mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 16:50:48 +00:00
Split particle shader entry points
* Particle shaders now have start() and process() * Particle collision happens between them. * The RESTART property is kept, so porting an old shader is still possible. This fixes the problem of particle collisions not functioning on the first particle frame.
This commit is contained in:
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_update_shader() {
code += "}\n";
code += "\n";
code += "void process() {\n";
code += "void start() {\n";
code += " uint base_number = NUMBER;\n";
code += " uint alt_seed = hash(base_number + uint(1) + RANDOM_SEED);\n";
code += " float angle_rand = rand_from_seed(alt_seed);\n";
@ -305,97 +305,94 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_update_shader() {
code += " ivec2 emission_tex_size = textureSize(emission_texture_points, 0);\n";
code += " ivec2 emission_tex_ofs = ivec2(point % emission_tex_size.x, point / emission_tex_size.x);\n";
code += " float tv = 0.0;\n";
code += " if (RESTART) {\n";
if (tex_parameters[PARAM_ANGLE].is_valid()) {
code += " float tex_angle = textureLod(angle_texture, vec2(0.0, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
code += " float tex_angle = textureLod(angle_texture, vec2(0.0, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
} else {
code += " float tex_angle = 0.0;\n";
code += " float tex_angle = 0.0;\n";
if (tex_parameters[PARAM_ANIM_OFFSET].is_valid()) {
code += " float tex_anim_offset = textureLod(anim_offset_texture, vec2(0.0, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
code += " float tex_anim_offset = textureLod(anim_offset_texture, vec2(0.0, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
} else {
code += " float tex_anim_offset = 0.0;\n";
code += " float tex_anim_offset = 0.0;\n";
code += " float spread_rad = spread * degree_to_rad;\n";
code += " float spread_rad = spread * degree_to_rad;\n";
code += " if (RESTART_VELOCITY) {\n";
code += " if (RESTART_VELOCITY) {\n";
if (tex_parameters[PARAM_INITIAL_LINEAR_VELOCITY].is_valid()) {
code += " float tex_linear_velocity = textureLod(linear_velocity_texture, vec2(0.0, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
code += " float tex_linear_velocity = textureLod(linear_velocity_texture, vec2(0.0, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
} else {
code += " float tex_linear_velocity = 0.0;\n";
code += " float tex_linear_velocity = 0.0;\n";
if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) {
code += " float angle1_rad = rand_from_seed_m1_p1(alt_seed) * spread_rad;\n";
code += " angle1_rad += direction.x != 0.0 ? atan(direction.y, direction.x) : sign(direction.y) * (pi / 2.0);\n";
code += " vec3 rot = vec3(cos(angle1_rad), sin(angle1_rad), 0.0);\n";
code += " VELOCITY = rot * initial_linear_velocity * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), initial_linear_velocity_random);\n";
code += " float angle1_rad = rand_from_seed_m1_p1(alt_seed) * spread_rad;\n";
code += " angle1_rad += direction.x != 0.0 ? atan(direction.y, direction.x) : sign(direction.y) * (pi / 2.0);\n";
code += " vec3 rot = vec3(cos(angle1_rad), sin(angle1_rad), 0.0);\n";
code += " VELOCITY = rot * initial_linear_velocity * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), initial_linear_velocity_random);\n";
} else {
//initiate velocity spread in 3D
code += " float angle1_rad = rand_from_seed_m1_p1(alt_seed) * spread_rad;\n";
code += " float angle2_rad = rand_from_seed_m1_p1(alt_seed) * spread_rad * (1.0 - flatness);\n";
code += " vec3 direction_xz = vec3(sin(angle1_rad), 0.0, cos(angle1_rad));\n";
code += " vec3 direction_yz = vec3(0.0, sin(angle2_rad), cos(angle2_rad));\n";
code += " direction_yz.z = direction_yz.z / max(0.0001,sqrt(abs(direction_yz.z))); // better uniform distribution\n";
code += " vec3 spread_direction = vec3(direction_xz.x * direction_yz.z, direction_yz.y, direction_xz.z * direction_yz.z);\n";
code += " vec3 direction_nrm = normalize(direction);\n";
code += " // rotate spread to direction\n";
code += " vec3 binormal = cross(vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), direction_nrm);\n";
code += " if (length(binormal) < 0.0001) {\n";
code += " // direction is parallel to Y. Choose Z as the binormal.\n";
code += " binormal = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n";
code += " }\n";
code += " binormal = normalize(binormal);\n";
code += " vec3 normal = cross(binormal, direction_nrm);\n";
code += " spread_direction = binormal * spread_direction.x + normal * spread_direction.y + direction_nrm * spread_direction.z;\n";
code += " VELOCITY = spread_direction * initial_linear_velocity * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), initial_linear_velocity_random);\n";
code += " float angle1_rad = rand_from_seed_m1_p1(alt_seed) * spread_rad;\n";
code += " float angle2_rad = rand_from_seed_m1_p1(alt_seed) * spread_rad * (1.0 - flatness);\n";
code += " vec3 direction_xz = vec3(sin(angle1_rad), 0.0, cos(angle1_rad));\n";
code += " vec3 direction_yz = vec3(0.0, sin(angle2_rad), cos(angle2_rad));\n";
code += " direction_yz.z = direction_yz.z / max(0.0001,sqrt(abs(direction_yz.z))); // better uniform distribution\n";
code += " vec3 spread_direction = vec3(direction_xz.x * direction_yz.z, direction_yz.y, direction_xz.z * direction_yz.z);\n";
code += " vec3 direction_nrm = normalize(direction);\n";
code += " // rotate spread to direction\n";
code += " vec3 binormal = cross(vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), direction_nrm);\n";
code += " if (length(binormal) < 0.0001) {\n";
code += " // direction is parallel to Y. Choose Z as the binormal.\n";
code += " binormal = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n";
code += " }\n";
code += " binormal = normalize(binormal);\n";
code += " vec3 normal = cross(binormal, direction_nrm);\n";
code += " spread_direction = binormal * spread_direction.x + normal * spread_direction.y + direction_nrm * spread_direction.z;\n";
code += " VELOCITY = spread_direction * initial_linear_velocity * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), initial_linear_velocity_random);\n";
code += " }\n";
code += " }\n";
code += " float base_angle = (initial_angle + tex_angle) * mix(1.0, angle_rand, initial_angle_random);\n";
code += " CUSTOM.x = base_angle * degree_to_rad;\n"; // angle
code += " CUSTOM.y = 0.0;\n"; // phase
code += " CUSTOM.w = (1.0 - lifetime_randomness * rand_from_seed(alt_seed));\n";
code += " CUSTOM.z = (anim_offset + tex_anim_offset) * mix(1.0, anim_offset_rand, anim_offset_random);\n"; // animation offset (0-1)
code += " float base_angle = (initial_angle + tex_angle) * mix(1.0, angle_rand, initial_angle_random);\n";
code += " CUSTOM.x = base_angle * degree_to_rad;\n"; // angle
code += " CUSTOM.y = 0.0;\n"; // phase
code += " CUSTOM.w = (1.0 - lifetime_randomness * rand_from_seed(alt_seed));\n";
code += " CUSTOM.z = (anim_offset + tex_anim_offset) * mix(1.0, anim_offset_rand, anim_offset_random);\n"; // animation offset (0-1)
code += " if (RESTART_POSITION) {\n";
code += " if (RESTART_POSITION) {\n";
switch (emission_shape) {
//do none, identity (will later be multiplied by emission transform)
code += " TRANSFORM = mat4(vec4(1,0,0,0),vec4(0,1,0,0),vec4(0,0,1,0),vec4(0,0,0,1));\n";
code += " TRANSFORM = mat4(vec4(1,0,0,0),vec4(0,1,0,0),vec4(0,0,1,0),vec4(0,0,0,1));\n";
} break;
code += " float s = rand_from_seed(alt_seed) * 2.0 - 1.0;\n";
code += " float t = rand_from_seed(alt_seed) * 2.0 * pi;\n";
code += " float radius = emission_sphere_radius * sqrt(1.0 - s * s);\n";
code += " TRANSFORM[3].xyz = vec3(radius * cos(t), radius * sin(t), emission_sphere_radius * s);\n";
code += " float s = rand_from_seed(alt_seed) * 2.0 - 1.0;\n";
code += " float t = rand_from_seed(alt_seed) * 2.0 * pi;\n";
code += " float radius = emission_sphere_radius * sqrt(1.0 - s * s);\n";
code += " TRANSFORM[3].xyz = vec3(radius * cos(t), radius * sin(t), emission_sphere_radius * s);\n";
} break;
code += " TRANSFORM[3].xyz = vec3(rand_from_seed(alt_seed) * 2.0 - 1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed) * 2.0 - 1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed) * 2.0 - 1.0) * emission_box_extents;\n";
code += " TRANSFORM[3].xyz = vec3(rand_from_seed(alt_seed) * 2.0 - 1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed) * 2.0 - 1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed) * 2.0 - 1.0) * emission_box_extents;\n";
} break;
code += " TRANSFORM[3].xyz = texelFetch(emission_texture_points, emission_tex_ofs, 0).xyz;\n";
code += " TRANSFORM[3].xyz = texelFetch(emission_texture_points, emission_tex_ofs, 0).xyz;\n";
if (emission_shape == EMISSION_SHAPE_DIRECTED_POINTS) {
if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) {
code += " mat2 rotm;";
code += " rotm[0] = texelFetch(emission_texture_normal, emission_tex_ofs, 0).xy;\n";
code += " rotm[1] = rotm[0].yx * vec2(1.0, -1.0);\n";
code += " if (RESTART_VELOCITY) VELOCITY.xy = rotm * VELOCITY.xy;\n";
code += " mat2 rotm;";
code += " rotm[0] = texelFetch(emission_texture_normal, emission_tex_ofs, 0).xy;\n";
code += " rotm[1] = rotm[0].yx * vec2(1.0, -1.0);\n";
code += " if (RESTART_VELOCITY) VELOCITY.xy = rotm * VELOCITY.xy;\n";
} else {
code += " vec3 normal = texelFetch(emission_texture_normal, emission_tex_ofs, 0).xyz;\n";
code += " vec3 v0 = abs(normal.z) < 0.999 ? vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);\n";
code += " vec3 tangent = normalize(cross(v0, normal));\n";
code += " vec3 bitangent = normalize(cross(tangent, normal));\n";
code += " if (RESTART_VELOCITY) VELOCITY = mat3(tangent, bitangent, normal) * VELOCITY;\n";
code += " vec3 normal = texelFetch(emission_texture_normal, emission_tex_ofs, 0).xyz;\n";
code += " vec3 v0 = abs(normal.z) < 0.999 ? vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);\n";
code += " vec3 tangent = normalize(cross(v0, normal));\n";
code += " vec3 bitangent = normalize(cross(tangent, normal));\n";
code += " if (RESTART_VELOCITY) VELOCITY = mat3(tangent, bitangent, normal) * VELOCITY;\n";
} break;
@ -404,134 +401,144 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_update_shader() {
if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) {
code += " VELOCITY.z = 0.0;\n";
code += " TRANSFORM[3].z = 0.0;\n";
code += " VELOCITY.z = 0.0;\n";
code += " TRANSFORM[3].z = 0.0;\n";
code += " }\n";
code += " }\n";
code += "}\n\n";
code += " } else {\n";
code += "void process() {\n";
code += " uint base_number = NUMBER;\n";
code += " uint alt_seed = hash(base_number + uint(1) + RANDOM_SEED);\n";
code += " float angle_rand = rand_from_seed(alt_seed);\n";
code += " float scale_rand = rand_from_seed(alt_seed);\n";
code += " float hue_rot_rand = rand_from_seed(alt_seed);\n";
code += " float anim_offset_rand = rand_from_seed(alt_seed);\n";
code += " float pi = 3.14159;\n";
code += " float degree_to_rad = pi / 180.0;\n";
code += "\n";
code += " CUSTOM.y += DELTA / LIFETIME;\n";
code += " tv = CUSTOM.y / CUSTOM.w;\n";
code += " CUSTOM.y += DELTA / LIFETIME;\n";
code += " float tv = CUSTOM.y / CUSTOM.w;\n";
if (tex_parameters[PARAM_INITIAL_LINEAR_VELOCITY].is_valid()) {
code += " float tex_linear_velocity = textureLod(linear_velocity_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
code += " float tex_linear_velocity = textureLod(linear_velocity_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
} else {
code += " float tex_linear_velocity = 0.0;\n";
code += " float tex_linear_velocity = 0.0;\n";
if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) {
if (tex_parameters[PARAM_ORBIT_VELOCITY].is_valid()) {
code += " float tex_orbit_velocity = textureLod(orbit_velocity_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
code += " float tex_orbit_velocity = textureLod(orbit_velocity_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
} else {
code += " float tex_orbit_velocity = 0.0;\n";
code += " float tex_orbit_velocity = 0.0;\n";
if (tex_parameters[PARAM_ANGULAR_VELOCITY].is_valid()) {
code += " float tex_angular_velocity = textureLod(angular_velocity_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
code += " float tex_angular_velocity = textureLod(angular_velocity_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
} else {
code += " float tex_angular_velocity = 0.0;\n";
code += " float tex_angular_velocity = 0.0;\n";
if (tex_parameters[PARAM_LINEAR_ACCEL].is_valid()) {
code += " float tex_linear_accel = textureLod(linear_accel_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
code += " float tex_linear_accel = textureLod(linear_accel_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
} else {
code += " float tex_linear_accel = 0.0;\n";
code += " float tex_linear_accel = 0.0;\n";
if (tex_parameters[PARAM_RADIAL_ACCEL].is_valid()) {
code += " float tex_radial_accel = textureLod(radial_accel_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
code += " float tex_radial_accel = textureLod(radial_accel_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
} else {
code += " float tex_radial_accel = 0.0;\n";
code += " float tex_radial_accel = 0.0;\n";
if (tex_parameters[PARAM_TANGENTIAL_ACCEL].is_valid()) {
code += " float tex_tangent_accel = textureLod(tangent_accel_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
code += " float tex_tangent_accel = textureLod(tangent_accel_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
} else {
code += " float tex_tangent_accel = 0.0;\n";
code += " float tex_tangent_accel = 0.0;\n";
if (tex_parameters[PARAM_DAMPING].is_valid()) {
code += " float tex_damping = textureLod(damping_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
code += " float tex_damping = textureLod(damping_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
} else {
code += " float tex_damping = 0.0;\n";
code += " float tex_damping = 0.0;\n";
if (tex_parameters[PARAM_ANGLE].is_valid()) {
code += " float tex_angle = textureLod(angle_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
code += " float tex_angle = textureLod(angle_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
} else {
code += " float tex_angle = 0.0;\n";
code += " float tex_angle = 0.0;\n";
if (tex_parameters[PARAM_ANIM_SPEED].is_valid()) {
code += " float tex_anim_speed = textureLod(anim_speed_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
code += " float tex_anim_speed = textureLod(anim_speed_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
} else {
code += " float tex_anim_speed = 0.0;\n";
code += " float tex_anim_speed = 0.0;\n";
if (tex_parameters[PARAM_ANIM_OFFSET].is_valid()) {
code += " float tex_anim_offset = textureLod(anim_offset_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
code += " float tex_anim_offset = textureLod(anim_offset_texture, vec2(tv, 0.0), 0.0).r;\n";
} else {
code += " float tex_anim_offset = 0.0;\n";
code += " float tex_anim_offset = 0.0;\n";
code += " vec3 force = gravity;\n";
code += " vec3 pos = TRANSFORM[3].xyz;\n";
code += " vec3 force = gravity;\n";
code += " vec3 pos = TRANSFORM[3].xyz;\n";
if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) {
code += " pos.z = 0.0;\n";
code += " pos.z = 0.0;\n";
code += " // apply linear acceleration\n";
code += " force += length(VELOCITY) > 0.0 ? normalize(VELOCITY) * (linear_accel + tex_linear_accel) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), linear_accel_random) : vec3(0.0);\n";
code += " // apply radial acceleration\n";
code += " vec3 org = EMISSION_TRANSFORM[3].xyz;\n";
code += " vec3 diff = pos - org;\n";
code += " force += length(diff) > 0.0 ? normalize(diff) * (radial_accel + tex_radial_accel) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), radial_accel_random) : vec3(0.0);\n";
code += " // apply tangential acceleration;\n";
code += " // apply linear acceleration\n";
code += " force += length(VELOCITY) > 0.0 ? normalize(VELOCITY) * (linear_accel + tex_linear_accel) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), linear_accel_random) : vec3(0.0);\n";
code += " // apply radial acceleration\n";
code += " vec3 org = EMISSION_TRANSFORM[3].xyz;\n";
code += " vec3 diff = pos - org;\n";
code += " force += length(diff) > 0.0 ? normalize(diff) * (radial_accel + tex_radial_accel) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), radial_accel_random) : vec3(0.0);\n";
code += " // apply tangential acceleration;\n";
if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) {
code += " force += length(diff.yx) > 0.0 ? vec3(normalize(diff.yx * vec2(-1.0, 1.0)), 0.0) * ((tangent_accel + tex_tangent_accel) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), tangent_accel_random)) : vec3(0.0);\n";
code += " force += length(diff.yx) > 0.0 ? vec3(normalize(diff.yx * vec2(-1.0, 1.0)), 0.0) * ((tangent_accel + tex_tangent_accel) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), tangent_accel_random)) : vec3(0.0);\n";
} else {
code += " vec3 crossDiff = cross(normalize(diff), normalize(gravity));\n";
code += " force += length(crossDiff) > 0.0 ? normalize(crossDiff) * ((tangent_accel + tex_tangent_accel) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), tangent_accel_random)) : vec3(0.0);\n";
code += " vec3 crossDiff = cross(normalize(diff), normalize(gravity));\n";
code += " force += length(crossDiff) > 0.0 ? normalize(crossDiff) * ((tangent_accel + tex_tangent_accel) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), tangent_accel_random)) : vec3(0.0);\n";
if (attractor_interaction_enabled) {
code += " force += ATTRACTOR_FORCE;\n\n";
code += " force += ATTRACTOR_FORCE;\n\n";
code += " // apply attractor forces\n";
code += " VELOCITY += force * DELTA;\n";
code += " // orbit velocity\n";
code += " // apply attractor forces\n";
code += " VELOCITY += force * DELTA;\n";
code += " // orbit velocity\n";
if (particle_flags[PARTICLE_FLAG_DISABLE_Z]) {
code += " float orbit_amount = (orbit_velocity + tex_orbit_velocity) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), orbit_velocity_random);\n";
code += " if (orbit_amount != 0.0) {\n";
code += " float ang = orbit_amount * DELTA * pi * 2.0;\n";
code += " mat2 rot = mat2(vec2(cos(ang), -sin(ang)), vec2(sin(ang), cos(ang)));\n";
code += " TRANSFORM[3].xy -= diff.xy;\n";
code += " TRANSFORM[3].xy += rot * diff.xy;\n";
code += " }\n";
code += " float orbit_amount = (orbit_velocity + tex_orbit_velocity) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), orbit_velocity_random);\n";
code += " if (orbit_amount != 0.0) {\n";
code += " float ang = orbit_amount * DELTA * pi * 2.0;\n";
code += " mat2 rot = mat2(vec2(cos(ang), -sin(ang)), vec2(sin(ang), cos(ang)));\n";
code += " TRANSFORM[3].xy -= diff.xy;\n";
code += " TRANSFORM[3].xy += rot * diff.xy;\n";
code += " }\n";
if (tex_parameters[PARAM_INITIAL_LINEAR_VELOCITY].is_valid()) {
code += " VELOCITY = normalize(VELOCITY) * tex_linear_velocity;\n";
code += " VELOCITY = normalize(VELOCITY) * tex_linear_velocity;\n";
code += " if (damping + tex_damping > 0.0) {\n";
code += " float v = length(VELOCITY);\n";
code += " float damp = (damping + tex_damping) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), damping_random);\n";
code += " v -= damp * DELTA;\n";
code += " if (v < 0.0) {\n";
code += " VELOCITY = vec3(0.0);\n";
code += " } else {\n";
code += " VELOCITY = normalize(VELOCITY) * v;\n";
code += " }\n";
code += " if (damping + tex_damping > 0.0) {\n";
code += " float v = length(VELOCITY);\n";
code += " float damp = (damping + tex_damping) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), damping_random);\n";
code += " v -= damp * DELTA;\n";
code += " if (v < 0.0) {\n";
code += " VELOCITY = vec3(0.0);\n";
code += " } else {\n";
code += " VELOCITY = normalize(VELOCITY) * v;\n";
code += " }\n";
code += " float base_angle = (initial_angle + tex_angle) * mix(1.0, angle_rand, initial_angle_random);\n";
code += " base_angle += CUSTOM.y * LIFETIME * (angular_velocity + tex_angular_velocity) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed) * 2.0 - 1.0, angular_velocity_random);\n";
code += " CUSTOM.x = base_angle * degree_to_rad;\n"; // angle
code += " CUSTOM.z = (anim_offset + tex_anim_offset) * mix(1.0, anim_offset_rand, anim_offset_random) + CUSTOM.y * (anim_speed + tex_anim_speed) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), anim_speed_random);\n"; // angle
code += " }\n";
code += " float base_angle = (initial_angle + tex_angle) * mix(1.0, angle_rand, initial_angle_random);\n";
code += " base_angle += CUSTOM.y * LIFETIME * (angular_velocity + tex_angular_velocity) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed) * 2.0 - 1.0, angular_velocity_random);\n";
code += " CUSTOM.x = base_angle * degree_to_rad;\n"; // angle
code += " CUSTOM.z = (anim_offset + tex_anim_offset) * mix(1.0, anim_offset_rand, anim_offset_random) + CUSTOM.y * (anim_speed + tex_anim_speed) * mix(1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed), anim_speed_random);\n"; // angle
// apply color
// apply hue rotation
if (tex_parameters[PARAM_SCALE].is_valid()) {
@ -659,7 +666,7 @@ void ParticlesMaterial::_update_shader() {
code += " }";
code += " if (CUSTOM.y > CUSTOM.w) {";
code += " if (CUSTOM.y > CUSTOM.w) {\n";
code += " ACTIVE = false;\n";
code += " }\n";
code += "}\n";
@ -4781,6 +4781,7 @@ void RendererStorageRD::ParticlesShaderData::set_code(const String &p_code) {
ShaderCompilerRD::GeneratedCode gen_code;
ShaderCompilerRD::IdentifierActions actions;
actions.entry_point_stages["start"] = ShaderCompilerRD::STAGE_COMPUTE;
actions.entry_point_stages["process"] = ShaderCompilerRD::STAGE_COMPUTE;
@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ void ShaderRD::_compile_variant(uint32_t p_variant, Version *p_version) {
_build_variant_code(builder, p_variant, p_version, stage_templates[STAGE_TYPE_COMPUTE]);
current_source = builder.as_string();
RD::ShaderStageData stage;
stage.spir_v = RD::get_singleton()->shader_compile_from_source(RD::SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE, current_source, RD::SHADER_LANGUAGE_GLSL, &error);
if (stage.spir_v.size() == 0) {
@ -252,6 +252,115 @@ void main() {
/* Process physics if active */
if (params.sub_emitter_mode) {
if (!PARTICLE.is_active) {
int src_index = atomicAdd(src_particles.particle_count, -1) - 1;
if (src_index >= 0) {
PARTICLE.is_active = true;
restart = true;
if (bool(src_particles.data[src_index].flags & EMISSION_FLAG_HAS_POSITION)) {
PARTICLE.xform[3] = src_particles.data[src_index].xform[3];
} else {
PARTICLE.xform[3] = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
restart_position = true;
if (bool(src_particles.data[src_index].flags & EMISSION_FLAG_HAS_ROTATION_SCALE)) {
PARTICLE.xform[0] = src_particles.data[src_index].xform[0];
PARTICLE.xform[1] = src_particles.data[src_index].xform[1];
PARTICLE.xform[2] = src_particles.data[src_index].xform[2];
} else {
PARTICLE.xform[0] = vec4(1, 0, 0, 0);
PARTICLE.xform[1] = vec4(0, 1, 0, 0);
PARTICLE.xform[2] = vec4(0, 0, 1, 0);
restart_rotation_scale = true;
if (bool(src_particles.data[src_index].flags & EMISSION_FLAG_HAS_VELOCITY)) {
PARTICLE.velocity = src_particles.data[src_index].velocity;
} else {
PARTICLE.velocity = vec3(0);
restart_velocity = true;
if (bool(src_particles.data[src_index].flags & EMISSION_FLAG_HAS_COLOR)) {
PARTICLE.color = src_particles.data[src_index].color;
} else {
PARTICLE.color = vec4(1);
restart_color = true;
if (bool(src_particles.data[src_index].flags & EMISSION_FLAG_HAS_CUSTOM)) {
PARTICLE.custom = src_particles.data[src_index].custom;
} else {
PARTICLE.custom = vec4(0);
restart_custom = true;
} else if (FRAME.emitting) {
float restart_phase = float(index) / float(params.total_particles);
if (FRAME.randomness > 0.0) {
uint seed = FRAME.cycle;
if (restart_phase >= FRAME.system_phase) {
seed -= uint(1);
seed *= uint(params.total_particles);
seed += uint(index);
float random = float(hash(seed) % uint(65536)) / 65536.0;
restart_phase += FRAME.randomness * random * 1.0 / float(params.total_particles);
restart_phase *= (1.0 - FRAME.explosiveness);
if (FRAME.system_phase > FRAME.prev_system_phase) {
// restart_phase >= prev_system_phase is used so particles emit in the first frame they are processed
if (restart_phase >= FRAME.prev_system_phase && restart_phase < FRAME.system_phase) {
restart = true;
if (params.use_fractional_delta) {
local_delta = (FRAME.system_phase - restart_phase) * params.lifetime;
} else if (FRAME.delta > 0.0) {
if (restart_phase >= FRAME.prev_system_phase) {
restart = true;
if (params.use_fractional_delta) {
local_delta = (1.0 - restart_phase + FRAME.system_phase) * params.lifetime;
} else if (restart_phase < FRAME.system_phase) {
restart = true;
if (params.use_fractional_delta) {
local_delta = (FRAME.system_phase - restart_phase) * params.lifetime;
uint current_cycle = FRAME.cycle;
if (FRAME.system_phase < restart_phase) {
current_cycle -= uint(1);
uint particle_number = current_cycle * uint(params.total_particles) + particle;
if (restart) {
PARTICLE.is_active = FRAME.emitting;
restart_position = true;
restart_rotation_scale = true;
restart_velocity = true;
restart_color = true;
restart_custom = true;
if (restart && PARTICLE.is_active) {
if (PARTICLE.is_active) {
for (uint i = 0; i < FRAME.attractor_count; i++) {
vec3 dir;
@ -430,111 +539,6 @@ void main() {
if (params.sub_emitter_mode) {
if (!PARTICLE.is_active) {
int src_index = atomicAdd(src_particles.particle_count, -1) - 1;
if (src_index >= 0) {
PARTICLE.is_active = true;
restart = true;
if (bool(src_particles.data[src_index].flags & EMISSION_FLAG_HAS_POSITION)) {
PARTICLE.xform[3] = src_particles.data[src_index].xform[3];
} else {
PARTICLE.xform[3] = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
restart_position = true;
if (bool(src_particles.data[src_index].flags & EMISSION_FLAG_HAS_ROTATION_SCALE)) {
PARTICLE.xform[0] = src_particles.data[src_index].xform[0];
PARTICLE.xform[1] = src_particles.data[src_index].xform[1];
PARTICLE.xform[2] = src_particles.data[src_index].xform[2];
} else {
PARTICLE.xform[0] = vec4(1, 0, 0, 0);
PARTICLE.xform[1] = vec4(0, 1, 0, 0);
PARTICLE.xform[2] = vec4(0, 0, 1, 0);
restart_rotation_scale = true;
if (bool(src_particles.data[src_index].flags & EMISSION_FLAG_HAS_VELOCITY)) {
PARTICLE.velocity = src_particles.data[src_index].velocity;
} else {
PARTICLE.velocity = vec3(0);
restart_velocity = true;
if (bool(src_particles.data[src_index].flags & EMISSION_FLAG_HAS_COLOR)) {
PARTICLE.color = src_particles.data[src_index].color;
} else {
PARTICLE.color = vec4(1);
restart_color = true;
if (bool(src_particles.data[src_index].flags & EMISSION_FLAG_HAS_CUSTOM)) {
PARTICLE.custom = src_particles.data[src_index].custom;
} else {
PARTICLE.custom = vec4(0);
restart_custom = true;
} else if (FRAME.emitting) {
float restart_phase = float(index) / float(params.total_particles);
if (FRAME.randomness > 0.0) {
uint seed = FRAME.cycle;
if (restart_phase >= FRAME.system_phase) {
seed -= uint(1);
seed *= uint(params.total_particles);
seed += uint(index);
float random = float(hash(seed) % uint(65536)) / 65536.0;
restart_phase += FRAME.randomness * random * 1.0 / float(params.total_particles);
restart_phase *= (1.0 - FRAME.explosiveness);
if (FRAME.system_phase > FRAME.prev_system_phase) {
// restart_phase >= prev_system_phase is used so particles emit in the first frame they are processed
if (restart_phase >= FRAME.prev_system_phase && restart_phase < FRAME.system_phase) {
restart = true;
if (params.use_fractional_delta) {
local_delta = (FRAME.system_phase - restart_phase) * params.lifetime;
} else if (FRAME.delta > 0.0) {
if (restart_phase >= FRAME.prev_system_phase) {
restart = true;
if (params.use_fractional_delta) {
local_delta = (1.0 - restart_phase + FRAME.system_phase) * params.lifetime;
} else if (restart_phase < FRAME.system_phase) {
restart = true;
if (params.use_fractional_delta) {
local_delta = (FRAME.system_phase - restart_phase) * params.lifetime;
uint current_cycle = FRAME.cycle;
if (FRAME.system_phase < restart_phase) {
current_cycle -= uint(1);
uint particle_number = current_cycle * uint(params.total_particles) + particle;
if (restart) {
PARTICLE.is_active = FRAME.emitting;
restart_position = true;
restart_rotation_scale = true;
restart_velocity = true;
restart_color = true;
restart_custom = true;
if (PARTICLE.is_active) {
@ -316,6 +316,27 @@ ShaderTypes::ShaderTypes() {
/************ PARTICLES **************************/
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["global"].built_ins["TIME"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_FLOAT);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].built_ins["COLOR"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_VEC4;
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].built_ins["VELOCITY"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_VEC3;
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].built_ins["MASS"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_FLOAT;
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].built_ins["ACTIVE"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_BOOL;
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].built_ins["RESTART"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_BOOL);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].built_ins["CUSTOM"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_VEC4;
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].built_ins["TRANSFORM"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_MAT4;
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].built_ins["LIFETIME"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_FLOAT);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].built_ins["DELTA"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_FLOAT);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].built_ins["NUMBER"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_UINT);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].built_ins["INDEX"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_INT);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].built_ins["EMISSION_TRANSFORM"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_MAT4);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].built_ins["RANDOM_SEED"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_UINT);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].built_ins["RESTART_POSITION"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_BOOL);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].built_ins["RESTART_ROT_SCALE"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_BOOL);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].built_ins["RESTART_VELOCITY"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_BOOL);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].built_ins["RESTART_COLOR"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_BOOL);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].built_ins["RESTART_CUSTOM"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_BOOL);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["start"].main_function = true;
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["process"].built_ins["COLOR"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_VEC4;
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["process"].built_ins["VELOCITY"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_VEC3;
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["process"].built_ins["MASS"] = ShaderLanguage::TYPE_FLOAT;
@ -334,11 +355,6 @@ ShaderTypes::ShaderTypes() {
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["process"].built_ins["FLAG_EMIT_VELOCITY"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_UINT);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["process"].built_ins["FLAG_EMIT_COLOR"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_UINT);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["process"].built_ins["FLAG_EMIT_CUSTOM"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_UINT);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["process"].built_ins["RESTART_POSITION"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_BOOL);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["process"].built_ins["RESTART_ROT_SCALE"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_BOOL);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["process"].built_ins["RESTART_VELOCITY"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_BOOL);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["process"].built_ins["RESTART_COLOR"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_BOOL);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["process"].built_ins["RESTART_CUSTOM"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_BOOL);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["process"].built_ins["COLLIDED"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_BOOL);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["process"].built_ins["COLLISION_NORMAL"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_VEC3);
shader_modes[RS::SHADER_PARTICLES].functions["process"].built_ins["COLLISION_DEPTH"] = constt(ShaderLanguage::TYPE_FLOAT);
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