODE_LINEAR) { if (pos_in.x >= limit && pos_in.x <= right_limit) { ep.in_rect.position = (pos_in - bezier_handle_icon->get_size() / 2.0).floor(); ep.in_rect.size = bezier_handle_icon->get_size(); draw_texture(bezier_handle_icon, ep.in_rect.position); ep.in_rect = ep.in_rect.grow(ep.in_rect.size.width * 0.5); } if (pos_out.x >= limit && pos_out.x <= right_limit) { ep.out_rect.position = (pos_out - bezier_handle_icon->get_size() / 2.0).floor(); ep.out_rect.size = bezier_handle_icon->get_size(); draw_texture(bezier_handle_icon, ep.out_rect.position); ep.out_rect = ep.out_rect.grow(ep.out_rect.size.width * 0.5); } } } if (!locked_tracks.has(i)) { edit_points.push_back(ep); } } } for (int i = 0; i < edit_points.size(); ++i) { if (edit_points[i].track == selected_track) { EditPoint ep = edit_points[i]; edit_points.remove_at(i); edit_points.insert(0, ep); } } } if (box_selecting) { Vector2 bs_from = box_selection_from; Vector2 bs_to = box_selection_to; if (bs_from.x > bs_to.x) { SWAP(bs_from.x, bs_to.x); } if (bs_from.y > bs_to.y) { SWAP(bs_from.y, bs_to.y); } draw_rect( Rect2(bs_from, bs_to - bs_from), get_theme_color(SNAME("box_selection_fill_color"), EditorStringName(Editor))); draw_rect( Rect2(bs_from, bs_to - bs_from), get_theme_color(SNAME("box_selection_stroke_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)), false, Math::round(EDSCALE)); } } break; } } // Check if a track is displayed in the bezier editor (track type = bezier and track not filtered). bool AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_is_track_displayed(int p_track_index) { if (animation->track_get_type(p_track_index) != Animation::TrackType::TYPE_BEZIER) { return false; } if (is_filtered) { String path = animation->track_get_path(p_track_index); if (root && root->has_node(path)) { Node *node = root->get_node(path); if (!node) { return false; // No node, no filter. } if (!EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_editor_selection()->is_selected(node)) { return false; // Skip track due to not selected. } } } return true; } // Check if the curves for a track are displayed in the editor (not hidden). Includes the check on the track visibility. bool AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_is_track_curves_displayed(int p_track_index) { // Is the track is visible in the editor? if (!_is_track_displayed(p_track_index)) { return false; } // And curves visible? if (hidden_tracks.has(p_track_index)) { return false; } return true; } Ref AnimationBezierTrackEdit::get_animation() const { return animation; } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::set_animation_and_track(const Ref &p_animation, int p_track, bool p_read_only) { animation = p_animation; read_only = p_read_only; selected_track = p_track; queue_redraw(); } Size2 AnimationBezierTrackEdit::get_minimum_size() const { return Vector2(1, 1); } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::set_timeline(AnimationTimelineEdit *p_timeline) { timeline = p_timeline; timeline->connect("zoom_changed", callable_mp(this, &AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_zoom_changed)); timeline->connect("name_limit_changed", callable_mp(this, &AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_zoom_changed)); } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::set_editor(AnimationTrackEditor *p_editor) { editor = p_editor; connect("clear_selection", callable_mp(editor, &AnimationTrackEditor::_clear_selection).bind(false)); connect("select_key", callable_mp(editor, &AnimationTrackEditor::_key_selected), CONNECT_DEFERRED); connect("deselect_key", callable_mp(editor, &AnimationTrackEditor::_key_deselected), CONNECT_DEFERRED); } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_play_position_draw() { if (!animation.is_valid() || play_position_pos < 0) { return; } float scale = timeline->get_zoom_scale(); int h = get_size().height; int limit = timeline->get_name_limit(); int px = (-timeline->get_value() + play_position_pos) * scale + limit; if (px >= limit && px < (get_size().width)) { const Color color = get_theme_color(SNAME("accent_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)); play_position->draw_line(Point2(px, 0), Point2(px, h), color, Math::round(2 * EDSCALE)); } } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::set_play_position(real_t p_pos) { play_position_pos = p_pos; play_position->queue_redraw(); } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::update_play_position() { play_position->queue_redraw(); } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::set_root(Node *p_root) { root = p_root; } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::set_filtered(bool p_filtered) { is_filtered = p_filtered; if (animation.is_null()) { return; } String base_path = animation->track_get_path(selected_track); if (is_filtered) { if (root && root->has_node(base_path)) { Node *node = root->get_node(base_path); if (!node || !EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_editor_selection()->is_selected(node)) { for (int i = 0; i < animation->get_track_count(); ++i) { if (animation->track_get_type(i) != Animation::TrackType::TYPE_BEZIER) { continue; } base_path = animation->track_get_path(i); if (root && root->has_node(base_path)) { node = root->get_node(base_path); if (!node) { continue; // No node, no filter. } if (!EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_editor_selection()->is_selected(node)) { continue; // Skip track due to not selected. } set_animation_and_track(animation, i, read_only); break; } } } } } queue_redraw(); } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::auto_fit_vertically() { int track_count = animation->get_track_count(); real_t minimum_value = INFINITY; real_t maximum_value = -INFINITY; int nb_track_visible = 0; for (int i = 0; i < track_count; ++i) { if (!_is_track_curves_displayed(i) || locked_tracks.has(i)) { continue; } int key_count = animation->track_get_key_count(i); for (int j = 0; j < key_count; ++j) { real_t value = animation->bezier_track_get_key_value(i, j); minimum_value = MIN(value, minimum_value); maximum_value = MAX(value, maximum_value); // We also want to includes the handles... Vector2 in_vec = animation->bezier_track_get_key_in_handle(i, j); Vector2 out_vec = animation->bezier_track_get_key_out_handle(i, j); minimum_value = MIN(value + in_vec.y, minimum_value); maximum_value = MAX(value + in_vec.y, maximum_value); minimum_value = MIN(value + out_vec.y, minimum_value); maximum_value = MAX(value + out_vec.y, maximum_value); } nb_track_visible++; } if (nb_track_visible == 0) { // No visible track... we will not adjust the vertical zoom return; } if (Math::is_finite(minimum_value) && Math::is_finite(maximum_value)) { _zoom_vertically(minimum_value, maximum_value); queue_redraw(); } } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_zoom_vertically(real_t p_minimum_value, real_t p_maximum_value) { real_t target_height = p_maximum_value - p_minimum_value; if (target_height <= CMP_EPSILON) { timeline_v_scroll = p_maximum_value; return; } timeline_v_scroll = (p_maximum_value + p_minimum_value) / 2.0; timeline_v_zoom = target_height / ((get_size().height - timeline->get_size().height) * 0.9); } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_zoom_changed() { queue_redraw(); play_position->queue_redraw(); } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_update_locked_tracks_after(int p_track) { if (locked_tracks.has(p_track)) { locked_tracks.erase(p_track); } Vector updated_locked_tracks; for (const int &E : locked_tracks) { updated_locked_tracks.push_back(E); } locked_tracks.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < updated_locked_tracks.size(); ++i) { if (updated_locked_tracks[i] > p_track) { locked_tracks.insert(updated_locked_tracks[i] - 1); } else { locked_tracks.insert(updated_locked_tracks[i]); } } } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_update_hidden_tracks_after(int p_track) { if (hidden_tracks.has(p_track)) { hidden_tracks.erase(p_track); } Vector updated_hidden_tracks; for (const int &E : hidden_tracks) { updated_hidden_tracks.push_back(E); } hidden_tracks.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < updated_hidden_tracks.size(); ++i) { if (updated_hidden_tracks[i] > p_track) { hidden_tracks.insert(updated_hidden_tracks[i] - 1); } else { hidden_tracks.insert(updated_hidden_tracks[i]); } } } String AnimationBezierTrackEdit::get_tooltip(const Point2 &p_pos) const { return Control::get_tooltip(p_pos); } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_clear_selection() { selection.clear(); emit_signal(SNAME("clear_selection")); queue_redraw(); } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_change_selected_keys_handle_mode(Animation::HandleMode p_mode, bool p_auto) { EditorUndoRedoManager *undo_redo = EditorUndoRedoManager::get_singleton(); undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Update Selected Key Handles"), UndoRedo::MERGE_DISABLE, animation.ptr()); for (SelectionSet::Element *E = selection.back(); E; E = E->prev()) { const IntPair track_key_pair = E->get(); undo_redo->add_undo_method(editor, "_bezier_track_set_key_handle_mode", animation.ptr(), track_key_pair.first, track_key_pair.second, animation->bezier_track_get_key_handle_mode(track_key_pair.first, track_key_pair.second), Animation::HANDLE_SET_MODE_NONE); undo_redo->add_undo_method(animation.ptr(), "bezier_track_set_key_in_handle", track_key_pair.first, track_key_pair.second, animation->bezier_track_get_key_in_handle(track_key_pair.first, track_key_pair.second)); undo_redo->add_undo_method(animation.ptr(), "bezier_track_set_key_out_handle", track_key_pair.first, track_key_pair.second, animation->bezier_track_get_key_out_handle(track_key_pair.first, track_key_pair.second)); undo_redo->add_do_method(editor, "_bezier_track_set_key_handle_mode", animation.ptr(), track_key_pair.first, track_key_pair.second, p_mode, p_auto ? Animation::HANDLE_SET_MODE_AUTO : Animation::HANDLE_SET_MODE_RESET); } AnimationPlayerEditor *ape = AnimationPlayerEditor::get_singleton(); if (ape) { undo_redo->add_do_method(ape, "_animation_update_key_frame"); undo_redo->add_undo_method(ape, "_animation_update_key_frame"); } undo_redo->commit_action(); } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_clear_selection_for_anim(const Ref &p_anim) { if (!(animation == p_anim) || !is_visible()) { return; } _clear_selection(); } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_select_at_anim(const Ref &p_anim, int p_track, real_t p_pos, bool p_single) { if (!(animation == p_anim) || !is_visible()) { return; } int idx = animation->track_find_key(p_track, p_pos, Animation::FIND_MODE_APPROX); ERR_FAIL_COND(idx < 0); selection.insert(IntPair(p_track, idx)); emit_signal(SNAME("select_key"), idx, p_single, p_track); queue_redraw(); } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::gui_input(const Ref &p_event) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_event.is_null()); if (panner->gui_input(p_event)) { accept_event(); return; } if (p_event->is_pressed()) { if (ED_IS_SHORTCUT("animation_editor/duplicate_selected_keys", p_event)) { if (!read_only) { duplicate_selected_keys(-1.0, false); } accept_event(); } if (ED_IS_SHORTCUT("animation_editor/cut_selected_keys", p_event)) { if (!read_only) { copy_selected_keys(true); } accept_event(); } if (ED_IS_SHORTCUT("animation_editor/copy_selected_keys", p_event)) { if (!read_only) { copy_selected_keys(false); } accept_event(); } if (ED_IS_SHORTCUT("animation_editor/paste_keys", p_event)) { if (!read_only) { paste_keys(-1.0, false); } accept_event(); } if (ED_IS_SHORTCUT("animation_editor/delete_selection", p_event)) { if (!read_only) { delete_selection(); } accept_event(); } } Ref key_press = p_event; if (key_press.is_valid() && key_press->is_pressed()) { if (ED_IS_SHORTCUT("animation_bezier_editor/focus", p_event)) { SelectionSet focused_keys; if (selection.is_empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < edit_points.size(); ++i) { IntPair key_pair = IntPair(edit_points[i].track, edit_points[i].key); focused_keys.insert(key_pair); } } else { for (const IntPair &E : selection) { focused_keys.insert(E); if (E.second > 0) { IntPair previous_key = IntPair(E.first, E.second - 1); focused_keys.insert(previous_key); } if (E.second < animation->track_get_key_count(E.first) - 1) { IntPair next_key = IntPair(E.first, E.second + 1); focused_keys.insert(next_key); } } } if (focused_keys.is_empty()) { accept_event(); return; } real_t minimum_time = INFINITY; real_t maximum_time = -INFINITY; real_t minimum_value = INFINITY; real_t maximum_value = -INFINITY; for (const IntPair &E : focused_keys) { IntPair key_pair = E; real_t time = animation->track_get_key_time(key_pair.first, key_pair.second); real_t value = animation->bezier_track_get_key_value(key_pair.first, key_pair.second); minimum_time = MIN(time, minimum_time); maximum_time = MAX(time, maximum_time); minimum_value = MIN(value, minimum_value); maximum_value = MAX(value, maximum_value); } float width = get_size().width - timeline->get_name_limit() - timeline->get_buttons_width(); float padding = width * 0.1; float desired_scale = (width - padding / 2.0) / (maximum_time - minimum_time); minimum_time = MAX(0, minimum_time - (padding / 2.0) / desired_scale); float zv = Math::pow(100 / desired_scale, 0.125f); if (zv < 1) { zv = Math::pow(desired_scale / 100, 0.125f) - 1; zv = 1 - zv; } float zoom_value = timeline->get_zoom()->get_max() - zv; if (Math::is_finite(minimum_time) && Math::is_finite(maximum_time) && maximum_time - minimum_time > CMP_EPSILON) { timeline->get_zoom()->set_value(zoom_value); callable_mp((Range *)timeline, &Range::set_value).call_deferred(minimum_time); } if (Math::is_finite(minimum_value) && Math::is_finite(maximum_value)) { _zoom_vertically(minimum_value, maximum_value); } queue_redraw(); accept_event(); return; } else if (ED_IS_SHORTCUT("animation_bezier_editor/select_all_keys", p_event)) { for (int i = 0; i < edit_points.size(); ++i) { _select_at_anim(animation, edit_points[i].track, animation->track_get_key_time(edit_points[i].track, edit_points[i].key), i == 0); } queue_redraw(); accept_event(); return; } else if (ED_IS_SHORTCUT("animation_bezier_editor/deselect_all_keys", p_event)) { selection.clear(); emit_signal(SNAME("clear_selection")); queue_redraw(); accept_event(); return; } } Ref mb = p_event; int limit = timeline->get_name_limit(); if (mb.is_valid() && mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::RIGHT && mb->is_pressed()) { menu_insert_key = mb->get_position(); if (menu_insert_key.x >= limit && menu_insert_key.x <= get_size().width) { if (!read_only) { Vector2 popup_pos = get_screen_position() + mb->get_position(); bool selected = _try_select_at_ui_pos(mb->get_position(), mb->is_shift_pressed(), false); menu->clear(); menu->add_icon_item(bezier_icon, TTR("Insert Key Here"), MENU_KEY_INSERT); if (selected || selection.size()) { menu->add_separator(); menu->add_icon_item(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("Duplicate")), TTR("Duplicate Selected Key(s)"), MENU_KEY_DUPLICATE); menu->add_icon_item(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("ActionCut")), TTR("Cut Selected Key(s)"), MENU_KEY_CUT); menu->add_icon_item(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("ActionCopy")), TTR("Copy Selected Key(s)"), MENU_KEY_COPY); } if (editor->is_key_clipboard_active()) { menu->add_icon_item(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("ActionPaste")), TTR("Paste Key(s)"), MENU_KEY_PASTE); } if (selected || selection.size()) { menu->add_separator(); menu->add_icon_item(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("Remove")), TTR("Delete Selected Key(s)"), MENU_KEY_DELETE); menu->add_separator(); menu->add_icon_item(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("BezierHandlesFree")), TTR("Make Handles Free"), MENU_KEY_SET_HANDLE_FREE); menu->add_icon_item(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("BezierHandlesLinear")), TTR("Make Handles Linear"), MENU_KEY_SET_HANDLE_LINEAR); menu->add_icon_item(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("BezierHandlesBalanced")), TTR("Make Handles Balanced"), MENU_KEY_SET_HANDLE_BALANCED); menu->add_icon_item(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("BezierHandlesMirror")), TTR("Make Handles Mirrored"), MENU_KEY_SET_HANDLE_MIRRORED); menu->add_separator(); menu->add_icon_item(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("BezierHandlesBalanced")), TTR("Make Handles Balanced (Auto Tangent)"), MENU_KEY_SET_HANDLE_AUTO_BALANCED); menu->add_icon_item(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("BezierHandlesMirror")), TTR("Make Handles Mirrored (Auto Tangent)"), MENU_KEY_SET_HANDLE_AUTO_MIRRORED); } if (menu->get_item_count()) { menu->reset_size(); menu->set_position(popup_pos); menu->popup(); } } } } if (mb.is_valid() && mb->is_pressed() && mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::LEFT) { for (const KeyValue &E : subtracks) { if (E.value.has_point(mb->get_position())) { if (!locked_tracks.has(E.key) && !hidden_tracks.has(E.key)) { set_animation_and_track(animation, E.key, read_only); _clear_selection(); } return; } } for (const KeyValue> &E : subtrack_icons) { int track = E.key; RBMap track_icons = E.value; for (const KeyValue &I : track_icons) { if (I.value.has_point(mb->get_position())) { if (I.key == REMOVE_ICON) { if (!read_only) { EditorUndoRedoManager *undo_redo = EditorUndoRedoManager::get_singleton(); undo_redo->create_action("Remove Bezier Track", UndoRedo::MERGE_DISABLE, animation.ptr()); undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "_update_locked_tracks_after", track); undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "_update_hidden_tracks_after", track); undo_redo->add_do_method(animation.ptr(), "remove_track", track); undo_redo->add_undo_method(animation.ptr(), "add_track", Animation::TrackType::TYPE_BEZIER, track); undo_redo->add_undo_method(animation.ptr(), "track_set_path", track, animation->track_get_path(track)); for (int i = 0; i < animation->track_get_key_count(track); ++i) { undo_redo->add_undo_method( this, "_bezier_track_insert_key_at_anim", animation, track, animation->track_get_key_time(track, i), animation->bezier_track_get_key_value(track, i), animation->bezier_track_get_key_in_handle(track, i), animation->bezier_track_get_key_out_handle(track, i), animation->bezier_track_get_key_handle_mode(track, i)); } undo_redo->commit_action(); selected_track = CLAMP(selected_track, 0, animation->get_track_count() - 1); } return; } else if (I.key == LOCK_ICON) { if (locked_tracks.has(track)) { locked_tracks.erase(track); } else { locked_tracks.insert(track); if (selected_track == track) { for (int i = 0; i < animation->get_track_count(); ++i) { if (!locked_tracks.has(i) && animation->track_get_type(i) == Animation::TrackType::TYPE_BEZIER) { set_animation_and_track(animation, i, read_only); break; } } } } queue_redraw(); return; } else if (I.key == VISIBILITY_ICON) { if (hidden_tracks.has(track)) { hidden_tracks.erase(track); } else { hidden_tracks.insert(track); if (selected_track == track) { for (int i = 0; i < animation->get_track_count(); ++i) { if (!hidden_tracks.has(i) && animation->track_get_type(i) == Animation::TrackType::TYPE_BEZIER) { set_animation_and_track(animation, i, read_only); break; } } } } Vector visible_tracks; for (int i = 0; i < animation->get_track_count(); ++i) { if (!hidden_tracks.has(i) && animation->track_get_type(i) == Animation::TrackType::TYPE_BEZIER) { visible_tracks.push_back(i); } } if (visible_tracks.size() == 1) { solo_track = visible_tracks[0]; } else { solo_track = -1; } queue_redraw(); return; } else if (I.key == SOLO_ICON) { if (solo_track == track) { solo_track = -1; hidden_tracks.clear(); } else { if (hidden_tracks.has(track)) { hidden_tracks.erase(track); } for (int i = 0; i < animation->get_track_count(); ++i) { if (animation->track_get_type(i) == Animation::TrackType::TYPE_BEZIER) { if (i != track && !hidden_tracks.has(i)) { hidden_tracks.insert(i); } } } set_animation_and_track(animation, track, read_only); solo_track = track; } queue_redraw(); return; } return; } } } // First, check keyframe. // Command/Control makes it ignore the keyframe, so control point editors can be force-edited. if (!mb->is_command_or_control_pressed()) { if (_try_select_at_ui_pos(mb->get_position(), mb->is_shift_pressed(), true)) { return; } } // Second, check handles. for (int i = 0; i < edit_points.size(); i++) { if (!read_only) { if (edit_points[i].in_rect.has_point(mb->get_position())) { moving_handle = -1; moving_handle_key = edit_points[i].key; moving_handle_track = edit_points[i].track; moving_handle_left = animation->bezier_track_get_key_in_handle(edit_points[i].track, edit_points[i].key); moving_handle_right = animation->bezier_track_get_key_out_handle(edit_points[i].track, edit_points[i].key); queue_redraw(); return; } if (edit_points[i].out_rect.has_point(mb->get_position())) { moving_handle = 1; moving_handle_key = edit_points[i].key; moving_handle_track = edit_points[i].track; moving_handle_left = animation->bezier_track_get_key_in_handle(edit_points[i].track, edit_points[i].key); moving_handle_right = animation->bezier_track_get_key_out_handle(edit_points[i].track, edit_points[i].key); queue_redraw(); return; } } } // Insert new point. if (mb->get_position().x >= limit && mb->get_position().x < get_size().width && mb->is_command_or_control_pressed()) { float h = (get_size().height / 2.0 - mb->get_position().y) * timeline_v_zoom + timeline_v_scroll; Array new_point = animation->make_default_bezier_key(h); real_t time = ((mb->get_position().x - limit) / timeline->get_zoom_scale()) + timeline->get_value(); while (animation->track_find_key(selected_track, time, Animation::FIND_MODE_APPROX) != -1) { time += 0.0001; } EditorUndoRedoManager *undo_redo = EditorUndoRedoManager::get_singleton(); undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Add Bezier Point")); undo_redo->add_do_method(animation.ptr(), "bezier_track_insert_key", selected_track, time, new_point[0], Vector2(new_point[1], new_point[2]), Vector2(new_point[3], new_point[4])); undo_redo->add_undo_method(animation.ptr(), "track_remove_key_at_time", selected_track, time); undo_redo->commit_action(); // Then attempt to move. int index = animation->track_find_key(selected_track, time, Animation::FIND_MODE_APPROX); ERR_FAIL_COND(index == -1); _clear_selection(); _select_at_anim(animation, selected_track, animation->track_get_key_time(selected_track, index), true); moving_selection_attempt = true; moving_selection = false; moving_selection_mouse_begin_x = mb->get_position().x; moving_selection_from_key = index; moving_selection_from_track = selected_track; moving_selection_offset = Vector2(); select_single_attempt = IntPair(-1, -1); queue_redraw(); return; } // Box select. if (mb->get_position().x >= limit && mb->get_position().x < get_size().width) { box_selecting_attempt = true; box_selecting = false; box_selecting_add = false; box_selection_from = mb->get_position(); return; } } if (box_selecting_attempt && mb.is_valid() && !mb->is_pressed() && mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::LEFT) { if (box_selecting) { // Do actual select. if (!box_selecting_add) { _clear_selection(); } Vector2 bs_from = box_selection_from; Vector2 bs_to = box_selection_to; if (bs_from.x > bs_to.x) { SWAP(bs_from.x, bs_to.x); } if (bs_from.y > bs_to.y) { SWAP(bs_from.y, bs_to.y); } Rect2 selection_rect(bs_from, bs_to - bs_from); bool track_set = false; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < edit_points.size(); i++) { if (edit_points[i].point_rect.intersects(selection_rect)) { _select_at_anim(animation, edit_points[i].track, animation->track_get_key_time(edit_points[i].track, edit_points[i].key), j == 0 && !box_selecting_add); if (!track_set) { track_set = true; set_animation_and_track(animation, edit_points[i].track, read_only); } j++; } } } else { _clear_selection(); // Clicked and nothing happened, so clear the selection. // Select by clicking on curve. int track_count = animation->get_track_count(); real_t animation_length = animation->get_length(); animation->set_length(real_t(INT_MAX)); // bezier_track_interpolate doesn't find keys if they exist beyond anim length. real_t time = ((mb->get_position().x - limit) / timeline->get_zoom_scale()) + timeline->get_value(); for (int i = 0; i < track_count; ++i) { if (animation->track_get_type(i) != Animation::TrackType::TYPE_BEZIER || hidden_tracks.has(i) || locked_tracks.has(i)) { continue; } float track_h = animation->bezier_track_interpolate(i, time); float track_height = _bezier_h_to_pixel(track_h); if (abs(mb->get_position().y - track_height) < 10) { set_animation_and_track(animation, i, read_only); break; } } animation->set_length(animation_length); } box_selecting_attempt = false; box_selecting = false; queue_redraw(); } if (moving_selection_attempt && mb.is_valid() && !mb->is_pressed() && mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::LEFT) { if (!read_only) { if (moving_selection && (abs(moving_selection_offset.x) > CMP_EPSILON || abs(moving_selection_offset.y) > CMP_EPSILON)) { //combit it EditorUndoRedoManager *undo_redo = EditorUndoRedoManager::get_singleton(); undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Move Bezier Points")); List to_restore; List to_restore_handle_modes; // 1 - Remove the keys. for (SelectionSet::Element *E = selection.back(); E; E = E->prev()) { undo_redo->add_do_method(animation.ptr(), "track_remove_key", E->get().first, E->get().second); } // 2 - Remove overlapped keys. for (SelectionSet::Element *E = selection.back(); E; E = E->prev()) { real_t newtime = animation->track_get_key_time(E->get().first, E->get().second) + moving_selection_offset.x; int idx = animation->track_find_key(E->get().first, newtime, Animation::FIND_MODE_APPROX); if (idx == -1) { continue; } if (selection.has(IntPair(E->get().first, idx))) { continue; // Already in selection, don't save. } undo_redo->add_do_method(animation.ptr(), "track_remove_key_at_time", E->get().first, newtime); AnimMoveRestore amr; amr.key = animation->track_get_key_value(E->get().first, idx); amr.track = E->get().first; amr.time = newtime; to_restore.push_back(amr); to_restore_handle_modes.push_back(animation->bezier_track_get_key_handle_mode(E->get().first, idx)); } // 3 - Move the keys (re-insert them). for (SelectionSet::Element *E = selection.back(); E; E = E->prev()) { real_t newpos = animation->track_get_key_time(E->get().first, E->get().second) + moving_selection_offset.x; Array key = animation->track_get_key_value(E->get().first, E->get().second); real_t h = key[0]; h += moving_selection_offset.y; key[0] = h; undo_redo->add_do_method( this, "_bezier_track_insert_key_at_anim", animation, E->get().first, newpos, key[0], Vector2(key[1], key[2]), Vector2(key[3], key[4]), animation->bezier_track_get_key_handle_mode(E->get().first, E->get().second)); } // 4 - (undo) Remove inserted keys. for (SelectionSet::Element *E = selection.back(); E; E = E->prev()) { real_t newpos = animation->track_get_key_time(E->get().first, E->get().second) + moving_selection_offset.x; undo_redo->add_undo_method(animation.ptr(), "track_remove_key_at_time", E->get().first, newpos); } // 5 - (undo) Reinsert keys. for (SelectionSet::Element *E = selection.back(); E; E = E->prev()) { real_t oldpos = animation->track_get_key_time(E->get().first, E->get().second); Array key = animation->track_get_key_value(E->get().first, E->get().second); undo_redo->add_undo_method( this, "_bezier_track_insert_key_at_anim", animation, E->get().first, oldpos, key[0], Vector2(key[1], key[2]), Vector2(key[3], key[4]), animation->bezier_track_get_key_handle_mode(E->get().first, E->get().second)); } // 6 - (undo) Reinsert overlapped keys. List::ConstIterator restore_itr = to_restore.begin(); List::ConstIterator handle_itr = to_restore_handle_modes.begin(); for (; restore_itr != to_restore.end() && handle_itr != to_restore_handle_modes.end(); ++restore_itr, ++handle_itr) { const AnimMoveRestore &amr = *restore_itr; Array key = amr.key; undo_redo->add_undo_method(animation.ptr(), "track_insert_key", amr.track, amr.time, amr.key, 1); undo_redo->add_undo_method( this, "_bezier_track_insert_key_at_anim", animation, amr.track, amr.time, key[0], Vector2(key[1], key[2]), Vector2(key[3], key[4]), *handle_itr); } undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "_clear_selection_for_anim", animation); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "_clear_selection_for_anim", animation); // 7 - Reselect. int i = 0; for (SelectionSet::Element *E = selection.back(); E; E = E->prev()) { real_t oldpos = animation->track_get_key_time(E->get().first, E->get().second); real_t newpos = oldpos + moving_selection_offset.x; undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "_select_at_anim", animation, E->get().first, newpos, i == 0); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "_select_at_anim", animation, E->get().first, oldpos, i == 0); i++; } AnimationPlayerEditor *ape = AnimationPlayerEditor::get_singleton(); if (ape) { undo_redo->add_do_method(ape, "_animation_update_key_frame"); undo_redo->add_undo_method(ape, "_animation_update_key_frame"); } undo_redo->commit_action(); } else if (select_single_attempt != IntPair(-1, -1)) { selection.clear(); set_animation_and_track(animation, select_single_attempt.first, read_only); _select_at_anim(animation, select_single_attempt.first, animation->track_get_key_time(select_single_attempt.first, select_single_attempt.second), true); } moving_selection = false; moving_selection_attempt = false; moving_selection_mouse_begin_x = 0.0; queue_redraw(); } } Ref mm = p_event; if (moving_selection_attempt && mm.is_valid()) { if (!moving_selection) { moving_selection = true; select_single_attempt = IntPair(-1, -1); } if (!read_only) { float y = (get_size().height / 2.0 - mm->get_position().y) * timeline_v_zoom + timeline_v_scroll; float moving_selection_begin_time = ((moving_selection_mouse_begin_x - limit) / timeline->get_zoom_scale()) + timeline->get_value(); float new_time = ((mm->get_position().x - limit) / timeline->get_zoom_scale()) + timeline->get_value(); float moving_selection_pivot = animation->track_get_key_time(moving_selection_from_track, moving_selection_from_key); float time_delta = new_time - moving_selection_begin_time; float snapped_time = editor->snap_time(moving_selection_pivot + time_delta); float time_offset = 0.0; if (abs(moving_selection_offset.x) > CMP_EPSILON || (snapped_time > moving_selection_pivot && time_delta > CMP_EPSILON) || (snapped_time < moving_selection_pivot && time_delta < -CMP_EPSILON)) { time_offset = snapped_time - moving_selection_pivot; } float moving_selection_begin_value = animation->bezier_track_get_key_value(moving_selection_from_track, moving_selection_from_key); float y_offset = y - moving_selection_begin_value; moving_selection_offset = Vector2(time_offset, y_offset); } additional_moving_handle_lefts.clear(); additional_moving_handle_rights.clear(); queue_redraw(); } if (box_selecting_attempt && mm.is_valid()) { if (!box_selecting) { box_selecting = true; box_selecting_add = mm->is_shift_pressed(); } box_selection_to = mm->get_position(); queue_redraw(); } if ((moving_handle == 1 || moving_handle == -1) && mm.is_valid()) { float y = (get_size().height / 2.0 - mm->get_position().y) * timeline_v_zoom + timeline_v_scroll; float x = editor->snap_time((mm->get_position().x - timeline->get_name_limit()) / timeline->get_zoom_scale()) + timeline->get_value(); Vector2 key_pos = Vector2(animation->track_get_key_time(selected_track, moving_handle_key), animation->bezier_track_get_key_value(selected_track, moving_handle_key)); Vector2 moving_handle_value = Vector2(x, y) - key_pos; moving_handle_left = animation->bezier_track_get_key_in_handle(moving_handle_track, moving_handle_key); moving_handle_right = animation->bezier_track_get_key_out_handle(moving_handle_track, moving_handle_key); if (moving_handle == -1) { moving_handle_left = moving_handle_value; Animation::HandleMode handle_mode = animation->bezier_track_get_key_handle_mode(moving_handle_track, moving_handle_key); if (handle_mode == Animation::HANDLE_MODE_BALANCED) { real_t ratio = timeline->get_zoom_scale() * timeline_v_zoom; Transform2D xform; xform.set_scale(Vector2(1.0, 1.0 / ratio)); Vector2 vec_out = xform.xform(moving_handle_right); Vector2 vec_in = xform.xform(moving_handle_left); moving_handle_right = xform.affine_inverse().xform(-vec_in.normalized() * vec_out.length()); } else if (handle_mode == Animation::HANDLE_MODE_MIRRORED) { moving_handle_right = -moving_handle_left; } } else if (moving_handle == 1) { moving_handle_right = moving_handle_value; Animation::HandleMode handle_mode = animation->bezier_track_get_key_handle_mode(moving_handle_track, moving_handle_key); if (handle_mode == Animation::HANDLE_MODE_BALANCED) { real_t ratio = timeline->get_zoom_scale() * timeline_v_zoom; Transform2D xform; xform.set_scale(Vector2(1.0, 1.0 / ratio)); Vector2 vec_in = xform.xform(moving_handle_left); Vector2 vec_out = xform.xform(moving_handle_right); moving_handle_left = xform.affine_inverse().xform(-vec_out.normalized() * vec_in.length()); } else if (handle_mode == Animation::HANDLE_MODE_MIRRORED) { moving_handle_left = -moving_handle_right; } } queue_redraw(); } if ((moving_handle == -1 || moving_handle == 1) && mb.is_valid() && !mb->is_pressed() && mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::LEFT) { if (!read_only) { EditorUndoRedoManager *undo_redo = EditorUndoRedoManager::get_singleton(); undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Move Bezier Points")); if (moving_handle == -1) { real_t ratio = timeline->get_zoom_scale() * timeline_v_zoom; undo_redo->add_do_method(animation.ptr(), "bezier_track_set_key_in_handle", moving_handle_track, moving_handle_key, moving_handle_left, ratio); undo_redo->add_undo_method(animation.ptr(), "bezier_track_set_key_in_handle", moving_handle_track, moving_handle_key, animation->bezier_track_get_key_in_handle(moving_handle_track, moving_handle_key), ratio); } else if (moving_handle == 1) { real_t ratio = timeline->get_zoom_scale() * timeline_v_zoom; undo_redo->add_do_method(animation.ptr(), "bezier_track_set_key_out_handle", moving_handle_track, moving_handle_key, moving_handle_right, ratio); undo_redo->add_undo_method(animation.ptr(), "bezier_track_set_key_out_handle", moving_handle_track, moving_handle_key, animation->bezier_track_get_key_out_handle(moving_handle_track, moving_handle_key), ratio); } AnimationPlayerEditor *ape = AnimationPlayerEditor::get_singleton(); if (ape) { undo_redo->add_do_method(ape, "_animation_update_key_frame"); undo_redo->add_undo_method(ape, "_animation_update_key_frame"); } undo_redo->commit_action(); moving_handle = 0; queue_redraw(); } } } bool AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_try_select_at_ui_pos(const Point2 &p_pos, bool p_aggregate, bool p_deselectable) { for (int i = 0; i < edit_points.size(); i++) { // Path 2D editing in the 3D and 2D editors works the same way. (?) if (edit_points[i].point_rect.has_point(p_pos)) { IntPair pair = IntPair(edit_points[i].track, edit_points[i].key); if (p_aggregate) { // Add to selection. if (selection.has(pair)) { if (p_deselectable) { selection.erase(pair); emit_signal(SNAME("deselect_key"), edit_points[i].key, edit_points[i].track); } } else { _select_at_anim(animation, edit_points[i].track, animation->track_get_key_time(edit_points[i].track, edit_points[i].key), false); } queue_redraw(); select_single_attempt = IntPair(-1, -1); } else { if (p_deselectable) { moving_selection_attempt = true; moving_selection_from_key = pair.second; moving_selection_from_track = pair.first; moving_selection_mouse_begin_x = p_pos.x; moving_selection_offset = Vector2(); moving_handle_track = pair.first; moving_handle_left = animation->bezier_track_get_key_in_handle(pair.first, pair.second); moving_handle_right = animation->bezier_track_get_key_out_handle(pair.first, pair.second); if (selection.has(pair)) { moving_selection = false; } else { moving_selection = true; } select_single_attempt = pair; } set_animation_and_track(animation, pair.first, read_only); if (!selection.has(pair)) { selection.clear(); _select_at_anim(animation, edit_points[i].track, animation->track_get_key_time(edit_points[i].track, edit_points[i].key), true); } } return true; } } return false; } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_pan_callback(Vector2 p_scroll_vec, Ref p_event) { Ref mm = p_event; if (mm.is_valid()) { if (mm->get_position().x > timeline->get_name_limit()) { timeline_v_scroll += p_scroll_vec.y * timeline_v_zoom; timeline_v_scroll = CLAMP(timeline_v_scroll, -100000, 100000); timeline->set_value(timeline->get_value() - p_scroll_vec.x / timeline->get_zoom_scale()); } else { track_v_scroll += p_scroll_vec.y; if (track_v_scroll < -track_v_scroll_max) { track_v_scroll = -track_v_scroll_max; } else if (track_v_scroll > 0) { track_v_scroll = 0; } } queue_redraw(); } } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_zoom_callback(float p_zoom_factor, Vector2 p_origin, Ref p_event) { const float v_zoom_orig = timeline_v_zoom; Ref iewm = p_event; if (iewm.is_valid() && iewm->is_alt_pressed()) { // Alternate zoom (doesn't affect timeline). timeline_v_zoom = CLAMP(timeline_v_zoom * p_zoom_factor, 0.000001, 100000); } else { float zoom_factor = p_zoom_factor > 1.0 ? AnimationTimelineEdit::SCROLL_ZOOM_FACTOR_IN : AnimationTimelineEdit::SCROLL_ZOOM_FACTOR_OUT; timeline->_zoom_callback(zoom_factor, p_origin, p_event); } timeline_v_scroll = timeline_v_scroll + (p_origin.y - get_size().y / 2.0) * (timeline_v_zoom - v_zoom_orig); queue_redraw(); } float AnimationBezierTrackEdit::get_bezier_key_value(Array p_bezier_key_array) { return p_bezier_key_array[0]; } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_menu_selected(int p_index) { int limit = timeline->get_name_limit(); real_t time = ((menu_insert_key.x - limit) / timeline->get_zoom_scale()) + timeline->get_value(); switch (p_index) { case MENU_KEY_INSERT: { if (animation->get_track_count() > 0) { if (editor->snap_keys->is_pressed() && editor->step->get_value() != 0) { time = editor->snap_time(time); } while (animation->track_find_key(selected_track, time, Animation::FIND_MODE_APPROX) != -1) { time += 0.001; } float h = (get_size().height / 2.0 - menu_insert_key.y) * timeline_v_zoom + timeline_v_scroll; Array new_point = animation->make_default_bezier_key(h); EditorUndoRedoManager *undo_redo = EditorUndoRedoManager::get_singleton(); undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Add Bezier Point")); undo_redo->add_do_method(animation.ptr(), "track_insert_key", selected_track, time, new_point); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "_clear_selection_for_anim", animation); undo_redo->add_undo_method(animation.ptr(), "track_remove_key_at_time", selected_track, time); AnimationPlayerEditor *ape = AnimationPlayerEditor::get_singleton(); if (ape) { undo_redo->add_do_method(ape, "_animation_update_key_frame"); undo_redo->add_undo_method(ape, "_animation_update_key_frame"); } undo_redo->commit_action(); queue_redraw(); } } break; case MENU_KEY_DUPLICATE: { duplicate_selected_keys(time, true); } break; case MENU_KEY_DELETE: { delete_selection(); } break; case MENU_KEY_CUT: { copy_selected_keys(true); } break; case MENU_KEY_COPY: { copy_selected_keys(false); } break; case MENU_KEY_PASTE: { paste_keys(time, true); } break; case MENU_KEY_SET_HANDLE_FREE: { _change_selected_keys_handle_mode(Animation::HANDLE_MODE_FREE); } break; case MENU_KEY_SET_HANDLE_LINEAR: { _change_selected_keys_handle_mode(Animation::HANDLE_MODE_LINEAR); } break; case MENU_KEY_SET_HANDLE_BALANCED: { _change_selected_keys_handle_mode(Animation::HANDLE_MODE_BALANCED); } break; case MENU_KEY_SET_HANDLE_MIRRORED: { _change_selected_keys_handle_mode(Animation::HANDLE_MODE_MIRRORED); } break; case MENU_KEY_SET_HANDLE_AUTO_BALANCED: { _change_selected_keys_handle_mode(Animation::HANDLE_MODE_BALANCED, true); } break; case MENU_KEY_SET_HANDLE_AUTO_MIRRORED: { _change_selected_keys_handle_mode(Animation::HANDLE_MODE_MIRRORED, true); } break; } } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::duplicate_selected_keys(real_t p_ofs, bool p_ofs_valid) { if (selection.size() == 0) { return; } real_t top_time = 1e10; for (SelectionSet::Element *E = selection.back(); E; E = E->prev()) { real_t t = animation->track_get_key_time(E->get().first, E->get().second); if (t < top_time) { top_time = t; } } EditorUndoRedoManager *undo_redo = EditorUndoRedoManager::get_singleton(); undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Animation Duplicate Keys")); List> new_selection_values; for (SelectionSet::Element *E = selection.back(); E; E = E->prev()) { real_t t = animation->track_get_key_time(E->get().first, E->get().second); real_t insert_pos = p_ofs_valid ? p_ofs : timeline->get_play_position(); if (p_ofs_valid) { if (editor->snap_keys->is_pressed() && editor->step->get_value() != 0) { insert_pos = editor->snap_time(insert_pos); } } real_t dst_time = t + (insert_pos - top_time); int existing_idx = animation->track_find_key(E->get().first, dst_time, Animation::FIND_MODE_APPROX); undo_redo->add_do_method(animation.ptr(), "track_insert_key", E->get().first, dst_time, animation->track_get_key_value(E->get().first, E->get().second), animation->track_get_key_transition(E->get().first, E->get().second)); undo_redo->add_undo_method(animation.ptr(), "track_remove_key_at_time", E->get().first, dst_time); Pair p; p.first = E->get().first; p.second = dst_time; new_selection_values.push_back(p); if (existing_idx != -1) { undo_redo->add_undo_method(animation.ptr(), "track_insert_key", E->get().first, dst_time, animation->track_get_key_value(E->get().first, existing_idx), animation->track_get_key_transition(E->get().first, existing_idx)); } } undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "_clear_selection_for_anim", animation); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "_clear_selection_for_anim", animation); // Reselect duplicated. int i = 0; for (const Pair &E : new_selection_values) { undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "_select_at_anim", animation, E.first, E.second, i == 0); i++; } i = 0; for (SelectionSet::Element *E = selection.back(); E; E = E->prev()) { real_t time = animation->track_get_key_time(E->get().first, E->get().second); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "_select_at_anim", animation, E->get().first, time, i == 0); i++; } AnimationPlayerEditor *ape = AnimationPlayerEditor::get_singleton(); if (ape) { undo_redo->add_do_method(ape, "_animation_update_key_frame"); undo_redo->add_undo_method(ape, "_animation_update_key_frame"); } undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "queue_redraw"); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "queue_redraw"); undo_redo->commit_action(); } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::copy_selected_keys(bool p_cut) { if (selection.is_empty()) { return; } float top_time = 1e10; for (SelectionSet::Element *E = selection.back(); E; E = E->prev()) { float t = animation->track_get_key_time(E->get().first, E->get().second); if (t < top_time) { top_time = t; } } RBMap keys; for (SelectionSet::Element *E = selection.back(); E; E = E->prev()) { AnimationTrackEditor::SelectedKey sk; AnimationTrackEditor::KeyInfo ki; sk.track = E->get().first; sk.key = E->get().second; ki.pos = animation->track_get_key_time(E->get().first, E->get().second); keys.insert(sk, ki); } editor->_set_key_clipboard(selected_track, top_time, keys); if (p_cut) { EditorUndoRedoManager *undo_redo = EditorUndoRedoManager::get_singleton(); undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Animation Cut Keys"), UndoRedo::MERGE_DISABLE, animation.ptr()); undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "_clear_selection_for_anim", animation); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "_clear_selection_for_anim", animation); int i = 0; for (RBMap::Element *E = keys.back(); E; E = E->prev()) { int track_idx = E->key().track; int key_idx = E->key().key; float time = E->value().pos; undo_redo->add_do_method(animation.ptr(), "track_remove_key_at_time", track_idx, time); undo_redo->add_undo_method(animation.ptr(), "track_insert_key", track_idx, time, animation->track_get_key_value(track_idx, key_idx), animation->track_get_key_transition(track_idx, key_idx)); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "_select_at_anim", animation, track_idx, time, i == 0); i++; } i = 0; for (RBMap::Element *E = keys.back(); E; E = E->prev()) { undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "_select_at_anim", animation, E->key().track, E->value().pos, i == 0); i++; } AnimationPlayerEditor *ape = AnimationPlayerEditor::get_singleton(); if (ape) { undo_redo->add_do_method(ape, "_animation_update_key_frame"); undo_redo->add_undo_method(ape, "_animation_update_key_frame"); } undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "queue_redraw"); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "queue_redraw"); undo_redo->commit_action(); } } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::paste_keys(real_t p_ofs, bool p_ofs_valid) { if (editor->is_key_clipboard_active() && animation.is_valid() && (selected_track >= 0 && selected_track < animation->get_track_count())) { EditorUndoRedoManager *undo_redo = EditorUndoRedoManager::get_singleton(); undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Animation Paste Keys")); bool same_track = true; bool all_compatible = true; for (int i = 0; i < editor->key_clipboard.keys.size(); i++) { const AnimationTrackEditor::KeyClipboard::Key key = editor->key_clipboard.keys[i]; if (key.track != 0) { same_track = false; break; } if (!editor->_is_track_compatible(selected_track, key.value.get_type(), key.track_type)) { all_compatible = false; break; } } ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!all_compatible, "Paste failed: Not all animation keys were compatible with their target tracks"); if (!same_track) { WARN_PRINT("Pasted animation keys from multiple tracks into single Bezier track"); } List> new_selection_values; for (int i = 0; i < editor->key_clipboard.keys.size(); i++) { const AnimationTrackEditor::KeyClipboard::Key key = editor->key_clipboard.keys[i]; float insert_pos = p_ofs_valid ? p_ofs : timeline->get_play_position(); if (p_ofs_valid) { if (editor->snap_keys->is_pressed() && editor->step->get_value() != 0) { insert_pos = editor->snap_time(insert_pos); } } float dst_time = key.time + insert_pos; int existing_idx = animation->track_find_key(selected_track, dst_time, Animation::FIND_MODE_APPROX); Variant value = key.value; if (key.track_type != Animation::TYPE_BEZIER) { value = animation->make_default_bezier_key(key.value); } undo_redo->add_do_method(animation.ptr(), "track_insert_key", selected_track, dst_time, value, key.transition); undo_redo->add_undo_method(animation.ptr(), "track_remove_key_at_time", selected_track, dst_time); Pair p; p.first = selected_track; p.second = dst_time; new_selection_values.push_back(p); if (existing_idx != -1) { undo_redo->add_undo_method(animation.ptr(), "track_insert_key", selected_track, dst_time, animation->track_get_key_value(selected_track, existing_idx), animation->track_get_key_transition(selected_track, existing_idx)); } } undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "_clear_selection_for_anim", animation); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "_clear_selection_for_anim", animation); // Reselect pasted. int i = 0; for (const Pair &E : new_selection_values) { undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "_select_at_anim", animation, E.first, E.second, i == 0); i++; } i = 0; for (SelectionSet::Element *E = selection.back(); E; E = E->prev()) { undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "_select_at_anim", animation, E->get().first, animation->track_get_key_time(E->get().first, E->get().second), i == 0); i++; } AnimationPlayerEditor *ape = AnimationPlayerEditor::get_singleton(); if (ape) { undo_redo->add_do_method(ape, "_animation_update_key_frame"); undo_redo->add_undo_method(ape, "_animation_update_key_frame"); } undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "queue_redraw"); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "queue_redraw"); undo_redo->commit_action(); } } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::delete_selection() { if (selection.size()) { EditorUndoRedoManager *undo_redo = EditorUndoRedoManager::get_singleton(); undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Animation Delete Keys")); for (SelectionSet::Element *E = selection.back(); E; E = E->prev()) { undo_redo->add_do_method(animation.ptr(), "track_remove_key", E->get().first, E->get().second); undo_redo->add_undo_method(animation.ptr(), "track_insert_key", E->get().first, animation->track_get_key_time(E->get().first, E->get().second), animation->track_get_key_value(E->get().first, E->get().second), 1); } undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "_clear_selection_for_anim", animation); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "_clear_selection_for_anim", animation); AnimationPlayerEditor *ape = AnimationPlayerEditor::get_singleton(); if (ape) { undo_redo->add_do_method(ape, "_animation_update_key_frame"); undo_redo->add_undo_method(ape, "_animation_update_key_frame"); } undo_redo->commit_action(); //selection.clear(); } } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_bezier_track_insert_key_at_anim(const Ref &p_anim, int p_track, double p_time, real_t p_value, const Vector2 &p_in_handle, const Vector2 &p_out_handle, const Animation::HandleMode p_handle_mode) { int idx = p_anim->bezier_track_insert_key(p_track, p_time, p_value, p_in_handle, p_out_handle); p_anim->bezier_track_set_key_handle_mode(p_track, idx, p_handle_mode); } void AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_clear_selection"), &AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_clear_selection); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_clear_selection_for_anim"), &AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_clear_selection_for_anim); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_select_at_anim"), &AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_select_at_anim); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_update_hidden_tracks_after"), &AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_update_hidden_tracks_after); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_update_locked_tracks_after"), &AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_update_locked_tracks_after); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_bezier_track_insert_key_at_anim"), &AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_bezier_track_insert_key_at_anim); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("select_key", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "index"), PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "single"), PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "track"))); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("deselect_key", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "index"), PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "track"))); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("clear_selection")); } AnimationBezierTrackEdit::AnimationBezierTrackEdit() { panner.instantiate(); panner->set_callbacks(callable_mp(this, &AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_pan_callback), callable_mp(this, &AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_zoom_callback)); play_position = memnew(Control); play_position->set_mouse_filter(MOUSE_FILTER_PASS); add_child(play_position); play_position->set_anchors_and_offsets_preset(PRESET_FULL_RECT); play_position->connect(SceneStringName(draw), callable_mp(this, &AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_play_position_draw)); set_focus_mode(FOCUS_CLICK); set_clip_contents(true); ED_SHORTCUT("animation_bezier_editor/focus", TTR("Focus"), Key::F); ED_SHORTCUT("animation_bezier_editor/select_all_keys", TTR("Select All Keys"), KeyModifierMask::CMD_OR_CTRL | Key::A); ED_SHORTCUT("animation_bezier_editor/deselect_all_keys", TTR("Deselect All Keys"), KeyModifierMask::CMD_OR_CTRL | KeyModifierMask::SHIFT | Key::A); menu = memnew(PopupMenu); add_child(menu); menu->connect(SceneStringName(id_pressed), callable_mp(this, &AnimationBezierTrackEdit::_menu_selected)); }