[b]Note:[/b] In order to detect physical bones with raycasts, the [member SkeletonModifier3D.active] property of the parent [PhysicalBoneSimulator3D] must be [code]true[/code] and the [Skeleton3D]'s bone must be assigned to [PhysicalBone3D] correctly; it means that [method get_bone_id] should return a valid id ([code]>= 0[/code]).
Called during physics processing, allowing you to read and safely modify the simulation state for the object. By default, it is called before the standard force integration, but the [member custom_integrator] property allows you to disable the standard force integration and do fully custom force integration for a body.
Applies a directional impulse without affecting rotation.
An impulse is time-independent! Applying an impulse every frame would result in a framerate-dependent force. For this reason, it should only be used when simulating one-time impacts (use the "_integrate_forces" functions otherwise).
This is equivalent to using [method apply_impulse] at the body's center of mass.
Applies a positioned impulse to the PhysicsBone3D.
An impulse is time-independent! Applying an impulse every frame would result in a framerate-dependent force. For this reason, it should only be used when simulating one-time impacts (use the "_integrate_forces" functions otherwise).
[param position] is the offset from the PhysicsBone3D origin in global coordinates.
Damps the body's rotation. By default, the body will use the [b]Default Angular Damp[/b] in [b]Project > Project Settings > Physics > 3d[/b] or any value override set by an [Area3D] the body is in. Depending on [member angular_damp_mode], you can set [member angular_damp] to be added to or to replace the body's damping value.
See [member ProjectSettings.physics/3d/default_angular_damp] for more details about damping.
[b]Note:[/b] Even with [member bounce] set to [code]1.0[/code], some energy will be lost over time due to linear and angular damping. To have a [PhysicalBone3D] that preserves all its energy over time, set [member bounce] to [code]1.0[/code], [member linear_damp_mode] to [constant DAMP_MODE_REPLACE], [member linear_damp] to [code]0.0[/code], [member angular_damp_mode] to [constant DAMP_MODE_REPLACE], and [member angular_damp] to [code]0.0[/code].
If [code]true[/code], the body is deactivated when there is no movement, so it will not take part in the simulation until it is awakened by an external force.
If [code]true[/code], the standard force integration (like gravity or damping) will be disabled for this body. Other than collision response, the body will only move as determined by the [method _integrate_forces] method, if that virtual method is overridden.
Setting this property will call the method [method PhysicsServer3D.body_set_omit_force_integration] internally.
This is multiplied by [member ProjectSettings.physics/3d/default_gravity] to produce this body's gravity. For example, a value of [code]1.0[/code] will apply normal gravity, [code]2.0[/code] will apply double the gravity, and [code]0.5[/code] will apply half the gravity to this body.
Damps the body's movement. By default, the body will use [member ProjectSettings.physics/3d/default_linear_damp] or any value override set by an [Area3D] the body is in. Depending on [member linear_damp_mode], [member linear_damp] may be added to or replace the body's damping value.
The body's linear velocity in units per second. Can be used sporadically, but [b]don't set this every frame[/b], because physics may run in another thread and runs at a different granularity. Use [method _integrate_forces] as your process loop for precise control of the body state.