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/* ###
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.*
* distribution.gradle
* This contains gradle tasks for packaging Ghidra artifacts for distribution. To
* run a full distribution, execute the buildGhidra task. This will build for the
* current platform only. Add -PallPlatforms to build a multiplatform build.
apply from: "$rootProject.projectDir/gradle/support/sbom.gradle"
* Local Vars
def currentPlatform = getCurrentPlatformName()
def PROJECT_DIR = file (rootProject.projectDir.absolutePath)
ext.DISTRIBUTION_DIR = file("$buildDir/dist")
ext.ZIP_NAME_PREFIX = "${rootProject.DISTRO_PREFIX}_${rootProject.BUILD_DATE_SHORT}"
ext.ZIP_DIR_PREFIX = "${rootProject.DISTRO_PREFIX}"
ext.ALL_REPOS = [rootProject.file('.').getName()]
// Add any additional repos to the ALL_REPOS array
File extensionsList = file("ghidra.repos.config")
if (extensionsList.isFile()) {
extensionsList.eachLine { line ->
line = line.trim()
if (line == "" || line.startsWith("#")) {
return // Skip just this one
ALL_REPOS += "$line"
ext.ghidraPath = files()
* Local Methods
* Returns the git commit version of the given git repository. If the
* path is invalid (doesn't exist or isn't in a git repository), an empty
* string will be returned.
def getGitRev(repoPath) {
println("getting git commit for $repoPath")
// If the path doesn't exist, the exec command will fail before it can
// even run the 'git' command, so short-circuit the whole thing here.
if (!new File(repoPath).exists()) {
return ""
// Check to see if the given repo is a git repository. No need to exec
// if it isn't.
if (!new File(repoPath + "/.git").exists()) {
return ""
// Exec the git command to get the commit hash. Note the try/catch - this is
// necessary to catch catastrophic errors on the exec command (eg:
// if the git command is not available). This is necessary because the
// 'ignoreExitValue' attribute only applies to the return value of the
// command being executed (eg: git); it doesn't apply to the return value of
// the exec command itself.
def stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
try {
exec {
ignoreExitValue = true
workingDir repoPath
commandLine 'git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'
standardOutput = stdout
catch (Exception e) {
println("ERROR: gradle exec failed to run 'git rev-parse': is git installed on this system?")
// Return the commit hash
return stdout.toString().trim()
* Creates javadocs for all source defined in the above 'javadocFiles' file tree.
* Note: Artifacts are placed in a temporary folder that is deleted upon
* completion of the build.
task createJavadocs(type: Javadoc, description: 'Generate javadocs for all projects', group: 'Documentation') {
destinationDir file(rootProject.projectDir.toString() + "/build/tmp/javadoc")
failOnError false
// the "source" property must be set in individual project's build.gradle files.
// projects that want to be included in the Jsondocs should add the following to
// their build.gradle file:
// apply from: "$rootProject.projectDir/gradle/javadoc.gradle"
// Must add classpath for main and test source sets. Javadoc will fail if it cannot
// find referenced classes.
classpath = rootProject.ext.ghidraPath
// generate documentation using html5
options.addBooleanOption("html5", true)
options.addBooleanOption('Xdoclint:none', true)
// Some internal packages are not public and need to be exported.
* Creates JSON docs for all source defined in the above 'javadocFiles' file tree.
* These documents are used by Python to show system documentation (whereas Java will
* use Javadoc files).
* Note: Artifacts are placed in a temporary folder that is deleted upon
* completion of the build.
configurations {
dependencies {
jsondoc project('Doclets')
task createJsondocs(type: Javadoc, description: 'Generate JSON docs for all projects', group: 'Documentation') {
group 'private'
String ROOT_PROJECT_DIR = rootProject.projectDir.toString()
destinationDir file(ROOT_PROJECT_DIR + "/build/tmp/jsondoc")
failOnError false
// Must add classpath for main and test source sets. Javadoc will fail if it cannot
// find referenced classes.
classpath = rootProject.ext.ghidraPath
// the "source" property must be set in individual project's build.gradle files.
// projects that want to be included in the Jsondocs should add the following to
// their build.gradle file:
// apply from: "$rootProject.projectDir/gradle/javadoc.gradle"
// Generate at package level because user may try to get help directly on an object they have
// rather than its public interface.
options.addBooleanOption("package", true)
// Newer versions of gradle set this to true by default.
// The JsonDoclet doesn't have the -notimestamp option so ensure it isn't set.
// Some internal packages are not public and need to be exported.
options.doclet = "ghidra.doclets.json.JsonDoclet"
doFirst {
options.docletpath = new ArrayList(configurations.jsondoc.files)
task createPythonTypeStubs(type: Javadoc, description: 'Generate pyi stubs for all projects', group: 'Documentation') {
group 'private'
String ROOT_PROJECT_DIR = rootProject.projectDir.toString()
destinationDir file(ROOT_PROJECT_DIR + "/build/typestubs/src")
failOnError false
// Must add classpath for main and test source sets. Javadoc will fail if it cannot
// find referenced classes.
classpath = rootProject.ext.ghidraPath
// Generate at package level because user may try to get help directly on an object they have
// rather than its public interface.
options.addBooleanOption("package", true)
// Set the ghidra flag to enable the creation of the ghidra_builtins pseudo package
options.addBooleanOption("ghidra", true)
// Newer versions of gradle set this to true by default.
// The JsonDoclet doesn't have the -notimestamp option so ensure it isn't set.
// Some internal packages are not public and need to be exported.
options.doclet = "ghidra.doclets.typestubs.PythonTypeStubDoclet"
doFirst {
options.docletpath = new ArrayList(configurations.jsondoc.files)
task createGhidraStubsWheel {
group 'private'
description "Creates the ghidra-stubs wheel for the Ghidra api. [gradle/root/distribution.gradle]"
String ROOT_PROJECT_DIR = rootProject.projectDir.toString()
def cwd = file(ROOT_PROJECT_DIR + "/build/typestubs")
def destinationDir = file(cwd.toString() + "/dist")
it.outputs.file(destinationDir.toString() + "/ghidra_stubs-${project.version}-py3-none-any.whl")
doFirst {
copy {
into cwd
def manifest = file(cwd.toString() + "/MANIFEST.in" )
manifest.write("graft src\n")
def pyproject = file(cwd.toString() + "/pyproject.toml" )
requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
name = "ghidra-stubs"
version = "${project.version}"
classifiers = [
"License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License",
"Typing :: Stubs Only",
doLast {
File setuptools = project(":Debugger-rmi-trace").findPyDep(".")
if (rootProject.PYTHON3 == null) {
throw new GradleException("A supported version of Python ${SUPPORTED_PY_VERSIONS} was not found!")
exec {
workingDir { cwd.toString() }
commandLine rootProject.PYTHON3
args "-m", "pip", "wheel", "-w", destinationDir.toString(), "--no-index", "-f", setuptools, "."
* Creates a zip file of all javadocs to be put in the release.
* Note: Artifacts are placed in a temporary folder, deleted at build completion
task zipJavadocs(type: Zip) {
group 'private'
archiveFileName = 'GhidraAPI_javadoc.zip'
destinationDirectory = file(rootProject.projectDir.toString() + "/build/tmp")
from createJavadocs {
into "api"
from createJsondocs {
into "api"
description "Zips javadocs for Ghidra api. [gradle/root/distribution.gradle]"
* Copies platform independent files to the distribution staging area in preparation
* for the distribution zip
task assembleDistribution (type: Copy) {
// force this task to always be "out of date"
// Not sure why this is necessary, but without it, gradle thinks this task is "up to date"
// every other time it is run even though in both cases the output directory has been removed
outputs.upToDateWhen {false}
group 'private'
description "Copies core files/folders to the distribution location."
destinationDir file(DISTRIBUTION_DIR.getPath() + "/" + ZIP_DIR_PREFIX)
// Make sure that we don't try to copy the same file with the same path.
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
exclude "**/certification.manifest"
exclude "**/certification.local.manifest"
exclude "**/.project"
exclude "**/.classpath"
exclude "**/.pydevproject"
exclude "**/delete.me"
exclude "**/.vs/**"
exclude "**/*.vcxproj.user"
exclude "**/.settings/**"
// COPY all GPL support files
// (modules with build.gradle handled separately)
from (ROOT_PROJECT_DIR + "/GPL") {
include "*.*"
include "Icons/**"
include "licenses/**"
into "GPL"
from ("licenses") {
into ("licenses")
exclude "**/certification.manifest"
include "LICENSE"
// This lock file must be created to prevent users from modifying script files. We
// create it here, copy it to the archive, then delete it.
File dbLockFile = file('Ghidra/.dbDirLock')
from ('Ghidra') {
include '.dbDirLock'
into 'Ghidra'
doFirst {
dbLockFile.withWriter { out ->
out.writeLine("lock file to prevent modification of core ghidra scripts")
doLast {
from (ROOT_PROJECT_DIR + "/Ghidra/application.properties") {
def buildDateFile = file("$buildDir/build_date.properties")
def gitRevFile = file("$buildDir/git-rev.properties")
doFirst {
// Get the build dates and add to the build file
buildDateFile.text = ""
if (rootProject.BUILD_DATES_NEEDED) {
buildDateFile.text += "application.build.date=" + rootProject.BUILD_DATE + "\n"
buildDateFile.text += "application.build.date.short=" + rootProject.BUILD_DATE_SHORT + "\n"
// Get the git revisions and add to the git file
gitRevFile.text = ""
if (rootProject.GIT_REVS_NEEDED) {
ALL_REPOS.each {
def rev = getGitRev(ROOT_PROJECT_DIR + "/../${it}")
gitRevFile.text += "application.revision.${it}=" + "$rev" + "\n"
doLast {
delete buildDateFile
delete gitRevFile
into "Ghidra"
// Add the build and git info to the application.properties file
filter (ConcatFilter, prepend: buildDateFile)
filter (ConcatFilter, prepend: gitRevFile)
from (zipJavadocs) {
into 'docs'
// Ghidra Python type stubs
from (createGhidraStubsWheel) {
into 'docs'
// Patch Readme
from (ROOT_PROJECT_DIR + "/GhidraBuild/patch") {
into "Ghidra/patch"
// Eclipse formatters
from (ROOT_PROJECT_DIR + "/eclipse") {
exclude "certification.manifest"
into "support/eclipse"
// Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
doLast {
def bomFile = file("${destinationDir}/bom.json")
writeSoftwareBillOfMaterials(destinationDir, bomFile)
* Creates copy tasks for each platform, to move native files to the
* distribution staging folder.
* Input: Native executables created during the build phase. It is assumed that
* these have already been built and are located in the proper location.
project.PLATFORMS.each { platform ->
task ("assembleDistribution_${platform.name}", type: Copy ) {
// force this task to always be "out of date"
// Not sure why this is necessary, but without it, gradle thinks this task is "up to date"
// every other time it is run even though in both cases the output directory has been removed
outputs.upToDateWhen {false}
// delete the gradle ziptree temp directory because of gradle bug not cleaning up its temp files.
delete rootProject.file("build/tmp/expandedArchives")
group 'private'
description "Copies the platform-dependent files/folders to the distribution location."
destinationDir file(DISTRIBUTION_DIR.getPath() + "/" + ZIP_DIR_PREFIX)
// Make sure that we don't try to copy the same file with the same path into the
// zip (this can happen!)
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
* Copies source zips for projects to the distribution staging folder.
task assembleSource (type: Copy) {
group 'private'
description "Copies source zips for all core projects to the distribution folder"
* Copies a markdown file and a generaterated html file into the distribution folder.
task assembleMarkdownToHtml (type: Copy) {
group 'private'
description "Copies a markdown file and a generaterated html file into the distribution folder"
dependsOn ':MarkdownSupport:classes'
outputs.upToDateWhen {false}
destinationDir file(DISTRIBUTION_DIR.getPath() + "/" + ZIP_DIR_PREFIX)
eachFile { f ->
def htmlName = f.sourceName[0..-3] + "html"
def htmlPath = f.relativePath.replaceLastName(htmlName).pathString
javaexec {
classpath = project(':MarkdownSupport').sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
mainClass = 'ghidra.markdown.MarkdownToHtml'
args f.file
args file("${destinationDir.path}/${htmlPath}")
* Creates a directory of extensions that are external from the installation zip.
task createExternalExtensions(type: Copy) {
group 'private'
description "Creates directory of extensions that are external to the installation zip (does not clean up artifacts) [gradle/root/distribution.gradle]"
dependsOn assembleSource
destinationDir new File(DISTRIBUTION_DIR.getPath(), "external_extensions")
// Make sure that we don't try to copy the same file with the same path.
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
import groovy.io.FileType
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime
import java.time.OffsetDateTime
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.time.ZoneId
* Update sla file timestamps to current time plus timeOffsetMinutes value.
* distributionDirectoryPath - Contains files/folders used by gradle zip task.
* timeOffsetMinutes - Number of minutes to increase sla file timestamp.
def updateSlaFilesTimestamp(String distributionDirectoryPath, int timeOffsetMinutes) {
logger.debug("updateSlaFilesTimestamp: distributionDirectoryPath = '$distributionDirectoryPath' and timeOffsetMinutes = '$timeOffsetMinutes',")
if (timeOffsetMinutes <= 0) {
throw new GradleException("updateSlaFilesTimestamp: timeOffsetMinutes value of '$timeOffsetMinutes' is invalid.")
// path to sla files in distribution directory
def directory = new File(distributionDirectoryPath)
if (!directory.exists()) {
throw new GradleException("updateSlaFilesTimestamp: path to sla files '$directory' does not exist.")
OffsetDateTime dt = OffsetDateTime.now(ZoneId.of("UTC")).plusMinutes(timeOffsetMinutes);
int numFilesAdded = 0;
// For each .sla file, update timestamp attributes.
directory.eachFileRecurse(FileType.FILES) { file ->
if(file.name.endsWith('sla')) {
Files.setAttribute(file.toPath(), "creationTime", FileTime.from(dt.toEpochSecond(), TimeUnit.SECONDS ));
Files.setAttribute(file.toPath(), "lastModifiedTime", FileTime.from(dt.toEpochSecond(), TimeUnit.SECONDS ));
Files.setAttribute(file.toPath(), "lastAccessTime", FileTime.from(dt.toEpochSecond(), TimeUnit.SECONDS ));
logger.debug("updateSlaFilesTimestamp: Updating $file.name with timestamp attributes of " + new Date(file.lastModified()))
println "updateSlaFilesTimestamp: Updated timestamps to $numFilesAdded .sla files."
* Assemble all targets.
task assembleAll() {
group 'private'
description "Assembles all targets to one installation directory (does not clean up artifacts) [gradle/root/distribution.gradle]"
dependsOn assembleDistribution
dependsOn assembleSource
dependsOn assembleMarkdownToHtml
dependsOn "assembleDistribution_$currentPlatform"
if (project.hasProperty("allPlatforms")) {
project.PLATFORMS.each { platform ->
dependsOn ":assembleDistribution_${platform.name}"
doFirst {
// We always want the extensions directory to exist in the zip, even if there's nothing
// installed there.
new File( DISTRIBUTION_DIR.getPath() + "/" + ZIP_DIR_PREFIX + "/Ghidra/Extensions").mkdirs()
// The dependent tasks copy the sla and slaspec files into "extractTo/<release name>/ghidra/"
// and then later to "extractTo/<release name>/dist/", which this zip task compresses. The copy
// tasks do not preserve the file modification times. If slaspec timestamp > sla timestamp,
// a sleigh compile is triggered on Ghidra app startup. Calling this method before files are zipped
// will ensure the zip archive has sla files newer than slaspec. Give new timestamp of now plus
// two minutes.
updateSlaFilesTimestamp(DISTRIBUTION_DIR.getPath(), 2)
* Creates the local installation zip.
task createInstallationZip(type: Zip) { t ->
group 'private'
description "Creates local installation zip (does not clean up artifacts) [gradle/root/distribution.gradle]"
dependsOn assembleAll
if (project.hasProperty("allPlatforms")) {
archiveFileName = "${ZIP_NAME_PREFIX}.zip"
else {
archiveFileName = "${ZIP_NAME_PREFIX}_${currentPlatform}.zip"
destinationDirectory = DISTRIBUTION_DIR
// Make sure that we don't try to copy the same file with the same path.
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
from (DISTRIBUTION_DIR.getPath() + "/" + ZIP_DIR_PREFIX) {
doLast {
delete file(DISTRIBUTION_DIR.getPath() + "/" + ZIP_DIR_PREFIX)
* Builds the Ghidra installation zip file for the local platform
task buildGhidra() {
description "Builds Ghidra for the current platform. The resulting zip will be in build/dist"
if (project.hasProperty("externalExtensions")) {
dependsOn createExternalExtensions
dependsOn createInstallationZip