Muzychenko Andrey 81c2034a16 Replaced objlist_class with std::vector.
Fixed minor bug in TLightGroup.
Cleaned up some warnings.
2021-10-01 18:55:44 +03:00

282 lines
8.4 KiB

#include "pch.h"
#include "TTableLayer.h"
#include "fullscrn.h"
#include "loader.h"
#include "pb.h"
#include "proj.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "TBall.h"
#include "TLine.h"
#include "TPinballTable.h"
TEdgeManager* TTableLayer::edge_manager;
TTableLayer::TTableLayer(TPinballTable* table): TCollisionComponent(table, -1, false)
visualStruct visual{};
rectangle_type rect{};
auto groupIndex = loader::query_handle("table");
loader::query_visual(groupIndex, 0, &visual);
/*Full tilt: proj center first value is offset by resolution*/
auto projCenter = loader::query_float_attribute(groupIndex, 0, 700 + fullscrn::GetResolution());
proj::recenter(projCenter[0], projCenter[1]);
render::set_background_zmap(visual.ZMap, 0, 0);
auto bmp = visual.Bitmap;
VisBmp = visual.Bitmap;
rect.XPosition = 0;
rect.YPosition = 0;
rect.Width = bmp->Width;
rect.Height = bmp->Height;
render::create_sprite(VisualTypes::None, bmp, visual.ZMap, 0, 0, &rect);
PinballTable->SoundIndex1 = visual.SoundIndex4;
PinballTable->SoundIndex2 = visual.SoundIndex3;
PinballTable->SoundIndex3 = visual.Kicker.HardHitSoundId;
auto tableAngleArr = loader::query_float_attribute(groupIndex, 0, 305);
if (tableAngleArr)
PinballTable->GravityDirVectMult = tableAngleArr[0];
PinballTable->GravityAngleX = tableAngleArr[1];
PinballTable->GravityAnglY = tableAngleArr[2];
PinballTable->GravityDirVectMult = 25.0f;
PinballTable->GravityAngleX = 0.5f;
PinballTable->GravityAnglY = 1.570796f;
GraityDirX = cos(PinballTable->GravityAnglY) * sin(PinballTable->GravityAngleX) * PinballTable->GravityDirVectMult;
GraityDirY = sin(PinballTable->GravityAnglY) * sin(PinballTable->GravityAngleX) * PinballTable->GravityDirVectMult;
auto angleMultArr = loader::query_float_attribute(groupIndex, 0, 701);
/*Full tilt hack - GraityMult should be 0.2*/
if (angleMultArr && !pb::FullTiltMode)
GraityMult = *angleMultArr;
GraityMult = 0.2f;
table->XOffset = bmp->XPosition;
table->YOffset = bmp->YPosition;
table->Width = bmp->Width;
table->Height = bmp->Height;
Threshold = visual.Kicker.Threshold;
Boost = 15.0f;
auto visArrPtr = visual.FloatArr;
Unknown1F = std::min(visArrPtr[0], std::min(visArrPtr[2], visArrPtr[4]));
Unknown2F = std::min(visArrPtr[1], std::min(visArrPtr[3], visArrPtr[5]));
Unknown3F = std::max(visArrPtr[0], std::max(visArrPtr[2], visArrPtr[4]));
Unknown4F = std::max(visArrPtr[1], std::max(visArrPtr[3], visArrPtr[5]));
auto a2 = Unknown4F - Unknown2F;
auto a1 = Unknown3F - Unknown1F;
edge_manager = new TEdgeManager(Unknown1F, Unknown2F, a1, a2);
for (auto visFloatArrCount = visual.FloatArrCount; visFloatArrCount > 0; visFloatArrCount--)
auto line = new TLine(this,
if (line)
visArrPtr += 2;
Field.Mask = -1;
Field.Flag2Ptr = &ActiveFlag;
Field.CollisionComp = this;
edges_insert_square(Unknown2F, Unknown1F, Unknown4F, Unknown3F, nullptr,
if (edge_manager)
delete edge_manager;
int TTableLayer::FieldEffect(TBall* ball, vector_type* vecDst)
vecDst->X = GraityDirX - (0.5f - RandFloat() + ball->Acceleration.X) *
ball->Speed * GraityMult;
vecDst->Y = GraityDirY - ball->Acceleration.Y * ball->Speed * GraityMult;
return 1;
void TTableLayer::edges_insert_square(float y0, float x0, float y1, float x1, TEdgeSegment* edge,
field_effect_type* field)
float widthM = static_cast<float>(static_cast<int>(edge_manager->AdvanceX * 0.001f)); // Sic
float heightM = static_cast<float>(static_cast<int>(edge_manager->AdvanceY * 0.001f));
float xMin = x0 - widthM;
float xMax = x1 + widthM;
float yMin = y0 - heightM;
float yMax = y1 + heightM;
int xMinBox = edge_manager->box_x(xMin);
int yMinBox = edge_manager->box_y(yMin);
int xMaxBox = edge_manager->box_x(xMax);
int yMaxBox = edge_manager->box_y(yMax);
float boxX = static_cast<float>(xMinBox) * edge_manager->AdvanceX + edge_manager->X;
for (int indexX = xMinBox; indexX <= xMaxBox; ++indexX)
float boxY = static_cast<float>(yMinBox) * edge_manager->AdvanceY + edge_manager->Y;
for (int indexY = yMinBox; indexY <= yMaxBox; ++indexY)
if (xMax >= boxX && xMin <= boxX + edge_manager->AdvanceX &&
yMax >= boxY && yMin <= boxY + edge_manager->AdvanceY)
if (edge)
edge_manager->add_edge_to_box(indexX, indexY, edge);
if (field)
edge_manager->add_field_to_box(indexX, indexY, field);
boxY += edge_manager->AdvanceY;
boxX += edge_manager->AdvanceX;
void TTableLayer::edges_insert_circle(circle_type* circle, TEdgeSegment* edge, field_effect_type* field)
ray_type ray{};
vector_type vec1{};
auto radiusM = sqrt(circle->RadiusSq) + edge_manager->AdvanceX * 0.001f;
auto radiusMSq = radiusM * radiusM;
auto xMin = circle->Center.X - radiusM;
auto yMin = circle->Center.Y - radiusM;
auto xMax = radiusM + circle->Center.X;
auto yMax = radiusM + circle->Center.Y;
auto xMinBox = edge_manager->box_x(xMin);
auto yMinBox = edge_manager->box_y(yMin);
auto xMaxBox = edge_manager->box_x(xMax);
auto yMaxBox = edge_manager->box_y(yMax);
auto dirX = xMinBox - 1 <= 0 ? 0 : xMinBox - 1;
auto dirY = yMinBox - 1 <= 0 ? 0 : yMinBox - 1;
xMaxBox = edge_manager->increment_box_x(xMaxBox);
yMaxBox = edge_manager->increment_box_y(yMaxBox);
vec1.X = static_cast<float>(dirX) * edge_manager->AdvanceX + edge_manager->X;
for (auto indexX = dirX; indexX <= xMaxBox; ++indexX)
vec1.Y = static_cast<float>(dirY) * edge_manager->AdvanceY + edge_manager->Y;
for (int indexY = dirY; indexY <= yMaxBox; ++indexY)
auto vec1XAdv = vec1.X + edge_manager->AdvanceX;
auto vec1YAdv = vec1.Y + edge_manager->AdvanceY;
if (xMax >= vec1.X && xMin <= vec1XAdv &&
yMax >= vec1.Y && yMin <= vec1YAdv)
bool collision = true;
if (circle->Center.X <= vec1XAdv && circle->Center.X >= vec1.X &&
circle->Center.Y <= vec1YAdv && circle->Center.Y >= vec1.Y)
auto vec2 = vec1;
if (maths::Distance_Squared(vec1, circle->Center) <= radiusMSq)
vec2.X = vec2.X + edge_manager->AdvanceX;
if (maths::Distance_Squared(vec2, circle->Center) <= radiusMSq)
vec2.Y = vec2.Y + edge_manager->AdvanceY;
if (maths::Distance_Squared(vec2, circle->Center) <= radiusMSq)
vec2.X = vec2.X - edge_manager->AdvanceX;
if (maths::Distance_Squared(vec2, circle->Center) <= radiusMSq)
ray.Origin = vec1;
ray.Direction.X = 1.0;
ray.Direction.Y = 0.0;
ray.MaxDistance = edge_manager->AdvanceX;
if (maths::ray_intersect_circle(&ray, circle) < 1000000000.0f)
ray.Direction.X = -1.0;
ray.Origin.X = ray.Origin.X + edge_manager->AdvanceX;
if (maths::ray_intersect_circle(&ray, circle) < 1000000000.0f)
ray.Direction.X = 0.0;
ray.Direction.Y = 1.0;
ray.MaxDistance = edge_manager->AdvanceY;
if (maths::ray_intersect_circle(&ray, circle) < 1000000000.0f)
ray.Direction.Y = -1.0;
ray.Origin.Y = ray.Origin.Y + edge_manager->AdvanceY;
if (maths::ray_intersect_circle(&ray, circle) < 1000000000.0f)
ray.Direction.Y = 0.0;
ray.Direction.X = -1.0;
ray.MaxDistance = edge_manager->AdvanceX;
if (maths::ray_intersect_circle(&ray, circle) < 1000000000.0f)
ray.Direction.X = 1.0;
ray.Origin.X = ray.Origin.X - edge_manager->AdvanceX;
if (maths::ray_intersect_circle(&ray, circle) < 1000000000.0f)
ray.Direction.X = 0.0;
ray.Direction.Y = -1.0;
ray.MaxDistance = edge_manager->AdvanceY;
if (maths::ray_intersect_circle(&ray, circle) < 1000000000.0f)
ray.Direction.Y = 1.0;
ray.Origin.Y = ray.Origin.Y - edge_manager->AdvanceY;
if (maths::ray_intersect_circle(&ray, circle) < 1000000000.0f)
collision = false;
while (false);
if (collision)
if (edge)
edge_manager->add_edge_to_box(indexX, indexY, edge);
if (field)
edge_manager->add_field_to_box(indexX, indexY, field);
vec1.Y += edge_manager->AdvanceY;
vec1.X += edge_manager->AdvanceX;