1 How to git gud?
Andrei Andreev edited this page 2023-07-21 18:08:41 +02:00

This a reference sheet for the common development tasks that you need to do to work on your mod.

I want to start

  1. Install Node LTS
  2. Install GitHub Desktop
  3. Install VS Code
  4. Open GitHub Desktop and clone repository https://github.com/IvarK/AntimatterDimensionsSourceCode
  5. Open a cloned repository in VS Code, open a terminal (Terminal -> New Terminal)
  6. In terminal run npm ci, wait for it to finish
  7. In terminal run npm run serve, wait for it to finish
  8. Open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser
  9. You should see the game running on your local server

Now you can start edit the code is src folder, or images/sounds/css in public folder.

I want to start and I don't want to lose my changes when my PC dies of cardiac arrest after it sees my code

Do everything listed above, but fork the repository, and clone it instead. When working on the code, commit and push your changes often.

I restarted my PC and I want to continue where I left off

  1. Open a repository in VS Code, open a terminal (Terminal -> New Terminal)
  2. Run npm run serve, wait for it to finish
  3. Open http://localhost:8080/
  4. You should see the game running on your local server

New changes were pushed to the main AD repository and I want to update my mod to these changes

  1. Pray to the highest powers that you don't get merge conflicts

If you did the stuff in I want to start section:

  1. Open GitHub Desktop and commit all your local changes.
  2. After that, sync your branch with the master branch
  3. (Optional) If you've got merge conflicts, go to Something's not working / I'm stuck section

If you did the stuff in the fork section:

  1. From the GitHub website you can sync your fork
  2. (Optional) If you've got merge conflicts, go to Something's not working / I'm stuck section

Something's not working / I'm stuck

Go to Discord channel #modifications-development and ask your question there.