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366 lines
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/* ###
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.regex.*;
import groovy.io.FileType;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.*;
import java.io.*;
ext.integrationConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
ext.dockingConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
ext.appConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
ext.ghidraConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
* Checks if html test report for an individual test class has a valid name.
boolean hasValidTestReportClassName(String name) {
return name.endsWith("Test.html") && !name.contains("Suite")
* Parses the file containing the mapping of test classes to application configs and assigns those
* classes to the appropriate lists.
def parseApplicationConfigs(List dockingConfigs, List integrationConfigs, List appConfigs, List ghidraConfigs) {
File breakoutFile = new File(rootProject.projectDir, "gradle/support/app_config_breakout.txt");
String configLines = breakoutFile.text;
// Ignore everything up to the first "###" (everything before that
// is documentation)
configLines = configLines.substring(configLines.indexOf("###"));
String[] splitLines = configLines.split("###");
for (int i=0; i<splitLines.size(); i++) {
String block = splitLines[i];
if (block.isEmpty()) {
// Grab the header (and remove it from the main string)
String header = block.substring(0,block.indexOf("^"));
block = block.substring(header.length() + 1);
String[] classes = block.split("\n");
if (header.equals("HeadlessGhidraApplicationConfig")) {
for (int j=0;j<classes.size(); j++) {
String cl = classes[j].trim();
if (cl.isEmpty()) {
logger.info("adding " + cl + " to integrationConfigs");
else if (header.equals("DockingApplicationConfiguration")) {
for (int j=0;j<classes.size(); j++) {
String cl = classes[j].trim();
if (cl.isEmpty()) {
logger.info("adding " + cl + " to dockingConfigs");
else if (header.equals("ApplicationConfiguration")) {
for (int j=0;j<classes.size(); j++) {
String cl = classes[j].trim();
if (cl.isEmpty()) {
logger.info("adding " + cl + " to appConfigs");
else if (header.equals("GhidraAppConfiguration")) {
for (int j=0;j<classes.size(); j++) {
String cl = classes[j].trim();
if (cl.isEmpty()) {
logger.info("adding " + cl + " to ghidraConfigs");
* Checks if Java test class has a valid name.
boolean hasValidTestClassName(String name) {
return name != null && name.endsWith("Test.java") &&
!(name.contains("Abstract") || name.contains("Suite"))
* Checks if Java test class is excluded via 'org.junit.experimental.categories.Category'
boolean hasCategoryExcludes(String fileContents) {
String annotation1 = "@Category\\(PortSensitiveCategory.class\\)" // evaluated as regex
String annotation2 = "@Category\\(NightlyCategory.class\\)"
return fileContents.find(annotation1) || fileContents.find(annotation2)
* Returns a fully qualified class name from a java class.
String constructFullyQualifiedClassName(String fileContents, String fileName) {
String packageName = fileContents.find("(?<=package\\s).*?(?=;)")
logger.debug("constructFullyQualifiedClassName: Found '" + packageName + "' in " + fileName)
assert packageName != null : "constructFullyQualifiedClassName: Null packageName found in $fileName"
assert !packageName.startsWith("package")
assert !packageName.endsWith(";")
return packageName + "." + fileName.replace(".java","")
* Creates a map of config types to the test classes for that type. This should be
* used to creates sets of tests that can be run in parallel.
def Map<String, List> getTestsForSubProject(SourceDirectorySet sourceDirectorySet) {
def testsForSubProject = new HashMap<String,LinkedHashMap>();
int includedClassFilesNotInTestReport = 0 // class in sourceSet but not in test report, 'bumped' to first task
int includedClassFilesInTestReport = 0 // class in sourceSet and in test report
int excludedClassFilesBadName = 0 // excluded class in sourceSet with invalid name
int excludedClassFilesCategory = 0 // excluded class in sourceSet with @Category annotation
int excludedClassAllTestsIgnored = 0 // excluded class in sourceSet with test report duration of 0
logger.debug("getTestsForSubProject: Found " + sourceDirectorySet.files.size()
+ " file(s) in source set to process.")
// Read in the config file that indicates which base test classes are associated with
// which application configs. This is not a comprehensive list of all test classes
// in Ghidra - it's the list of all classes that are extended in Ghidra.
parseApplicationConfigs(dockingConfigs, integrationConfigs, appConfigs, ghidraConfigs);
// "Buckets" that delineate which test classes should be run together.
List dockingBucket = new ArrayList<String>();
List integrationBucket = new ArrayList<String>();
List appBucket = new ArrayList<String>();
List ghidraBucket = new ArrayList<String>();
List unknownBucket = new ArrayList<String>();
for (File file : sourceDirectorySet.getFiles()) {
logger.debug("getTestsForSubProject: Found file in sourceSet = " + file.name)
// Must have a valid class name
if(!hasValidTestClassName(file.name)) {
logger.debug("getTestsForSubProject: Excluding file '" + file.name + "' based on name.")
String fileContents = file.text
// Must not have a Category annotation
if (hasCategoryExcludes(fileContents)) {
logger.debug("getTestsForSubProject: Found category exclude for '"
+ file.name + "'. Excluding this class from running.")
// Get any extending class so we can see what bucket it belongs to. Do this
// by grabbing the next word after "extends".
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("extends\\W+(\\w+)");
Matcher m = p.matcher(fileContents);
String extendsClass = "";
while (m.find()) {
extendsClass = m.group(1);
// Get full package name of the class.
Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile("package\\s+([a-zA_Z_][\\.\\w]*);");
Matcher m2 = p2.matcher(fileContents);
String packageName = "";
while (m2.find()) {
packageName = m2.group(1);
// Construct a var of the form "<package name>.<class name>". This will
// be stored in the appropriate bucket and be used when creating test
// tasks later on.
String className = packageName + "." + file.name
className = className.replace(".java", "")
if (extendsClass.isEmpty()) {
else {
if (integrationConfigs.contains(extendsClass)) {
else if (dockingConfigs.contains(extendsClass)) {
else if (appConfigs.contains(extendsClass)) {
else if (ghidraConfigs.contains(extendsClass)) {
else {
Map<String,List> testBuckets = new HashMap<String,List>();
testBuckets.put("docking", dockingBucket)
testBuckets.put("integration", integrationBucket)
testBuckets.put("app", appBucket)
testBuckets.put("ghidra", ghidraBucket)
testBuckets.put("unknown", unknownBucket)
logger.debug("integration bucket: " + integrationBucket)
logger.debug("docking bucket: " + dockingBucket)
logger.debug("app bucket: " + appBucket)
logger.debug("ghidra bucket: " + ghidraBucket)
logger.debug("unknown bucket: " + unknownBucket)
return testBuckets;
* Determines if test task creation should be skipped for parallelCombinedTestReport task.
def boolean shouldSkipTestTaskCreation(Project subproject) {
if (!parallelMode) {
logger.debug("shouldSkipTestTaskCreation: Skip task creation for $subproject.name. Not in parallel mode.")
return true
if (!subproject.hasProperty("sourceSets")) {
logger.debug("shouldSkipTestTaskCreation: subproject $subproject.name has no sourceSet property.")
return true
if (subproject.sourceSets.findByName("test") == null ||
subproject.sourceSets.test.java.files.isEmpty()) {
logger.debug("shouldSkipTestTaskCreation: Skip task creation for $subproject.name. No test sources.")
return true
if (subproject.findProperty("excludeFromParallelTests") ?: false) {
logger.debug("shouldSkipTestTaskCreation: Skip task creation for $subproject.name."
+ " 'excludeFromParallelTests' found.")
return true
if (subproject.findProperty("repoToTest")) {
subproject.ext.repoToTest = subproject.getProperty('repoToTest')
else {
subproject.ext.repoToTest = "ALL_REPOS"
if (!subproject.ext.repoToTest.equals("ALL_REPOS") && !subproject.getProjectDir().toString().contains("/" + repoToTest + "/")) {
return true
return false
* Determines if integrationTest task creation should be skipped for parallelCombinedTestReport task.
def boolean shouldSkipIntegrationTestTaskCreation(Project subproject) {
if (!parallelMode) {
logger.debug("shouldSkipIntegrationTestTaskCreation: Skip task creation for $subproject.name."
+ " Not in parallel mode.")
return true
if (!subproject.hasProperty("sourceSets")) {
logger.debug("shouldSkipIntegrationTestTaskCreation: subproject $subproject.name has no sourceSet property.")
return true
if (subproject.sourceSets.findByName("integrationTest") == null ||
subproject.sourceSets.integrationTest.java.files.isEmpty()) {
logger.debug("shouldSkipIntegrationTestTaskCreation: Skip task creation for $subproject.name."
+ " No integrationTest sources.")
return true
if (subproject.findProperty("excludeFromParallelIntegrationTests") ?: false) {
logger.debug("shouldSkipIntegrationTestTaskCreation: Skip task creation for $subproject.name."
+ "'excludeFromParallelIntegrationTests' found.")
return true
if (subproject.findProperty("repoToTest")) {
subproject.ext.repoToTest = subproject.getProperty('repoToTest')
else {
subproject.ext.repoToTest = "ALL_REPOS"
if (!subproject.ext.repoToTest.equals("ALL_REPOS") && !subproject.getProjectDir().toString().contains("/" + repoToTest + "/")) {
return true
return false
* Gets the path to the last archived test report. This is used by the
* 'parallelCombinedTestReport' task when no -PtestTimeParserInputDir is supplied
* via cmd line.
def String getLastArchivedReport(String reportArchivesPath) {
// skip configuration for this property if not in parallelMode
if (!parallelMode) {
logger.debug("getLastArchivedReport: not in 'parallelMode'. Skipping.")
return ""
File reportArchiveDir = new File(reportArchivesPath);
logger.info("getLastArchivedReport: searching for test report to parse in " + reportArchivesPath)
if(!reportArchiveDir.exists()) {
logger.info("getLastArchivedReport: '$reportArchiveDir' does not exist.")
return ""
// filter for report archive directories.
File[] files = reportArchiveDir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return name.startsWith("reports_");
assert (files != null && files.size() > 0) :
"""Could not find test report archives in '$reportArchiveDir'.
because no -PtestTimeParserInputDir=<path/to/report> supplied via cmd line"""
logger.debug("getLastArchivedReport: found " + files.size() + " archived report directories in '"
+ reportArchiveDir.getPath() + "'.")
// Sort by lastModified date. The last modified directory will be first.
files = files.sort{-it.lastModified()}
logger.debug("getLastArchivedReport: selecting report archive to parse: " + files[0].getAbsolutePath())
return files[0].getAbsolutePath()
ext {
getTestsForSubProject = this.&getTestsForSubProject // export this utility method to project
shouldSkipTestTaskCreation = this.&shouldSkipTestTaskCreation
shouldSkipIntegrationTestTaskCreation = this.&shouldSkipIntegrationTestTaskCreation
getLastArchivedReport = this.&getLastArchivedReport