
407 lines
14 KiB

/* ###
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
apply from: 'gradle/root/eclipse.gradle'
apply from: "gradle/support/eclipseLauncher.gradle"
apply from: "gradle/support/loadApplicationProperties.gradle"
* Print current Java and Gradle version and make sure the correct version of gradle is being used
import org.gradle.util.GradleVersion;
println "Java: " + JavaVersion.current()
println "Gradle: " + GradleVersion.current().version
* Define the location of JAVA_HOME
if (System.env.JAVA_HOME) {
// Allow Gradle's default JAVA_HOME to be overridden by an environment variable we set
project.ext.JAVA_HOME = System.env.JAVA_HOME;
else {
project.ext.JAVA_HOME = "${'java.home'}"
* Make sure Gradle wasn't launched with a 32-bit can cause confusing errors
if ("32".equals(System.getProperty(""))) {
throw new GradleException("\n\n\t32-bit Java detected! Please use 64-bit Java.\n\n");
* Identify supported Python command
project.ext.SUPPORTED_PY_VERSIONS = ['3.12', '3.11', '3.10', '3.9']
project.ext.PYTHON3 = findPython3(true)
project.ext.PYTHON_DEPS = new HashSet<String>()
* Define the location of bin repo
project.ext.GHIDRA_GROUP = "Z Ghidra"
project.ext.ROOT_PROJECT_DIR = projectDir.absolutePath
project.ext.BIN_REPO = file("${projectDir}/../ghidra.bin").absolutePath
project.ext.DEPS_DIR = file("${projectDir}/dependencies")
* Prevent forked Java processes from stealing focus
allprojects {
tasks.withType(JavaForkOptions) {
jvmArgs '-Djava.awt.headless=true'
* Use flat directory-style repository if flatRepo directory is present.
def flatRepo = file("${DEPS_DIR}/flatRepo")
if (flatRepo.isDirectory()) {
allprojects {
repositories {
flatDir name: "flat", dirs:["$flatRepo"]
else {
File f = file("ghidra.repos.config")
if (!f.exists()) {
throw new GradleException("\n\n\n\tUnable to find the local maven repo." +
" Ensure you have created the ${flatRepo.getName()} directory or ${f.getName()} file.\n\n\n");
* Imports
* For these tasks to be available on all subprojects, this MUST be placed
* after the "setupJava" configuration.
* Note: Distribution.gradle and distributionNew.gradle must not be applied at the
* same time; they have tasks with the same name. The former is the 'old' way
* of building (produces several zips) while the former produces only one.
* Eventually distribution.gradle will be removed entirely, but it is included
* here for the time being for those who need it.
apply from: "GPL/utils.gradle" // adds utilities used in both Ghidra and GPL projects
apply from: "GPL/nativePlatforms.gradle" // adds native platform support
apply from: "gradle/root/test.gradle" // adds tasks for running tests
apply from: "gradle/root/prepDev.gradle" // adds prepDev task for each subproject
apply from: 'gradle/root/distribution.gradle' // adds zip tasks
apply from: 'gradle/root/usage.gradle' // adds task documentation
apply from: "gradle/root/svg.gradle" // adds task to process svg files
apply from: "gradle/root/jacoco.gradle" // adds tasks for java code coverage
apply from: "gradle/root/venv.gradle" // adds tasks python virtual environments
apply plugin: 'base'
clean {
delete "$buildDir"
* Throws a GradleException if the current Gradle version is outside of the supported
* Gradle version range defined in
* NOTE: This function is duplicated in buildExtension.gradle
import org.gradle.util.GradleVersion;
def checkGradleVersion() {
GradleVersion min = null;
GradleVersion max = null;
try {
min = GradleVersion.version("${rootProject.GRADLE_MIN}")
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
String defaultMin = "1.0"
println "Invalid minimum Gradle version specified in ${defaultMin}"
min = GradleVersion.version(defaultMin)
try {
if (rootProject.GRADLE_MAX) {
max = GradleVersion.version("${rootProject.GRADLE_MAX}")
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
println "Invalid maximum Gradle version specified in"
String gradleRange = "at least ${min}"
if (max) {
gradleRange += " and less than ${max}"
if (GradleVersion.current() < min || (max && GradleVersion.current() >= max)) {
throw new GradleException("Requires ${gradleRange}, but was run with $gradle.gradleVersion")
* Identifies supported python3 command to be used when building and checks for pip install.
* Although warnings may be produced no exception is thrown since python only required
* for specific build tasks and is not required for prepdev
def checkPythonVersion(List<String> pyCmd) {
try {
def stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
commandLine pyCmd
args "-c", "import sys; print('{0}.{1}'.format(*sys.version_info))"
standardOutput = stdout
errorOutput = OutputStream.nullOutputStream()
def version = "$stdout".strip()
return version
catch (Exception e) {
return "ABSENT"
def checkPip(List<String> pyCmd, boolean shouldPrint) {
try {
def stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
commandLine pyCmd
args "-c", "import pip; print(pip.__version__)"
standardOutput = stdout
errorOutput = OutputStream.nullOutputStream()
def version = "$stdout".strip();
if (shouldPrint) {
if (version.length() == 0) {
println("Warning: Python3 pip not installed (required for build)")
else {
println("Python3 pip version: ${version}")
return version
catch (Exception e) {
if (shouldPrint) {
println("Warning: Python3 pip not installed (required for build)")
def findPython3(boolean shouldPrint) {
def pyCmds = [['py'], ['python3'], ['python']]
pyCmds += SUPPORTED_PY_VERSIONS.collectMany { [["python$it"], ["py", "-$it"]] }
for (pyCmd in pyCmds) {
def pyVer = checkPythonVersion(pyCmd)
if (shouldPrint) {
println("Python3 command: ${pyCmd} (version ${pyVer})")
checkPip(pyCmd, shouldPrint)
return pyCmd
if (shouldPrint) {
println("Warning: Supported Python ${SUPPORTED_PY_VERSIONS} not found (required for build)")
// Don't fail until task execution. Just retun null, which can be gracefully handled later.
return null
* Utility methods used by multiple build.gradle files
* Returns a relative path from the root (ghidra) to the project's directory.
* This is used to determine where inside a zip file to place a particular artifact
* (we want them to all start at "Ghidra/...."
* ie: If we have the following:
* project dir = /Users/<blah>/git/ghidra.master/ghidra/Ghidra/Features/Base
* root project = /Users/<blah>/git/ghidra.master/ghidra/Ghidra
* Then the returned value will be:
* Ghidra/Features/Base
* There are two special cases - Projects that live outside ghidra and projects
* that are extension projects. Projects that live outside ghidra will
* have zip paths that make the project appear as if it did live in ghidra.
* Projects that extend other projects will appear as though they live in the project
* that they extend. See the note at the top of the distribution.gradle file for more details.
def getZipPath(Project p) {
String path = getGhidraRelativePath(p)
// if the project has been defined as an "extension" to another project, change its
// zip path to the path of its "base" project. A project is an extension if it has
// defined an "extendsFromProject" property.
if (p.hasProperty('extendsFromProject')) {
Project baseProject = p.extendsFromProject
path = getGhidraRelativePath(baseProject);
if (p.hasProperty("pathExtension")) {
path = path + "/" + p.pathExtension
return path
def getBaseProjectName(Project p) {
if (p.hasProperty('extendsFromProject')) {
Project baseProject = p.extendsFromProject
* Returns the current date formatted as yyyyMMdd.
def getCurrentDate() {
def date = new Date()
def formattedDate = date.format('yyyyMMdd')
return formattedDate
* Returns the current date/time formatted as yyyyMMdd-HHmm.
def getCurrentDateTime() {
def date = new Date()
def formattedDate = date.format('yyyyMMdd-HHmm')
return formattedDate
* Returns the current date/time formatted as yyyy-MMM-dd HHmm z.
def getCurrentDateTimeLong() {
def date = new Date()
def formattedDate = date.format('yyyy-MMM-dd HHmm z')
return formattedDate
* Returns a list of all the external library paths declared as dependencies for the
* given project
List<String> getExternalRuntimeDependencies(Project project) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>()
if (project.configurations.find { == 'api' }) {
list.addAll(getExternalRuntimeDependencies(project, project.configurations.api));
if (project.configurations.find { == 'implementation' }) {
list.addAll(getExternalRuntimeDependencies(project, project.configurations.implementation));
if (project.configurations.find { == 'runtimeOnly' }) {
list.addAll(getExternalRuntimeDependencies(project, project.configurations.runtimeOnly));
return list
List<String> getExternalRuntimeDependencies(Project project, Configuration configuration) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
configuration.dependencies.each { dep ->
// if the dependency is an external jar
if (dep instanceof ExternalDependency) {
String name = dep.getName()
Set<String> classifiers = dep.artifacts.classifier
String group = dep.getGroup()
String version = dep.getVersion()
String searchString = name
if (version != null) {
searchString = name+"-"+version;
if (!classifiers.empty) {
String cls = classifiers.first()
if (cls != null) {
searchString+= "-$cls"
// search for the dependency in the runtime class path
String depPath = project.configurations.runtimeClasspath.find {
if (depPath == null) {
println("****************DID NOT FIND DEPENDENCY: name = "+name+" version = "+version)
// if we found the path, then add it to the list
if (depPath) {
return list;
* Creates a file that lists the libraries used by each module.
String generateLibraryDependencyMapping() {
File libsFile = file("$buildDir/libraryDependencies.txt")
// Check to make sure the build folder exists - if it doesn't, the 'libsFile.withWriter'
// call (below) will fail miserably.
def buildFolder = file ("$buildDir")
if (!buildFolder.exists()) {
libsFile.withWriter { out ->
subprojects { p ->
p.plugins.withType(JavaPlugin) {
List<String> libs = getExternalRuntimeDependencies(p);
if (libs != null) {
out.println "Module: $"
libs.each { path ->
out.println "\t$path"
return libsFile.absolutePath
task allSleighCompile {