Ghidra This product includes software developed at National Security Agency ( Portions of this product were created by the U.S. Government and not subject to U.S. copyright protections under 17 U.S.C. The remaining portions are copyright their respective authors and have been contributed under the terms of one or more open source licenses, and made available to you under the terms of those licenses. (See LICENSE) Licensing Intent The intent is that this software and documentation ("Project") should be treated as if it is licensed under the license associated with the Project ("License") in the LICENSE file. However, because we are part of the United States (U.S.) Federal Government, it is not that simple. The portions of this Project written by U.S. Federal Government employees within the scope of their federal employment are ineligible for copyright protection in the U.S.; this is generally understood to mean that these portions of the Project are placed in the public domain. In countries where copyright protection is available (which does not include the U.S.), contributions made by U.S. Federal Government employees are released under the License. Merged contributions from private contributors are released under the License. Most portions of the Project are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ("Apache 2.0") unless indicated otherwise. Some modules incorporate code available under other licenses. These modules contain human- and machine- readable lists of the governing license(s). Consistent with the inbound=outbound model, contributions to such modules must be made available, by the contributor, under the applicable license(s). Please read the Legal section of the guide.