Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/GT-2747_PDB' into patch

This commit is contained in:
ghidra1 2019-05-01 17:49:39 -04:00
commit c9ac20f6e7
7 changed files with 148 additions and 107 deletions

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ void iterateEnums() {
BSTR type = getTypeAsString(pSymbol);
ULONGLONG len = getLength(pSymbol);
printf("%s<enum name=\"%ws\" type=\"%ws\" length=\"0x%x\" >\n", indent(8), name, type, len);
printf("%s<enum name=\"%ws\" type=\"%ws\" length=\"0x%I64x\" >\n", indent(8), name, type, len);
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ void iterateMembers(IDiaSymbol * pSymbol) {
if (celt != 1) {
printf("%s<member name=\"%ws\" datatype=\"%ws\" offset=\"0x%x\" kind=\"%ws\" length=\"0x%x\" />\n",
printf("%s<member name=\"%ws\" datatype=\"%ws\" offset=\"0x%x\" kind=\"%ws\" length=\"0x%I64x\" />\n",
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ void iterateDataTypes() {
printf("%s<datatype name=\"%ws\" kind=\"%ws\" length=\"0x%x\" >\n", indent(8), name, kind, len);
printf("%s<datatype name=\"%ws\" kind=\"%ws\" length=\"0x%I64x\" >\n", indent(8), name, kind, len);
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ void iterateClasses() {
printf("%s<class name=\"%ws\" length=\"0x%x\" >\n", indent(8), name, len);
printf("%s<class name=\"%ws\" length=\"0x%I64x\" >\n", indent(8), name, len);
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ void dumpFunctionStackVariables( DWORD rva )
while ( pEnum != NULL && SUCCEEDED( pEnum->Next( 1, &pSymbol, &celt ) ) && celt == 1 ) {
pSymbol->get_symTag( &tag );
if ( tag == SymTagData ) {
printf("%s<stack_variable name=\"%ws\" kind=\"%ws\" offset=\"0x%x\" datatype=\"%ws\" length=\"0x%x\" />\n",
printf("%s<stack_variable name=\"%ws\" kind=\"%ws\" offset=\"0x%x\" datatype=\"%ws\" length=\"0x%I64x\" />\n",
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ void iterateFunctions() {
DWORD address = getRVA(pSymbol);
ULONGLONG len = getLength(pSymbol);
printf("%s<function name=\"%ws\" address=\"0x%x\" length=\"0x%x\">\n", indent(8), name, address, len);
printf("%s<function name=\"%ws\" address=\"0x%x\" length=\"0x%I64x\">\n", indent(8), name, address, len);
dumpFunctionLines(pSymbol, pSession);
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ void iterateSymbolTable(IDiaEnumSymbols * pSymbols) {
printf("%s", indent(12));
printf("<symbol name=\"%ws\" ", name);
printf("address=\"0x%x\" ", getRVA(pSymbol));
printf("length=\"0x%x\" ", getLength(pSymbol));
printf("length=\"0x%I64x\" ", getLength(pSymbol));
printf("tag=\"%ws\" ", getTagAsString(pSymbol));
printf("kind=\"%ws\" ", getKindAsString(pSymbol));
printf("index=\"0x%x\" ", getIndex(pSymbol));
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ void iterateSegments(IDiaEnumSegments * pSegments) {
void iterateSections(IDiaEnumSectionContribs * pSecContribs) {
DWORD celt;
IDiaSymbol * pSym;
IDiaSymbol * pSym = NULL;
IDiaSectionContrib * pSecContrib;
while ( 1 ) {
@ -466,7 +466,6 @@ void iterateSections(IDiaEnumSectionContribs * pSecContribs) {
pSecContrib->get_addressSection( &isect );
pSecContrib->get_addressOffset( &offset );
pSecContrib = NULL;
IDiaSymbol * pSym;
if ( pSession->findSymbolByAddr( isect, offset, SymTagNull, &pSym ) != S_OK ) {
pSym = NULL;
@ -512,7 +511,7 @@ void iterateInjectedSource(IDiaEnumInjectedSources * pInjectedSrcs) {
printf("%s<injected_source filename=\"%ws\" objectname=\"%ws\" crc=\"0x%x\" length=\"0x%x\" />\n",
printf("%s<injected_source filename=\"%ws\" objectname=\"%ws\" crc=\"0x%x\" length=\"0x%I64x\" />\n",

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "find.h"
#include "print.h"
#include "symbol.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
IDiaSession * pSession;//Provides a query context for debug symbols
IDiaSymbol * pGlobal;
@ -51,14 +52,16 @@ int init(const char * szFilename, const char * szSignature, const char * szAge)
char msg[256];
sprintf(msg, "Unspecified error occurred: 0x%x\n", hr);
sprintf_s(msg, 256, "Unspecified error occurred: 0x%lx\n", hr);
wchar_t wszFilename[ _MAX_PATH ];
mbstowcs( wszFilename, szFilename, sizeof( wszFilename ) );
size_t sz = strlen(szFilename) + 1;
wchar_t* wszFilename = new wchar_t[sz];
size_t outsz;
mbstowcs_s(&outsz, wszFilename, sz, szFilename, sz - 1);
if (szSignature == NULL && szAge == NULL) {
hr = pSource->loadDataFromPdb( wszFilename );
@ -81,6 +84,7 @@ int init(const char * szFilename, const char * szSignature, const char * szAge)
fatal("Invalid combination of GUID/Signature/Age parameters specified!");
delete [] wszFilename;
if (pSource->openSession( &pSession ) < 0) {
fatal("Unable to open session\n");
@ -100,13 +104,19 @@ int init(const char * szFilename, const char * szSignature, const char * szAge)
BSTR guidString;
DWORD currAge;
DWORD currAge = 0;
// Include PDB GUID and age in XML output for compatibility checking
if (pGlobal->get_guid( &currGUID ) == S_OK) {
size_t maxGUIDStrLen = 64;
int maxGUIDStrLen = 64;
wchar_t * guidStr = (wchar_t *)calloc(maxGUIDStrLen, sizeof(wchar_t));
StringFromGUID2(currGUID, guidStr, maxGUIDStrLen);
if (guidStr == NULL) {
fatal("Unable to allocate GUID\n");
if (StringFromGUID2(currGUID, guidStr, maxGUIDStrLen) <= 0) {
fatal("Unable to convert GUID\n");
guidString = guidStr;
if (pGlobal->get_age( &currAge ) == S_OK) {

View File

@ -34,68 +34,71 @@ wchar_t * printVariant( VARIANT & v ) {
return L"null";
size_t printfFormatBufferLen = 100;
wchar_t * variant = (wchar_t *)calloc(printfFormatBufferLen, sizeof(wchar_t));
size_t blen = 100;
wchar_t * variant = (wchar_t *)calloc(blen, sizeof(wchar_t));
if (variant == NULL) {
return L"error";
switch( v.vt ) {
case VT_ARRAY://Indicates a SAFEARRAY pointer.
swprintf(variant, L"%d", v.parray);//TODO
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"%I64d", (ULONGLONG) v.parray);//TODO
return variant;
case VT_BYREF://Indicates that a value is a reference.
swprintf(variant, L"%d", v.cVal);//TODO
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"%I64d", (ULONGLONG) v.cVal);//TODO
return variant;
case VT_CY://Indicates a currency value.
swprintf(variant, L"%f", v.cyVal);
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"%I64d", (ULONGLONG) v.cyVal.int64);
return variant;
case VT_DATE://Indicates a DATE value.
swprintf(variant, L"%d",;
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"%I64d", (ULONGLONG);
return variant;
case VT_DISPATCH://Indicates an IDispatch pointer.
swprintf(variant, L"%d", v.pdispVal);
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"%I64d", (ULONGLONG) v.pdispVal);
return variant;
case VT_ERROR://Indicates an SCODE.
swprintf(variant, L"0x%x", v.scode);
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"0x%x", v.scode);
return variant;
case VT_I1://CHAR
swprintf(variant, L"%d", v.cVal);
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"%d", v.cVal);
return variant;
case VT_I2://SHORT
swprintf(variant, L"%d", v.iVal);
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"%d", v.iVal);
return variant;
case VT_I4://LONG
swprintf(variant, L"%d", v.lVal );
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"%d", v.lVal );
return variant;
case VT_I8: //LONGLONG
swprintf(variant, L"%ld", v.llVal );
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"%I64d", v.llVal );
return variant;
case VT_INT://INT
swprintf(variant, L"%d", v.intVal);
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"%d", v.intVal);
return variant;
case VT_R4://Indicates a float value.
swprintf(variant, L"%f", v.fltVal);
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"%f", v.fltVal);
return variant;
case VT_R8://Indicates a double value.
swprintf(variant, L"%f", v.dblVal);
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"%f", v.dblVal);
return variant;
case VT_UI1://BYTE
swprintf(variant, L"%d", v.bVal);
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"%d", v.bVal);
return variant;
case VT_UI2://USHORT
swprintf(variant, L"%d", v.uiVal);
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"%d", v.uiVal);
return variant;
case VT_UI4://ULONG
swprintf(variant, L"%d", v.ulVal);
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"%d", v.ulVal);
return variant;
swprintf(variant, L"%ld", v.ullVal);
swprintf(variant, blen, L"%I64d", v.ullVal);
return variant;
swprintf(variant, L"%d", v.uintVal);
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"%d", v.uintVal);
return variant;
case VT_UNKNOWN://Indicates an IUnknown pointer.
swprintf(variant, L"%d", v.punkVal);
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"%I64d", (ULONGLONG) v.punkVal);
return variant;
case VT_VARIANT://Indicates a VARIANT far pointer.
swprintf(variant, L"%d", v.pvarVal);
swprintf_s(variant, blen, L"%I64d", (ULONGLONG) v.pvarVal);
return variant;
@ -134,8 +137,10 @@ BSTR printType( IDiaSymbol * pType, BSTR suffix ) {
if ( pType->get_type( &pBaseType ) == S_OK ) {
size_t length = wcslen(suffix) + 3; // length of: suffix + " *\0"
wchar_t * str = (wchar_t *)calloc(length, sizeof(wchar_t));
swprintf(str, L"%ws *", suffix );
return (BSTR)printType( pBaseType, (BSTR)str );
if (str != NULL) {
swprintf_s(str, length, L"%ws *", suffix);
return (BSTR)printType(pBaseType, (BSTR)str);
else {
return L"";
@ -146,8 +151,10 @@ BSTR printType( IDiaSymbol * pType, BSTR suffix ) {
BSTR bt = getBaseTypeAsString( pType );
size_t length = wcslen(bt) + wcslen(suffix) + 1; // length of: bt + suffix + "\0"
wchar_t * str = (wchar_t *)calloc(length, sizeof(wchar_t));
swprintf(str, L"%ws%ws", bt, suffix );
return str;
if (str != NULL) {
swprintf_s(str, length, L"%ws%ws", bt, suffix);
return str;
if ( tag == SymTagArrayType ) {
@ -162,9 +169,10 @@ BSTR printType( IDiaSymbol * pType, BSTR suffix ) {
size_t strLen = wcslen(suffix) + 64 + 3; // length of suffix + wag_for_numeric_value + "[]\0"
wchar_t * str = (wchar_t *)calloc(strLen, sizeof(wchar_t));
swprintf(str, L"%ws[%ld]", suffix, lenArray/lenElem );
return printType( pBaseType, (BSTR)str);
if (str != NULL) {
swprintf_s(str, strLen, L"%ws[%I64d]", suffix, lenArray / lenElem);
return printType(pBaseType, (BSTR)str);
if ( tag == SymTagFunctionType ) {
@ -175,17 +183,22 @@ BSTR printType( IDiaSymbol * pType, BSTR suffix ) {
DWORD rec;
GUID guid;
if ( pType->get_guid( &guid ) == S_OK ) {
size_t maxGUIDStrLen = 64;
wchar_t * guidStr = (wchar_t *)calloc(maxGUIDStrLen, sizeof(wchar_t));
StringFromGUID2(guid, guidStr, maxGUIDStrLen);
return (BSTR)guidStr;
if (pType->get_guid(&guid) == S_OK) {
int maxGUIDStrLen = 64;
wchar_t* guidStr = (wchar_t*)calloc((size_t)maxGUIDStrLen, sizeof(wchar_t));
if (guidStr != NULL) {
if (StringFromGUID2(guid, guidStr, maxGUIDStrLen) > 0) {
return (BSTR)guidStr;
else if ( pType->get_oemId( &id ) == S_OK && pType->get_oemSymbolId( &rec ) == S_OK ) {
size_t strLen = 256; // wag_for_2_hex_numbers "0xNNNNN:0xNNNNN"
wchar_t * str = (wchar_t *)calloc(strLen, sizeof(wchar_t));
swprintf(str, L"0x%x:0x%x", id, rec);
return (BSTR)str;
if (str != NULL) {
swprintf_s(str, strLen, L"0x%x:0x%x", id, rec);
return (BSTR)str;
return L"";
@ -193,8 +206,10 @@ BSTR printType( IDiaSymbol * pType, BSTR suffix ) {
if ( name != NULL ) {
size_t length = wcslen(name) + wcslen(suffix) + 1; // length of name + suffix + "\0"
wchar_t * str = (wchar_t *)calloc(length, sizeof(wchar_t));
swprintf(str, L"%ws%ws", name, suffix);
return (BSTR)str;
if (str != NULL) {
swprintf_s(str, length, L"%ws%ws", name, suffix);
return (BSTR)str;
return L"Undefined";

View File

@ -168,15 +168,17 @@ static wchar_t* BASIC_TYPE_STRINGS [] = {
BSTR getName(IDiaSymbol * pSymbol) {
BSTR name, escapedName;
BSTR name, escapedName = NULL;
DWORD symIndexId, locType;
if (pSymbol->get_name( &name ) == 0) {
if (wcscmp(name, L"") == 0) {
size_t length = 7; // length of: "NONAME\0"
wchar_t * str = (wchar_t *)calloc(length, sizeof(wchar_t));
swprintf(str, L"NONAME");
escapedName = escapeXmlEntities(str);
if (str != NULL) {
swprintf_s(str, length, L"NONAME");
escapedName = escapeXmlEntities(str);
} else
if(wcsstr(name, L"unnamed-tag") != NULL){
if(pSymbol->get_symIndexId(&symIndexId) != 0){
@ -184,16 +186,20 @@ BSTR getName(IDiaSymbol * pSymbol) {
size_t length = 16; // length of: "<unnamed_NNNN>\0" + 1 extra
wchar_t * str = (wchar_t *)calloc(length, sizeof(wchar_t));
swprintf(str, L"<unnamed_%04x>", symIndexId);
escapedName = escapeXmlEntities(str);
if (str != NULL) {
swprintf_s(str, length, L"<unnamed_%04x>", symIndexId);
escapedName = escapeXmlEntities(str);
} else
if(pSymbol->get_locationType(&locType) == 0 &&
locType == LocIsBitField &&
pSymbol->get_length(&len) == 0){
size_t length = wcslen(name) + 4 + 32; // length of: name + ":0x\0" + wag_hex_numeric_str_len
wchar_t * str = (wchar_t *)calloc(length, sizeof(wchar_t));
swprintf(str, L"%ws:0x%x", name, len);
escapedName = escapeXmlEntities(str);
if (str != NULL) {
swprintf_s(str, length, L"%ws:0x%I64x", name, len);
escapedName = escapeXmlEntities(str);
} else {
escapedName = escapeXmlEntities(name);

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#include "util.h"
void zero_out(const char * str, int len) {
void zero_out(const char * str, size_t len) {
char * tmp = (char *)str;
for (int i = 0 ; i < len ; ++i) {
tmp[i] = '\0';
@ -39,14 +39,18 @@ int find_char(const char * str, char c) {
int atog(GUID * guid, const char * szGUID) {
char * tmp = (char *)szGUID;
char buff[256];
size_t sz = 256;
char * buff = (char *) calloc(sz, sizeof(char));
if (buff == NULL) {
return -1;
int index = find_char(tmp, '-');
if (index == -1) {
return -1;
zero_out(buff, 256);
strncpy(buff, tmp, index);
zero_out(buff, sz);
strncpy_s(buff, sz, tmp, index);
//the value could be too large and cause overflow. eg, "9b8c55da"
if (strlen(buff) == 8 && buff[0] >= '8') {
@ -72,8 +76,8 @@ int atog(GUID * guid, const char * szGUID) {
if (index == -1) {
return -1;
zero_out(buff, 256);
strncpy(buff, tmp, index);
zero_out(buff, sz);
strncpy_s(buff, sz, tmp, index);
guid->Data2 = (unsigned short)strtol(buff, NULL, 16);
tmp = tmp+index+1;
@ -81,50 +85,52 @@ int atog(GUID * guid, const char * szGUID) {
if (index == -1) {
return -1;
zero_out(buff, 256);
strncpy(buff, tmp, index);
zero_out(buff, sz);
strncpy_s(buff, sz, tmp, index);
guid->Data3 = (unsigned short)strtol(buff, NULL, 16);
tmp = tmp+index+1;
index = find_char(tmp, '-');
if (index == -1) {
if (index == -1 || index >= sz) {
return -1;
zero_out(buff, 256);
strncpy(buff, tmp, index);
zero_out(buff, sz);
strncpy_s(buff, sz, tmp, index);
int ivalue = strtol(buff, NULL, 16);
guid->Data4[0] = ivalue >> 8;
guid->Data4[1] = ivalue & 0xff;
tmp = tmp+index+1;
zero_out(buff, 256);
strncpy(buff, tmp, 2);
zero_out(buff, sz);
strncpy_s(buff, sz, tmp, 2);
guid->Data4[2] = (unsigned char)strtol(buff, NULL, 16);
tmp = tmp+2;
zero_out(buff, 256);
strncpy(buff, tmp, 2);
zero_out(buff, sz);
strncpy_s(buff, sz, tmp, 2);
guid->Data4[3] = (unsigned char)strtol(buff, NULL, 16);
tmp = tmp+2;
zero_out(buff, 256);
strncpy(buff, tmp, 2);
zero_out(buff, sz);
strncpy_s(buff, sz, tmp, 2);
guid->Data4[4] = (unsigned char)strtol(buff, NULL, 16);
tmp = tmp+2;
zero_out(buff, 256);
strncpy(buff, tmp, 2);
zero_out(buff, sz);
strncpy_s(buff, sz, tmp, 2);
guid->Data4[5] = (unsigned char)strtol(buff, NULL, 16);
tmp = tmp+2;
zero_out(buff, 256);
strncpy(buff, tmp, 2);
zero_out(buff, sz);
strncpy_s(buff, sz, tmp, 2);
guid->Data4[6] = (unsigned char)strtol(buff, NULL, 16);
tmp = tmp+2;
zero_out(buff, 256);
strncpy(buff, tmp, 2);
zero_out(buff, sz);
strncpy_s(buff, sz, tmp, 2);
guid->Data4[7] = (unsigned char)strtol(buff, NULL, 16);
return 0;

View File

@ -15,15 +15,15 @@
#include "xml.h"
char * indent(int nSpaces) {
char* indent(size_t nSpaces) {
switch (nSpaces) {
case 1: return " ";
case 2: return " ";
case 4: return " ";
case 6: return " ";
case 8: return " ";
case 10: return " ";
case 12: return " ";
case 1: return " ";
case 2: return " ";
case 4: return " ";
case 6: return " ";
case 8: return " ";
case 10: return " ";
case 12: return " ";
// NOTE: memory leak if following code is hit, but luckily there are no callers
@ -32,16 +32,18 @@ char * indent(int nSpaces) {
if (nSpaces < 0) {
nSpaces = 0;
char * indent = (char *)calloc(nSpaces+1, sizeof(char));
for (int i = 0 ; i < nSpaces ; ++i) {
indent[i] = ' ';
char* indent = (char*)calloc(nSpaces + 1, sizeof(char));
if (indent != NULL) {
for (int i = 0; i < nSpaces; ++i) {
indent[i] = ' ';
return indent;
BSTR escapeXmlEntities(BSTR bstr) {
WCHAR * str = (WCHAR *)bstr;
int len = wcslen(str);
size_t len = wcslen(str);
if (len == 0) return str;
size_t destLen = 0;
@ -69,30 +71,34 @@ BSTR escapeXmlEntities(BSTR bstr) {
destLen += 1;
WCHAR * newstr = (WCHAR *)calloc(destLen + 1, sizeof(WCHAR));
WCHAR * newstr = (WCHAR *)calloc(destLen, sizeof(WCHAR));
if (newstr == NULL) {
return newstr;
WCHAR * tmp = newstr;
for (int i = 0 ; i < len ; ++i) {
switch (str[i]) {
case '&' :
wcscpy(tmp, L"&amp;");
wcscpy_s(tmp, destLen, L"&amp;");
tmp += 5;
case '<' :
wcscpy(tmp, L"&lt;");
wcscpy_s(tmp, destLen, L"&lt;");
tmp += 4;
case '>' :
wcscpy(tmp, L"&gt;");
wcscpy_s(tmp, destLen, L"&gt;");
tmp += 4;
case '\'' :
wcscpy(tmp, L"&apos;");
wcscpy_s(tmp, destLen, L"&apos;");
tmp += 6;
case '"' :
wcscpy(tmp, L"&quot;");
wcscpy_s(tmp, destLen, L"&quot;");
tmp += 6;
case 0x7F :

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
/* ###
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ -18,9 +17,9 @@
#define __PDB__XML__H__
#include <stdio.h>
#include "comutil.h"
#include <comutil.h>
char * indent(int nSpaces);
char * indent(size_t nSpaces);
BSTR escapeXmlEntities(BSTR bstr);