2021-03-17 18:22:50 -04:00

64 lines
1.7 KiB

/* ###
* IP: Public Domain
apply from: file("../gpl.gradle").getCanonicalPath()
if (findProject(':Generic') != null) {
apply from: "$rootProject.projectDir/gradle/nativeProject.gradle"
apply from: "$rootProject.projectDir/gradle/distributableGPLModule.gradle"
else {
apply from: "../nativeBuildProperties.gradle"
apply plugin: 'eclipse' = 'GPL CabExtract'
project.ext.cabextract = "cabextract-1.6"
* CabExtract platform specific tasks
* The cabextract tool requires that its 'configure' script is called before make.
def currentPlatform = getCurrentPlatformName()
if (['linux64', 'osx64'].contains(currentPlatform)) {
def makeName = "${currentPlatform}CabExtractMake"
task (makeName, type: Exec) {
group "private"
workingDir "build/unpack/${cabextract}"
executable "make"
// Specify output so cabextract is only built if this is missing
// Extract archive and ./configure
doFirst {
copy {
from tarTree(file("data/${cabextract}.tar.gz"))
into 'build/unpack'
// Force all unpacked files to have the same timestamp
ant.touch() {
fileset(dir: file("build/unpack/${cabextract}"))
exec {
workingDir "build/unpack/${cabextract}"
executable "./configure"
// Move out the built cabextract and delete the extracted files
doLast {
copy {
from "build/unpack/${cabextract}/cabextract"
into "build/os/${currentPlatform}"
delete file("build/unpack/${cabextract}")