Ghidra's Java Style Guide

Ver 1.1 - 20190307


The purpose of this document is to record the Ghidra team's accepted rules for code formatting, naming conventions, code complexity, and other best practices. Many of the rules listed in this document are not universal absolutes and many blur into areas of personal preferences. The purpose of these types of rules is not to definitely state that one way is better than another, but that we are consistent throughout the team.

Most of these rules came from one or more of the listed references at the end of this document. Many of these rules were listed in just about every guide. Where they disagreed, We generally went with the majority. Some rules seem arbitrary as to the actual value used, but that a value was needed seemed universal. For example, just about every reference stated a maximum character line length. We think all were either 80 or 100. So everyone seems to think it is important to have some limit, but they don't agree to the actual number.

Most Important Rules of All

Any of the rules or suggestions in this document can be broken, but you must document why breaking the rule makes the code better.

Program for people, not machines. The primary goal of your development efforts should be that your code is easy for other people to understand.

Naming Conventions

General Naming Rules

Names for classes, interfaces, methods, parameters, instance variables and long-lived local variables should not contain abbreviations or acronyms except for well known ones (the abbreviation is more commonly used than the full name) like URL and HTML.

The following exceptions are allowed (The list can be expanded with majority approval)

If an abbreviation or acronym is used, only the first letter should be capitalized. (Unless it is the beginning of a method or variable name, in which case the first letter is also lower case.)

For example, use fooUrl, not fooURL.

Package Naming

Package names should start with ghidra.<module group>.<module name>. (e.g., ghidra.framework.docking.)

Package names should be all lower case, preferably one word and no abbreviations.

Class Naming

Class names should be nouns.

Class names should use upper CamelCase where the first letter of each word is capitalized.

Examples: Table, FoldingTable, WoodTable

Classes that extend other classes should use the base class name as a base and prepend it with what is more specific about the extended class.

For example, if the base class is "Truck", the subclasses would have names like "DumpTruck", "DeliveryTruck", or "FlyingTruck".

The design pattern of an interface with one or more implementations should use the following naming conventions:

The design pattern for using an abstract base class without a corresponding interface should use the following naming conventions:

Test class names should end with "Test" (e.g., FooTest).

Test doubles or stub objects should use the following naming rules:

Interface Naming

Interface names should be nouns, or adjectives ending with "able" such as Runnable or Serializable.

Interface names should use upper CamelCase where the first letter of each word is capitalized.

Method Naming

Method names should use lower CamelCase where the first letter of each word is capitalized except for the first word.

Method names should generally be verbs or other descriptions of actions.

Specific naming conventions:

Methods that return a value should be named based on what they return. Void methods should be named based on what they do.

		public Foo buildFoo() {     // returns a Foo so method name is based on Foo
		public int getSize() {      // returns a primitive, which is the size, so name is based on "size"
		public void startServer() { // doesn't return anything so name it based on what it does
		public boolean installHandler(Handler handler) { // even though it returns a boolean, its not about returning  
		    ...                                          // a boolean, so name it based on what it does

Instance Variable Naming

Instance Variable names should use lower CamelCase where the first letter of each word is capitalized except for the first word.

Local Variable and Parameter Naming

Local Variable names should use lower CamelCase where the first letter of each word is capitalized except for the first word.

Variable names should be proportional in length to their scope.

Variable names should generally have the same name as their class (e.g., Person person or Button button).

Collections should be named the plural form of the type without the collection type name. For example, use List dogs, not List dogList.

Enum Naming

Enum class names should be like any other class (UpperCamelCase).

Enum value names should be all upper case.

		public enum AnalyzerStatus {

Loop Counters

Use of i, j, k, etc. is acceptable as generic loop counters, unless a more descriptive name would greatly enhance the readability.

Constants (static final fields)

Constants should be all upper case with words separated by "_" (underscore char).


Generic Types

Generic type names should be named in one of two styles:

Utility Classes

Utility class names should end in "Utils".

Source File Structure

File Order

A Java File should be organized in the following order

Local variables should be declared when first needed and not at the top of the method and should be initialized as close to the declaration as possible (preferably at the same time).

Overloaded methods should be next to each other.

Modifiers should appear in the following order:


Most of these are handled by the Eclipse formatter and are here to document the Ghidra formatting style. The Eclipse formatter can be found in the support/eclipse/ directory of a Ghidra release, or in the eclipse/ directory of the Ghidra source repository.

Line Length

Java code will have a character limit of 100 characters per line.


New blocks are indented using a tab character (the tab should be 4 spaces wide).

Line continuation should be indented the same as a new block.

Special Formatting

If special formatting is required to make code readable, you may surround the statement or code block with the eclipse formatter tags. For example,
	public String toString() {
		return "{\n" +
			"\tname: " + name + ",\n" +
			"\tmodelColumn" + modelIndex + ",\n" +
			"\tviewColumn: " + viewIndex + ",\n" +
			"\tconstraints: " + 
				CollectionUtils.collect(applicableConstraints, c -> c.asString()) +"\n" +

Do not use empty end-of-line comments "//" to trick eclipse into not formatting the line.


Braces should always be used where optional.

Braces should follow the Kernighan and Ritchie style for nonempty blocks and block-like structures.

Empty blocks should look as follows.

		void doNothing() {
			// comment as to why we are doing nothing

White Space

A single blank line should be used to separate the following sections:

A single blank line should be used:

A single space should be used:

Variable Assignment

Each variable should be declared on its own line.

			int i,j;

			int i;
			int j;



Javadoc blocks are normally of the form

		 * Some description with normal
		 * wrapping.

Javadoc paragraphs should be separated by a single blank line (Starts with an aligned *) and each paragraph other than the initial description should start with <p>.

When referencing other methods, use links (e.g., {@link #method(type1, type2, ...} or {@link Classname#method(type1, type2, ...}).

Block tags should never appear without a description.

Descriptions in block tags should not end in a period, unless followed by another sentence.

Block tags that are used should appear in the following order:

The Javadoc block should begin with a brief summary fragment. This fragment should be a noun phrase or a verb phrase and not a complete sentence. However, the fragment is capitalized and punctuated as if it were a complete sentence.

		For example, do

			 * Sets the warning level for the messaging system.

			 * This method sets the warning level for the messaging system.

Javadoc should be present for every public class and every public or protected method with the following exceptions:

Code Comments

Block comments are indented at the same level as the surrounding code.

Block comments should be preceded by a blank line unless it is the first line of the block.

Block comments should be one of the following forms:

		 * This is          // I like this
		 * nice.            // also.

Any empty code block should have a comment so that the reader will know it was intentional. Also, the comment should not be something like "// empty" or "don't care", but instead should state why it is empty or why you don't care.

Comments should indicate the 'why' you are doing something, not just 'what' you are doing. The code tells us what it is doing. Comments should not be pseudo code.

Prefer creating a descriptive method to using a block comment. So if you feel that a block comment is needed to explain the next block of code, then it probably would be better off moved to a method with a name that says what the code does.

Use of comments in code should be minimized by making the code self-documenting by appropriate name choices and an explicit logical structure.

Tricky code should not be commented. Instead, it should be rewritten.


Method Size

Avoid long methods.

Method Complexity

A method should be completely understandable (what, how, why) in about 30 seconds.

Method Complexity should be kept low, according to the following scale:

Calculating Complexity:

Methods should avoid deep nesting.

Methods and constructors should avoid large numbers of parameters.

All blocks of code in a method should be at the same level of abstraction

		// example of mixed levels:
		void doDailyChores() {

		// fixed
		void doDailyChores() {

Methods and constructors should generally avoid multiple parameters of the same type, unless the method's purpose is to process multiple instances of the same type (e.g., comparator, math functions). This is especially egregious for boolean parameters.

Tips for lowering complexity


Unit testing

A single test case should only test one result. If there are more than 2 or 3 asserts in a single test, consider breaking into multiple tests.

Unit tests should run fast (a single test case (method) should be less than a second)



Methods that override a method in a parent class should use the @Override tag.

Methods that implement an interface method should use the @Override tag.

Methods that use the @Override tag do not need a Javadoc comment.

Use of Tuple Objects

Use of Pair, Triple, etc. should be avoided. If the multiple values being returned are related, then the method is conceptually returning a higher level object and so should return that. Otherwise, the method should be redesigned.

Exception Handling

Exceptions should never have empty code blocks. There should at least be a comment explaining why there is no code for the exception.

If the caught exception is believed to be impossible to happen, the correct action is to throw an AssertException with a message explaining that it should never happen.


Instance variables that are immutable should be declared final unless there is a compelling reason not to.


Avoid hiding/shadowing methods, variables, and type variables in outer scopes.

Access modifiers

Class instance fields should not be public. They should be private whenever possible, but protected and package are acceptable.

Java-specific constructs

Use the try-with-resources pattern whenever possible.

Always parameterize types when possible (e.g., JComboBox<String> vs. JComboBox).

If an object has an isEmpty() method, use it instead of checking its size == 0.


Mutating method parameters is discouraged.

Magic numbers should not appear in the code. Other than 0, or 1, the number should be declared as a constant.

Avoid creating a new Utilities class *every time you need to share code*. Try to add to an existing utilities class OR take advantage of code re-use via inheritance.

Rules that shouldn't need to be stated, but do

Test your feature yourself before submitting for review and make sure the tests pass.


'The McCabe measure of complexity isn't the only sound measure, but it's the measure most discussed in computing literature and it's especially helpful when you're thinking about control flow. Other measures include the amount of data used, the number of nesting levels in control constructs, the number of lines of code, the number of lines between successive references to variables ("span"), the number of lines that a variable is in use ("live time"), and the amount of input and output. Some researchers have developed composite metrics based on combinations of these simpler ones.' (McCabe)

'Moving part of a routine into another routine doesn't reduce the overall complexity of the program; it just moves the decision points around. But it reduces the amount of complexity you have to deal with at any one time. Since the important goal is to minimize the number of items you have to juggle mentally, reducing the complexity of a given routine is worthwhile.' (McCabe)

'Excessive indentation, or "nesting," has been pilloried in computing literature for 25 years and is still one of the chief culprits in confusing code. Studies by Noam Chomsky and Gerald Weinberg suggest that few people can understand more than three levels of nested ifs (Yourdon 1986a), and many researchers recommend avoiding nesting to more than three or four levels (Myers 1976, Marca 1981, and Ledgard and Tauer 1987a). Deep nesting works against what Chapter 5, describes as Software's Primary Technical Imperative: Managing Complexity. That is reason enough to avoid deep nesting.' (McCabe)

'There is no code so big, twisted, or complex that maintenance can't make it worse.'
     - Gerald Weinberg
