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* Create a configuration so the a dependency can be declared on the the software modeling
* project which is where the sleigh compiler java code lives. This will be used to
* form the classpath of the sleighCompile task that follows.
configurations {
dependencies {
sleighConfig project(':SoftwareModeling')
* Task to compile language files using the sleigh compiler.
task sleighCompile (type: JavaExec) {
group = rootProject.GHIDRA_GROUP
description " Compiles all the sleigh languages. [processorUtils.gradle]\n"
// define standard parameters for JavaExec
classpath configurations.sleighConfig
main = 'ghidra.pcodeCPort.slgh_compile.SleighCompile'
args '-a'
// Delay adding the directory argument until the first part of the execution phase, so
// that any extra args added by a project override will be added to the arg list before
// this argument.
doFirst {
args './data/languages'
jvmArgs '-Xmx2048M'
// The task that copies the common files to the distribution folder must depend on
// this sleigh task before executing.
// For all tasks of type:Test (i.e., integrationTest, cunitTest, etc.), add a task dependency to
// sleighCompile. The sleighCompile task inputs and outputs are defined such that the *.slaspec
// files will only be compiled once, in other words, the up-to-date checks work ok in the
// sleighCompile task. To learn more, visit:
// https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/more_about_tasks.html#sec:up_to_date_checks
// This task dependency is needed because many tests rely on the language
// modules as seen in the use of ghidra.test.ToyProgramBuilder.
// The tasks of type:Test do not know about sleighCompile during their configuration phase, so the
// dependency must be done in this gradle file.
rootProject.subprojects.findAll { subproject ->
if (!isSupportModule(subproject)) {
subproject.tasks.withType(Test).all {
* Task to clean out the compile language files (*.sla)
task cleanSleigh {
group rootProject.GHIDRA_GROUP
description "Removes all the compile sleigh language files (*.sla). [gradleScripts/processUtils.gradle]\n"
doLast {
def deleteTree = fileTree(dir: "data/languages", include: "*.sla")
deleteTree.each { File file ->
delete file
* Set up inputs and outputs for the sleighCompile task so that languages only get build
* when the inputs change
* sleigh compile outputs to same directory as input. All files except .sla are input
def taskInputs = fileTree(dir: 'data/languages', exclude: '**/*.sla')
def taskOutputs = fileTree(dir: 'data/languages', include: '**/*.sla')
// define the sleigh compile inputs and outputs so that gradle can check if they need building
sleighCompile.inputs.files (taskInputs)
sleighCompile.outputs.files (taskOutputs)
task eclipseSleighLauncher(type: WriteEclipseLauncher) {
dest = forName("Sleigh $project.name")
isRunFave = true
isDbgFave = false
classpath = configurations.sleighConfig
main 'ghidra.pcodeCPort.slgh_compile.SleighCompile'
args '-a'
// Delay adding the directory argument until the first part of the execution phase, so
// that any extra args added by a project override will be added to the arg list before
// this argument.
doFirst {
args './data/languages'
jvmArgs '-Xmx2048M'
def isSupportModule(Project p) {
return p.findProperty("isSupportProject") ?: false