A built-in type for integers. Signed 64-bit integer type. This means that it can take values from [code]-2^63[/code] to [code]2^63 - 1[/code], i.e. from [code]-9223372036854775808[/code] to [code]9223372036854775807[/code]. When it exceeds these bounds, it will wrap around. [int]s can be automatically converted to [float]s when necessary, for example when passing them as arguments in functions. The [float] will be as close to the original integer as possible. Likewise, [float]s can be automatically converted into [int]s. This will truncate the [float], discarding anything after the floating-point. [b]Note:[/b] In a boolean context, an [int] will evaluate to [code]false[/code] if it equals [code]0[/code], and to [code]true[/code] otherwise. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var x: int = 1 # x is 1 x = 4.2 # x is 4, because 4.2 gets truncated var max_int = 9223372036854775807 # Biggest value an int can store max_int += 1 # max_int is -9223372036854775808, because it wrapped around [/gdscript] [csharp] int x = 1; // x is 1 x = (int)4.2; // x is 4, because 4.2 gets truncated // We use long below, because GDScript's int is 64-bit while C#'s int is 32-bit. long maxLong = 9223372036854775807; // Biggest value a long can store maxLong++; // maxLong is now -9223372036854775808, because it wrapped around. // Alternatively with C#'s 32-bit int type, which has a smaller maximum value. int maxInt = 2147483647; // Biggest value an int can store maxInt++; // maxInt is now -2147483648, because it wrapped around [/csharp] [/codeblocks] You can use the [code]0b[/code] literal for binary representation, the [code]0x[/code] literal for hexadecimal representation, and the [code]_[/code] symbol to separate long numbers and improve readability. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var x = 0b1001 # x is 9 var y = 0xF5 # y is 245 var z = 10_000_000 # z is 10000000 [/gdscript] [csharp] int x = 0b1001; // x is 9 int y = 0xF5; // y is 245 int z = 10_000_000; // z is 10000000 [/csharp] [/codeblocks] Constructs an [int] set to [code]0[/code]. Constructs an [int] as a copy of the given [int]. Constructs a new [int] from a [String], following the same rules as [method String.to_int]. Constructs a new [int] from a [bool]. [code]true[/code] is converted to [code]1[/code] and [code]false[/code] is converted to [code]0[/code]. Constructs a new [int] from a [float]. This will truncate the [float], discarding anything after the floating point. Returns [code]true[/code] if the [int] is not equivalent to the [float]. Returns [code]true[/code] if the [int]s are not equal. Returns the remainder after dividing two [int]s. Uses truncated division, which returns a negative number if the dividend is negative. If this is not desired, consider using [method @GlobalScope.posmod]. [codeblock] print(6 % 2) # Prints 0 print(11 % 4) # Prints 3 print(-5 % 3) # Prints -2 [/codeblock] Performs the bitwise [code]AND[/code] operation. [codeblock] print(0b1100 & 0b1010) # Prints 8 (binary 1000) [/codeblock] This is useful for retrieving binary flags from a variable. [codeblock] var flags = 0b101 # Check if the first or second bit are enabled. if flags & 0b011: do_stuff() # This line will run. [/codeblock] Multiplies each component of the [Color] by the [int]. Multiplies each component of the [Quaternion] by the [int]. This operation is not meaningful on its own, but it can be used as a part of a larger expression. Multiplies each component of the [Vector2] by the [int]. [codeblock] print(2 * Vector2(1, 4)) # Prints (2, 8) [/codeblock] Multiplies each component of the [Vector2i] by the [int]. Multiplies each component of the [Vector3] by the [int]. Multiplies each component of the [Vector3i] by the [int]. Multiplies each component of the [Vector4] by the [int]. Multiplies each component of the [Vector4i] by the [int]. Multiplies the [float] by the [int]. The result is a [float]. Multiplies the two [int]s. Raises an [int] to a power of a [float]. The result is a [float]. [codeblock] print(2 ** 0.5) # Prints 1.4142135623731 [/codeblock] Raises the left [int] to a power of the right [int]. [codeblock] print(3 ** 4) # Prints 81 [/codeblock] Adds the [int] and the [float]. The result is a [float]. Adds the two [int]s. Subtracts the [float] from the [int]. The result is a [float]. Subtracts the two [int]s. Divides the [int] by the [float]. The result is a [float]. [codeblock] print(10 / 3.0) # Prints 3.33333333333333 [/codeblock] Divides the two [int]s. The result is an [int]. This will truncate the [float], discarding anything after the floating point. [codeblock] print(6 / 2) # Prints 3 print(5 / 3) # Prints 1 [/codeblock] Returns [code]true[/code] if the [int] is less than the [float]. Returns [code]true[/code] if the left [int] is less than the right [int]. Performs the bitwise shift left operation. Effectively the same as multiplying by a power of 2. [codeblock] print(0b1010 << 1) # Prints 20 (binary 10100) print(0b1010 << 3) # Prints 80 (binary 1010000) [/codeblock] Returns [code]true[/code] if the [int] is less than or equal to the [float]. Returns [code]true[/code] if the left [int] is less than or equal to the right [int]. Returns [code]true[/code] if the [int] is equal to the [float]. Returns [code]true[/code] if the two [int]s are equal. Returns [code]true[/code] if the [int] is greater than the [float]. Returns [code]true[/code] if the left [int] is greater than the right [int]. Returns [code]true[/code] if the [int] is greater than or equal to the [float]. Returns [code]true[/code] if the left [int] is greater than or equal to the right [int]. Performs the bitwise shift right operation. Effectively the same as dividing by a power of 2. [codeblock] print(0b1010 >> 1) # Prints 5 (binary 101) print(0b1010 >> 2) # Prints 2 (binary 10) [/codeblock] Performs the bitwise [code]XOR[/code] operation. [codeblock] print(0b1100 ^ 0b1010) # Prints 6 (binary 110) [/codeblock] Returns the same value as if the [code]+[/code] was not there. Unary [code]+[/code] does nothing, but sometimes it can make your code more readable. Returns the negated value of the [int]. If positive, turns the number negative. If negative, turns the number positive. If zero, does nothing. Performs the bitwise [code]OR[/code] operation. [codeblock] print(0b1100 | 0b1010) # Prints 14 (binary 1110) [/codeblock] This is useful for storing binary flags in a variable. [codeblock] var flags = 0 flags |= 0b101 # Turn the first and third bits on. [/codeblock] Performs the bitwise [code]NOT[/code] operation on the [int]. Due to [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two%27s_complement]2's complement[/url], it's effectively equal to [code]-(int + 1)[/code]. [codeblock] print(~4) # Prints -5 print(~(-7)) # Prints 6 [/codeblock]