Andreas Ziegler 38cbfe4fe8 Fix typo in help message
Fix a typo in the help message for the -d parameter by removing one 'm'.

Signed-off-by: Andreas Ziegler <>
Acked-by: Valentin Rothberg <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
2016-05-01 14:11:12 -07:00

467 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python2
"""Find Kconfig symbols that are referenced but not defined."""
# (c) 2014-2015 Valentin Rothberg <>
# (c) 2014 Stefan Hengelein <>
# Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL License version 2
import difflib
import os
import re
import signal
import sys
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from optparse import OptionParser
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
# regex expressions
OPERATORS = r"&|\(|\)|\||\!"
FEATURE = r"(?:\w*[A-Z0-9]\w*){2,}"
DEF = r"^\s*(?:menu){,1}config\s+(" + FEATURE + r")\s*"
EXPR = r"(?:" + OPERATORS + r"|\s|" + FEATURE + r")+"
DEFAULT = r"default\s+.*?(?:if\s.+){,1}"
STMT = r"^\s*(?:if|select|depends\s+on|(?:" + DEFAULT + r"))\s+" + EXPR
SOURCE_FEATURE = r"(?:\W|\b)+[D]{,1}CONFIG_(" + FEATURE + r")"
# regex objects
REGEX_FILE_KCONFIG = re.compile(r".*Kconfig[\.\w+\-]*$")
REGEX_FEATURE = re.compile(r'(?!\B)' + FEATURE + r'(?!\B)')
REGEX_KCONFIG_HELP = re.compile(r"^\s+(help|---help---)\s*$")
REGEX_FILTER_FEATURES = re.compile(r"[A-Za-z0-9]$")
REGEX_NUMERIC = re.compile(r"0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|[0-9]+")
REGEX_QUOTES = re.compile("(\"(.*?)\")")
def parse_options():
"""The user interface of this module."""
usage = "%prog [options]\n\n" \
"Run this tool to detect Kconfig symbols that are referenced but " \
"not defined in\nKconfig. The output of this tool has the " \
"format \'Undefined symbol\\tFile list\'\n\n" \
"If no option is specified, %prog will default to check your\n" \
"current tree. Please note that specifying commits will " \
"\'git reset --hard\'\nyour current tree! You may save " \
"uncommitted changes to avoid losing data."
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option('-c', '--commit', dest='commit', action='store',
help="Check if the specified commit (hash) introduces "
"undefined Kconfig symbols.")
parser.add_option('-d', '--diff', dest='diff', action='store',
help="Diff undefined symbols between two commits. The "
"input format bases on Git log's "
parser.add_option('-f', '--find', dest='find', action='store_true',
help="Find and show commits that may cause symbols to be "
"missing. Required to run with --diff.")
parser.add_option('-i', '--ignore', dest='ignore', action='store',
help="Ignore files matching this pattern. Note that "
"the pattern needs to be a Python regex. To "
"ignore defconfigs, specify -i '.*defconfig'.")
parser.add_option('-s', '--sim', dest='sim', action='store', default="",
help="Print a list of maximum 10 string-similar symbols.")
parser.add_option('', '--force', dest='force', action='store_true',
help="Reset current Git tree even when it's dirty.")
(opts, _) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.commit and opts.diff:
sys.exit("Please specify only one option at once.")
if opts.diff and not re.match(r"^[\w\-\.]+\.\.[\w\-\.]+$", opts.diff):
sys.exit("Please specify valid input in the following format: "
if opts.commit or opts.diff:
if not opts.force and tree_is_dirty():
sys.exit("The current Git tree is dirty (see 'git status'). "
"Running this script may\ndelete important data since it "
"calls 'git reset --hard' for some performance\nreasons. "
" Please run this script in a clean Git tree or pass "
"'--force' if you\nwant to ignore this warning and "
if opts.commit:
opts.find = False
if opts.ignore:
re.match(opts.ignore, "this/is/just/a/test.c")
sys.exit("Please specify a valid Python regex.")
return opts
def main():
"""Main function of this module."""
opts = parse_options()
if opts.sim and not opts.commit and not opts.diff:
sims = find_sims(opts.sim, opts.ignore)
if sims:
print "%s: %s" % (yel("Similar symbols"), ', '.join(sims))
print "%s: no similar symbols found" % yel("Similar symbols")
# dictionary of (un)defined symbols
defined = {}
undefined = {}
if opts.commit or opts.diff:
head = get_head()
# get commit range
commit_a = None
commit_b = None
if opts.commit:
commit_a = opts.commit + "~"
commit_b = opts.commit
elif opts.diff:
split = opts.diff.split("..")
commit_a = split[0]
commit_b = split[1]
undefined_a = {}
undefined_b = {}
# get undefined items before the commit
execute("git reset --hard %s" % commit_a)
undefined_a, _ = check_symbols(opts.ignore)
# get undefined items for the commit
execute("git reset --hard %s" % commit_b)
undefined_b, defined = check_symbols(opts.ignore)
# report cases that are present for the commit but not before
for feature in sorted(undefined_b):
# feature has not been undefined before
if not feature in undefined_a:
files = sorted(undefined_b.get(feature))
undefined[feature] = files
# check if there are new files that reference the undefined feature
files = sorted(undefined_b.get(feature) -
if files:
undefined[feature] = files
# reset to head
execute("git reset --hard %s" % head)
# default to check the entire tree
undefined, defined = check_symbols(opts.ignore)
# now print the output
for feature in sorted(undefined):
print red(feature)
files = sorted(undefined.get(feature))
print "%s: %s" % (yel("Referencing files"), ", ".join(files))
sims = find_sims(feature, opts.ignore, defined)
sims_out = yel("Similar symbols")
if sims:
print "%s: %s" % (sims_out, ', '.join(sims))
print "%s: %s" % (sims_out, "no similar symbols found")
if opts.find:
print "%s:" % yel("Commits changing symbol")
commits = find_commits(feature, opts.diff)
if commits:
for commit in commits:
commit = commit.split(" ", 1)
print "\t- %s (\"%s\")" % (yel(commit[0]), commit[1])
print "\t- no commit found"
print # new line
def yel(string):
Color %string yellow.
return "\033[33m%s\033[0m" % string
def red(string):
Color %string red.
return "\033[31m%s\033[0m" % string
def execute(cmd):
"""Execute %cmd and return stdout. Exit in case of error."""
pop = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, shell=True)
(stdout, _) = pop.communicate() # wait until finished
if pop.returncode != 0:
return stdout
def find_commits(symbol, diff):
"""Find commits changing %symbol in the given range of %diff."""
commits = execute("git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit -G %s %s"
% (symbol, diff))
return [x for x in commits.split("\n") if x]
def tree_is_dirty():
"""Return true if the current working tree is dirty (i.e., if any file has
been added, deleted, modified, renamed or copied but not committed)."""
stdout = execute("git status --porcelain")
for line in stdout:
if re.findall(r"[URMADC]{1}", line[:2]):
return True
return False
def get_head():
"""Return commit hash of current HEAD."""
stdout = execute("git rev-parse HEAD")
return stdout.strip('\n')
def partition(lst, size):
"""Partition list @lst into eveni-sized lists of size @size."""
return [lst[i::size] for i in xrange(size)]
def init_worker():
"""Set signal handler to ignore SIGINT."""
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
def find_sims(symbol, ignore, defined = []):
"""Return a list of max. ten Kconfig symbols that are string-similar to
if defined:
return sorted(difflib.get_close_matches(symbol, set(defined), 10))
pool = Pool(cpu_count(), init_worker)
kfiles = []
for gitfile in get_files():
if REGEX_FILE_KCONFIG.match(gitfile):
arglist = []
for part in partition(kfiles, cpu_count()):
arglist.append((part, ignore))
for res in, arglist):
return sorted(difflib.get_close_matches(symbol, set(defined), 10))
def get_files():
"""Return a list of all files in the current git directory."""
# use 'git ls-files' to get the worklist
stdout = execute("git ls-files")
if len(stdout) > 0 and stdout[-1] == "\n":
stdout = stdout[:-1]
files = []
for gitfile in stdout.rsplit("\n"):
if ".git" in gitfile or "ChangeLog" in gitfile or \
".log" in gitfile or os.path.isdir(gitfile) or \
return files
def check_symbols(ignore):
"""Find undefined Kconfig symbols and return a dict with the symbol as key
and a list of referencing files as value. Files matching %ignore are not
checked for undefined symbols."""
pool = Pool(cpu_count(), init_worker)
return check_symbols_helper(pool, ignore)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def check_symbols_helper(pool, ignore):
"""Helper method for check_symbols(). Used to catch keyboard interrupts in
check_symbols() in order to properly terminate running worker processes."""
source_files = []
kconfig_files = []
defined_features = []
referenced_features = dict() # {file: [features]}
for gitfile in get_files():
if REGEX_FILE_KCONFIG.match(gitfile):
if ignore and not re.match(ignore, gitfile):
# add source files that do not match the ignore pattern
# parse source files
arglist = partition(source_files, cpu_count())
for res in, arglist):
# parse kconfig files
arglist = []
for part in partition(kconfig_files, cpu_count()):
arglist.append((part, ignore))
for res in, arglist):
defined_features = set(defined_features)
# inverse mapping of referenced_features to dict(feature: [files])
inv_map = dict()
for _file, features in referenced_features.iteritems():
for feature in features:
inv_map[feature] = inv_map.get(feature, set())
referenced_features = inv_map
undefined = {} # {feature: [files]}
for feature in sorted(referenced_features):
# filter some false positives
if feature == "FOO" or feature == "BAR" or \
feature == "FOO_BAR" or feature == "XXX":
if feature not in defined_features:
if feature.endswith("_MODULE"):
# avoid false positives for kernel modules
if feature[:-len("_MODULE")] in defined_features:
undefined[feature] = referenced_features.get(feature)
return undefined, defined_features
def parse_source_files(source_files):
"""Parse each source file in @source_files and return dictionary with source
files as keys and lists of references Kconfig symbols as values."""
referenced_features = dict()
for sfile in source_files:
referenced_features[sfile] = parse_source_file(sfile)
return referenced_features
def parse_source_file(sfile):
"""Parse @sfile and return a list of referenced Kconfig features."""
lines = []
references = []
if not os.path.exists(sfile):
return references
with open(sfile, "r") as stream:
lines = stream.readlines()
for line in lines:
if not "CONFIG_" in line:
features = REGEX_SOURCE_FEATURE.findall(line)
for feature in features:
if not
return references
def get_features_in_line(line):
"""Return mentioned Kconfig features in @line."""
return REGEX_FEATURE.findall(line)
def parse_kconfig_files(args):
"""Parse kconfig files and return tuple of defined and references Kconfig
symbols. Note, @args is a tuple of a list of files and the @ignore
kconfig_files = args[0]
ignore = args[1]
defined_features = []
referenced_features = dict()
for kfile in kconfig_files:
defined, references = parse_kconfig_file(kfile)
if ignore and re.match(ignore, kfile):
# do not collect references for files that match the ignore pattern
referenced_features[kfile] = references
return (defined_features, referenced_features)
def parse_kconfig_file(kfile):
"""Parse @kfile and update feature definitions and references."""
lines = []
defined = []
references = []
skip = False
if not os.path.exists(kfile):
return defined, references
with open(kfile, "r") as stream:
lines = stream.readlines()
for i in range(len(lines)):
line = lines[i]
line = line.strip('\n')
line = line.split("#")[0] # ignore comments
if REGEX_KCONFIG_DEF.match(line):
feature_def = REGEX_KCONFIG_DEF.findall(line)
skip = False
elif REGEX_KCONFIG_HELP.match(line):
skip = True
elif skip:
# ignore content of help messages
elif REGEX_KCONFIG_STMT.match(line):
line = REGEX_QUOTES.sub("", line)
features = get_features_in_line(line)
# multi-line statements
while line.endswith("\\"):
i += 1
line = lines[i]
line = line.strip('\n')
for feature in set(features):
if REGEX_NUMERIC.match(feature):
# ignore numeric values
return defined, references
if __name__ == "__main__":