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# BPF Processor Specification for Ghidra
define space ram type=ram_space size=4 default;
define space packet type=ram_space size=4;
define space mem type=ram_space size=4;
define space register type=register_space size=4;
define register offset=0 size=4 [ A X RS R PC ];
define register offset=0 size=2 [ AH _ XH _ RSH _ RH _ PCH _ ];
define register offset=0 size=1 [ AB _ _ _ XB _ _ _ RSB _ _ _ RB _ _ _ PCB _ _ _ ];
# Instruction encoding: Insop:8, dst_reg:4, src_reg:4, off:16, imm:32 - from lsb to msb
define token instr(64)
imm=(32, 63)
jf=(24, 31) signed
jt=(16, 23) signed
op_src_K_X=(3, 3)
op_alu_jmp_opcode=(4, 7)
op_alu_jmp_source=(3, 3)
op_alu_mode=(4, 7)
op_ld_st_mode=(5, 7)
op_ld_st_size=(3, 4)
op_insn_class=(0, 2)
:LD imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x0 & op_ld_st_size=0x0 & op_insn_class=0x0 { A=imm; }
:LDH imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x0 & op_ld_st_size=0x1 & op_insn_class=0x0 { AH=imm:2; A = A & 0xffff; }
:LDB imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x0 & op_ld_st_size=0x2 & op_insn_class=0x0 { AB=imm:1; A = A & 0xff;}
:LDX imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x0 & op_ld_st_size=0x0 & op_insn_class=0x1 { X=imm; }
:LDXH imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x0 & op_ld_st_size=0x1 & op_insn_class=0x1 { XH=imm:2; X = X & 0xffff; }
:LDXB imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x0 & op_ld_st_size=0x2 & op_insn_class=0x1 { XB=imm:1; X = X & 0xff;}
:LD imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x1 & op_ld_st_size=0x0 & op_insn_class=0x0 { A=*[packet]:4 imm:4; }
:LDH imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x1 & op_ld_st_size=0x1 & op_insn_class=0x0 { A=*[packet]:2 imm:4; A = A & 0xffff; }
:LDB imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x1 & op_ld_st_size=0x2 & op_insn_class=0x0 { A=*[packet]:1 imm:4; A = A & 0xff;}
:LDX imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x1 & op_ld_st_size=0x0 & op_insn_class=0x1 { X=*[packet]:4 imm:4; }
:LDXH imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x1 & op_ld_st_size=0x1 & op_insn_class=0x1 { X=*[packet]:2 imm:4; X = X & 0xffff; }
:LDXB imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x1 & op_ld_st_size=0x2 & op_insn_class=0x1 { X=*[packet]:1 imm:4; X = X & 0xff;}
:ST imm is imm & op_insn_class=0x2 { *[mem]:4 imm:4=A:4; }
:STX imm is imm & op_insn_class=0x3 { *[mem]:4 imm:4=X:4; }
:LDI imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x2 & op_ld_st_size=0x0 & op_insn_class=0x0 { A=*[packet]:4 (imm:4 + X); }
:LDIH imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x2 & op_ld_st_size=0x1 & op_insn_class=0x0 { A=*[packet]:2 (imm:4 + X); A = A & 0xffff; }
:LDIB imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x2 & op_ld_st_size=0x2 & op_insn_class=0x0 { A=*[packet]:1 (imm:4 + X); A = A & 0xff; }
:LD imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x3 & op_ld_st_size=0x0 & op_insn_class=0x0 { A=*[mem]:4 imm:4; }
:LDH imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x3 & op_ld_st_size=0x1 & op_insn_class=0x0 { A=*[mem]:2 imm:4; A = A & 0xffff; }
:LDB imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x3 & op_ld_st_size=0x2 & op_insn_class=0x0 { A=*[mem]:1 imm:4; A = A & 0xff; }
:LDX imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x3 & op_ld_st_size=0x0 & op_insn_class=0x1 { X=*[mem]:4 imm:4; }
:LDXH imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x3 & op_ld_st_size=0x1 & op_insn_class=0x1 { X=*[mem]:2 imm:4; X = X & 0xffff; }
:LDXB imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x3 & op_ld_st_size=0x2 & op_insn_class=0x1 { X=*[mem]:1 imm:4; X = X & 0xff; }
:ADD imm is imm & op_alu_mode=0x0 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x0 { A= A + imm; }
:ADD X is X & op_alu_mode=0x0 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x1 { A= A + X; }
:SUB imm is imm & op_alu_mode=0x1 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x0 { A= A - imm; }
:SUB X is X & op_alu_mode=0x1 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x1 { A= A - X; }
:MUL imm is imm & op_alu_mode=0x2 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x0 { A= A * imm; }
:MUL X is X & op_alu_mode=0x2 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x1 { A= A * X; }
:DIV imm is imm & op_alu_mode=0x3 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x0 { A= A / imm; }
:DIV X is X & op_alu_mode=0x3 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x1 { A= A / X; }
:OR imm is imm & op_alu_mode=0x4 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x0 { A= A | imm; }
:OR X is X & op_alu_mode=0x4 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x1 { A= A | X; }
:AND imm is imm & op_alu_mode=0x5 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x0 { A= A & imm; }
:AND X is X & op_alu_mode=0x5 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x1 { A= A & X; }
:LSH imm is imm & op_alu_mode=0x6 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x0 { A= A << imm; }
:LSH X is X & op_alu_mode=0x6 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x1 { A= A << X; }
:RSH imm is imm & op_alu_mode=0x7 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x0 { A= A >> imm; }
:RSH X is X & op_alu_mode=0x7 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x1 { A= A >> X; }
:NEG is op_alu_mode=0x8 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x0 { A= -A; }
:MOD imm is imm & op_alu_mode=0x9 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x0 { A= A % imm; }
:MOD X is X & op_alu_mode=0x9 & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x1 { A= A % X; }
:XOR imm is imm & op_alu_mode=0xa & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x0 { A= A ^ imm; }
:XOR X is X & op_alu_mode=0xa & op_insn_class=0x4 & op_src_K_X = 0x1 { A= A ^ X; }
:TAX is op_insn_class=0x7 & op_src_K_X = 0x0 { A= X; }
:TXA is op_insn_class=0x7 & op_src_K_X = 0x1 { X= A; }
:LD_MSH imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x5 & op_ld_st_size=0x0 & op_insn_class=0x0 {
local t_val = *[packet]:4 imm:4;
t_val = t_val&0xf;
t_val = t_val << 2;
A = t_val;
:LDH_MSH imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x5 & op_ld_st_size=0x1 & op_insn_class=0x0 {
local t_val = *[packet]:2 imm:4;
t_val = t_val&0xf;
t_val = t_val << 2;
AH = t_val;
:LDB_MSH imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x5 & op_ld_st_size=0x2 & op_insn_class=0x0 {
local t_val = *[packet]:1 imm:4;
t_val = t_val&0xf;
t_val = t_val << 2;
AB = t_val;
:LDX_MSH imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x5 & op_ld_st_size=0x0 & op_insn_class=0x1 {
local t_val = *[packet]:4 imm:4;
t_val = t_val&0xf;
t_val = t_val << 2;
X = t_val;
:LDXH_MSH imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x5 & op_ld_st_size=0x1 & op_insn_class=0x1 {
local t_val = *[packet]:2 imm:4;
t_val = t_val&0xf;
t_val = t_val << 2;
XH = t_val;
X = X & 0xffff;
:LDXB_MSH imm is imm & op_ld_st_mode=0x5 & op_ld_st_size=0x2 & op_insn_class=0x1 {
local t_val = *[packet]:1 imm:4;
t_val = t_val&0xf;
t_val = t_val << 2;
XB = t_val;
X = X & 0xff;
#Branch instructions
joff: reloc is imm [ reloc = inst_next + imm * 8; ] { export *:8 reloc; }
jtoff: reloc is jt [ reloc = inst_next + jt * 8; ] { export *:8 reloc; }
jfoff: reloc is jf [ reloc = inst_next + jf * 8; ] { export *:8 reloc; }
:JA joff is joff & op_alu_jmp_opcode=0x0 & op_alu_jmp_source=0 & op_insn_class=0x5 {
goto joff;
:JEQ jtoff, jfoff, imm is imm & jtoff & jfoff & op_alu_jmp_opcode=0x1 & op_alu_jmp_source=0 & op_insn_class=0x5 {
if (A==imm) goto jtoff;
goto jfoff;
:JEQ jtoff, jfoff, X is X & jtoff & jfoff & op_alu_jmp_opcode=0x1 & op_alu_jmp_source=1 & op_insn_class=0x5 {
if (A==X) goto jtoff;
goto jfoff;
:JGT jtoff, jfoff, imm is imm & jtoff & jfoff & op_alu_jmp_opcode=0x2 & op_alu_jmp_source=0 & op_insn_class=0x5 {
if (A > imm) goto jtoff;
goto jfoff;
:JGT jtoff, jfoff, X is X & jtoff & jfoff & op_alu_jmp_opcode=0x2 & op_alu_jmp_source=1 & op_insn_class=0x5 {
if (A > X) goto jtoff;
goto jfoff;
:JGE jtoff, jfoff, imm is imm & jtoff & jfoff & op_alu_jmp_opcode=0x3 & op_alu_jmp_source=0 & op_insn_class=0x5 {
if (A >= imm) goto jtoff;
goto jfoff;
:JGE jtoff, jfoff, X is X & jtoff & jfoff & op_alu_jmp_opcode=0x3 & op_alu_jmp_source=1 & op_insn_class=0x5 {
if (A >= X) goto jtoff;
goto jfoff;
:JSET jtoff, jfoff, imm is imm & jtoff & jfoff & op_alu_jmp_opcode=0x4 & op_alu_jmp_source=0 & op_insn_class=0x5 {
if ((A&imm) != 0) goto jtoff;
goto jfoff;
:JSET jtoff, jfoff, X is X & jtoff & jfoff & op_alu_jmp_opcode=0x4 & op_alu_jmp_source=1 & op_insn_class=0x5 {
if ((A&X) != 0) goto jtoff;
goto jfoff;
:RETW imm is imm & op_ld_st_size=0 & op_insn_class=0x6 {
R = imm;
return [*:8 RS];