.t-s6 #stars { display: block; /* Make video to at least 100% wide and tall */ min-width: 100%; min-height: 100%; /* Setting width & height to auto prevents the browser from stretching or squishing the video */ width: auto; height: auto; /* Center the video */ position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; z-index: -1000; transform: translate(-50%,-50%); } body.t-s6 { color: #999; background: black; background-image: url('../images/stars-bg.png'); background-size: 100%; background-position: center; } .t-s6 .c-tt-amount { color: #64DD17; text-shadow: 0 0 7px #64DD17; } .t-s6 .c-tt-buy-button--unlocked { color: #3AACD6; background: black; border: 0.1rem solid #3AACD6; } .t-s6 .c-tt-buy-button--unlocked:hover { color: black; background: #3AACD6; } .t-s6 .c-tt-buy-button--locked { color: grey; background: black; border: 0.1rem solid grey; } .t-s6 .c-tt-buy-button--locked:hover { color: black; background: var(--color-bad); border: 0.1rem solid var(--color-bad); } .t-s6 .c-rm-amount__desc { color: #999; } .t-s6 #realityanimbg { filter: invert(1); }