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This file is a "mix-in" gradle script that individual gradle projects should include if they
have processor definitions.
A gradle project can add native code support by including the following it its build.gradle file:
apply from: "$rootProject.projectDir/gradle/nativeProject.gradle"
2019-03-26 17:45:32 +00:00
* Create a configuration so the a dependency can be declared on the the software modeling
* project which is where the sleigh compiler java code lives. This will be used to
* form the classpath of the sleighCompile task that follows.
configurations {
dependencies {
sleighConfig project(':SoftwareModeling')
* Task to write sleigh compiler args to build/data/sleighArgs.txt for use with sleigh
* external sleigh compiler.
task saveSleighArgs {
def sleighArgsFile = file("build/data/sleighArgs.txt")
outputs.files sleighArgsFile
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
doLast {
sleighArgsFile.withWriter { out->
project.sleighCompile.args.each { a->
// don't save -a option
if (!"-a".equals(a)) {
out.println a
apply plugin: 'base'
clean {
delete file("build/data/sleighArgs.txt")
* Task to write sleigh build.xml file for use is development mode only.
task writeSleighDevBuild {
def templateFilePath = project(':BuildFiles').projectDir.toString() + "/sleighDevBuild.template"
doLast {
// Generate build.xml with injected classpath for running sleigh compiler
def sleighDevClasspath = project(':SoftwareModeling').sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath.collect { it.absolutePath }.join(':')
copy {
into "data"
from (templateFilePath) {
rename { "build.xml" }
expand ( [ 'gradleSleighDevClasspath': sleighDevClasspath ] )
* Write sleigh build.xml file for each language module into assembleDistribution
rootProject.assembleDistribution {
into (getZipPath(this.project) + "/data") {
from (rootProject.projectDir.toString() + "/GhidraBuild/BuildFiles/sleighDistBuild.template") {
rename { "build.xml" }
2019-03-26 17:45:32 +00:00
* Task to compile language files using the sleigh compiler.
task sleighCompile (type: JavaExec) {
group = rootProject.GHIDRA_GROUP
description " Compiles all the sleigh languages. [processorUtils.gradle]\n"
2019-03-26 17:45:32 +00:00
// define standard parameters for JavaExec
classpath configurations.sleighConfig
main = 'ghidra.pcodeCPort.slgh_compile.SleighCompile'
// Delay adding the directory argument until the first part of the execution phase, so
// that any extra args added by a project override will be added to the arg list before
// these arguments.
2019-03-26 17:45:32 +00:00
doFirst {
args '-a'
2019-03-26 17:45:32 +00:00
args './data/languages'
jvmArgs '-Xmx2048M'
// The task that copies the common files to the distribution folder must depend on
// the sleigh tasks before executing.
rootProject.assembleDistribution.dependsOn sleighCompile
rootProject.assembleDistribution.dependsOn saveSleighArgs
// Add in this projects sleighCompile to the allSleighCompile task
rootProject.allSleighCompile.dependsOn sleighCompile
rootProject.allSleighCompile.dependsOn saveSleighArgs
2019-03-26 17:45:32 +00:00
* Task to clean out the compile language files (*.sla)
task cleanSleigh {
group rootProject.GHIDRA_GROUP
description "Removes all the compile sleigh language files (*.sla). [gradle/processProject.gradle]\n"
2019-03-26 17:45:32 +00:00
doLast {
def deleteTree = fileTree(dir: "data/languages", include: "*.sla")
deleteTree.each { File file ->
delete file
* Set up inputs and outputs for the sleighCompile task so that languages only get build
* when the inputs change
* sleigh compile outputs to same directory as input. All files except .sla are input
def taskInputs = fileTree(dir: 'data/languages', exclude: '**/*.sla')
def taskOutputs = fileTree(dir: 'data/languages', include: '**/*.sla')
// define the sleigh compile inputs and outputs so that gradle can check if they need building
sleighCompile.inputs.files (taskInputs)
sleighCompile.outputs.files (taskOutputs)
// define the sleigh compile inputs to saveSleighArgs to limit task creation to language modules
saveSleighArgs.inputs.files (taskInputs)