mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 07:30:16 +00:00
added documentation to test scripts
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,194 +51,193 @@ long getDurationFromTestReportClass(String fileContents, String fileName) {
* Creates <fully qualified classname, duration> from JUnit test report
* Creates a map of tests to their durations, organized by the type of
* application configuration they require. This gets the mapping from the
* resource file app_config_breakout.txt.
* eg: GhidraAppConfiguration -> DiffTestTypeAdapter, 0.135s
def Map<String, Map<String, Long>> getTestReport() {
// populate testReport only once per gradle configuration phase
if (project.testReport == null) {
logger.debug("getTestReport: Populating 'testReport' using '$testTimeParserInputDir'")
testReport = new HashMap<String,Map>();
Map dockingConfigurationBucket = new HashMap<String, Long>();
Map integrationConfigurationBucket = new HashMap<String, Long>();
Map appConfigurationBucket = new HashMap<String, Long>();
Map ghidraConfigurationBucket = new HashMap<String, Long>();
Map unknownConfigurationBucket = new HashMap<String, Long>();
File classesReportDir = new File(testTimeParserInputDir)
if(!classesReportDir.exists()) {
logger.info("getTestReport: The path '$testTimeParserInputDir' does not exist on the file system." +
" Returning empty testReport map.")
return Collections.emptyList();
int excludedHtmlFiles = 0 // counter
int totalHtmlFiles = 0
String excludedHtmlFileNames = "" // for log.info summary message
// Read in the config settings and allocate test files to
// the appropriate buckets
List<String> integrationConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> dockingConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> appConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> ghidraConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
File f = new File(rootProject.projectDir, "gradle/support/app_config_breakout.txt");
String configLines = f.text;
String[] splitLines = configLines.split("###");
for (int i=0; i<splitLines.size(); i++) {
String grop = splitLines[i];
if (grop.isEmpty()) {
if (project.testReport != null) {
return project.testReport;
// Grab the header (and remove it from the main string)
String header = grop.substring(0,grop.indexOf("^"));
grop = grop.substring(header.length() + 1);
String[] classes = grop.split("\n");
if (header.equals("HeadlessGhidraApplicationConfig")) {
for (int j=0;j<classes.size(); j++) {
String cl = classes[j].trim();
if (cl.isEmpty()) {
logger.info("adding " + cl + " to integrationConfigs");
else if (header.equals("DockingApplicationConfiguration")) {
for (int j=0;j<classes.size(); j++) {
String cl = classes[j].trim();
if (cl.isEmpty()) {
logger.info("adding " + cl + " to dockingConfigs");
else if (header.equals("ApplicationConfiguration")) {
for (int j=0;j<classes.size(); j++) {
String cl = classes[j].trim();
if (cl.isEmpty()) {
logger.info("adding " + cl + " to appConfigs");
else if (header.equals("GhidraAppConfiguration")) {
for (int j=0;j<classes.size(); j++) {
String cl = classes[j].trim();
if (cl.isEmpty()) {
logger.info("adding " + cl + " to ghidraConfigs");
classesReportDir.eachFileRecurse (FileType.FILES) { file ->
// Only read html file for a Test and not a test Suite
if(hasValidTestReportClassName(file.name)) {
logger.debug("getTestReport: Populating 'testReport' using '$testTimeParserInputDir'")
String fileContents = file.text
/* The fully qualified class name appears in the test report as:
* <h1>Class ghidra.app.plugin.assembler.sleigh.BuilderTest</h1>
String fqNameFromTestReport = fileContents.find("(?<=<h1>Class\\s).*?(?=</h1>)")
int nameIndex = fqNameFromTestReport.lastIndexOf('.')
String shortName = fqNameFromTestReport.substring(nameIndex+1);
testReport = new HashMap<String,Map>();
Map dockingConfigurationBucket = new HashMap<String, Long>();
Map integrationConfigurationBucket = new HashMap<String, Long>();
Map appConfigurationBucket = new HashMap<String, Long>();
Map ghidraConfigurationBucket = new HashMap<String, Long>();
Map unknownConfigurationBucket = new HashMap<String, Long>();
long durationInMillis = getDurationFromTestReportClass(fileContents, file.name)
File rootDir = project.rootDir.getParentFile();
File foundFile;
fileTree(rootDir.getAbsolutePath()).visit { FileVisitDetails details ->
if (details.getName().contains(shortName + ".java")) {
foundFile = details.getFile();
if (!foundFile.exists()) {
// throw error
String javaFileContents = foundFile.text;
if (javaFileContents.contains(shortName)) {
// Match the word right after "extends", if there is one
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("extends\\W+(\\w+)");
Matcher m = p.matcher(javaFileContents);
String extendsClass = "";
while (m.find()) {
extendsClass = m.group(1);
if (extendsClass.isEmpty()) {
unknownConfigurationBucket.put(fqNameFromTestReport, durationInMillis);
else {
if (integrationConfigs.contains(extendsClass)) {
integrationConfigurationBucket.put(fqNameFromTestReport, durationInMillis);
else if (dockingConfigs.contains(extendsClass)) {
dockingConfigurationBucket.put(fqNameFromTestReport, durationInMillis);
else if (appConfigs.contains(extendsClass)) {
appConfigurationBucket.put(fqNameFromTestReport, durationInMillis);
else if (ghidraConfigs.contains(extendsClass)) {
ghidraConfigurationBucket.put(fqNameFromTestReport, durationInMillis);
else {
unknownConfigurationBucket.put(fqNameFromTestReport, durationInMillis);
testReport.put("integration", integrationConfigurationBucket);
testReport.put("docking", dockingConfigurationBucket);
testReport.put("app", appConfigurationBucket);
testReport.put("ghidra", ghidraConfigurationBucket);
testReport.put("unknown", unknownConfigurationBucket);
logger.debug("getTestReport: Added to testReport: class name = '"
+ fqNameFromTestReport + "' and durationInMillis = '"+ durationInMillis
+"' from " + file.name)
} else {
logger.debug("getTestReport: Excluding " + file.name + " from test report parsing.")
excludedHtmlFileNames += file.name + ", "
int processedFiles = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String,Map> entry : testReport.entrySet()) {
Map<String,Long> testMap = entry.getValue();
processedFiles += testMap.size();
assert totalHtmlFiles != 0 : "getTestReport: Did not parse any valid html files in $testTimeParserInputDir. Directory might be empty"
assert totalHtmlFiles == (processedFiles + excludedHtmlFiles) : "Not all html files processed."
logger.info("getTestReport:\n" +
"\tIncluded " + testReport.size() + " and excluded " + excludedHtmlFiles
+ " html files out of " + totalHtmlFiles + " in Junit test report.\n"
+ "\tExcluded html file names are: " + excludedHtmlFileNames + "\n"
+ "\tParsed test report located at " + testTimeParserInputDir)
File classesReportDir = new File(testTimeParserInputDir)
if(!classesReportDir.exists()) {
logger.info("getTestReport: The path '$testTimeParserInputDir' does not exist on the file system." +
" Returning empty testReport map.")
return Collections.emptyList();
int excludedHtmlFiles = 0 // counter
int totalHtmlFiles = 0
String excludedHtmlFileNames = "" // for log.info summary message
// Read in the config settings and allocate test files to
// the appropriate buckets
List<String> integrationConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> dockingConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> appConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> ghidraConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
File f = new File(rootProject.projectDir, "gradle/support/app_config_breakout.txt");
String configLines = f.text;
String[] splitLines = configLines.split("###");
for (int i=0; i<splitLines.size(); i++) {
String grop = splitLines[i];
if (grop.isEmpty()) {
// Grab the header (and remove it from the main string)
String header = grop.substring(0,grop.indexOf("^"));
grop = grop.substring(header.length() + 1);
String[] classes = grop.split("\n");
if (header.equals("HeadlessGhidraApplicationConfig")) {
for (int j=0;j<classes.size(); j++) {
String cl = classes[j].trim();
if (cl.isEmpty()) {
logger.info("adding " + cl + " to integrationConfigs");
else if (header.equals("DockingApplicationConfiguration")) {
for (int j=0;j<classes.size(); j++) {
String cl = classes[j].trim();
if (cl.isEmpty()) {
logger.info("adding " + cl + " to dockingConfigs");
else if (header.equals("ApplicationConfiguration")) {
for (int j=0;j<classes.size(); j++) {
String cl = classes[j].trim();
if (cl.isEmpty()) {
logger.info("adding " + cl + " to appConfigs");
else if (header.equals("GhidraAppConfiguration")) {
for (int j=0;j<classes.size(); j++) {
String cl = classes[j].trim();
if (cl.isEmpty()) {
logger.info("adding " + cl + " to ghidraConfigs");
classesReportDir.eachFileRecurse (FileType.FILES) { file ->
// Only read html file for a Test and not a test Suite
if(hasValidTestReportClassName(file.name)) {
String fileContents = file.text
/* The fully qualified class name appears in the test report as:
* <h1>Class ghidra.app.plugin.assembler.sleigh.BuilderTest</h1>
String fqNameFromTestReport = fileContents.find("(?<=<h1>Class\\s).*?(?=</h1>)")
int nameIndex = fqNameFromTestReport.lastIndexOf('.')
String shortName = fqNameFromTestReport.substring(nameIndex+1);
long durationInMillis = getDurationFromTestReportClass(fileContents, file.name)
File rootDir = project.rootDir.getParentFile();
File foundFile;
fileTree(rootDir.getAbsolutePath()).visit { FileVisitDetails details ->
if (details.getName().contains(shortName + ".java")) {
foundFile = details.getFile();
if (!foundFile.exists()) {
// throw error
String javaFileContents = foundFile.text;
if (javaFileContents.contains(shortName)) {
// Match the word right after "extends", if there is one
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("extends\\W+(\\w+)");
Matcher m = p.matcher(javaFileContents);
String extendsClass = "";
while (m.find()) {
extendsClass = m.group(1);
if (extendsClass.isEmpty()) {
unknownConfigurationBucket.put(fqNameFromTestReport, durationInMillis);
else {
if (integrationConfigs.contains(extendsClass)) {
integrationConfigurationBucket.put(fqNameFromTestReport, durationInMillis);
else if (dockingConfigs.contains(extendsClass)) {
dockingConfigurationBucket.put(fqNameFromTestReport, durationInMillis);
else if (appConfigs.contains(extendsClass)) {
appConfigurationBucket.put(fqNameFromTestReport, durationInMillis);
else if (ghidraConfigs.contains(extendsClass)) {
ghidraConfigurationBucket.put(fqNameFromTestReport, durationInMillis);
else {
unknownConfigurationBucket.put(fqNameFromTestReport, durationInMillis);
testReport.put("integration", integrationConfigurationBucket);
testReport.put("docking", dockingConfigurationBucket);
testReport.put("app", appConfigurationBucket);
testReport.put("ghidra", ghidraConfigurationBucket);
testReport.put("unknown", unknownConfigurationBucket);
logger.debug("getTestReport: Added to testReport: class name = '"
+ fqNameFromTestReport + "' and durationInMillis = '"+ durationInMillis
+"' from " + file.name)
else {
logger.debug("getTestReport: Excluding " + file.name + " from test report parsing.")
excludedHtmlFileNames += file.name + ", "
int processedFiles = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String,Map> entry : testReport.entrySet()) {
Map<String,Long> testMap = entry.getValue();
processedFiles += testMap.size();
assert totalHtmlFiles != 0 : "getTestReport: Did not parse any valid html files in $testTimeParserInputDir. Directory might be empty"
assert totalHtmlFiles == (processedFiles + excludedHtmlFiles) : "Not all html files processed."
logger.info("getTestReport:\n" +
"\tIncluded " + testReport.size() + " and excluded " + excludedHtmlFiles
+ " html files out of " + totalHtmlFiles + " in Junit test report.\n"
+ "\tExcluded html file names are: " + excludedHtmlFileNames + "\n"
+ "\tParsed test report located at " + testTimeParserInputDir)
return project.testReport
@ -282,8 +281,6 @@ String constructFullyQualifiedClassName(String fileContents, String fileName) {
def Map<String, Map> getTestsForSubProject(SourceDirectorySet sourceDirectorySet) {
assert (getTestReport() != null) : "getTestsForSubProject: testReport should not be null"
def testsForSubProject = new HashMap<String,LinkedHashMap>();
int includedClassFilesNotInTestReport = 0 // class in sourceSet but not in test report, 'bumped' to first task
@ -296,6 +293,7 @@ def Map<String, Map> getTestsForSubProject(SourceDirectorySet sourceDirectorySet
+ " file(s) in source set to process.")
Map<String,Map> testReports = getTestReport();
assert (testReports != null) : "getTestsForSubProject: testReport should not be null"
for (File file : sourceDirectorySet.getFiles()) {
logger.debug("getTestsForSubProject: Found file in sourceSet = " + file.name)
Reference in New Issue
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